Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 28 [28] There are many accidents, and the driving school has a long way to go

Chapter 28 [28] There are many accidents, and the driving school has a long way to go
Tucci appeared from the gloom and poured firepower at the dog's head in the Love Barracks.

Qi Zhou didn't pay attention to it, and continued beating and beating after giving [Wither].

The purple light of siphoning blows and the bright orange are attached to the golden dog-headed scepter in the hand of the single nobleman Nasus.

The blood volume of the blue barracks, which was not much, dropped a lot again.

The dog's head didn't have any armor, and it relied on its health to support the mouse's damage.

Even so, the blood loss rate of the barracks is much faster than that of the dog's head.

"The development of the mouse is too poor, just a hurricane, and two small pieces are missing from Endless!"

"In fact, SKT knows in their hearts that they are powerless to recover, even if this wave of dog heads does not push away the barracks. Others in EDG can be clicked when they are resurrected."

"It's just a dying struggle, or maybe they are be pushed away by the dog's head."

"Let's congratulate EDG!!"

As the corners of the mouths of Faker and other SKT players twitched, the blue barracks exploded.

The scattered crystal fragments on the computer screen seemed to have passed through the hearts of several people.

There is unspeakable pain.


"SKT pulls up!"

"No, no, I'm going to try an armor-piercing dog head now!"

"This is so cool!"

Sao Zhu finished the swollen noodles in the bowl, and then opened the ranking.

"In front of the dog's head, Faker is simply melon skin, no matter how fancy the operation is, it is useless!"

"I really don't understand why EDG only let sea play now!"

Pulling on Rainin's sweat-covered pants, Sao Zhu smoked a large mosquito coil, recalling in his mind the huge damage caused by the single aristocratic dog hitting Clockwork.

Wait for me, Liu, to show my might!

Isn't it just patience for 20 minutes!
Wouldn't it be better than being a bridegroom every night to be such a dog head?

As everyone knows, 1 minute on stage, ten years off stage.

Desert Reaper is one of the heroes with the highest requirements for laning operations in the League of Legends. Qi Zhou also spent two and a half years studying at the Gotou Bar to achieve such proficiency.

Saozhu, who has never even tried the theory and practice of the newcomer subject "Wearing Experience", has to challenge the difficult armor-piercing dog as soon as he comes up.

That is destined to overturn and become a teammate killer!


Why don't you let go?
Faker lowered his head slightly, trying to get away from Qi Zhou's big hand.

[Handshake after the game] This is just a formal link.

Most players also touch each other in a coping style.

Faker didn't expect that Qi Zhou's grip was so tight.

Moreover, the time is more than 3 seconds.

Faker looked up, and Qi Zhou showed a sunny smile.

Yes, exactly the same as Fa Gor's signature smile.

Those white teeth...wait for it!
Faker frowned in shock, distracted.

And this scene was also captured by the camera at the scene.

Qi Zhou didn't have any bad intentions, he just wanted to take a closer look at the appearance of this so-called "big devil" contestant.

But Qi Zhou is 185 tall, and Faker has always bowed his head and shook hands.

As a result, Qi Zhou couldn't see his face, so he had no choice but to make a bad move.

Fortunately, he looked up.

It is similar to the photo, except that the height is slightly fluctuating from the official 178, which is very average.

Nodding lightly with a sunny smile, Qi Zhou also let go of Faker's hand and walked towards Bang.

That's right, it was the level 4 mouse player who was hammered to death with three Qs after being teleported by his dog's head.


Everyone resists pressure, but is full of positive energy [Desert Reaper Bar].

"Congratulations to Honor, the master solo killed Faker and won the game!"

"Seeing the desert god of death on the field, I knew that Aquaman could destroy everything!"

"The defensive tower that my teammates can't push, I have to go up the desert god of death!"

"Learning is useless! Learning is useless!"

"Level 1 green card, brother, you'd better pass subject one first!"

"Emm... can the blue card who barely speaks try a wave of armor-piercing dog heads?"

"Okay, if you lose, come back to test again, starting from the first subject."

"Wow~ Brother Neptune smiled so brightly just now, I believe Teacher Dafei must be very heartwarming, what a heartwarming scene!"

The Desert Reaper appeared again and won the victory like a savior.

The bar friends of the dog head bar naturally cheered.

After the carnival, they, being kind and eager to learn, began to review the game, discussing and summarizing the ideas and details of Qi Zhougoutou in the EDG vs SKT game.

This is the first time the armor-piercing genre has appeared in their field of vision.

Practice has proved that the correct advanced experience must be studied hard and digested seriously.

After watching it again, several yellow-card bosses in the bar made a summary: [Armor-piercing dog head, strong in explosive damage to crispy double C]

They first evaluated sea's opening development pattern.

"Sea has a unique way of thinking. By rushing thousands of miles to attack the enemy line, let yourself be in a very safe environment in the early stage, and you can develop well."

"On the contrary, the opponent's top laner has to worry about missing the knife and also worrying about the jungler catching it. Before level 4, it is very painful."

Immediately afterwards, it analyzed the two waves of sea doghead battles in the game, and came up with two strong periods of armor-piercing doghead.

"The first time is when making the flare and jagged dagger."

"The second time is when you make the three phases and a large armor-piercing (youmeng, curtain blade) and a small armor-piercing."

These two periods of strength are slightly different from the strength of ordinary dog ​​heads at level 6 and when the number of layers reaches the standard.

A 12-level yellow card celebrity in the bar explained:
"Like Neptune teleporting down the road, the wave of hammering the mouse to death with three Qs around the back is to use the blessing of its own armor-piercing attribute, the mouse's armor is close to 0, so that the flare and Q skills hit the mouse like real damage. .”

"And the wave of Aquaman's solo killing of Faker was because the dog's head had an extra Youmeng, and the armor-piercing attribute reached 49.2."

"You know, because of the laning against LeBlanc, Faker chose 9 yellow sigils to increase health, but did not choose 1 point of armor. Clockwork's initial armor is only 15, and each level +3..."

"How could he survive the 500-storey Q's devastating dog head!?"

Most of the yellow-card bosses in the Desert Death Bar have only favored Goutou for 5 or 6 years.

Not only do they have a deep understanding of Gotou, but they also have deep experience in all kinds of top laners, and they are very familiar with various data of the game.

As I said before, before a routine is developed, 99% of players will not think about it.

They never imagined that this hero could play like this.

But once the routine is born, the mystery will be unveiled in front of the world.

Then it will no longer be mysterious, and even become ordinary.

For details, you can refer to the price change of self-balancing vehicles after being noticed by Yiwu in the world, from noble to friendly.

To become the No. 8 bar in the league is one of the ultimate wishes of the [-]Us of Desert Death Bar.

Therefore, the efficiency of their actions is also very fast.

In less than 20 minutes, a post about "Subject Four: The latest ultimate game of the dog's head - armor-piercing style" appeared and was refined.

In just 3 minutes, the number of page views reached 300.

After a few tastes of 8U, I went to Summoner's Canyon.

And the fastest non-bar insider, Saozhu, was looking at his 0/7/0 record and thinking.

Opposite is a strange top laner, stupider than a stone man!


  Qi Zhou:

  [Desert Reaper Honor Lord], [Demacia Power Honor Lord], [Promise Sword Master Honor Lord], [Metal Master Lord], [Weapon Master Lord], [Barbarian King, Lord], [Lava Giant Beast, Lord]...

  He is an Neptune player who has been in the rain and dew of the major hero post bars all year round.

  Opponent's comment: "I will always be at a disadvantage against him for no reason, simply because of his strange line understanding and outfits."

  Teammates comment: "Diamond operation, king consciousness, top game understanding, can always create miracles."

  Little Heizi: "Ban the dog's head and retire on the spot!"

  Fans responded: "You go to EDG and try to hit the road?"

  [Sea King is very stable, always likes to take some old heroes, but he is better than anyone else~]

(End of this chapter)

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