Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 276 [275] IG and FNC, big difference?

Seeing this, Toothpaste exclaimed: "What is RNG doing? Why don't you light the lanterns? Wouldn't it be fine if you lit the lanterns?"

Rang Di: "Why do I feel that there is something wrong with UZI's mentality? If it's not possible, he doesn't have to die if he flashes directly. If he can die in this wave, it really shouldn't be."

Qi Zhou: "After the fourth game, RNG's mentality should explode."

Everyone was talking, G2's Nakano cooperated and took the head of the little tiger Ryze.

RNG continued to use the previous style of play. When the Canyon Herald was about to farm, it switched to the top lane, and then took the Canyon Herald down.

G2 followed suit, and the jungler came to the road to continue GANK.

As before, Thresh threw a lantern to save people.

UZI walked over to pick up the lantern, and something outrageous happened. He was blown away by Braum's big move. When he approached the lantern, G2 people approached again. They chose to repeat the old trick and stuck the lantern with their vision. I couldn't light the lantern, and was finally killed.

Now everyone in FPX couldn't accept it, and Lin Weixiang said: "UZI likes extreme operations, but I think this is a bit too much, there is no need to save flashes, and the hero Sivir can develop, there is no need to go up and suppress."

Liu Qingsong: "It can only be said that he is used to it. G2 also knows this, so they are targeting her. The current situation is not good. Although the economy has not been opened, RNG is very passive on the scene."

As everyone was talking, there was a problem in the middle, and Xiaohu's Ruiz was killed again.

Now RNG's double C feels very confusing, and I don't know what I'm doing.

UZI and Xiao Ming switched to the middle lane. At this time, the first tower in the middle lane of RNG had been dismantled, and they could only defend in front of the second tower.

At this moment, Ah's P enchantress made a move!
I saw Enchantress W stepping forward, sending a Q skill to Sivir.

Jhin followed with a W skill from behind, and Sivir turned on the shield, trying to block the W skill.

As a result, the shield was opened late, and UZI was still arrested. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ah P's bewitching girl shot back!
I saw the enchantress W flashing forward, the QRE was finished, and after a set of skills, Sivir was already at a loss of blood.

After Enchantress W went back, Luden triggered the passive effect to make up for the last bit of damage, and Sivir was burned to death!
"Oh, Ah P's bewitching girl is a bit showy!" Toothpaste exclaimed.

Liu Qingsong: "UZI made too many mistakes. This is not his level. He is definitely mentally blown."

The director gave a close-up of UZI, and everyone found that UZI was red-faced and looked very nervous.

Jin Gong then said: "Brother, don't be nervous, you can stabilize your mind, that's all, and now RNG actually has a chance."

Qi Zhou: "If you can hold it back, there is indeed a chance. G2's lineup is not very good in the late stage, but how do you hold it?"

Soon, G2 began to use the big dragon to force the team. This time, RNG and G2 played a 2-[-] split, but RNG handed in more summoner skills, so G[-] continued to organize the big dragon team. This time it still did not fight to the end. The processing of RNG is very good.

So everyone in FPX saw hope again, and Xiaotian exclaimed: "Is this RNG? It can still be stable under this situation."

Qi Zhou: "But there is a problem. Every time RNG has to perform supernormally to be able to split [-]-[-], this state cannot continue. There will always be times when you perform mediocrely."

As soon as Qi Zhou finished speaking, RNG had a problem. G2 organized an attack in the middle. After being repulsed, they chose to take Baron first and then continue to try in the middle.

This is already the fourth time, and everyone can feel that the string of RNG has been tightened, and it may break at any time.

The fourth time G2 attacked the middle lane, this time UZI made a mistake, he even crossed the pawn line to hit the opposite ADC!

This gave G2 a chance to kill him. After UZI fell to the ground, the team battle was overwhelming.

G2 won the team battle on RNG's mid lane high ground, and then prepared to lose the game in a wave.

"RNG! RNG! My RNG!" Jin Gong began to cry.

Although there are funny elements, there are also elements of true feelings. Everyone actually hopes that RNG can enter the semi-finals, which can be regarded as multiple companions.

They know each other well, and they won't be prone to accidents when they fight.

In this way, RNG was eliminated.

When the camera is shown to RNG, the five people all have autistic expressions, especially UZI, who is stunned sitting on a chair, and seems to be very self-blaming.

For FPX, this BO5 taught them a lot, which can be applied in subsequent games.

"It's almost too late, let's go to dinner, and we will resume the game slowly after dinner." Brother Feng suggested.

So everyone from FPX came to play the restaurant together, and now the restaurant seems a bit deserted, more and more teams have been eliminated, and there are fewer and fewer people left.

It took half an hour to have a meal, and everyone in FPX was about to go back to continue the replay. At this moment, they met RNG people who had just returned from the competition venue in the corridor.

A group of people walked with their heads down, and no one spoke.

Soon, UZI noticed the FPX team behind him, and approached Qi Zhou to greet him: "Sea King, now I can only watch your performance."

Qi Zhou replied: "It's okay, I feel that IG still has hope, and we and IG will bring the trophy back to LPL."

UZI: "Oh, it's really a pity, I feel quite hopeful."

Brother Feng came forward to comfort him and said: "This kind of thing is inevitable, adjust your mentality, clean up your mood, and fight again next year."

UZI nodded: "Well, we will fight again next year."

Everyone in FPX went back to Brother Feng's room and continued to discuss this BO5 until late at night, and then they each started to practice their heroes.

Now Qi Zhou is the most relaxed, he doesn't need to practice heroes, he just needs to think about some good routines.

Two days passed quickly, and another eight-quarter match started, KT against C9.

This BO5 is also a focus match, because KT is now the favorite to win the championship, which is close to FPX's odds.

This BO5 is not as exciting as RNG and G2, because the strength gap between the two teams is quite large, and it is basically a unilateral crush.

Although C9 also tried to come up with some showy routines, they still couldn't beat KT, so FPX didn't learn much.

In the next two days, everyone in FPX will play a training match with IG, and the last quarter-final match will be IG vs. FNC!

The strength of this FNC is not weak, so IG is under great pressure.

And with the lessons learned from RNG, now everyone dares to look down on European and American teams.

Two days passed, and IG's quarter-finals began!

Everyone in FPX came to Brother Feng's room again, and everyone watched the game together.

The game is about to start. After everyone from FPX arrived, Brother Feng greeted him: "Everyone sit down. Today we mainly look at the BP of both sides. I feel that the suspense of the game is not too big. IG should be able to win."

Qi Zhou: "In the two days of our training match with IG, we should be able to feel the strength of IG. Now we should be playing with them on June [-]th. FNC probably can't beat IG."

Jin Gong: "Probably on June 5th. Although IG has never won our BO[-], but we can often reach the fifth game. It is indeed quite stressful."

Toothpaste: "You are really under a lot of pressure on the road. Every time you are beaten and yelled, it is like killing a pig."

Everyone in FPX laughed after hearing this. This did not wrong Jin Gong. Although Jin Gong was not beaten by the shy, he was indeed in a state of being unbeatable online.

Jin Gong did not deny that he was there, but whispered: "Sea King, people are hard to break."

Soon, the game started. In the first game, IG came up with a very hot lineup. The top laner Shane played the wild Qinggangying, and the mid laner Lissandra played Kai'Sa and Niutau in the bottom lane.

Seeing this lineup, Qi Zhou analyzed: "This is the ability of IG. In fact, RNG and F2 had a lineup similar to this before, but the jungler was not Qinggangying, and IG replaced the jungler with Qinggangying. After that, the offensive ability of their lineup will be upgraded one level at a time."

Brother Feng agreed: "Qinggangying's jungler is in the S game this time. King Ning should be the only one. Others have used it, but it doesn't have the same effect as him."

Qi Zhou: "On the one hand, he really plays well. On the other hand, it has something to do with the support of his teammates. Now IG has a strong ability in the upper lane, so it doesn't matter for King Ning to take the weaker heroes in the early stage."

The result was exactly as Qi Zhou thought. Relying on the initiative of the lineup, IG gained a lot of advantages in the early stage.

After entering the mid-term team formation, IG's advantage has become greater. Their heroes are quite flexible. If you don't want to join the team, you can go directly. When you want to start a team, FNC must pick it up.

This caused IG to always have the initiative. In the end, IG simply won the first round in just over 20 minutes.

After watching the first game, everyone in FPX felt pressured. I saw toothpaste saying: "I feel that IG will be the champion this year. They beat FNC like this."

Jin Gong: "FNC is definitely not good, that is, IG is too strong, but if IG advances, they seem to fight KT first, can they beat KT?"

Qi Zhou: "I feel like it's a [-]-[-] split. It depends on who played better at the time."

Everyone said, and the second round began.

This game of IG continued the style of their first game. The top laner was Daomei, the mid laner Syndra, and the bottom lane route highlighted the one who dared to fight and fight hard, while Nosuke Keg and Niutou all took the initiative to start a team hero.

The lineup of FNC this time is much more conservative. Even the Tsar was brought out in the middle. Seeing the Tsar, Qi Zhou shook his head:
"Playing Tsar in front of IG, you have no chance to develop at all. When you slowly develop in the middle, your teammates will explode."

Brother Feng: "I feel that the pressure from Rookie is too great, so that caps can only choose this kind of development hero, which can avoid online battles, but it's useless to just hide."

Toothpaste: "I don't know why anyway. The King of Hats is actually not good, but every time he meets Rookie, he seems to be completely manipulated, and he can't play at his usual level at all."

After hearing this, Jin Gong muttered: "Is there a possibility? I mean possibility. In fact, the Emperor of the Hat is not so powerful. You guys overestimated him."

Qi Zhou: "It's hard to say, but unfortunately there is no chance to fight."

Seeing that Qi Zhou was so sure, everyone in FPX was quite surprised, after all, the second round had just started.

As a result, the second game ended in more than 20 minutes, and FNC had no power to resist in front of IG.

Immediately afterwards, the third game began.

FNC seems to have a problem with consciousness. They definitely can't beat IG with conventional methods, so they started to take out the weapon master jungler directly to deal with King Ning's Qinggangying jungler.

Seeing this weapon master playing wild, Brother Feng looked at Xiaotian and asked, "Do you think this weapon master is feasible to play wild?"

Xiaotian shook his head: "Of course not. This hero was developed by himself. His selection will not be of much help to the team. I feel that he has no heroes to choose. He is in a hurry to go to the doctor."

As for IG's lineup, top laner Sword Demon, jungler Qing Gangying, mid laner Galio, ADC Kai'Sa and support Luo.

The same as before, it is to highlight a flexible and strong impact at the same time.

The King of Hats directly used three hands to fight. His thinking was actually similar to that of the second game.

But the solution is the same as in the second game. Before the middle lane has developed, FNC began to collapse. It is useless for the King of Hats to help, and it will delay his own development. But if he doesn’t help, his teammates will send them one by one. go down.

So FNC got almost the same script as the previous two games. It crashed in the early stage, but it was free in the middle stage, and it was directly promoted!

IG was very neat and tidy. They played BO5 in just over an hour and sent FNC away 3:0!
After watching this BO5, Jin Gong sighed: "IG is really strong, I feel much stronger than in the summer split."

Qi Zhou: "Because the version is different, this version is very suitable for IG. We have been talking about how strong G2's mid-to-top swing is, but that is compared to RNG, but think about it in front of IG. G2's mid-to-top swing is Play house level."

Brother Feng agreed: "I agree with this point. IG's swing is really too fierce. We must pay attention to this point. If they really beat KT and enter the final, we will also enter the final. It will definitely be a fierce battle then!"

Qi Zhou: "But it's too early to say these things. Our opponent in the semifinals is G2. We have to study it carefully after we go back."

Brother Feng: "There are still five days left, and we must hurry up during these five days. Fortunately, IG won, and we can still play training matches with IG. I guess they will not refuse."

Jin Gong's scalp tingled when he heard it: "Huh? Do you still have to practice with IG? Can you change teams?"

Brother Feng spread his hands together: "I want to too, but now I have an appointment with KT or G2 for a training match, and no one else will accept it, so I can only work hard on you, Jin Gong."

Jin Gong remembered the fear of being dominated by the shy.

In the next five days, FPX and IG practiced behind closed doors. The two teams played a full five days of training matches, and it was already relatively close to a [-]-[-] opening!

Of course, both sides will have reservations, after all, they regard each other as potential opponents.

Five days passed quickly, and the semi-finals began!

After lunch, everyone in FPX took a short break, and then came to the competition venue together.

At this time, there are spectators waiting to enter the arena outside the competition venue.

The audience held all kinds of support cards in their hands, and FPX naturally had the most, followed by G2.

What Qi Zhou didn't expect was that he saw many RNG fans!
RNG fans pressed FPX's support card in one hand and RNG's support card in the other.

It seems that I hope FPX can help RNG avenge.

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