Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 272 [271] Crying is useful, why am I still abusing you

Chapter 272 [271] Crying is useful, why am I still abusing you

So the other four players from AFS directly started to fight Baron. Galio has a big move and can support them immediately, so there is no need to worry.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "AFS really can't wait any longer, they started fighting directly, what should FPX do now? Are you going to pick up the group?"

Miller: "I feel that I can take the team. AFS is relatively slow to fight Baron, and it hurts too much. Moreover, this terrain is very comfortable for Lissandra."

On the playing field, on the FPX side, AFS was nowhere to be seen on the mini-map again.

Everyone was waiting for Qi Zhou's order.

Qi Zhou waited for about ten seconds before saying, "Xiangxiang, take a look at Dalong's condition."

So Lin Weixiang threw the blue jewelry eye in the dragon pit, only to find that the opponent was really fighting the dragon!
At this time, Dalong still has less than half of his health. At this speed, FPX is completely in time to stop it.

Qi Zhou then commanded: "Don't worry, we let Dalong have an embarrassing blood volume. In this way, they will be in danger if they want to fight, and they will be reluctant to withdraw first, and they will worry about being taken over by us."

Xiaotian: "Sea King, your idea is a bit bad."

Liu Qingsong: "Otherwise, there is a reason why he is called Neptune."

Everyone walked towards the Dalongkeng, watching while walking.

Lissandra of Toothpaste did not follow the main force, he chose to go around the top of the dragon pit, and then inserted the eye through the wall.

At this time, Dalong still has [-] HP, so he can attack Qi Zhou!
Just like what Qi Zhou thought, the positions of the AFS people are quite chaotic now, some want to leave, and some want to continue fighting.

So Qi Zhou's Aoun started his big move, the call of the God of Lava!
Aoun summoned a fire element, and came straight to the dragon pit, and then Aoun slammed his big move over.

On the AFS side, Rock Sparrow used a big move to block the road, as if trying to forcibly take down the dragon.

At this moment, Lissandra's crampons appeared on the faces of everyone in AFS. Immediately afterwards, Lissandra's second stage E entered the field and flashed, first avoiding Galio's control skills, then Q followed by W to deal explosive damage, and finally put The big move gives a chance.

Ornn's big move was also knocked back. At this time, everyone in AFS was controlled by Lissandra's W skill, and they couldn't move at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xin Zhao flashed his big move over the rock sparrow, and the E skill got close to the rock sparrow, and directly stabbed the rock sparrow to death!

It's not that Xin Zhao's damage is so high that he can kill in seconds, but that Rock Sparrow has eaten too many AOEs and his blood volume is too low.

"Don't fight the dragon! Kill Xin Zhao!" Sprite was anxious. Now that he has no Xin Zhao, he still needs to be punished. If his teammates continue to fight the dragon, they will definitely end up working for Xin Zhao.

So everyone in AFS was ready to send out Xin Zhao. At this moment, Xin Zhao started his big move and swept away the remaining four AFS sticks. field.

For a while, the team battle turned into a one-sided massacre. The AFS people had to face too many C positions, and they couldn't kill them at all.

In the end, FPX won the team battle, and then easily accepted Dalong.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "It's over, it's over, it's fine if you haven't fought the team battle, and the big dragon is gone, the economic gap will widen to an unacceptable level."

Miller: "It's still too anxious, anxious to the naked eye. In the end, AFS paid the price for their anxiety."

On the field, on FPX's side, after winning the dragon, everyone knew that it was safe.

I saw Xiaotian said: "Sea King is still strong, just rely on the command to play around the opponent, and then easily win the team battle and the dragon."

Liu Qingsong: "Now let's report to the team in the middle lane, they will definitely not be able to beat them."

Toothpaste: "Let's go to the road and I take the pawn line a little bit. You can take BUFF or something, just waiting for the CD of the big move."

So everyone in FPX started to act separately, and everyone knew what they were going to do.

In contrast, AFS is going to be in a lot of chaos, and their team has already quarreled.

I saw Aiming said: "Who is in command, let us keep fighting, can this keep fighting?"

He knew that Kiin was in command, but he didn't name him. After all, Kiin is the big brother in the team, so Aiming chose a more tactful way.

Kiin explained: "In that situation, if we fight to the end and the opponent directly turns to the middle and pushes the tower, we have nothing to do. The position is already stuck, and you can't see it?"

Aiming was so stunned, he suddenly didn't know what to say, he found that what Kiin said seemed to be right, but his self-esteem made him unable to admit it.

At this time, Kuro persuaded: "It's okay, we still have a chance to defend this wave."

Although he wanted to appease his teammates, his tone was trembling, and it seemed that he was not sure.

After everyone saw through his true thoughts, each one of them became more desperate. Now it's all right, the consolation didn't work, but it became a disservice.

Soon, the middle lane was pushed over by everyone from FPX and pushed to the front of the first tower in the middle lane of AFS.

Everyone in FPX set up their formation, and Qi Zhou's Ao En looked for another chance.

Whether to start a team now depends on how strong the AFS defense is. If they are very resolute in defending, they can start a team. If it is just a symbolic meaning, then there is no need to start a team. Everything is for pushing towers. After all, it is a pushing team. tower game.

This is a tower in the middle, AFS's desire to defend is not very strong, and the positions are relatively late.

So Lin Weixiang found an opportunity to step forward to tap the tower, and no one from AFS stepped forward to stop him.

Seeing that the health of the defensive tower was running low, everyone in AFS began to retreat, all the way to the second tower.

After the FPX team took down the first tower in the middle lane, they led the pawn line to the second tower.

As before, Qi Zhou continued to look for opportunities. This time, FPX's determination to defend was obviously stronger, but it was not the kind that had to defend.

This time, Lissandra, who switched to toothpaste, topped the tower in front. He is not worried about being kicked into a group, and has enough self-protection ability.

Relying on three waves of soldiers, FPX took down the second tower in the middle, and then took the soldiers straight to the high ground in the middle.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "FPX is really patient now, taking it easy and advancing slowly, but now that I have come to the front of the high ground, I feel that it is not so easy."

Miller: "No matter how you say it, I don't think AFS will release the high ground in the middle. It is very likely that the two sides will break out in a team battle."

In the official live broadcast room, LCK fans couldn't stand watching anymore, and they all posted on the barrage:
"Let's go, what are you guys doing?"

"Put it, you can put anything, why don't you put the base crystal?"

"This is too outrageous, why don't you dare to fight?"

"If it doesn't work, just order it, I can't afford to lose this person."

In their eyes, there is nothing more aggrieved than giving up the defensive tower without daring to start a group.

Everyone in AFS on the field is indeed discussing about starting a team.

In the end, they haven't reached a conclusion yet. On the FPX side, Qi Zhou's Ao En made the first move!

I saw Aoun start his big move and run towards the AFS people on the defense tower.

Almost at the same time, Lissandra of toothpaste entered from another direction.

Because everyone's attention in AFS was on Ornn's side, no one noticed that Lissandra was actually about to enter the arena!
So Lissandra's second-stage E skill came to the high ground, pushed the stick into the field, and W controlled many people.

Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa ult is here!
The baby explained enthusiastically: "Ka'Sa entered the field. He chose to level A to keep up with Q skills, and finally leveled A again, and directly took Lucian's head! My God, did you just kill him immediately?"

Miller: "Ka'Sa turned on stealth, reversed the position to deceive everyone in AFS! He is still outputting, Kai'Sa is still outputting!"

On the playing field, Lin Weixiang's Kai'Sa had gone crazy. He moved back and forth in the crowd, constantly hiding his skills, and the remaining four people on the opposite side couldn't touch it at all.

With Kai'Sa's full firepower, everyone in AFS fell one by one, and the team battle became Kai'Sa's massacre show.

The strategy of FPX was very simple at the beginning of this game, just wait for Kai'Sa to develop, and now he has really developed!

"It's a wave! It's a wave!"

"Brothers, we won!"

"I feel that this AFS is very ordinary."

"I can only say that it's okay, not as strong as imagined."

"He is a No. [-] seed, how strong do you plan to imagine him to be?"

Everyone in FPX was chatting while preparing to end the game directly.

On the AFS side, the starting five players are already autistic.

They can already imagine what fans will say after being swept by FPX.

At that time, they will definitely be bullied by the Internet, and none of them can escape.

Fans who go to LCK are all professionals in cyberbullying, that kind of intensity is not something ordinary people can bear.

Soon, everyone in FPX returned the base crystal of AFS to win the game!

The baby became excited: "As the AFS base crystal exploded, let us congratulate FPX for defeating AFS with a score of 3:0 and completing the sweep of the third seed of the LCK!"

Miller: "Although it is only the third seed, we have seen the strength of AFS. I hope FPX can maintain its current state and go further!"

The audience at the scene cheered up: "FPX! FPX! FPX!"

On the field, Qi Zhou, who had just won the game, took off his earphones and stood up, accepting the cheers of the audience.

This is an exclusive treat for the winner.

At this time, Xiaotian reminded: "Should we go over to shake hands, they seem to be still waiting."

Liu Qingsong: "It's okay, just let them wait a little longer."

Lin Weixiang: "Forget it, you look at them, one of them looks like they are going to kill someone, let's get acquainted and hurry over."

So everyone in FPX lined up and walked directly to AFS. Qi Zhou was pushed to the first place. Originally, he didn't want to be so high-profile, but his teammates didn't seem to want him to keep a low profile, so there was nothing he could do.

Coming to AFS, Qi Zhou took the lead behind top laner Kiin.

This situation made Qi Zhou think about how he went up to shake hands with Kiin at the Asian Games.

Kiin's impression in Qi Zhou was that he was a relatively calm and good player, without much expression.

But now the expression on Kiin is very ferocious, a bit scary.

Qi Zhou took the initiative to reach out his hand, originally he just wanted to run away immediately after shaking hands, not to have any communication, so as not to be messed up by kiin.

As a result, as soon as he held hands with him, Kiin began to beep. Unfortunately, Qi Zhou couldn't understand what he was saying at all.

After Qi Zhou got rid of Kiin, he came to the jungler Sprite. Sprite had a gloomy face at this time, as if she hadn't recovered from the loss of the game. Qi Zhou didn't bother to talk, and just touched her hand to count as leaving process.

Then there is Kuro, the mid laner of AFS.

This guy used to be the mid laner of ROX, but he was high-spirited at the beginning. In the LCK, he was called the No.1 under faker. yes no problem wait

But now it is estimated that he is too old and can't play anymore. Qi Zhou didn't feel the existence of this person in the past three games, so he was quite messed up.

Kuro himself should also be aware of this problem, so he looks more self-blaming and unable to hold his head up.

After shaking hands with Kuro, the duo was left. The two looked depressed, and the assistant was comforting Aiming, who seemed to be beaten and cried.

Naturally, the director would not let go of this opportunity and directly gave a close-up.

So in the official live broadcast room, the barrage exploded, and everyone posted on the barrage one after another:
"That's it? If you can't beat it, you'll piss, right?"

"Isn't it crazy before the game? I still want to prove who is the world's number one ADC."

"You may have misunderstood him. He just wants to use practical actions to prove that Lin Weixiang is indeed the world's number one ADC."

"You're right. We're not sure if you're not his parent and child to prove it."

For a while, Aiming turned into another joke.

After shaking hands with everyone in AFS, Qi Zhou brought his teammates back here, and then began to pack his things and prepare to leave.

At this moment, a staff member came over and said, "Please come with me to the commentary booth for an interview."

"Xiaotian, help me get it." Qi Zhou had no choice but to hand over all the things to Xiaotian and take them back together, while he followed the staff and went straight to the interview booth.

From a distance of about ten meters, Qi Zhou recognized the person in charge of the interview today, Yu Shuang.

Yu Shuang also saw Qi Zhou and waved: "Sea King, this way."

Qi Zhou strode up and greeted, "You are here for the interview today."

Yu Shuang: "Yes, congratulations to Neptune, you have now advanced to the semi-finals."

Qi Zhou: "Thank you."

Yu Shuang: "Come on, stand here, the interview is about to begin."

So Qi Zhou stood by Yu Shuang's side, and under the signal of the director, the interview started.

I saw Yu Shuang said: "Congratulations to FPX, they easily won the game with a score of 3:0. We have invited FPX's top laner sea to accept our interview and say hello to everyone."

Qi Zhou took another microphone from Yu Shuang and said, "Hi everyone, I'm sea."

So all the LPL fans cheered: "sea! sea! sea!"

After the cheers subsided, Yu Shuang asked again: "Now that you have easily defeated AFS, how do you feel?"

Qi Zhou: "I think it's okay, just so-so, because we never thought that we would not be able to beat AFS."

Yu Shuang L: "It seems that you are quite confident in yourself. The second question, so far, two of the three LCK teams have been eliminated. It can be said that it has exceeded everyone's expectations, and these two teams have been eliminated. The elimination has something to do with FPX, what's your opinion on this issue?"

Qi Zhou said frankly: "I feel that they are unlucky to meet us. SSG will not talk about it. It is understandable that they can't beat us. In the end, they can't beat European and American teams. That is their own problem. For AFS, this is their own problem. Regarding the lottery, they couldn't beat us in the first place, so it would be unlucky to meet us so early."

(End of this chapter)

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