This gave Qi Zhou a chance to lay an ambush.

However, at the level of the opponent, he will definitely be on guard, so Qi Zhou needs to go around a little.

I saw Qi Zhou's Annie walking all the way to the middle road, and then suddenly turned into the opposite wild area, and first used the scan to confirm that she was not found.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Zhou entered the upper half wild area of ​​the blue side, the grass outside the three wolves, and the tower in the middle road were separated by a wall.

The disappearance of Qi Zhou aroused the vigilance of G2. He saw that Ah P's Daomei suddenly became obscene, which proved to be the signal from the road.

Just then, Jankos' chaffinch appeared!
Jankos seemed to be quite careful. When he was close to the three wolves, he first output through the wall to see the situation.

However, he never imagined that Qi Zhou's Annie was watching him from the bushes nearby.

The G2 fans at the scene became excited and shouted:

"Jankos run, Annie is right next to you!"

"Stop hitting, if you hit again, you will die."

"Run, Jankos!"

"Sent it, isn't it dead?"

"Has no one noticed that there's an Anne over here?"

Soon the G2 fans were desperate, no matter how much they shouted, Jankos didn't respond at all.

Soon, Annie from Qi Zhou made a move. He chose to make a circle from the side, and had a close contact with the rock sparrow at this intersection!
Qi Zhou chose the Q skill to start, while Yanque surrendered Flash as a conditioned reflex.

Jankos thought that Annie would directly magnify the move, so he chose to flash, but after flashing, he found that he was fooled.

Annie's Q skill followed and directly controlled him.

It's not over yet, Qi Zhou stepped forward to output, and once he fired W to catch up with the big move, the blood volume of the rock sparrow bottomed out instantly!
If Annie had produced her equipment normally, he would have been able to instantly kill the Chaffinch with his development.

However, because it is a murder book, before it is stacked, the damage will be slightly worse.

Qi Zhou followed up with a Q skill and two A-level shots, and combined with Tibbers' damage, he killed the rock sparrow.

After completing the solo kill, Qi Zhou was about to go back when he received a signal from the middle lane: "The sword girl on the other side has passed. I'm not in a good position to follow. I can give you a big move."

Qi Zhou glanced at the small map again, and now that Thain is not online, it means that the top and middle of G2 came together.

This situation is very dangerous!

Seeing this, the baby explained: "Annie seems to have nowhere to go. Although Galio can use his ult to support him, it is possible for the sword girl to fight twice, because Annie does not have enough output from the ult, and the continuous output ability of the sword girl Very strong, let alone a Sion."

Miller: "When Sean is alive, his effect may be relatively ordinary, but once he is killed, his motionless beating will be very painful."

Just when everyone was worried that Qi Zhou would be caught to death by Daomei and Thain, Qi Zhou chose to go straight down to TP!

At this time, Xiaotian's blind monk is already walking behind him on the side of the road!

Seeing that Jankos was caught and killed in the first half of the jungle, Xiaotian seemed to be doing something wrong in the bottom lane.

As a result, before I started to work, suddenly there was an extra helper!
Qi Zhou gave TP to the next route, and the two of G2's next route quickly retreated.

Qi Zhou pretended to return to the city in the grass nearby, and at the same time commanded: "Push the line, we are going to jump the tower."

Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang pushed the line together. After the pawn line entered the tower, Xiaotian's blind monk came out from behind the defensive tower, while Qi Zhou followed the duo to surround it from the front.

At this time, a TP from the blue side gave G2 a tower to go down the road.

"Sion is here." Xiaotian reminded, G2 only has one TP for Sion, so there is no need to guess.

"You can fight, he is useless if he is not level [-]." Qi Zhou replied.

So everyone in FPX started to do it!

Xiaotian approached the Japanese girl on the opposite side, and the Japanese girl pointed at her with her E skill, and Xiaotian moved away.

However, his position gave Xia some room to adjust.

Suddenly, Qi Zhou's Annie handed over the flash W and stunned Rinu and Xia at the same time!
Qi Zhou took advantage of the blind monk's attention and made a surprise attack.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the blind monk touched his eyes and kicked the Japanese girl in the face, and the Japanese girl went towards Xiafei and directly knocked Xiafei into the air.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong kept up with the control and damage, and Xia was instantly killed.

The Japanese woman persisted for a little longer, and flashed to delay the time until Thain's TP landed.

Originally, he thought that Thain would be saved when he came down, but when he saw that Thain was not even at level six, he finished it.

His support is already at level six, why isn't his top laner at level six?
"You carry the tower." Qi Zhou, who was in charge of carrying the tower, couldn't carry it anymore, so he chose to pull out the attack range of the defensive tower.

Now it is replaced by Xiaotian's blind monk carrying the tower, and he is continuing to output the Japanese girl on the opposite side.

After the Japanese girl's W skills disappeared, she was no longer so fleshy. Lin Weixiang kept up with the damage and took the Japanese girl's head.

At this time, there is still a Sion under the defense tower, because there is no pawn line, so everyone in FPX chooses to pull out the defense tower first, and wait for the CD of the skill by the way.

The blind monk cut off the line in front of the defense tower.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Thain chose to walk directly on the blind monk's face, and then at the moment the blind monk handed over Tianyinbo, he directly handed over the flash and pulled it away, only to save his life.

Wawa was dumbfounded when he saw this, and he explained: "I didn't understand the rhythm of this wave. Annie, who was originally Neptune, was blocked by the G2 Ueno. It looked very dangerous. He used a TP to go to the bottom lane, not only saved Your own life, but to help your teammates kill the G2 duo?"

Miller: "This way, if you want to calculate it, G2 will lose too much. It's not just a matter of two kills. This time Aquaman's Annie's top order is really outrageous!"

On the playing field, everyone on the FPX side began to celebrate.

Xiaotian: "Why do I feel that the other side is gone? The Neptune's Anne murder book has been stacked."

Toothpaste: "It's no wonder Neptune directly naked murder book, you have already thought about how to get the head quickly, right?"

Lin Weixiang: "This is Neptune! I guess after today's game, there will be a large number of top laner Anne in the passerby game."

Qi Zhou half-jokingly said: "It's okay for them to learn my routines, but can't they blame me every time they don't play well and have no effect?"

Liu Qingsong: "It seems that you are quite experienced. This kind of thing probably happened not once or twice."

Qi Zhou: "Once or twice? A hundred times, two hundred times!"

Everyone in FPX chatted happily, and the mentality of the five people in G2 was about to explode.

I saw Ah P saying: "We have to kill Annie once according to this. If we don't write down his murder book, we will definitely not be able to win."

Jankos: "I have a big move now. If I get on the road, I can directly block the road with a big move. He hasn't flashed now."

Ah P: "We need to find the jungler position on the opposite side first. Galio in the middle will definitely use a big move to support us. We can fight three-on-two when jumping over the tower, but not three-on-three."

On the FPX side, Qi Zhou brought enough real eyes after he went out. Now that the killing books are stacked, his mentality has changed. If it is not stacked, he feels that he will die once, as long as his teammates can make money. up.

But now that the number of murder books is so high, Qi Zhou also began to cherish his life.

After returning to the top lane, Qi Zhou first inserted a real eye in the triangle grass to prevent being surrounded by junglers.

Even so, there is still no way to guarantee absolute safety, because Rock Sparrow has a big move, and Thain has also been upgraded to level six. If there is no support, then there is no way to fight.

"The opposite middle lane is gone, be careful on the road." Toothpaste gave a signal in the middle lane, and it was obvious that G2 couldn't hold back, especially Ah P's Daomei.

After all, Ah P was caught by Qi Zhou once before, so it is understandable if he wants to fight back.

Qi Zhou chose to retreat on the road to avoid being caught to death by the opponent.

It's not a big problem to lose a little CS, as long as you don't die.

On the middle side, Galio of Toothpaste was pushing the line crazily, and Daomei quickly returned to the middle.

Seeing Daomei returning to the middle lane, Qi Zhou also started to go online to make up for the damage.

In this way, the two sides dragged back and forth several times, and Ah P found that he could not find a chance.

Moreover, it is impossible for Rock Sparrow to stay on the road all the time. If this continues, GANK's plan to go on the road will definitely fail.

"Forget it, you better not come up, the top laner and I can handle it." Jankos also lost his patience, and he planned to do it himself.

Ah P didn't say anything, he always felt a little unsteady, but he couldn't come up with a better way, so that was the only way to go.

So on the side of the road, Qi Zhou was making up his sword and developing, and suddenly the rock sparrow's big move appeared, blocking his retreat!

Immediately afterwards, Thain started his big move and hit him!

Jankos understood very well, after using his big move to come over, he chose to keep a distance from Qi Zhou first to avoid being killed by Qi Zhou.

Thain's big move came up to complete the knock-up, although Qi Zhou immediately used the QW combo, but Thain's big move is not affected by control skills, so he rushed over.

Qi Zhou's Annie was knocked into the air, and the rock sparrow took the opportunity to catch up with the Yantu, and then broke out.

Thain followed up with a Q skill and completed the knock-up again. At this time, the blood volume of the rock sparrow has bottomed out!

Upon seeing this, the baby exclaimed: "The cooperation between Bossain and the rock sparrow is a bit perfect. Why do I feel that the rock sparrow is going to be killed?"

Miller: "If you get killed at this time, it would be a big loss. The killing books are stacked up with great difficulty, and half of them will be lost at once."

Just when everyone thought that Annie would be killed instantly, Qi Zhou started to fight back!

The rock sparrow on the opposite side is very good at playing, and he used the range advantage to pull and fight, and Qi Zhou couldn't touch him.

However, there is no need to kill this rock sparrow, you can kill Thain first!

Annie, who saw Qi Zhou, chose to make a big move and followed up with the second Q skill.

This Thain was melted by him directly!
Then, Qi Zhou activated the E skill to accelerate, and opened the passive distance with Thain.

Rock Sparrow flashed up to deal with it, and wanted to kill Qi Zhou, but he knew he couldn't delay, because Galio's big move might come to support him at any time.

But what Rock Sparrow didn't expect was that all his Q skills were blocked by Tibbers!
At this time, Tibbers was like a patron saint, following behind Qi Zhou to block his skills, leaving Rock Sparrow with nothing to do.

At this moment, Galio's ultimate move appeared on Annie.

All FPX fans at the scene were excited!

They all thought that Qi Zhou would be killed, but who would have thought that he would not die!
At the commentary seat, the doll explained: "He's not dead yet! Anne is not dead yet, and Galio got married when she came here. Now the rock sparrow found out that he couldn't beat him, so he started running away."

Miller: "But can you run away? Galio has a flash!"

Soon, the hero Galio appeared on the stage, landed to catch up with Zheng Yi punching, and after approaching, Duran's shield was controlled.

Qi Zhou's Annie followed up from behind, a Q followed by an E, combined with Galio's damage, and completed the kill on the rock sparrow!

Qi Zhou's murder book is full!
In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:
"Isn't this dead? My God!"

"The other side's mentality must explode?"

"Outrageous, this can be counter-killed."

"If I were G2, I would just hang up and wait to surrender."

The game is still going on. After this wave, the whole G2 team is wilting.

Now that Annie has been raised as a big boss, apart from the tank hero, other heroes with a set of skills are sure to die.

So G2 entered the obscene development mode, and now they can't think of other ways except to delay the development.

The game time came to 10 minutes, and at this time FPX's economic lead reached [-], basically Annie alone.

Qi Zhou disappeared from the lane again, and then the jungler and mid laner of G2 were very nervous.

Rock Sparrow hadn't been to the first half of the field for a while. He was worried that he would be ambushed by Annie and killed instantly, so he never dared to go.

As for Ah P in the middle lane, he can only take advantage of Annie to make up the knife when he is on the road. Once Annie disappears, he can only be wretched under the defensive tower.

As a sword girl, Ah P can't directly produce meat, even if he directly uses the magic drinking knife, the damage is too low to fight a group, so he can only use mercury shoes in this case to increase his magic resistance a little. But it's not much use in front of this kind of developed Anne.

Qi Zhou came to the upper half of the wild area, and saw that the rock bird seemed to have not come for a long time. Every time he came, no one would kill the wild monsters, so Qi Zhou did it for him, which can be regarded as speeding up his development. His current damage hits wild monsters It's quick and easy.

At this time, the canyon pioneer has been refreshed. Taking advantage of Qi Zhou's absolute advantage on the road, Xiaotian takes down the canyon pioneer first, and then goes straight to the road.

On the road side, Thain is also very sensible. Seeing that the canyon vanguard was beaten, he chose to give up the first tower on the road.

So Qi Zhou easily took the first tower of G2's top road, and at the same time commanded: "Let's take down the second tower of their top road directly to the canyon vanguard."

Xiaotian: "I'm in the jungle, you just push the lane."

Qi Zhou pushed the top lane to the second top tower of G2, and Xiaotian came out from the side field to put pressure on Thain.

Now Wunder couldn't stand it anymore, and started calling his teammates: "The second tower on the top road is going to be gone, we need support on the top road."

However, at this time, the rock sparrow was doing something on the road, and it had already started a fight, so there was no time to take care of the road.

On the bottom lane, the G2 assistant took the lead in attacking, throwing a big move from the grass. Although Lin Weixiang was not directly controlled, it was also slowed down.

The Japanese girl flashed forward, trying to keep up with the Q skill, Kai'Sa handed in the flash and pulled away.

And Liu Qingsong's Luo has already started his big move to enter the field, first control the Japanese woman and Xia, so that Kai'Sa has the opportunity to retreat.

Just then, Rock Sparrow's ultimate move appeared, blocking Kai'Sa's escape route!

Kai'Sa had no choice but to fight back on the spot.

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