Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 274 [273] RNG, let's go, let's go, I really won't keep you

This time Toothpaste was really defeated, at least he didn't dare to call Xiaohu a bastard.

The game is still going on. The RNG duo is very strong. After switching to the top, they took down the top tower, and then helped the big jungler to take down the canyon vanguard. They came out after a try.

Xiao Ming's Japanese girl seized a wave of opportunities and used her big move to control the barrel of vision through the wall. UZI's Lucian kept up with the output and took the head!

Immediately afterwards, RNG released the canyon vanguard in the middle lane, and the five people advanced together. G2 did not dare to defend. The front was in a state of few people, and Thain might break the group at any time, so they had to choose to release the first tower in the middle lane.

Qi Zhou shook his head: "After the first tower in the middle lane is gone, G2 will be difficult to fight. Xiaohu is the Japanese daughter of Thain and Xiaoming, and Kasa's rock sparrow, all of which can cooperate and fight dogs behind closed doors. At that time, G2 will not be able to fight. There's nowhere to run."

At this moment, Brother Feng said: "I feel that we can refer to the lineup of RNG, close the lineup!"

After listening to the toothpaste, he analyzed: "Don't tell me, Thain used his big move to start the group, and the rock sparrow blocked the opponent with his big move from the side. The opponent is really uncomfortable. We can try it then."

Qi Zhou: "And you can change the lineup. Lucian's output speed is not as fast as Kai'Sa. If there is Kai'Sa, this lineup will be more perfect. The auxiliary Japanese girl can also be replaced by other supports."

Brother Feng started to record quickly, and they all learned a lot in this game.

That's why it's important to watch other teams play, to learn more routines and styles of play from others, and then pick the ones that suit your team.

The game time was close to 10 minutes. RNG took advantage of the vision and started to fight the baron. Now that G2 was huddled at home and did not dare to come out, RNG easily took down the baron.

At this time, UZI's Lucian has a four-piece suit, and everyone in RNG leads the line of soldiers and goes straight to the high ground in the middle of G2.

Five people from G2 were defending on the defense tower. Seeing the positions of everyone in G2, Qi Zhou said slowly: "G2 is going to be gone, their positions are too concentrated."

As a result, as soon as the words were finished, Xiaohu's Thain cooperated with Kasa's rock sparrow. The rock sparrow's big move blocked the way, and Thain used his big move to attack from the front. The two of them pinched each other, and the team battle of G2 was directly defeated!
UZI's Lucian output almost without pressure, and directly won four heads of G2.

In the end, RNG won a big victory in G2, and then ended the game in a wave.

"Oh! Cancel the account! Cancel the account!" Toothpaste started cheering. Xiaohu's role in this game is really not small. Although he didn't have much output, his team start caused a lot of trouble for G2.

"I think RNG has something to play for. Judging from the first game, they are in a better state than G2. Now after winning the first game, they have an advantage in terms of mentality." Jin Gong suddenly became optimistic.

Qi Zhou said: "You seem to be a little too optimistic. First of all, the G2 team is full of masters. Whether it is Ah P or others, they have a good mentality and are stable. They will not lose a game. It affects the mentality, and at the same time, the lineup of G2 is relatively conventional, I feel that they are just testing, and they will definitely show something real in the next game." and
Brother Feng nodded: "According to the information I have now, G2 does still have a lot of things to show. Their lineup in the first game is too conventional. On the contrary, RNG took out Rock Sparrow, Thain, and Japanese women as soon as they came up. I guess I won’t be able to get this team-starting combination in the future, or I dare not get it, after all, these heroes are also afraid of being Conte.”

Jin Gong: "Neptune, you seem to be quite pessimistic about RNG. What's the reason?"

Qi Zhou scratched his head: "It's just that from all aspects of analysis, I don't think RNG is easy to win."

Qi Zhou naturally couldn't say that he came from time travel, he already knew that RNG couldn't beat him.

After a short break, the second round began!

Players from both sides appeared on the stage. At this time, everyone found that RNG's mentality seemed to have improved a lot. Toothpaste said:

"RNG is laughing happily alone now, I think this one should be won as well."

Liu Qingsong: "If I can win just by laughing, then I can be so happy every game, but unfortunately it seems useless."

The two sides started BP, and this game of G2 really started to change!

Although G2 did not BAN to drop Sion, they took down Daomei, which made Xiaohu afraid to take Sion.

The hero Sion can be used to deal with mages, because mages mainly rely on skills for damage, and skills consume. If you keep using skills to consume them, the line of troops will be pushed. If you use skills to push the line of troops, then there is no threat to Sion.

But a hero like Daomei who relies on flat A output has no such concerns. If you push the line without thinking, I can just hit you directly, and a wave can kill you directly.

G2 took out Akali again, and formed a mid-top swing with Daomei.

Brother Feng started to take notes again, and said at the same time: "G2 is swinging a lot in the middle and upper right now, we can all refer to it."

Qi Zhou said: "I feel that RNG is gone for this game. There is no way to swing RNG in the middle and top. At most, you can swing a Thain, but Thain cannot be selected in this game."

Toothpaste nodded after hearing this: "Don't tell me, RNG's mid-top hero pools don't have any overlap. They really can't swing. This version is very comfortable for RNG's bottom lane, but it's very unfriendly to mid-top. .”

Brother Feng: "We'll see how RNG responds now."

RNG took out Lissandra, this hero can indeed prevent rushing, restricting Akali and Daomei when fighting in a group.

At this moment, G2 took out Verus from the bottom lane.

Seeing that Verus was selected, Qi Zhou analyzed: "Verus was chosen well. RNG's bottom lane is the route, and the output of the mid-to-late team-fighting route is not as good as Verus, so cut the back row. The pressure is actually on RNG's side, but if they choose to cut the back row, their own back row will definitely not be able to withstand it. After swapping the back row, G2's middle and upper field will still be stronger."

Hearing what Qi Zhou said, everyone in FXP became a little anxious.

I saw Xiaotian said: "Sea King, don't scare me, you mean RNG is going to kneel?"

Qi Zhou: "It's hard to win anyway, unless you have a huge advantage in the early stage."

After hearing this, everyone in FPX shook their heads. Qi Zhou said so, and almost sentenced RNG to death.

Everyone was talking, and the game started.

The bottom lane still has an advantage against RNG. UZI and Xiao Ming grabbed the second level and disabled G2's bottom lane.

Kasa's Xin Zhao came to the bottom lane to do something, and Xiaohu's TP was also given to the bottom lane, but there was no fight. The opposite support was Tam, who directly rescued Verus.

However, the bottom lane is still RNG's advantage. UZI and Xiaoming continued to suppress and took the lead in getting the bottom lane tower.

Looking at me, Jin Gong felt something was wrong: "Sea King, why do I feel that RNG is going to win, they have a big advantage."

Toothpaste agreed: "As long as you don't make big mistakes, there is definitely a chance, and the chance is not small."

Qi Zhou didn't explain anything, saying that he would know after reading it.

At this time, G2 came to the top road to cross the tower, and Ah P's Daomei and Kasa's Xin Zhao completed a one-for-one exchange.

Immediately afterwards, the four of G2 grabbed the middle lane and took Xiaohu's head.

However, UZI took advantage of this opportunity and pushed down G2's top tower.

The rhythm of the two sides is constant, G2 has been looking for a rhythm, and it has indeed done some things, but RNG can always make up for it from other places, and even make more money.

Seeing this, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong also began to waver, and Lin Weixiang said: "Anyway, I feel that RNG's rhythm is pretty good, and I didn't see that they would lose."

Liu Qingsong: "At least from the perspective of the situation, it is June [-]th or even July [-]rd. The rest depends on individual performance."

At this moment, Xin Zhao of Kasa suddenly went to the bottom lane to catch Akali, but failed to catch it because Akali was too flexible.

This gave G2 a chance to fight in the middle. Both UZI and Xiao Ming were killed, and they were killed by Ah P's sword girl.

Everyone in FPX felt that something was wrong. G2 started to play 131, using a single belt to pull, so that RNG did not have the opportunity to face five-on-five.

Now is when Lucian is at his strongest, and UZI finds that he has no chance to perform. It can be seen with the naked eye that he is a little anxious.

Brother Feng shook his head: "It's not right. G2 is very smart in this game. Their two heroes are much stronger than RNG's mid-top, so they chose to let the mid-top lead the line all the time, and use this method to slow down the rhythm. , if Verus develops, it will be difficult for RNG to take over the group."

Qi Zhou added: "It's not just that, G2's two single-band heroes, Akali's ability to escape, and Daomei's fat one-to-two ability will make it very difficult for RNG to grab the side lanes. This game is almost Dead end!"

Hearing Qi Zhou's explanation, everyone in FPX also came to their senses. From all aspects, G2 will be ahead of RNG in terms of lineup and style of play. It is too difficult for RNG to win unless it is directly defeated in the early stage. , Once you enter the current situation with lines, you can basically see the final outcome.

At this moment, Xiaohu seized a wave of opportunities and used his ultimate move to control Akali, and his teammates kept up with the output to complete the kill!

RNG chose to fight Baron directly, this is their only chance!
"Oh! Xiaohu! Is Xiaohu going to stand up?" Toothpaste exclaimed.

Jin Gong: "If RNG can win Baron, G2's 131 single belt is completely useless. This is an opportunity, RNG, you must grasp it."

Everyone didn't feel that Qi Zhou was slapped in the face. What Qi Zhou said was normal, but there were various accidents on the field, for example, Akali was found to be killed by a chance.

Suddenly someone sent a wave, resulting in the loss of the must-win game

Just when everyone in FPX was celebrating, an incredible scene appeared. UZI's Lucian was caught looking into the grass, and he was instantly caught!
In this way, the situation was reversed, and G2 started to fight the dragon after winning the team battle.

"Huh? UZI was shot? Face detection in the grass?" Everyone in FPX was shocked, which they didn't expect.

"It's outrageous that Akali was caught and killed. It can only be said that people on both sides sent a wave. It's a pity that RNG sent Dalong away." Lin Weixiang said.

Qi Zhou: "This kind of situation where someone sends a wave suddenly will inevitably happen in the game, but generally speaking, G2 has a greater chance of winning."

After winning the big dragon, G2's division became even more invincible, and RNG began to retreat.

Just like what Qi Zhou said, G2's single belt point is too flexible, which makes RNG unable to use their fists. Only when G2 finds an opportunity, it is difficult for them to find another opportunity.

Finally, in more than 30 minutes, a team battle suddenly broke out in the bottom lane. G2's wunder Akali entered the field, as if entering no one's land, and cut to death RNG's duo, so G2 took the opportunity to win the game.

After winning the game, G2 began to celebrate. On the RNG side, all five people were unhappy, which was in sharp contrast to G2's reaction when they lost the first game.
Now everyone in FPX felt that something was wrong, and Brother Feng said: "The problem of RNG's bad mentality has been exposed, and I feel that they need to make good adjustments."

Qi Zhou: "Actually, it's okay now, it's only 1:1. Both sides are on the same level. What I worry about is when the fifth game is played. At that time, the mentality of the players will be tested. RNG may appear in the fifth game question."

Everyone in FPX was stunned, and saw toothpaste saying: "Has the discussion reached the fifth game now? I feel that it is a bit too early, maybe it will be over at 3:1, and both sides have the opportunity to take the other side 3:1. "

Jin Gong: "I always feel that Neptune seems to know something inside that we don't know. What's going on?"

Qi Zhou: "Well... I'm just worried that they will go to the fifth game, and I didn't say that they will definitely go to the fifth game. Now their performance is [-]-[-], and it's normal to play the fifth game. What is the problem?"

Jin Gong nodded after hearing this: "Oh, so that's the case."

After a short rest, the third game began, and everyone in FPX continued to analyze the BP of the two sides.

Xiaohu took out his Lissandra again, and he took it out first.

Seeing this scene, Qi Zhou said: "I feel that Xiaohu's version of the hero pool is a bit problematic. The hero Lissandra is not suitable to come out first, especially when facing strong mid laners, because it is relatively weak to line up around the hero. , are easily suppressed."

Toothpaste agreed: "I also don't like to take Lissandra first, unless my teammates really need it, and the jungler needs to take care of the middle lane all the time, otherwise I will be very uncomfortable if the opponent chooses a hero with stronger laning ability."

As everyone was talking, G2 directly pulled out Snake Girl.

Seeing the Snake Toothpaste, he said directly: "Send it, Lissandra and Snake are really difficult to fight in lane. Lissandra's hands are too short, and it is easy to get skills when going up to make up the knife. Xiaohu is The middle lane will definitely be pressed and beaten all the time.”

Qi Zhou: "If he is under pressure, he will not be able to support the side lanes. The meaning of choosing this hero will be reduced by more than half."

At this moment, UZI took Kai'Sa!
Seeing this Kai'Sa, Qi Zhou's thoughts changed: "If UZI gets Kai'Sa, I feel that there is a chance. His Kai'Sa can change his life against the sky."

After hearing this, Jin Gong exclaimed: "Isn't it Haiwang, your idea has become a little faster, are you so flexible?"

Qi Zhou smiled and said, "There's no way, you understand Kai'Sa from the LPL."

Qi Zhou said and looked at Lin Weixiang, Lin Weixiang agreed with Qi Zhou: "LPL's understanding of Kai'Sa is higher than that of other competition regions. It is indeed a big mistake for G2 to release Kai'Sa. I think RNG should be able to win. .”

Seeing that Lin Weixiang said the same thing, Jin Gong couldn't say anything more.

At this point the game begins.

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