Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 277 [276] Top Order Teddy Bear Girl

After entering the venue, everyone in FPX went straight to the lounge.

When they came to the lounge, everyone put down their belongings, then found chairs to sit down, and surrounded Coach Feng.

I saw Brother Feng said: "Before the official start of the game, let's make some preparations. You should all know the basic situation of G2. I won't talk about the details. In the top laner position, Wunder's hero pool It's not bad, tactics, tanks, assassins can all be played, so we need to pay attention to it."

Brother Feng said and looked at Qi Zhou and Jin Gong.

Jin Gong nodded: "Let's build an Akali for the road assassin in this version. Except for this hero, I can play everything he can play."

Qi Zhou said: "I don't have any pressure to face him. It's not that I need to fight him. I have other ways to deal with him."

Brother Feng nodded after hearing this, and then said; "Jankos is quite a player in the jungle position. When he plays well, he is very strong, but when he plays badly, he is also confused. This is often affected by the middle lane. Impact."

Xiaotian: "He likes to play the rhythmic hero spiders, blind monks, and wine barrels in the early stage, but I don't think there is any pressure. When he was fighting King Ning, he was stunned."

After hearing this, Toothpaste said; "I'll try to put pressure on Ah P in the middle lane, so that they can't link up between the middle and the wild."

Brother Feng: "Well, this is a way, but we must also pay attention to their support. This person likes to roam. Sometimes he will stock up on ADCs, and then follow the jungler to do things alone."

Lin Weixiang: "That's pretty good. I will play slowly with him in the bottom lane. Maybe there will be a chance for a solo kill."

Liu Qingsong: "Their ADC's laning level is actually quite average, and it's not bad in team play. If possible, it's best to beat him online, so that the team play can't be played well."

Brother Feng: "I'm quite relieved about our bot lane, but this time, which one of you will play the bot lane?"

Brother Feng said and looked at Qi Zhou, and Qi Zhou responded, "I'll hit the road for the first match, and I'll meet Wunder."

Brother Feng nodded: "Okay, then Jin Gong rests first, let's play a game to see the situation, and then decide whether to make adjustments."

On the other side, in the commentary booth at the game site, Doll and Miller are ready.

I saw the baby commenting: "Okay, the semi-final of this S game is about to start. FPX from the LPL will face G2 from the European division. Hello everyone, I am the commentary baby."

Miller: "I'm the commentator Miller. Today we also invited the former professional player PDD, whore teacher, to comment today's game with us."

The camera showed a fat figure beside him. PDD was wearing a shirt that was obviously not suitable. Because of his fat body, the shirt was a bit cramped for him.

PDD: "Hi everyone, I'm PDD."

Wawa: "Before the game starts, let's analyze the state of the two teams. From the current point of view, the state of the two teams is quite good. G2 eliminated RNG in the quarterfinals. Both sides played a full BO5. In the end, RNG It was a bad move, and I am very sorry to leave the stage of the finals."

Miller: "FPX went relatively smoothly, sweeping AFS from the LCK division, but we have to say that RNG's strength is definitely stronger than AFS, so we can't simply think that FPX is in a better state now because of their performance in the quarterfinals. Good for G2."

The baby looked at PDD while talking, and asked; "What do you think about this question, Mr. Whoring?"

After hearing this, PDD showed his iconic, slightly wretched smile, and then said: "I am an old fan of FPX. I am a very hardcore fan. You should all know it."

Wawa and Miller were taken aback when they heard this, they had never heard of this before!

PDD continued; "So from my standpoint, I'm definitely on FPX's side."

After hearing this, Wa Wa concluded: "The teacher who whores thinks that FPX must win today, right?"

As a result, PDD made a direct turn: "However, I think that everything is possible in e-sports. It is impossible for you to know the result unless you actually play against each other, so I am now holding a wait-and-see attitude."

Now Wawa and Miller couldn't be dealt with, and PDD went around, but they didn't say anything.

In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:
"E-sports is not about fighting and killing, it's about the ways of the world."

"What is high emotional intelligence? This is high emotional intelligence!"

"It seems to have said, but it seems not to say."

"Can you stop talking nonsense, are you saying that it is so difficult to support someone?"

Everyone was talking, on the field, players began to appear!

FPX was the first to appear on the stage. Everyone in FPX came to the stage, and the FPX fans at the scene began to cheer:

"Come on, little Phoenix!"

"Come on, make it to the finals!"

"Revenge for RNG! Beat G2 hard!"

After everyone appeared on the stage, they went straight to their seats.

Then G2's first five players appeared on the stage, and there were many G2 fans at the scene, but there were still people booing and booing.

Obviously, those booing are all fans of RNG. After all, RNG just lost to G2, and it is understandable that the fans are not convinced.

After the players on both sides were in place, they started to debug the equipment.

"Concentrate, this BO5 will be the final, stay in shape." Brother Feng cheered everyone up from behind.

Soon, the equipment was debugged and the first match began!

In this game, FPX is on the red side, and G2 is on the blue side.

Entering the BAN stage, G2 started to hit the road against FPX. After all, it was Qi Zhou who went on the road in this game.

G2 put Swain on the BAN first, then Sword Demon, and finally put Aoun on the BAN.

On the FPX side, the three heroes Akali, Syndra and Enchantress were banned.

In fact, these heroes can also play with toothpaste, but in Feng Ge’s opinion, after being banned, the impact on toothpaste is not great, but it has a great impact on Ah P, so they are banned.

Starting to choose people, G2 of the blue side chose first, and they chose to lock Xia on the first floor.

Seeing that Xia was taken, Brother Feng said, "Let's take Luo down first, what ADC will we play in the next lane?"

Lin Weixiang; "If there is Kai'Sa, then Kai'Sa."

So FPX locked Luo and Kaisha on the first and second floors.

Immediately afterwards, G2 got the Japanese girl and the sword girl on the second and third floors.

Seeing this knife girl, Brother Feng reminded; "The opposite knife girl can go on the middle road or on the top road, so you must be careful."

Qi Zhou; "We're going to play swing, let's see how he is."

Toothpaste; "Okay, how do you want to shake it, I will cooperate with you."

Qi Zhou: "Can you play Annie?"

"Annie?" Hearing this hero, Toothpaste was a little surprised, because Annie is not a regular mid or top laner, and was once popular in the support position, but that was several patches ago.

"Annie's operation is quite simple, but it's fun to play." Toothpaste replied.

"Well, let's take Galio and the jungler first, and see how they split the line." Qi Zhou continued.

So FPX locked Galio and the blind monk on the third and fourth floors.

Seeing this scene, the baby expressed doubts: "Galio? The opponent has already taken out the sword girl. It is not good to take Galio at this time. It is completely unbeatable online, and it is easy to be single-killed."

Miller: "But having said that, I don't know which way FPX's Galio will go. It depends on what hero they choose on the fifth floor."

PDD: "I think Galio may be on the road, which is more sudden. If it is the mid laner Galio, it shouldn't be played at this time. Ah P's sword girl is not bad."

The three were talking about how G2 got Thain and Rock Sparrow on the fourth and fifth floors.

Now only the fifth floor of FXP has no confirmed heroes.

So under the watchful eyes of everyone, FPX locked Anne on the fifth floor!

After Anne was locked, everyone was bored.

In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:
"What the hell is Anne? Which way is she going?"

"FPX don't mess around, it will overturn."

"If FPX also loses to G2, then I really can't figure it out."

"The first game should be a little more stable."

"Is it possible that I chose the wrong one?"

In the commentary booth, the three commentators were also in a state of confusion.

Wawa murmured, "What does it mean that Annie was chosen? It is true that this heroic swordsman will be more comfortable than Galio, but there is still a danger of being solo killed at level six."

Miller: "If they are staggered, the feeling is just average. Anne probably can't directly destroy Sion. After all, Sion has a shield that can be consumed slowly, and Annie's continuous output ability is relatively average."

PDD; "Now that Annie is selected in this hand, I guess G2 can't figure out the situation. It depends on how the two sides will divide the line."

At this time and both sides are adjusting the hero's line.

I saw Qi Zhou said; "Give Annie to me first, we won't change it, let the other side change it."

So Annie was replaced by Qi Zhou, and Galio was in the hands of Toothpaste.

FPX is in place in one step, and there is no need to change it.

On the G2 side, they are still switching back and forth, Thain and Daomei are switching back and forth, making you unclear who is on the top lane and who is on the middle lane.

However, after changing a few times, G2 found that FPX didn't respond at all, and they didn't care about it. Daomei switched to the top lane, and Thain went to the middle lane.

Seeing this, Brother Feng asked: "Are we going to switch back later? Sean is also good at fighting Galio, it can retreat infinitely, and it is easy to cooperate with the jungler, and it can also support the big move."

"If Daomei goes on the road, the line of soldiers on the road will be longer and have enough chasing distance, Annie will be more uncomfortable."

Qi Zhou replied, "Everyone knows this, they must know and we know it too, do you think they will change it?"

Brother Feng was a little confused after hearing this. This is actually a psychological warfare, but the final result is really unpredictable. You can't predict which layer the other party is thinking of.

Time passed by little by little, and it seemed that it was about to enter the last 20 seconds.

After entering the last 20 seconds, the two sides can no longer exchange heroes, and the lineup will be completely determined.

FPX still didn't move, but it can be stuck at the last second without giving the other party any reaction time.

At the moment when the time came to twenty, the lineups of the two sides changed, and G2 actually switched the middle and top.

Now it becomes the top laner Shane and the mid laner girl, and the lineups of both sides are completely determined:

Red side FPX: top laner Annie, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Galio, ADC Kai'Sa, support Luo.

Blue side G2: top laner Sean, jungler Rock Sparrow, mid laner girl, ADC Xia, support Japanese girl.

Seeing this scene, Wawa explained: "This is interesting. FPX has never been changed. It was always changed by G2. I feel that the final result is what FXP wants."

PDD; "What is this called? This is to respond to all changes with the same! FPX still has experience in psychological warfare, and G2 is a bit young."

Miller; "However, I think that even if this is the case, G2 did not suffer a loss. Not to mention whether they have an advantage, but at least they did not suffer a disadvantage. They are also very comfortable in this split line situation."

The three of them were talking, and the game officially started.

Qi Zhou chose Dolan Jie to go out. The focus of this game is not to match up, but to roam and support.

If you are in the lane, it is almost impossible to kill this Sion solo. Sion has a shield, and Doran's shield will definitely be used, and Annie's consumption can't be affected at all.

Therefore, the focus of Qi Zhou's game is to roam and support, and to gain advantages in the wild and other lanes. As for Thain, who is on the road, let's ignore it.

After Qi Zhou went out, he went straight to the wild area, and then made a vision that no one could understand.

Qi Zhou actually put his vision outside the red BUFF wall!

Seeing this eye position, the baby wondered; "Does this eye position of Annie have any meaning? Why can't I understand it at all?"

Miller: "This eye position seems to be invisible. What's the point of putting it here?"

PDD also shook his head, as if he didn't understand the situation.

After Qi Zhou's Annie made a good eye position, she chose to come to the position of the stone beetle, which was separated from the red BUFF bushes by a wall.

At this moment, from the perspective of God, everyone could see Wunder's Sion walking into the Dragon Pit, and then an unbelievable scene happened. Sion actually handed over his flash and came from the Dragon Pit to the upper half of FPX's wild area !
The entire audience was shocked. The first-level flash invaded the wild area, which was unexpected by everyone.

"Sion! The opposite Sion is coming!" Toothpaste noticed Sion. At this time, he was standing guard at the entrance of the river above the middle road, and saw Sion's position through the eye position set by Qi Zhou in advance.

"You don't have to come here, I can do it by myself. I'm worried that the jungler and mid laner are also in the river. If you come over, the middle and field may come together." Qi Zhou said.

"Okay, it seems that I can't get the assist." Toothpaste muttered.

In the commentary seat, Doll explained; "I see, this Sean wants to steal BUFF, he knows that toothpaste will definitely stand guard at the entrance of the river, and generally speaking, the top laner of the red side should stand guard at the triangle grass on the top road, then When Thain flashes like this, no one will know."

Miller; "And this G2 jungler is a rock sparrow, Xiaotian is a blind monk, and Xiaotian is not under the pressure of being opposed to the wild, so he must be in the second half of the field, brushing from bottom to top, G2 has taken these into consideration , but they didn't take into account that there is still a sixth child here."

PDD said with a smile; "This old six is ​​the real six. I feel that no one would think so much except Neptune. He caught it all. Wunder is a bit unlucky."

Soon, the first wave of soldiers came out, and then the first wave of BUFF refreshed.

Thain chose to hit the red buff directly. In order to be killed by the red buff earlier, Wunder didn't have any equipment, putting himself in a very vulnerable state.

Thain's blood volume drops very quickly. After he is killed, it will be triggered passively. Level A will take damage equal to the target's maximum life percentage, and the speed of red buff will be very fast at that time.

Just when Thain was about to die, suddenly, a little girl with a teddy bear appeared!

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