Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 275 [274] Jin Gong: Kai'Sa of LPL

Chapter 275 [274] Jin Gong: Kai'Sa of LPL

In this game, G2 started to work hard, invaded at the first level, and directly got the first blood of UZI Kai'Sa.

Now everyone in FPX looked a little ugly. A minute ago they were praising UZI's Kai'Sa, but they were immediately slapped in the face.

But Qi Zhou was still able to hold on, and he said: "It's just a head, it's not a big problem."

The bottom lane started to match up, and the result was the same as what Qi Zhou said. The bottom lane was really no problem. Although he got [-] blood, UZI and Xiao Ming still had the advantage after going online. The two fought against each other, and Xiao Ming found a chance Controlled the opposite auxiliary Bron, UZI completed the kill!

After killing the support, the two pressed forward together, not giving Xiaopao any experience.

"Oh! Kai'Sa from the LPL!" Jin Gong cheered.

Everyone in FPX, who was still worried about being slapped in the face, became optimistic.

After gaining an advantage in the bottom lane, Naka Ueno started to do things and killed the G2 top single sword demon.

Then, change lanes from the bottom lane, switch to the top lane, and switch defenses with G2, but RNG takes an extra canyon pioneer.

Brother Feng became vigilant when he saw this, and he said: "RNG's lane change is very good. They used the advantage of the bottom lane to change lanes in advance, which caused G2 to be unable to keep up. They had to give up this canyon pioneer."

Qi Zhou: "At that time, we can also adopt the same tactics. If the bottom lane has an advantage, we can change lanes in advance and directly get the canyon vanguard. There is no loss in the bottom lane and a tower for the top lane. The canyon vanguard is a free profit. "

So Brother Feng continued to record, recording all the highlights of the game.

After RNG gained the economic advantage, RNG was not in a hurry. On the contrary, G2 was a little anxious. They chose to fight Xiaolong. It seemed that they wanted to let RNG come over to take over the group while Kai'Sa was not developed.

But RNG was not fooled, released the canyon pioneer in the middle, and took down the first tower in the middle.

Now G2 is passive. Without the cover of a tower in the middle, their vision will be very dangerous. There may be RNG people in the grass at any time. On the RNG side, blind monk, Lissandra, and bull head are all in the team good hand.

After the big dragon was refreshed, RNG really started to make things around the big dragon, first arranged the vision around the big dragon, and then began to wait for others.

Now G2 has to come over in a group to do vision. Kai’Sa has developed very well, and the speed of fighting the baron is very fast. If G2 does not maintain absolute caution, the baron may disappear at any time.

Both sides began to pull around the dragon.

Seeing this situation, Qi Zhou analyzed: "Entering this kind of stage, it's actually a bit like waiting for death. G2 will definitely make mistakes sooner or later. If caught, they will lose the dragon. RNG is not in a hurry, just take your time to find opportunities. Time is on their side."

At this moment, G2 had to go back to defend because Xiaohu's Lissandra was under a lot of pressure in the bottom lane.

The result is that when catching Lissandra, too much time wasted, and RNG directly took down the dragon.

Seeing this, Jin Gong complained: "Can G2 give this kind of opportunity? I feel like they didn't think clearly."

Toothpaste agreed: "Why is it unnecessary to catch a Lissandra at this time and cause the dragon to disappear?"

Qi Zhou: "I think G2 should have figured it out. They know that if they continue to procrastinate like this, Dalong is also an RNG, so why not take the initiative to catch one, save a little loss and avoid being wiped out by the group."

Brother Feng: "Your angle is good, I didn't expect it."

As everyone was talking, everyone in RNG had already returned to the city for supplies, and then the five of them pushed forward in a group in the middle.

G2 can only defend together in a group, but now Kai'Sa's equipment is up. After G2 took over the group, Kai'Sa couldn't touch Kai'Sa, but couldn't handle Kai'Sa's damage, and was taken away by RNG directly. Now the score Come to 2:1.

"2:1, RNG feels hopeful to win 3:1." Jin Gong said suddenly.

Toothpaste: "I hope so, but there is a problem. If RNG wins and IG wins, then we don't want to fight a civil war in the semi-finals. To be honest, I really don't want to fight a civil war."

Qi Zhou: "Do you want to talk about the issue of civil war? If there are three LPL teams in the top four, what do you think about other divisions? I guess the LPL will secure the top spot in the first division in the future."

Jin Gong: "Don't say it, it's really possible. The LCK didn't do this kind of thing before, but we did it first."

Lin Weixiang: "It would be great if it was like this, civil war is civil war."

Everyone was talking, the fourth game is about to start, RNG and G2 are on the field, entering the BP of the fourth game.

Both RNG and G2 are very serious now. If RNG can take advantage of the victory, they will be able to enter the semi-finals. If G2 does not hold back, they will go home. Both sides are very eager to win.

Everyone in FPX continued to analyze the BP of G2 and RNG, and Xiaohu took out Galio in the middle.

"Galio? Xiaohu feels a bit...too team, he seems to be a team hero in all four games." Toothpaste muttered.

Jin Gong, who has a keen sense of smell, came over: "Toothpaste, everyone here is my own, if you have anything to say, you can say it directly."

Toothpaste began to pretend to be innocent: "I said it, I said that Xiaohu is very team-oriented, is there a problem? If you think what I said is wrong, you can express your thoughts."

Jin Gong chuckled: "If you trick me again, I won't be fooled."

The two were talking, and G2 took out the nightmare jungler!
Seeing the nightmare jungler, Jin Gong was a little dazed: "Nightmare jungler? That Xiaohu is not very embarrassed, why didn't he ban the nightmare first and then go to take the mid laner?"

Qi Zhou: "No way, RNG's mid-top hero pool is inferior, so they don't have extra BAN slots for other positions. This is what I said earlier that this version is not friendly to RNG mid-top."

Toothpaste: "It can be said to be a problem with the version, but I think it can also be said to be a problem with the players themselves. They haven't trained their heroes."

Brother Feng: "Not everyone is willing to practice any hero like you. For many professional players, training heroes is a very boring and painful thing. They prefer to eat their laurels."

Hearing this question, Toothpaste began to complain: "It's really not that I like to practice heroes. Neptune has been supervising me. He has an idea from time to time, and then let us practice. We can't do without practice."

Jin Gong echoed: "Yes, we also succumbed to the king of the sea, otherwise it would be impossible to be so proactive."

After hearing this, Brother Feng smiled and said: "Then this is a good thing. If it weren't for Neptune to train you like this, we would definitely not have the same results as we are now."

While everyone was talking, G2 started to work again, Ryze and Sword Demon were swaying, but RNG couldn't do it, Galio could only go in the middle, and Poppy could only go in the top.

The initiative is on G2's side. When the final lineup was determined, G2 chose to let Sword Demon go in the middle, and Ryze went on the top.

When Qi Zhou saw this, he immediately came to a conclusion: "This RNG is gone. It is relatively easy for the hero Galio to fight Ryze. He just pushes the line. It is the same routine as Sion before, but he and Sword Demon are the same. If you don't pay attention to the lane, you will be solo killed."

Brother Feng: "I think judging from the current situation, in terms of personal strength, G2 is not ahead or even lags behind a lot, but they have won too much in terms of tactics, especially BP, one ring after another, RNG is not at all opponent."

Qi Zhou: "Well, the main reason for this situation is the upper-middle hero pool. I don't think the coaching staff should have such a big gap."

After hearing this, Jin Gong and Toothpaste became nervous again. If they also have this problem, they will be blamed!

Everyone is talking, the game has started, and this time the bot lane still has the advantage, UZI's Lucian is very fierce online.

But G2's Nightmare came to the bottom lane early in the morning to make troubles, and he couldn't even wait to reach level six.

Fortunately, Poppy of Rangdi pushed the pawn line ahead of time, and after the pawn line entered the tower, TP went to the bottom lane, dissuading Nightmare.

Let the emperor also take the opportunity to cancel the TP, and nothing happened between the two parties

"Rangdi is really too teamy, I'm crying to death." Rangdi suddenly shouted.

"Rangdi's TP is really important. I'm not kidding. If Lucian is killed first online, he won't be suppressed later. He will be much worse than Sivir in the later stage." said Toothpaste.

At this moment, Nakanosuke of the two sides clashed, and the advantage of the single sword demon in G2 was reflected.

RNG Nakanosuke Galio and Rock Sparrow, after finishing a set of skills, there is no follow-up. The sword demon was not killed in seconds, and continued to cause damage. In the end, Galio was killed, and Xiao Ming's wine barrel support was also killed.

"Why is this sword demon like a god of war?" Toothpaste exclaimed.

"Looking at RNG's lineup, Nakanosuke and Nakano are all APs, and Galio and Toner are still harmless, and they can't beat Sword Demon at all," Qi Zhou reminded.

The game was still going on, and after being deflated in the middle, Casa didn't dare to go to the middle. This made Xiaohu very uncomfortable, and he didn't have a chance to make a big move.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, G2 started to move. The three of them went to the bottom lane and took down the tower. Nightmare made another big move and went to the middle lane to kill the rock sparrow. In the end, everyone in G2 took the canyon vanguard together. After the combination of punches, RNG seemed to be stunned.

Then G2 began to form a group, using the canyon vanguard to take down the first tower in the middle.

RNG has entered a huge disadvantage, the most important thing is that their lineup can't beat G2 in the later stage!

Qi Zhou directly sentenced to death: "RNG is gone, the early lineup beats the late lineup, and the early stage is still such a big disadvantage, isn't this waiting for you?"

Brother Feng: "Actually, when I saw the BP of both sides, I felt that RNG had a high probability of losing. Their BP is too passive, and the hero pool in the upper middle is a big problem."

The rhythm of G2 is getting faster and faster, and Nightmare can even single-handedly catch UZI's Lucian.

RNG fell into chaos, and Kasa seemed to want to make trouble. Taking advantage of G2's absence, he chose to capture Sword Demon directly, and together with Xiaohu.

Seeing this scene, Qi Zhou was shocked: "The two of them are going to catch the sword demon? Are they kidding me?"

As expected by Qi Zhou, the damage done by the two of them was not enough to kill the Sword Demon, and Kasa Rock Sparrow was counter-killed!
Xiaotian: "Kasa's old problem is committed. After the laning period, this person will not be able to play the game. He will either be invisible or mess up the rhythm. If this continues, RNG will be tied."

Qi Zhou: "It's still the same problem. RNG can't sway in the middle and top, so when the opponent starts to sway, they don't know how to deal with it. But any team that has played mid-lane Sword Demon will not let the rock sparrow and the sword demon at this time. Galio caught the single sword demon, RNG obviously has never played it, so I don’t know what will happen.”

Seeing that the game is about to enter the late stage, the gap between Lucian and Sivir is getting bigger and bigger. RNG started to team up as if they wanted to fight for their lives. They are a huge disadvantage, but they have to start the team first.

Xiao Ming's wine barrel E flashed a big move and blasted the sword demon back!
Everyone in RNG set fire to the troll, and then an amazing scene appeared. This sword demon is like a god descending from the earth, but he can't be killed!

On the contrary, no one on RNG's side could withstand the output of Sword Demon and Sivir. In the end, RNG never fought a team battle, and Dalong was taken down by G2.

Now that the economic gap has reached [-], the game has lost its suspense.

After a few minutes, RNG was taken down, and the two sides really fought to the fifth game!
Seeing this, Jin Gong exclaimed: "There is something, Neptune, you said earlier that you were worried that there would be a fifth game, but it turned out to be true."

Xiaotian: "Look at RNG's expression, it's really uncomfortable, their mentality won't really collapse, right?"

Qi Zhou: "I guess it's very possible, especially UZI. He will definitely feel a little unbalanced when he sees all kinds of lane changes and various routines on the opposite side."

Xiaotian: "Then what should we do now, let's make a phone call and cheer them up?"

Toothpaste: "I don't think it's useful. If we intervene now, it may disturb their mentality. Let's forget it."

Everyone can only wait first, the rest time will soon pass, and the fifth round will begin!
Entering the BP, both sides began to be cautious in this game. The lineup in the first game was still very fancy, and this game is how to be stable.

Xiaohu took out Ryze, Thain gave it to the top lane, and Kasa snatched Nightmare, and UZI got a hand of Sivirtodi.

As for G2, Ah P directly took out the enchantress!
When he took out the enchantress, he could clearly hear the cheers of the audience, everyone was very excited.

Seeing this enchantress, Qi Zhou knew that everything was developing according to his memory, and it seemed that RNG was about to be eliminated.

The most disgusting thing about this enchantress is that he leaves Nightmare no room to play.

I saw Qi Zhou analyzing: "Ah P's bewitching girl is completely in control of RNG, Nightmare can't be caught on the road, the sword demon on the road can use the cloth shoes first, and the output of Thain and Nightmare is not enough , for the bottom lane, Sivir's early damage is already low, and G2 is still supported by Bron, which will cause RNG's bottom lane output to be insufficient."

"In the middle lane, Yao Ji is too flexible, and Nightmare is not easy to catch, so Kasa is actually very embarrassing now."

Toothpaste: "Don't tell me, the G2 lineup really has no way to limit the enchantress. This enchantress can play and play as she pleases. This is a good game for enchantresses."

The game started, G2 aimed at the bottom lane, and the jungler grabbed the bottom lane at two levels.

Fortunately, RNG was assisted by Thresh in the bottom lane, and Thresh withdrew successively, planning to use a lantern to rescue Sivir after reaching two levels.

Just when everyone in FPX thought that Sivir could leave, an incredible scene happened.

Sivir didn't take down the minion in one draw, and he and Thresh's promotion to two levels will be slower than expected.

So when Thresh gave the lantern, the people on the opposite side had already surrounded him. G2 used the lantern that was stuck in his eye position, so Sivir couldn't click it.

And UZI thought he could click it, so he didn't hand in the flash, and was killed by the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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