Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 271 [270] Urgent?It's no use rushing into a ball of yarn!

Chapter 271 [270] Urgent?It's no use rushing into a ball of yarn!

"Nice, you got on the opposite side as soon as you came, this wave of luck is a bit good." Lin Weixiang said.

Xiaotian: "It's not luck, it's psychology. Didn't you find that the ADC on the other side is very unconvinced? This game even took out Lucian. I know he wants to prove himself, so keep squatting on him, and he will definitely give him a chance of."

Liu Qingsong: "You still have some reason, it seems that it's not all luck."

Xiaotian: "Can't I not say luck? It's as if I don't know how to play games without luck."

On the AFS side, seeing the bot lane being killed again, Sprite couldn't understand: "Since you guys know we've changed the jungle, why can't you be a little bit more wretched? Why does the bot lane keep giving chances?"

After hearing this, Aiming was unconvinced: "This game is obviously easier to catch on the bottom lane. What do you mean by staying on the top lane? You haven't had an assist until now, so you're ashamed to say it."

Seeing that the two were arguing, Kuro comforted him: "Don't talk about it, you can still fight now, and it won't be too late to talk about other things after fighting."

Although Aiming didn't say anything more, he was very unconvinced in his heart.

At 8 minutes into the game, Qi Zhou finally ran out of mana. He chose to go back to the city for a wave of replenishment, and then TP back to the line.

Kiin's Sword Demon pushes the pawn line first and then returns to the city, so that he can walk on the road without dropping Bing Xin.

"I have TP on the road, but Aoun doesn't. I need to do something to give me a signal." Kiin commanded, he realized that it is not realistic to break through from Qi Zhou, and now he has to find a way from other places.

On the bot lane side, upon hearing this news, the two were ready to move. Now if they can kill FPX bot lane once, it is very important for them.

"If you really can't do it in the jungle, come to the bottom lane. If you can't find other opportunities, you can cooperate with the top lane for four packs and two." Aiming greeted.

This time, Sprite didn't say anything, and he really went down the road, ready to cooperate with a wave of four and two.

If other things happen, you can call the middle lane, and then there will be four people!
On the bottom lane, AFS began to push the lane, relying on the support of his teammates, Aiming's position also became arrogant.

Sprite's rock sparrow is also rushing up the road, ready to cooperate with the tower jump.

On the FPX side, the bottom lane duo had already realized the danger, and the two chose to retreat first, all the way back to the second tower of the bottom lane.

I saw Qi Zhou reminded: "There are many TPs on the opposite side, you have to be careful."

Liu Qingsong: "They are so anxious to push the line, they should plan to go down the road."

Lin Weixiang: "It feels a bit difficult. They can do this for a few minutes. I don't know how many soldiers I will lose in the next lane."

At this moment, Qi Zhou suggested: "Well, I have a way..."

At the commentary seat, seeing that the situation is not good for FPX, Wawa worried: "Now the situation of FPX is not optimistic. The top lane is stable, but the bottom lane is a little unstable. Now there are many heroes that AFS can support, so it’s uncertain. It’s five people crossing the road together.”

Miller suddenly realized that something was wrong, and he explained, "Wait a minute, what is FPX doing now, Kai'Sa and Xin Zhao are on their way!"

On the screen, Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa followed Xiaotian's Xin Zhao, and the two sneaked up. At this time, Sword Demon was standing relatively back, and Kiin's attention was no longer on the lane. He was in the bottom lane. Prepare for TP in the past.

Although Kai'Sa is not on the next route now, it is logical that she will come back sooner or later. If she comes back in the next wave, she can still execute the tower jumping tactic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Zhou came to the river and drained the true eyes from the grass in the river.

Xin Zhao will have a chance to attack from the river grass.

The next wave of soldiers came, and the sword demon didn't realize the danger, so he came forward and used the Q skill to clear the soldiers.

At this moment, Qi Zhou's Aoun directly opened his big move, the call of the lava god!

Aoun summoned a fire element, then activated his ultimate move again, and rushed towards the Sword Demon.

The sword demon tried to move, but was still knocked into the air.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiaotian's Xin Zhao came over from the river, and shot the Q skill three times to knock the Sword Demon into the air.

Kiin didn't turn in the flash immediately. He knew that Xin Zhao's damage couldn't kill him directly, so he was waiting for the CD of the next set of skills. As long as the skill CD was improved, Xin Zhao would die.

However, this was also fooled by Lin Weixiang. He didn't enter the field with a big move just to let the sword demon relax his vigilance.

After Xin Zhao's Sword Demon knocked into the air, Kai'Sa's ult came into play.

This entry angle is very tricky, stuck in front of the sword demon, and after landing, level A and Q skills.

When Kai'Sa flew in front of the Sword Demon, his W skill also flew over, hitting the Sword Demon just in time, and the Sword Demon's blood volume bottomed out!
The sword demon retreated in a flash, trying to survive.

It wasn't until this time that Galio's ult was given to Sword Demon. At the beginning, Kuro didn't even think about going to the top lane to support him. He always relied on the down lane.

As a result, after this big move was given, Sword Demon was still killed by Kai'Sa A.

Although Galio's big move sent Kai'Sa flying, he didn't dare to follow up with the subsequent damage. His damage was not enough to kill Kai'Sa in seconds, and he would only make himself very dangerous by doing so.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "Is this okay? FPX actually resolved the crisis of fighting in the bottom lane by letting the ADC go to the top lane to gank! Originally, I thought there would definitely be problems in the bottom lane wave."

Miller: "I have to say that FPX's handling is really perfect. Whose idea is this? I can only say that this is a genius idea!"

On the field of play, FPX's side, this side is actually not finished yet.

The three of FPX were pushing the pawn line on the road. After the pawn line entered the tower, the three of them stepped forward to the electric tower.

Kiin's sword demon directly gave TP to the top lane, saw the sword demon TP coming,
"Let's ambush first, he didn't flash." So Xin Zhao and Kai'Sa retreated together, and the two pretended to return to the city.

Qi Zhou's Ao En also retreated. After the sword demon pushed out the pawn line, he continued to move forward. The next wave of pawn lines had already arrived, and he planned to move forward to develop.

At this moment, Xiaotian's Xin Zhao rushed out!

Xin Zhao sent the E skill to the Sword Demon, and the Sword Demon was slowed down, and Aoun followed up with a Q skill to slow down the Sword Demon.

The sword demon turned around and sent the chain of evil fire to Xin Zhao, and then continued to retreat.

At this moment, Aoun bumped into him head-on, smashing the lava pillar and knocking the Sword Demon into the air. Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa kept outputting, and the Sword Demon died again 1
"Nice, this sword demon is a little injured now." Qi Zhou celebrated.

Lin Weixiang: "I don't think it's as simple as being a little injured. He has already blown up on the road."

Xiaotian: "Now Sword Demon doesn't have TP, don't worry about the bottom lane, you can go back and continue to develop."

Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa chose to return to the city where he was, and he suddenly found that such a wave of support made more money than he did in the bottom lane.

This wave not only allowed him to go down the road to avoid being jumped over the tower, but also took two more kills.

On the AFS side, Kiin was angry: "Why did the opposing ADC come to the road, and no one gave a signal?"

aiming seemed unconvinced: "This is not your own problem? You keep giving chances on the road, and the other side will definitely catch you."

The two quarreled again, and neither of them accepted the other.

The game time has come to 4 minutes, and now AFS's ultimate moves have basically improved. It is unacceptable for them to still be a draw, and they must find a breakthrough.

Everyone in AFS took action, and the rock sparrow came to the bottom lane to clear the field of vision and began to prepare.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang became nervous again. The opponent was obviously aimed at the two of them. The bot lane is the core output in this match. If the bot lane collapses, it is really hard to win.

"They may still want to continue to go down the road. What should we do with Neptune now? Should we continue to go up the road to catch people?" Lin Weixiang asked.

"It's boring to use the same routine twice, and they will be on guard." Qi Zhou rejected Lin Weixiang's idea.

After thinking for a while, he commanded: "We can take a canyon pioneer first, and then find an opportunity to tear them down in the middle lane. If they really go to the bottom lane to make troubles, it will be a good thing."

Xiaotian: "Don't talk about it, this idea feels quite good."

So Xiaotian's Xin Zhao went directly to Dalongkeng to take down the canyon pioneer.

On the middle road, after the toothpaste pushes the line, it also goes up.

Kuro's Galio is going down the road.

At this moment, Kuro felt something was wrong: "No, why does it feel like they are going to take the Canyon Herald? If they really take the Herald, they can push the middle lane directly. I can't just roam around now."

Hearing this, Sprite also reacted, so he chose to go all the way to Dalongkeng, poked a hole in the partition wall, and found that everyone in FPX was really playing Canyon Pioneer.

And when the fight was over, the Sword Demon didn't even have time to support them.

After winning the Canyon Pioneer, FPX's middle and upper field spread out and continued to develop separately.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "Don't tell me, the strategy of this wave of FPX has two tricks. After they knocked out the canyon vanguard, they will make AFS have scruples when going down the road. Now as long as Galio uses his big move, he will One tower and eight achievements in the middle lane are gone.”

Miller: "Actually, from the perspective of heroes in the bot lane, Kai'Sa can develop in front of Lucian for so long, and the bot lane tower is still there, which is already very good. For FPX, every minute of delay is now earn."

On the AFS side, seeing that Nakano and Ueno were unable to support the bottom lane and were held back by a canyon pioneer, Aiming shook his head, as if he was very dissatisfied with his teammates' performance.

Since his teammates can't come to support him, he can only rely on himself.

The game time was 6 and [-] minutes, and it was time for the Canyon Pioneer. Xiaotian chose to put it in the bottom lane casually. In the end, the Canyon Pioneer didn't even touch the defense tower.

But it is enough for FPX, this canyon pioneer was not for pushing towers, and he has already made a lot of money by delaying the time to 6 or [-] minutes.

On the bottom lane, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong voluntarily gave up the first tower, and they switched to the middle lane to develop, while Lissandra of Toothpaste came to the bottom lane.

AFS also changed lanes together, the duo switched to the middle lane to develop, and the mid laner came to the bottom lane to match up with toothpaste.

On the road side, both sides are developing normally, and now Aoun has become fleshy, and Kiin has no idea about Aoun.

So the two sides entered a stage of peaceful development.

When the game time reached 10 minutes, AFS realized that it was not an option to continue to develop like this. FPX is the kind that is not in a hurry at all. Anyway, everyone develops together, it doesn't matter.

It's a problem for AFS, because their lineup can't beat the late game.

Seeing that Xiaolong was about to respawn, AFS started thinking differently. They chose to control the view of Xiaolongkeng first, and then began to wait in Xiaolongkeng for everyone from FPX to play tricks.

"Shall we go over to fight Xiaolong?" Xiaotian asked suddenly.

Qi Zhou: "Don't worry, let's keep releasing this little dragon, we want them to worry."

Xiaotian: "Okay, anyway, the wind dragon is useless."

Liu Qingsong: "Their junglers have been trying to find a way to target the top lane, so Xiaolong's rhythm is very slow. We just play slowly. Xiaolong has no pressure."

So AFS's plan fell through, and they couldn't wait for everyone from FPX to come and fight Xiaolong.

Now the time is dragging to the late stage every minute and every second, and their lineup will be difficult to play in the late stage.

So Sprite made a bold command: "We are anxious for the opportunity to fight the big dragon. Of course, the main purpose is to lure their people over to pick up the group."

Kuro: "You can form a group as you like, and I will enter the arena with you."

Aiming: "I don't care anyway."

Sprite: "Close the opposite view first, otherwise the seduction will have no effect."

Kiin: "I have a flash, if you can start a team battle, you will definitely win."

The AFS people went straight to Dalongkeng, ruled out all FPX's vision near Dalongkeng, and then directly started to ambush, waiting for a predestined person to do vision.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "I can feel that AFS is a little anxious. They really want to open up the situation, but does this trick really work? In terms of awareness and strategy, I don't think AFS will be FPX's opponent."

Miller: "But having said that, even FPX does not rule out the possibility of making mistakes, so they need to play steadily now, and they must not be in a hurry."

On the field, on the FPX side, Xiaotian reminded: "The opponent has disappeared for a while, and there is a possibility that they will fight Dalong."

Qi Zhou: "Don't worry, they are very slow to fight the dragon, I guess they are squatting on us."

Lin Weixiang: "I have blue jewelry eyes, so I can see their positions."

Qi Zhou: "Don't worry, the next wave of soldiers is coming, you push the wave of soldiers to see if they will come, if they don't come, they may be fighting the dragon."

At this moment, Qi Zhou was still leading the way, and he could basically understand the psychology of the opponent.

Hearing Qi Zhou's words, everyone in FPX began to push the pawn line forward, and stood on the down lane, so as to avoid being kicked off.

And it was Lissandra who stepped forward to push the line. If Lissandra was forced to stay behind by the opposite rock sparrow, she could use the E skill to run away.

FPX is fully prepared.

The moment the pawn line entered the first tower in the middle of the AFS, Galio appeared, and Fake Chat appeared in the middle to clear the pawn line.

Seeing this, Xiaotian smiled and said: "Sea King, you have mastered their psychology."

Qi Zhou: "It's nothing very routine."

Xiaotian: "Okay, you said that, so I don't think I'm bragging."

On the AFS side, seeing that FPX was not fooled, Kiin was heartbroken and commanded: "We will fight directly. It would be better if they don't come. We will take Dalong and run away."

(End of this chapter)

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