Chapter 280 [279] Deadly True Eye
Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "There is still no fight, but I feel that if this wave of G2 is strong, they should not be able to fight, so it is good news for G2 that they did not fight."

Miller: "That's true. Now both sides are more patient. G2 also knows that this game is very critical, so they don't want to make any mistakes."

The rock sparrow of Jankos was soon seen by Qi Zhoufang's real eyes again. He lost the stone brush beetle and wanted to pass in front of his real eyes.

"The rock sparrow is here." Qi Zhou signaled to his teammates.

At this time, Xiaotian's wine barrel was also in the upper half of the field. After seeing the location of the rock sparrow, he chose to go up the road and said at the same time:

"I'm going to go up the road and squat down to give the opponent a surprise."

Qi Zhou naturally wouldn't refuse: "Okay, let's kill the rock sparrow."

Xiaotian's wine barrel entered the grass from the soldier line, and then waited for the rock sparrow to come.

Qi Zhou began to push the line on the top lane, giving the opponent a chance.

Sure enough, after Qi Zhou passed the pawn line, Urgot suddenly made an attack. He shot the E skill to close the distance, and then followed the Q skill to slow down.

At the same time, the Rock Sparrow's big move appeared behind Qi Zhou and blocked the road. The Rock Sparrow sat on the big move and flew over, and began to output as soon as it landed.

Qi Zhou chose to flash back, pretending to run away, Rock Sparrow flashed up, and launched a W skill to carry Qi Zhou back.

At this moment, the wine barrel shot!

Xiaotian's wine barrel E flashed a big move from inside the grass, blowing the rock sparrow onto Qi Zhou's face.

Qi Zhou happened to use his ultimate move to keep up with the knock-up effect, then W was equipped with a fragile passive, and a flat A shot triggered the fragile effect.

The wine barrel follows up with a flat A with W damage, and finally the Q skill ends.

The rock sparrow didn't even fight back, and was directly killed by the two of them!
"Faker!" Jankos how did he know I was on my way?Where does he follow me wherever I go?
Jankos began to doubt life, of course, his doubts are justified.

When he was going down the road, he could feel that the wine barrel was also going down the road, so he didn't make a rash move.

Now that he's on the top road, the barrel is coming with him?Just such a coincidence?

Ah P reassured: "It's not a big problem, the first blood belongs to Aoun, the effect of this hero's head is not very big, don't worry."

Jankos was silent after hearing this. If this Ornn was played by someone else, he might really not be worried.

But now Sea is playing Ornn, how could he not be worried?
In the official live broadcast room, everyone brushed on the barrage one after another:
"I feel like everyone in G2 has been knocked out."

"Jankos probably still doesn't know why his position has been detected by FPX."

"When Jankos went back to watch the replay, would he vomit blood directly?"

"Aquaman's true eyes amazed me, and I declared this true eye to be the MVP of our factory."

The game time came to 10 minutes, and now the two FPX bottom laners have been promoted to level six. The two plan to find a rhythm, but they don't know the position of the rock sparrow now, so they didn't make a rash move.

With their current laning advantage and combination advantage, they can definitely go up and fight, but they will definitely not be able to fight against the bottom lane.

Just then, the Rock Sparrow appeared again!
This rock sparrow walked from the second half of the wild to the first half of the night, and was seen when it passed the position of the three wolves.

Now that you know the location of the rock sparrow, you can start on the next road!
Taking advantage of the opposite Kai'Sa coming up to make up the knife, Liu Qingsong's Luo suddenly made a grand debut, and at the same time charmed Kai'Sa and Titan.

Lin Weixiang stepped forward to follow the output, and directly gave Kai'Sa a second!
Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "Perfect cooperation, G2 didn't react at all in the bottom lane, and probably didn't know how he died."

Miller: "Now FPX's style of play is very clear. If they don't know the location of the rock sparrow, they won't make a move. Once they know the rock sparrow, they will kill you with one blow, and they won't give you a chance to fight back."

Wawa: "This game is a kind of torture for G2. I want to play an advantage but I can't find the angle. I can only slowly consume with FPX."

Miller: "And G2 is a lineup that should play an advantage, but now it is at a disadvantage. They were even more unable to fight in the later stage. If they can't fight now, it will be uncomfortable."

The game time has come to 6 and 2 minutes, and no one in G[-] has discovered the positions of these two eyeballs so far.

Jankos already felt that something was wrong. He found that no matter where he went to do things, he would be squatted back by the barrel, or the FPX people retreated early and did not give a chance.

"What's the problem? The jungler on the other side shouldn't be so good." Jankos muttered.

He also knew Xiaotian before, and Xiaotian was indeed a world-class jungler.

But from Jankos' point of view, he hasn't reached such a perverted level, he can hang up and hit him casually.

Ah P: "Is it because you are seen by vision every time? There must be a very hidden vision in our wild area."

Hearing this, Jankos also reacted. When he entered the wild area again, he chose to take a look at various bushes.

Soon, he found the real eye placed in the grass outside the three wolves.

Seeing this real eye, he understood: "It's a real eye, I said why the other side always knows my location."

After removing the real eye, Jankos suddenly felt that he was fine again!

At the commentary booth, Doll commented: "Now Jankos has finally discovered the first real eye, but the key is that there is more than one real eye, and there is another i that he has not found. If he makes a rash move, there may still be problems."

Miller: "My concern now is that he found out that the first real eye started to swell, and he definitely did it again and sent it away again. And"

Ten and eight minutes into the game, Jankos came to the road again.

But what he didn't know was that he was actually discovered on the way to collect stone beetles.

So Qi Zhou chose to change his posture and do it again, he stepped forward to seduce again, Xiaotian had already arrived on the road, and the two of them were going to surprise the rock sparrow.

On the opposite side, Urgot also shot directly, and the rock sparrow flew over with his big move.

Then Xiaotian's wine barrel E flashed his big move, and cooperated with Qi Zhou to kill the rock sparrow.

The whole process looks exactly the same as the first wave, the only difference is that this time the rock sparrows died faster.

"Why is this, why does the wine barrel know that I am on the road?" Jankos began to doubt life.

The director gave him a close-up shot of his expression, which directly amused everyone:
"It can be seen that Jankos is very lost and helpless."

"Everyone is confused, and they don't understand the situation at all."

"It's outrageous, how many times will Jankos die because of this real eye before he can react?"

"I guess after finishing this game, G2 may not even know what went wrong."

Everyone was saying that the game time came to 10 minutes, and FPX got the first tower in G2.

The two sides began to change lines, and now they have slowly entered the dominant period of FPX, so everyone in FPX began to take the initiative.

"Let's Xiaolong force the group." Xiaotian commanded.

Qi Zhou: "I have TP, give me a spot."

Liu Qingsong: "The jungler and I will do vision together."

Toothpaste: "I'm here, wait for me."

Everyone in FPX took action one after another, pushing the line of troops, making visions, and completing tasks individually.

G2 didn't seem to want to give up on this little dragon, and the four of them came over in a group.

Wawa: "It feels like the first wave of team battles is about to break out on both sides. In the team battle of 10 minutes, if one side loses miserably, Dalong will lose. At that time, the outcome of the game will be decided."

Miller: "It is indeed the case. I hope FPX can withstand the pressure. First of all, the opposing lineup is still strong during this period of time."

The two said that FPX had already started to fight Xiaolong.

Xiaolong's blood volume dropped quickly, G2 approached four people in front, and Urgot gave TP to the front.

Qi Zhou followed suit to TP.

"I'll start the regiment," Qi Zhou directed.

As a result, as soon as his TP landed, Ah P's enchantress from G2 came up to fight and wasted it!

Seeing that Yao Ji used her W skill, Qi Zhou saw the opportunity to activate the summoning of the God of Lava!

Aoun summoned the fire element, and then ran towards the G2 crowd.

The Enchantress was already scared back, he thought Ornn was coming towards him.

The front lineup of G2 was disrupted, and Liu Qingsong's Luo ult flashed into the arena.

The team battle was on the verge of breaking out, and G2 began to collapse!
Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "The opportunity Aoun found was too perfect. He took advantage of the enchantress and used his skills to start a group. As a result, the enchantress couldn't come up to output immediately, and G2 couldn't catch it head-on."

Miller: "This is Neptune's ability. He finally couldn't seize this opportunity and caught the opponent by surprise. If you didn't catch the G2 leader, I feel like it's over."

FPX won the team battle, G2 only had Yaoji alive, and it was powerless to stop FPX from taking Xiaolong and Dalong.

Xiao Tian: "Big Dragon! Let's take Big Dragon."

Liu Qingsong: "Sea King found this wave of opportunities really well, and the opponent directly hit the circle."

Toothpaste: "Of course, in terms of looking for opportunities, Neptune says he is the second, who dares to say he is the first?"

Everyone was talking about taking down the big dragon, and then they went back to the city to replenish.

After the replenishment, the five FPX gathered in the middle, leading the line of troops to push forward.

At this time, the morale of everyone in G2 has been shattered. Seeing the pawns in the middle line being pushed over, they are just a symbolic defense, and the first tower in the middle road is just released.

The main reason is that there is a risk in defending the first tower in the middle. No one can guarantee whether the wine barrel will suddenly come in from the side wild area and give them a surprise.

After taking down the first tower in the middle, everyone in FPX led the pawn line to the front of the second tower.

At this time, everyone in G2 was trembling under the second tower, but the second tower cannot be placed casually.

Now they have to use defensive towers to stall for time and delay the time of Baron BUFF.

Then the defense tower is placed too fast and the effect will be bad.

"The opponent seems to be planning to continue defending. I will look for opportunities to start a team." Qi Zhou directed.

So everyone in FPX got ready.

After the line of troops entered the tower, Qi Zhou directly activated his ultimate move.

At this time, everyone in G2 didn't show up. Ao En slammed into him with his big move and knocked the front row into the air at the same time. Liu Qingsong's Luo followed the second-hand control.

The double C stepped forward to output, and G2 was immediately defeated.

Now Urgot couldn't handle the output of FPX's double C at all, and was directly killed in seconds.

The remaining crispy skin was broken one by one!

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "It's a disaster, G2 has no chance to fight back against FPX. Although it is only due to the lineup, I feel that the gap between individual operation and team cooperation is also very obvious."

Miller: "That's true. Now that FPX is playing one for five in front of the high ground, it looks like the game is coming to an end."

The FPX audience at the scene began to cheer:
"Little Phoenix, charge!"

"Rush rush!"


Amid the cheers of the crowd, everyone in FPX first took down the opponent's second tower in the middle, and then the high ground in the middle.

Then, the five of them headed straight to the other side's front tooth tower with a line of soldiers.

I saw Qi Zhou directing: "One wave! One wave!"

FPX ended the game in one wave.

In the commentary booth, the baby explained: "As the G2 base crystal explodes, let us congratulate FPX for defeating G2 and winning the second game!"

Miller: "Now the score has come to 2:0, and FPX adopted a completely different winning method in these two games. I feel that G2's mentality is about to explode. G2 can find reasons to say that they did not meet in the first game. I have experienced this style of play before, and the second game of FPX is the style of play that G2 is best at."

Wawa: "I hope G2 can adjust to a good state. As a commentator, I naturally hope to see high-quality games, not one-sided games."

Miller smiled and said: "You are too Versailles, okay, after a short rest, we will bring you the third contest between the two sides."

On the field, everyone in FPX who won the game got up and walked towards the lounge.

As for G2, all five of them looked autistic. After the first game, they were the only ones who still felt hopeful.

I just feel that FPX has come up with something they haven't seen before, and they just need to adjust it on BP.

But it's different now. Now it's just that the strength is not enough, and if you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

After everyone in FPX went back to rest, they each moved a chair and sat around Brother Feng.

I saw Brother Feng said: "Everyone has worked hard. Everyone played very well in the first two games. Thank you for your cooperation. There is still the last game, let's persevere."

Qi Zhou: "I feel that G2 should not be optimistic now, and the next game should be easier."

Xiaotian: "Your real eyes are very important in this game, they seem to have not noticed it in the whole game."

Liu Qingsong: "They are probably resuming the game now, and the jungler will be scolded to death by the coach."

Lin Weixiang: "I think it's a bit outrageous. Didn't anyone go to the grass for 10 minutes? Or didn't see the eye?"

On the other side, everyone in G2 returned to the waiting room.

Jankos really wanted to know why he would be found everywhere, and when he heard that Ornn was two levels, he went to his wild area to cast a real eye.

When the real eyes were still there after the game, Jankos' mentality exploded.

"Level [-] with real eyes? How does this person play games?" Jankos doubted life.

Ah P: "I don't think it's a big problem. They can only use this kind of routine once. We will fight back in the next game."

Although Ah P said so, everyone in G2 said nothing.

They knew very well that Ah P was just trying to comfort them.

Now in this situation, it is extremely difficult to win a game, let alone let the second chase the third.

Ah continued: "In the last game we were influenced by their first game, so we chose a lineup that worked in the early and mid-term. I think we can try to continue our style of play."

Jankos: "You mean we choose a late lineup?"

Ah P affirmed: "Yes, this is our style of play, there is no need to follow their rhythm all the time."

(End of this chapter)

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