Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 27 [27] The top order is invincible, everything can be worn

Chapter 27 [27] The top order is invincible, everything can be worn

"The factory manager operates six!"

"This wave of E flash did not give the troll a chance to react!"

"Wow~ The damage of the technological gun made by Yaoji is also explosive!"

Saozhu was beaming, explaining the operation of the wine barrel enchantress to catch the single-belt troll on the road.

"The trolls dodged, but the factory manager saved a big move to blow them back!"

"He is tied up and can't get away, Hu Burou is going to fight to the death!"

The troll turned on the big wine-sucking barrel, and after turning on the W skill and the E skill, the attack speed reached the highest level. He took a big popsicle stick and slammed it on the factory manager.

The King of Trolls has been on the rise since the preseason of S6.

And the emergence of the tank alliance made him a hot hero.

As long as the big move is drawn, those meaty double-C tanks with numb scalp will become brittle and no longer tough, as if they have experienced the baptism of vicissitudes of time.

In professional games, the troll's popular build is the three-piece set of Greed, Frost Fist, and Green Armor.

With such a troll outfit, the resistance, blood volume, attack, and CD reduction can all reach a very high level.

It is basically impossible to deal with a group.

Of course, according to different lineups, Ice Fist can also be replaced by Bing Xin and Blue Shield.

In 16 minutes, Hu Burou made up $156.

Therefore, he also made a greedy hydra early on, and even put on a pair of mercury shoes extravagantly.

The ultimate move steals the dual resistance and health of the wine barrel, and the W ice field provides bonuses to movement speed and attack speed.

Facing two AP heroes who had already played an explosive set, Hu Burou launched a counterattack.

Under the splash and cleave of the Greedy Hydra New Moon, Enchantress lost 1/5 of her HP.

And the director's wine barrel had less than half of its blood left.

On the other hand, since the normal attack damage of the two heroes with spell damage is negligible, the blood volume of the troll has actually increased.


Saozhu watched the blood volume of the wine barrel drop wildly, and kept blowing on the screen.

Seems to be trying to make the troll swing the stick a little slower.

"Yo yo yo, slow down, slow down. Xiao Pao will be here soon!"


Just at the moment when the barrel's health was down to a tiny bit, Xiaopao W jumped over, blasted away the troll with his big move, and took two general attacks to take the head,

"I'll be good, it's so dangerous!"

"What kind of snakeskin monster is this troll, so fierce?"

"Fortunately, Xiaopao has arrived, otherwise he would have been replaced after handing in so many skills."

"Losing to be a Muggle!"

Sao Zhu felt lingering fears, as if it wasn't the factory director who manipulated the wine barrel, but himself.

"Hey, something is wrong! Logically speaking, the economic gap between SKT and EDG will continue to grow, so it is still more than 3000."

"My dear, Faker's clockwork is 170 knives, just like EDG's little cannon that has been eating lines and resources!"

"Whether this wave of turning can take Canyon Herald or not will cause big problems."

Saozhu also noticed the problems on the field.

EDG has always had a good advantage.

However, these advantages were played 12 minutes ago.

Now it is almost 16 and a half minutes, the economic gap and the number of pushed towers have not increased, and even the canyon pioneer has not yet been won.

Abramovich, who was at the scene, had already noticed this problem.

What worried him even more was that after killing the troll, the iBoy cannon was once again hit by the big move of the pig girl who was hiding in the dark, and surrendered two moves.

And because of the poor state of the barrel of EDG, SKT mouse clockwork came to the scene.

Fearing that Faker would hide the ball on the mouse with the Q skill turned on, EDG gave up the canyon pioneer.

Although EDG is generally developing in an orderly manner.

However, the pace has slowed down significantly.

"We must fight a wave!"

"Two pieces of clockwork, pig girl Tandu is also up, and the mouse has also suffocated the hurricane and the big sword, and it will be difficult to fight if it is dragged!"

The clockwork and mouse double C are pure late-stage lineups.

After finally grinding away the second tower of SKT, SKT still chose to endure it, which also made Kreer Lawu realize that he could no longer take it off.

In 20 minutes, the flash of the wine barrel refreshed again.

Must be used to start a group!
"They're too cowardly, Faker and the blasphemous steals are too developed."

"The scene seems to be a bit deadlocked."

"Although Xiaopao made Endless + Electric Knife in 17 minutes, until now all of his output has been hit on Xiaobing."

"If you don't break the high ground all the way, EDG's lineup will be weak in the mid-term!"

Seeing SKT's equipment gradually taking shape, the Haier brothers also woke up from the previous carnival.

They are as belatedly as the entire audience.

After calming down, the two found that EDG seemed to be hitting cotton with their fists in the past 10 minutes, and what they did was useless.

For SKT's late lineup.

As long as the Highland Tower is replaced and the economic gap continues to widen, they will win.

"EDG wants to fight Baron?"

"No, they want to force the dragon group!"

In the picture, Wine Barrel, Fengnv, Xiaopao, and Enchantress are around the Dalongkeng.

Seeing that the field of vision was cleared, SKT also realized EDG's intentions.

But this wave of big dragons, they had to pick it up.

The dragon buff greatly strengthens the line of soldiers. As the level increases, the range also increases, and the ability to grind towers is also greatly enhanced.

"This big dragon group is a life-and-death team battle for SKT."

"They have to push back EDG, or grab the big dragon, otherwise with the dragon buff, the small cannon can easily tear down their highland towers."

"Then SKT will never turn back!"

A visionary makeover emerges.

Lulu and Xiaopao hiding in the grass were found.

Seeing this, Xiaopao clicked off his blue eyes and walked towards Dalong.

"EDG is starting to fight Baron! Can't SKT make it through?"

The pig girl led the team, and the troll TP.

SKT chose to take over this wave of team battles.

The two sides were in a stalemate in Longkeng.

And Gou Tou, who has been developing in Q Bing Q Field and has been silent for a long time, has once again received attention from the director - an exclusive small screen.

561 floors!
At this moment, the dog head is hammering SKT down the second tower.

"Hurry up and find an opportunity, the dog head is stealing the tower."

The ugly troll was pulling the dog's head, but he used teleportation because of the team battle.

Qi Zhou's dog head could come out of the mountain long ago.

It's just that he has been patient and downplayed himself from SKT's attention.

At this moment, the road leading to the blue barracks is unimpeded without heroes blocking it!
The Q skill of Soul Draining Blow is smashed down.

The second tower lost its giant grid from half blood.

This didn't hit the defensive tower, it hit the hearts of everyone in SKT.

It hurts so much!
What breed of dog is this?
It hurts so much to smash the tower!
You wantonly destroy the country that Lao Tzu worked so hard for 20 minutes?

"Hit a wave!"

Faker and Huni switch back to the camera and no longer pay attention to the dog's head.

"If you win, go back and deal with him."

Xiao Hei looked at the right time, and hit Lulu who was blocking Xiao Pao's flank with a big move in seconds.

Zhumei came into the arena with her Q skill flashing with the wind-up ball on her head.

At the same time, the second tower of SKT's bottom lane was also demolished by the dog head.

"Ball girl turned big, Lulu didn't use any skills, and was instantly killed by Faker and the mouse! The small cannon was also crippled!"

"The wine barrel ult blows away the pig girl and the troll, and saves Xiaopao."

"The enchantress stepped on the mouse in the face, and was blown away by the wind girl! Almost fell off in seconds!"

"Is iBoy so brave?"

In the picture, Xiaopao kills the bloody mouse with its ultra-long range.

And the barrel is the clockwork for E Flash to rush towards Faker.

"Troll's Pillar!"

Miller's voice was hoarse, and he watched as the pillar that the troll suddenly appeared from the ground blocked Faker from the barrel that was about to hit him.

At the same time, the troll also hung R [Strong Power] on the wine barrel.

"Faker flashed QW, and wanted to drop the cannon in seconds!"

"Small cannon dodge!"

"The dog's head has transmission, can it be transmitted?"

"Pass a fart!" Saozhu swears, after Lulu was instantly killed and the barrel E flash was blocked by the troll.

All eyes are focused on the lower left corner of the screen.

If the team battle is like this, it's better to watch the dog's head steal the tower!
Soul draining blow!

Gotou demolished SKT's bottom highland tower.

"Knock hard! Knock hard! Give the invincible big melon skin shrimp whirlwind potato random knock!"

The dog head has already dismantled SKT's barracks.

And the big dragon.

The enchantress took advantage of the chaos and stole Fengnv.

SKT's clockwork and trolls are in good shape.

The pig girl resisted in front, and the director's wine barrel was under the attack of the clockwork and the bite of the troll.

Under the joint efforts of Yao Ji and Xiao Pao, Zhu Mei was finally killed.


iBoy let go of the keyboard and mouse.

He was too excited to point people, he didn't notice Faker's clockwork ball, and was killed by his QW.

And the director's wine barrel fell under the bite of the troll.

Only the enchantress is left!

Faker started sprinting, wanting to chase and kill, but suddenly found that his bottom lane crystal was gone.

"The clockwork troll returns to the city, can the dog head hit another highland tower in SKT!?"


"The Enchantress interrupted the troll's return to the city!"

The doll's voice was high-pitched and passionate, and her face was flushed.

The clockwork returned to the spring water, and ran towards the dog's head before it could replenish its status.

At this moment, the lower incisor tower has only half blood left.

Goutou opened up and demolished the tower!
You must know that the CD of the Q skill will be reduced by half when the dog's head is in the widened state.

This also means that at this time, the dog's head with a full cooldown of 45% and a CD reduction, the Q skill only takes 1.1 seconds!
Faker's purpose is clear, he is the little soldier next to the dog's head.

However, when Faker didn't expect it, Qi Zhou actually gave up the defensive tower, drove sprint and put W skill on him.

"It's so interesting~"

Faker manipulated the clockwork, and with one QW, a quarter of the dog's head's blood volume was knocked out.

Suddenly, cherry blossoms floated on the dog's head.

One point faster.

Faker's hand speed is extremely fast, while manipulating the clockwork monster to move, while cutting the equipment bar.

Three Phases, Ghostly Dream, Serrated Dagger, Nomad Seal, Mercury Shoes.

What breed of dog?

Sauce purple outfit!

Faker pursed his lips, feeling a little flustered in his heart.

And the dog's head also arrived in front of the clockwork.

The Q skill is knocked down.

The original 4/5 blood volume of the clockwork is only 2/5 left.


The dog's head triggered the surge of the storm knight, and the speed was [-]% faster.

Tightly follow the mainspring.

Clockwork finally reached the edge of the spring.

But when it is enlarged, the dog's head Q skill has an attack distance of 200 yards.

Outside the spring water, the clockwork was hit by [Soul Draining Blow].


Faker died tragically.

Under the gaze of countless people, the single aristocratic Desert Reaper instantly "Ctrl+3", then turned around coolly, and continued to demolish the tower.

"Yo bud!"

"Can you finish dismantling it? Sea actually made a fool of himself."

"The mouse will be resurrected in 8 seconds!"

"So confident... Mom!"

Saozhu watched the live broadcast, and Gooutou knocked out 1/3 of his lower front teeth with a Q.

After adding a basic attack, the defense tower collapsed.

"Three-phase Youmeng small armor piercing..."

Whispering, Sao Zhu remembered a certain famous quote from the anchor who became the first champion of the national server on the same platform last season, and was called Dazzling and Slobber by fans.

[Top order invincible method, everything can be worn]

Percent armor penetration has no effect on towers, but the armor penetration property can be useful.

(End of this chapter)

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