Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 36 [36] My Lord W, sanctification of the flesh, top understanding

Chapter 36 [36] My Lord W, sanctification of the flesh, top understanding
Hit the road and enter a new stage of peace and tranquility.

The Juggernaut replenishes troops slowly, and the big tree takes root in the distance and looks into the distance (hear experience).

Of course, let the emperor occasionally throw seeds to replenish soldiers and blow them up to the Juggernaut, in exchange for the Juggernaut to abandon a few soldiers and force the big tree out of the experience area.

After a few times, let the emperor know the situation and accept his fate.

Decided to endure for a while, waiting for teammates to link up.

Or wait for the small cannon to quickly push a tower, and then switch to the bottom lane.

But at the moment when going down the road, he was extremely anxious.

At 4 minutes, Uzi's small cannon fired less than half of the health of the next tower on the blue side.

Too fast and violent siege strategy, in exchange for EDG's counterattack.

After Fengnv has level 2 E, the shield provided is enough to support a wave of VN and small cannon confrontation.

The proficiency of AD on both sides is not low, and the result is a loss for both sides.

Although there is a nanny behind the little cannon, Uzi is no longer as presumptuous as before, and dare not keep tapping the tower.

After all, after VN has the E skill, the small cannon stands in the narrow passage in front of the defense tower, so he still needs to be more vigilant, and he can't push the tower with E without thinking.

Otherwise, it would be a fat beating to be nailed to the wall.

Uzi does want tulle VN.

But when choosing a small cannon, the most important thing to control in the early stage is the rhythm of pushing towers.

Even if you can enjoy squeezing juice and recovering blood by hiding in the arms of the star mother, you can always exchange blood with VN, which will only delay the early rhythm in the end.

Replenishment to push the tower, replenishment to push the tower, and replenishment to push the tower.

Uzi meditated three times in his heart, pulling himself back from the state of a berserker.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

Professional players who think about the overall situation have basic morality, and in Uzi's heart, they still count as some stars.

"Xiao Zhao, hit him!"

Claire's slightly playful voice came out of the earphones.

iBoy glanced at the small map, the factory manager finished fighting the stone beetle, detoured to the red buff camp, and jumped into the dragon pit with the explosive fruit.

Since the S6 preseason explosive fruit appeared in Summoner's Canyon.

The summoners in the upper and lower lanes are always restless.

When the game starts, 8 explosive fruits will be refreshed on the whole map one after another.

The refresh rules of these fruits are traceable, the red and blue sides refresh symmetrically, the blue buff and the three wolf camp and the red buff behind the wall in front of the refresh first.

The two on the edge of the Frog Pit, the Great Dragon, and the Elemental Dragon Pit are refreshed later.

And these last two fruits are the key to the problem.

The average time for the jungler to get a nest of wild monsters to upgrade to level 3 after the red/blue buff is about 3 minutes.

And red open level 3 can often be caught by surprise with the help of explosive fruits.

Or grab the fruit of the explosion, even if there are eyes in the grass, it is easy to catch people with unexpected routes.

After all, choosing to arrest people means that the enemy must have revealed a flaw.

Just like in this game, Xiaopao and the nanny kept pressing the tower, even though the sight of the grass in the river immediately found the fat body of the wine barrel.

However, it was obviously too late to get out of the way.

Uzi's little cannon immediately surrendered W and retreated, Shi Mingsen's star mother hesitated, and Meiko Fengnv flashed to take W.

[Guardian of the Wind] The summoned air elemental spirit body is applied to the star mother, causing a stable deceleration for 3 seconds.

Even though Shi Mingsen flashed his backhand, the wine barrel can still slowly cut down the road, [Meat bomb impact] Star mother.

"iBoy rolls forward to keep up, level A and then E skills with the barrel to play a chain control!"

"Star mother's body is too fragile, even with the healing technique, she was still killed by VN's three rings!"

"Uzi still flashed, and the barrel turned and left. It seems that EDG is not going to chase anymore."

Watch the replay.

The audience discovered that the wine barrel was the fruit of the explosion after stepping on the elemental dragon pit first, and then went around and entered the red square wild area.

Then use the explosive fruit separated from the triangle grass to save the E skill and jump into the grass of Uzi.

"This is equivalent to delaying the exposure of the field of view for 3 seconds, and shortening the exposed gank distance."

"No matter how fast the RNG duo responds, one person must be sacrificed."

This wave of gank by Claire Spicy Dance greatly relieved the pressure on the bottom lane.

However, VN Fengnv is still not as strong as Xiaopao Xingma at this point in time.

But being able to slow down the speed at which the small cannon pushes down the next tower is a small victory for EDG.

"Xiangguo, I feel a little uncomfortable."

When the RNG team channel was dead silent, Rangdi's voice drifted out.

Everyone was surprised, and the perspective immediately switched to the road.

At this moment, the pawn line has been pushed back to the front of the red defense tower.

However, Dashu still couldn't get soldiers.

The Juggernaut is like an enemy of thousands of people, standing between the red square soldiers, whenever a big tree approaches, he will drive away with his sword.

"The soldiers will come over soon, and you will be more comfortable..."

Mala Xiangguo didn't refuse, but EDG Mid Road Rock Sparrow is already level 6, and the big move can quickly support it.

And Xiaohu went home to update his equipment, just out of the spring.

In addition, after the wine barrel disappeared down the road, it never appeared again.

Mala Xiangguo didn't dare to act rashly.

"Why did you make up 16 knives?"

Shi Mingsen's words surprised everyone in RNG who had returned their attention to themselves.

The game has been more than 6 minutes, even if the big tree throws saplings to replenish troops, it will not be like this.

Rang Di didn't speak, but looked at the screen helplessly.

The big tree moves forward.

The Juggernaut stepped forward.

The big tree backed away.

Juggernaut moves forward.

Qi Zhou: Hehe, I didn’t expect that.You think I will turn around after realizing what he means, on the second floor.But I'm in the troposphere!
"So reckless? He is still chasing after entering the tower?"

Uzi didn't expect Qi Zhou to beat him more fiercely.

"Isn't this Asian bondage, tree man shock wave taught him to be a man?"

That being said, the big tree does the same thing.

However, the Juggernaut slashed with a sword and was slapped back. Immediately, the Q skill was connected and then peeled.

The attack from the defensive tower fell on Juggernaut, but he continued to slash.

After playing indestructible, he was satisfied and retreated.

The big tree W made the defensive tower hit the Juggernaut twice more.

However, after stepping out of the defense tower, the Juggernaut meditated on the spot.

The blood volume has returned to a very healthy state.

"Little Bingxin, cloth shoes, red crystal, magic resistance cloak?"

"Did he come from meat?"

"Junze, I'm here."

Xiaohu cleared out the soldiers under the tower, Mala Xiangguo also cleared out the Raptor, and walked towards the road.

"The ball girl disappeared."

"Maybe take blue, maybe catch people."

Scout sounded an early warning.


Hit the road.

Rangdi, who killed 3 long-range soldiers with a Q skill under the tower, was extremely happy at the moment.

Seeing that Syndra and the prince were about to arrive, he was unambiguous.

Raise your hand.

Countless thick vines emerged from the ground and rolled forward.

Qi Zhou also understood that Syndra was here.

The vines are overwhelming, and the Juggernaut has nowhere to escape.

At the moment of entanglement, a German military flag fell from the sky, and then the prince Fang Tian drew a halberd to point the way and poked the sword master flying.

Syndra's figure also emerged from the fog of war.

"The ball girl QE pushes the ball, and the Juggernaut is controlled again."

"Haven't moved yet, the Juggernaut's HP is less than half."

"Wall curtain!"

"The rock sparrow has grown bigger, the battlefield has been divided into two, and the big tree has been separated!"

Three and a half minutes into the road Nabo, Juggernaut, Dashu, and Prince all surrendered their flashes.

At this moment, the big tree was separated by the rock sparrow's big move, unable to enter the arena.

Only the prince and Syndra output Juggernaut.

"The Juggernaut resumes his actions and meditates on the spot!"

"The ball girl and the prince ignored the rock sparrow, obviously they want to kill the sword master first!"

"Energy pouring!"

"What's the matter, the Juggernaut only has a small magic resistance, but the ball girl doesn't lose blood at all when hitting him with her big move?"

"Crag Sparrow hides behind Juggernaut, throws Stone Piercing 1 crazily"

"The prince's blood volume plummeted!"

"What's going on! The prince and Syndra's output to the Juggernaut seems to be the same as tickling."

Scout controls the chaffinch to throw a large boulder, and the blood volume of the prince in the stone formation plummets!
"Brother Zhou is so good?"

The juniors only focus on output, and don't need to move and hide skills.

Excited to the extreme.

"I have four skill points."

Qi Zhou replied.

The meditation is over, and the Bloodline of the Juggernaut Plateau is opened.

(End of this chapter)

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