Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 273 [272] The end of the LCK is coming

Chapter 273 [272] The end of the LCK is coming
Yu Shuang: "The second question, now there is only one team left with the LCK, KT. This is something that no one expected. What do you think about this?"

Qi Zhou laughed directly when he heard this question, he was making trouble, but since Yu Shuang asked this question, he still had to answer, Qi Zhou said: "I don't think it's strange, in the S competition Anything can happen, this is the charm of the S game, the LCK's dominance this year is indeed mediocre, and it is understandable to be eliminated early."

When Qi Zhou said this, LCK fans couldn't stand it anymore, and they all cursed on the barrage:
"What qualifications do you have to evaluate the LCK?"

"If you don't understand the situation yourself, don't make random judgments."

"Mind your own business, LCK has none of your business?"

"Think you've won an AFS and you're a character?"

Before this, they have found all kinds of reasons to excuse LCK, such as bad grouping, bad luck, and LCK players said in interviews that they were not feeling well, had a fever and caught a cold.

In short, there are various reasons, but no one said it was a matter of strength. Although Qi Zhou's statement is more euphemistic, it is very close to saying that it is a matter of strength.

Qi Zhou has already thought of it, he will definitely be scolded for answering like this, but it doesn’t matter, he can say whatever he wants, he is not afraid of being scolded, he actually won the LCK team, he will definitely be scolded, and he is not afraid of being scolded. It's short.

After receiving the interview, Qi Zhou returned to the lounge, and at this time the others were ready to leave, but Brother Feng stepped forward and said, "Thank you, pack your things, let's have dinner together tonight. "

Hearing this, Xiaotian complained: "This place is really a desert of food, besides barbecue and fried chicken, is there nothing else to eat?"

Brother Feng smiled: "This is a small place, there's nothing you can do about it, everyone just bear with it."

Jin Gong: "Don't tell me I'm not used to it anymore. Every time I come back after staying in LPL for a few months, I feel like I've come to hell, and I can't even eat a decent meal."

Brother Feng thought for a while, and then said: "Today, let's go eat something different. I saw a restaurant opened by a Chinese. The taste should be pretty good. Let's try it."

So Qi Zhou quickly packed up his things, and under the leadership of Brother Feng, everyone in FPX left the competition venue.

It took more than an hour to have a meal, and it was after seven o'clock when the FPX people returned to the hotel. The main reason was that the game ended early, which saved a lot of time for the FPX people.

After I came back, it was a replay. Although I won 3:0, it didn't mean there was no problem.

The replay took three hours, even longer than playing the game.

In the next two days, FPX has been dragged by IG and RNG to play training games. The two teams are now highly nervous.

Especially RNG, they are about to face G2 in the quarterfinals.

Two days passed quickly, everyone in FPX came to the room of coach Feng Ge, and now the game between G2 and RNG will be played.

After arriving in the room, everyone in FPX found two chairs to sit down. Qi Zhou originally wanted to sit and fish in the back, but unexpectedly, he was seen by Brother Feng, who greeted him: "Come and sit in front, you sit down." What are you doing after that?"

There was no other way, Qi Zhou had no choice but to sit in front, next to Brother Feng.

Now that Qi Zhou has become the head coach in the team, he thought he had to find an opportunity to talk to the management, should he be given two salaries, and he should be the starting player and the head coach at the same time? only one.

After everyone was seated, the game began. Players from both sides appeared on the stage, and RNG's first five players appeared first.

"Coming! Coming! RNG! RNG!" Xiaotian immediately started shouting, just like a fan of RNG.

"Go RNG! Go RNG!" Jin Gong followed suit.

Lin Weixiang: "If we knew it earlier, we would have gone to watch the game live. Let the two of them perform."

Liu Qingsong: "They may not be so active when they really arrive at the scene."

Xiaotian: "I'm fine. I can be so active at the scene. As long as you don't feel embarrassed, I can even shout for cheers with my shirt off."

Lin Weixiang clasped his fists directly: "Thank you for not killing me, I'm talking too much, little brother."

Lin Weixiang knew that Xiaotian was really capable of doing such a thing, and how embarrassing it would be.

Others in FPX had the same reaction. Thinking of that scene, goosebumps all over their bodies.

At this moment, Qi Zhou said: "Don't you think the faces of RNG people are a bit ugly? I feel that something is going to go wrong."

Brother Feng: "I learned before that in the training match between RNG and G2, the winning rate can only be said to be [-]-[-], so RNG is actually not sure. Now it depends on both sides playing on the spot."

Qi Zhou nodded after hearing this. According to his understanding, after five fierce battles between RNG and G2, RNG will regret to lose, but it is not good to tell his teammates directly, otherwise it will definitely be regarded as a prophet.

The first game of BP is over, and the lineup of RNG in the first game is very interesting. Sion is taken out in the middle, and Urgot is in the top lane. In this version, both powerful top laners have been taken down, which makes G2 a little uncomfortable. Shan himself is also a bastard, forced to get the Sword Demon.

Seeing this BP, Qi Zhou analyzed: "I feel that RNG's BP is not bad in this game, and they can handle G2. Ryze is in the middle of G2. This hero needs to push the line to support him, but he can't push Sion in the early stage. .”

Brother Feng nodded after hearing this: "The intensity of the quarterfinals is much higher than that of the group stage. Each team will definitely come up with routines that have not appeared before, and we can learn from them."

After hearing this, Brother Feng took out a notebook and started taking notes.

Toothpaste said: "I have also played Sion. If the team needs it, I can use the mid laner Sion."

Brother Feng: "With your words, I feel relieved, and then we can also play tricks."

Toothpaste: "But I have to say, in terms of proficiency and skills in playing heroes like Sion, I am definitely not as good as Brother Hu."

Jin Gong: "Are you trying to say that he's good at playing bastards?"

Toothpaste laughed after hearing this: "I didn't say that, you said it yourself."

Jin Gong: "I'm just guessing. You didn't say that, so I didn't say that either."

The two began to evade each other. After all, Xiaohu still has some status in the circle. If he finds out, it may cause misunderstanding.

The game has officially started. UZI and Xiaoming are good in the bottom lane, but they are supported by the barrel. This hero restrains the Japanese girl. The Japanese girl E will be controlled by the E skill of the barrel, causing the Q skill to fail. .

At the same time, when the Japanese woman goes forward to control the G2ADC, it will be very uncomfortable for UZI to slow down the Q skill sent by the barrel, causing the subsequent output to fail to keep up.

I saw Liu Qingsong said: "The wine barrel support is brown sugar. He can make the bottom lane unable to fight, and he is quite flexible."

Lin Weixiang: "You nimble fat man, every time I see that kind of barrel support who can play in the bottom lane, I feel sick. It's really disgusting. He won't fight you head-on. He will fight slowly and consume .”

Brother Feng: "How do you feel about the jungler Luo in G2? Do you have any comment?"

Brother Feng looked at Xiaotian after finishing speaking, and Xiaotian scratched his head: "I saw other teams use this hero in the training match, so I also tried it, and it feels okay. If it is paired with a very active lineup, then it is true. It’s quite strong, but if the lineup is not very active, it feels average.”

Qi Zhou continued: "The hero Luo's gank ability is not good in the early stage. Although he has control, but the damage is not enough. If he comes to the middle to catch Ryze, it is impossible to beat this Sion with the damage of Ryze. death, so Sion will be very strong in this game, always pressing down on Ryze in the middle to play."

Just as Qi Zhou was talking, Kasa's rock sparrow came to the middle!
At this time, Ryze was still clearing the line and didn't realize the danger at all, so taking advantage of this opportunity, Thain sent an E skill to the minion, used the minion to accelerate Ryze, and then stepped forward to charge up the Q skill.

Xiaohu's Sion's proficiency is very high. He chose to keep a distance from Ryze so that he could not be controlled with his W skill. At this distance, his Q can knock Ryze into the air.

To put it simply, Xiaohu can touch Ryze, but Ryze has no way to fight back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kasa's rock sparrow came out, and Ryze handed over the flash.

Seeing this, Brother Feng said: "G2 is a bit troublesome now. After Ryze didn't flash, he didn't dare to push the lane in the middle like this. He couldn't push it in the first place, but now he doesn't dare to push it. The lane in the middle will always be on G2's side. Xiaohu can support his teammates at any time."

Qi Zhou: "I think Sion doesn't have any support ability before level [-]. His biggest role is to make Ryze unable to support, and everyone hangs out in the middle."

As soon as the word "hustler" came out of his mouth, Jin Gong said, "I seem to have heard someone say that Brother Hu is a bastard."

Qi Zhou shook his head with an innocent face: "Did I say it? Did you hear it wrong?"

Jin Gong: "Oh, so I misheard, that's all right."

Everyone laughed, and now this stalk cannot be passed.

At this moment, the scene changed. G2 assisted the barrel to cooperate with the jungler and went down the road, killing Xiaoming's Japanese girl.

UZI originally wanted to operate. He has E skills and flashes. It is not easy for the opponent to keep him.

But G2's goal is very clear. They know that UZI can be operated, so they don't catch UZI to catch the auxiliary Japanese girl.

The two sides continued to develop, and Qi Zhou analyzed: "Continuing to develop is very beneficial to RNG. They don't need to be anxious. On the contrary, G2 should be anxious. After the mid-term, Jhin's output will definitely not be as good as Lucian."

Suddenly, G2's auxiliary wine barrel started to do things again. He came to the middle lane to prepare for trouble, but was spotted by vision. On the bottom side, seeing that the wine barrel was not there, Xiao Ming tried to kill Jhin first, and Jhin flashed.

Xiaotian: "Why is this support wandering around blindly? He won't dare to push the lane until Jhin flashes. He will be very passive in the bottom lane."

Lin Weixiang: "Fortunately, they are supported by wine barrels. If Jhin is forcibly opened, the wine barrels can still protect them. If they are replaced by other heroes, it will be difficult to fight."

Qi Zhou: "There is no way for the wine barrel to wander in the middle, because Ryze's pressure is too great, Sion has a lot of magic resistance equipment, and went directly to the adaptive helmet, Ryze can't move at all. "

After hearing this, Toothpaste exclaimed: "Brother Hu's outfit is really... stable."

Hearing this, everyone in FPX laughed, and Jin Gong said: "Don't hold back toothpaste, if you have anything to say, just say it, and we won't complain to Xiaohu."

Toothpaste spread his hands: "I said it, didn't I say it?"

Jin Gong: "It seems that Brother Gao is not a real person."

Qi Zhou complained: "You are not afraid of a big funeral after seeing the funeral."

The game was still going on, and at this moment, Ryze seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, and began to change lanes with Sword Demon.

Seeing the top lane change in G2, Brother Feng's eyes lit up, he started to take notes, and said at the same time: "We can learn from this lane change. Originally, Sword Demon is not easy to fight against Urgot, but Ryze in the middle lane is not good against Sion. It’s easy to play, but after changing it, it seems to be quite comfortable.”

Toothpaste: "I feel like I'm fine."

Toothpaste glanced at Jin Gong, then at Qi Zhou.

Qi Zhou: "I didn't ask you either, I can fight any way."

Jin Gong: "You are all fine, and I am fine."

Brother Feng: "Okay, then I will write it down for you. Now this version needs to be flexible, especially the mid and top lanes. Many heroes can be swayed, and even the mid and top lanes can be changed directly."

Qi Zhou: "The intensity of the semi-finals will be even higher. At that time, we will have to formulate several lineups that can be changed to deal with various scenarios."

Toothpaste and Jin Gong felt a little stressful after hearing this, especially Jin Gong, Jin Gong actually has many top lane heroes who can't play well, and toothpaste is mainly because fighters and tanks are not very good at playing.

The game was still going on. After changing lanes, the G2 jungler came to the top lane to cooperate, and cooperated with Ryze to kill Urgot, who was the emperor.

However, when doing things on the top lane, RNG's bottom lane is also doing things. Kasa cooperated with the bottom lane to complete the kill and get a tower at the same time.

In the eyes of everyone in FPX, these are relatively conventional styles of play. The opponent's jungler grabs the top lane, and I will go to the bottom lane. This is how the jungler plays.

After taking down the bottom tower, RNG began to change lanes, put the duo on the top road, and the jungler took down Xiaolong.

Qi Zhou commented: "To be honest, I feel that this wave of RNG deliberately exposed the flaw of the top lane to G2, so that they can attack the bottom lane. G2 feels that they have been fooled."

Hearing this, Xiaotian was shocked: "Exposing flaws on purpose? This feels a bit exaggerated, but judging from the results, it is indeed more beneficial to RNG."

Jin Gong: "I think what Neptune said makes sense, because Rangdi's consciousness is still good. After all, he is old enough to resist pressure. It's hard to say that he was caught so easily in this wave."

Hearing the words "Old Anti-Pressure", everyone in FPX changed their expressions. Toothpaste lowered his voice and said, "I seem to have heard someone say that Emperor Rang is a bastard. Jin Gong, is that you?"

What toothpaste didn't expect was that Jin Gong was very frank, and he said, "Yes, that's what I said, isn't this a consensus?"

Now the toothpaste will not be corrected directly, he thought that Jin Gong would admit his mistake.

Jin Gong continued: "Everyone else thinks so, but if you say he's a bastard, he'll just admit it, and he won't mind."

(End of this chapter)

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