Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 37[37] Science fiction: take 5 kills, the incense burner is not exclusive to AD

Chapter 37 [37] Sci-fi film: Hao (no) take (brain) pentakill, and the incense burner monster is not exclusive to AD
During the duration of Juggernaut W.

The output of the prince and Syndra did not knock down his blood volume.

Meditation is over.

The Juggernaut's blood volume returned to half instead.

The Juggernaut who activated the big move directly put the ignition on the prince.

The green fluorescent stick in Master Yi's hand turned red, and he began to slash at the prince.

"Why is this guy doing so much damage when he's out of flesh?"

The prince's blood volume was not high at all under the Rock Sparrow's skill, and at this moment the output of the Juggernaut hit him, and it was extremely painful.

[Rock mantle] lasts for a full 6 seconds.

Rangdi, who did not flash, could only stare at the partition wall.

Seeing Mala Xiangguo running towards him, he instantly understood that this was to make him W pass the wall.

By the way, imprison the Juggernaut and save the prince.

However, Scout released W [Stone Protrusion] in front of the prince, pushing him back!

The prince died under the chaotic sword of the sword master.

Xiaohu suddenly felt bad.

"The Juggernaut is slashing! Second W reduces the damage of Syndra Q."

"Syndra flashed across the wall, and the rock sparrow's ultimate move just disappeared!"

"Mad dog!"

"The big sword master is really a mad dog!"

The attack speed and movement speed provided by the plateau blood made Qi Zhou chase after the ball girl and slash.

Let Di's heavy and heavy tree can't keep up!

The ball girl's blood volume was swishing down.

Dashu hesitated for a moment, turned around and left.

Let the emperor understand that at this moment, there is no way to return to heaven.

If you continue to follow, you will only be buried with him.

"2 for 3, 0 for 2!"

"The sword master is too incomprehensible!"

The decibels of the doll are extremely high.

Miller said the highlights of this wave of small team battles:
"The classic of this wave of big move classics by my junior!"

"Perfectly divide the battlefield, so that the big tree cannot enter the field and interrupt the meditation of the Juggernaut."

"And the Juggernaut can eat up to [-] tons of output!"

"Not only did he not die, after the RNG Nakano had no skills, he went berserk and killed..."

The pig fans at the scene were also fanatical again.

The haze of EDG's defeat in the last round was swept away, and now they are enjoying the carnival.

The waves of the dog-pig war have even expanded on the Internet.

"Tsk tsk tsk... the spider has been shaved, and MLXG is completely scrapped!"

"To tell the truth, the factory director, Prince, is ten thousand times stronger than MLXG!"

"What's the name of the pig manure? They were crushed by puppies under the tower in the bottom lane, so they couldn't see them?"

"A group of SM cubs, if you want to fight offline, go to the forum to PK in the imperial city, don't bark here!"

"I finally figured it out, Sea's Juggernaut should master W to be so resistant!"

"Sword Master W? There was a Zabi who said Galen Master W before, and I turned black with my backhand after scolding, this Sword Master W is indeed a master!"


After this wave of small groups, going on the road seems to be a nightmare for RNG.

Let the emperor keep silent.

MLXG and Xiaohu also turned their attention to the bottom lane.

Hope is on the way down.

Only by helping Uzi push down the tower can the overall situation be revitalized.

Therefore, Dashu really became EDG's top laner, fighting against pressure alone.

Everyone in RNG took advantage of the rock sparrow's lack of a big move, and the four of them gathered together to go down the road.

Even though the wine barrel arrived in time, Fengnv was still killed, and VN also handed over the flash.

"RNG is very uncomfortable!"

"Swapped up and down, and it turned out that EDG didn't give face at all."

"VN Fengnv is still nailed to the bottom lane, and the big tree has not been liberated!"

"As for Qi Zhou's meat-clothed swordsman, even though he was hit by a small cannon, he still didn't move to make up troops, and he came back with a W blood!"

RNG's strategy of using small cannons to quickly push was completely bankrupt.

Uzi was even more aggrieved.

Logically speaking, if he brought an assistant, the Juggernaut on the opposite side should not even dare to go out of the tower.

But just now, as soon as the E skill was put on the defense, Qi Zhou's sword master activated his big move and rushed towards him.

11 minutes cloth shoes, ice fist.

Can't move at all!
Uzi has W skill, flash, ultimate move, and ran away.

But Star Mom was not so lucky.

The Juggernaut held the ignition in his hand, even though he had done his ultimate healing technique, he was still scraped to death by the chaotic sword.

What's even worse is that the Juggernaut is still standing on the corpse of Star Mother "Ctrl+3".

Holding the weapon in both hands and lifting the legs, this ghostly animal movement looks like a certain cheap dog.

cough cough...

Of course not myself.

It's called the Desert Grim Reaper.


The equipment that iBoy released in the first wave of returning to the city was attack speed shoes.

This means that his VN needs to be developed for more than 15 minutes.

Compared with RNG's lineup, EDG has the ability to start a group only with rock sparrows and wine barrels.

But the rock sparrow's ultimate move is often used to divide the battlefield when the opponent's formation is out of line.

And RNG is now on the defensive except for the middle lane.

Opportunities are hard to come by.

As for the director's wine barrel...the whereabouts are always watched by RNG.

Before I knew it, the game came to 22:45.
VN Sheep Knife and Luana's Hurricane were made.

Xiaopao finally suffocated the electric knife endlessly.

The mid laners of both sides are two and a half pieces.

"EDG's economy leads by 4000, but they have never found a chance to break through RNG's defense."

"Fengnv is in the line of sight of the Longkeng row, and the wine barrel and VN are also rushing there."

"It looks like they want the big dragon to force the group."

Miller calmly analyzed and deduced the next development of the game.

As he expected, EDG really wanted the dragon to force the team.

"Brother Zhou, didn't you say that if I use it in front of Uzi, VN will take over... Why is he still very stable in this round?"

On the screen, as the number of sheep knife layers rises, the speed at which VN fires crossbow bolts becomes faster and faster.

Cooperating with the splitting arrows of Hurricane Luana, the artillery line in the middle lane became gold coins in the bag in the blink of an eye.

"If you kill him alone, he will definitely be on top."

"This... wait!"

iBoy laughed awkwardly and walked towards the dragon pit.

Just entering the river to discharge grass, a German military flag fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the prince flew over through the wall.

Mala Xiangguo has been squatting in the field of vision? !

iBoy didn't have time to think, and handed over the flash.

But who knows, Mala Xiangguo reacted so fast that it used EQ flash.

"RNG actually started a team first!"

"The ball girl flashes to keep up, and cooperates with the prince to burst into instant VN."

From God's perspective, the baby naturally knows the location of the spicy pot card.

But I didn't expect him to be so decisive!
"Go! (Hit!)"

In the EDG team channel, two different voices sounded.

Kelieer Lawu was about to retreat, but he didn't expect Qi Zhou to want to fight.

You know, Xiao Zhao's VN is the biggest output position in the lineup.

At this moment, a soaring beam of light appeared from the blue zone of EDG.

The transmission of the big tree.

"Let's fight! Kill Xiaopao first."

The back road was cut off, and Kelier Lawu also compromised with reality.

Looking at the timing, E flashed and bumped into the prince.

In fact, it was a feinted shot, and the big move blasted back the cannon form Poppy who was moving forward!
Who would have thought of this?
The EWQ of the rock sparrow is all given to Uzi.

"Xianglu Xingma, the amount of milk is amazing!"

"Healing technique + W skill, abruptly saved Xiaopao."

"Small Pao W Jumping Rock Sparrow!!"

"The big tree's big move is also to entangle the wind girl and the sword master!"

EDG's lineup lacks control, and the rock sparrow with only three skills can't kill the small cannon in seconds.

Once the Q skill is activated, Bobby in the cannon form outputs crazily.

And Xiaohu's Syndra also flashed QE, hitting the rock sparrow.

Before the flash was used, the Rock Sparrow was instantly killed.

"The two output positions are gone, EDG will lose this wave of team battles!" Wawa gave EDG a verdict.

The double C was killed, and the wine barrel and the Juggernaut were all dressed in meat.

In his opinion, EDG has lost this wave.

"Not only will we lose, but we will even lose the big dragon. The advantage of the early kills will be gone!"

Miller thinks the same.

"What is the Juggernaut doing? He's cutting down a big tree?"

Just now Rangdi's ultimate move entangled the Juggernaut, preventing him from entering the arena.

Then he used the Asian binding, so that the Juggernaut couldn't flash the Q cannon, made up for the damage, and killed Uzi in seconds.

"If you don't hit the output, hit the big tree..."

Wawa was about to complain about Qi Zhou's operation, but suddenly found that Dashu's blood volume dropped wildly.

Is this still a phantom god?

How crisp and paper-like!
"The Juggernaut Ice Fist, Blue Shield, and Wisdom End Blade count as half of the output, why is the damage so high?"

Obviously, although the Meat Juggernaut has output in the baby's impression, it has not reached this level.

Looking at Dashu's equipment bar, the doll instantly calmed down: "Dashu only has sun-flame armor shoes until now, they are too brittle!"

"The wine barrel was jointly killed by Xiaopao and Syndra. There is no possibility of a comeback in this wave of team battles for EDG."

But the next scene.But the doll was left speechless.

After the big tree was killed, the Juggernaut rushed directly to Uzi's small cannon.

Uzi made a big push to persuade him to quit.

The Juggernaut took advantage of the situation and took aim at the prince beside him.

"incense burner!"

"It's the incense burner!"

Miller noticed the hint on the Juggernaut's weapon that it belonged to the Blazing Censer.

"The Juggernaut is already level 15!"

"The attack speed and extra damage provided by the blazing censer are combined with Wisdom's End, plus the E skill of the Juggernaut!"

"The output is no lower than any hero on the field!"

The red fluorescent long sword swung extremely fast, and the prince's blood volume immediately bottomed out.

Malaxiangguo's displacement skills have long been used up when killing VN.

【Double kill! 】

"The Juggernaut is too fleshy, the output of the small cannon hitting him is not painful!"

"Alpha Assault Ball Girl!"

"Doesn't he care about the cannon?"

Continuous killing, let the Juggernaut's mad dog state continue!
"Star mother is crazy about milk ball girl, but she can't save her at all!"

"But Juggernaut's HP is only 1/3, can Uzi end him?"

[Three kills! 】

Uzi is about to use his W skill to distance himself from the Juggernaut and continue to output.

But it was found that the Juggernaut was chanting incantations in place.

"How dare you!"

Uzi roared.

The bomb of the E skill [Explosive Shot] hung on the head of the Juggernaut.

Turn on crazy output mode.

However, Fengnv, who Meiko originally retreated, flashed to pull the distance from the Juggernaut.

[Recovery Monsoon] and [Meditation] double blood recovery.

"Although Xiaopao has endless electric knives, he didn't break armor!"

"Sea's Juggernaut belongs to the master W, the full level W fully reduces damage by 70%!"

"Uzi finally realized something was wrong, turned around and ran away!"

Seeing this, Qi Zhou also canceled the [Meditation].

With the help of the acceleration of the plateau blood, he chased after Xiaopao.

"How dare you!"

Uzi roared again, and w crossed the narrow wall perpendicular to the river's row of grass.

By the way, the bushes are inserted into the eyes.

The small cannon has a longer range, Uzi W has excellent control over the jump distance, and Juggernaut can't follow Q.


【Alpha Raid】

Uzi panicked but didn't shake his hands.

Wait for the Juggernaut to land and use his flash.

Go over the wall again!

Then output to Fengnv, who is only level 10.

"Depend on!"

Meiko didn't expect Uzi to dare to come back.

There is a red buff on Xiaopao's body, even if Fengnv moves very fast, she is still stuck.

Uzi worked hard, and Mother Xing also returned his blood back.

"Brother Zhou kills the nanny first, I can't leave."

Meiko is well aware of the power of the Censer Monster.

But Qi Zhou didn't respond, and still ran towards Xiaopao.

"Did you outshine me?"

With Star Mother's blood injection, Uzi resisted the general attack of the Juggernaut and killed Feng Nu.

Kill, W refresh.

Xiaopao jumped over the narrow wall again and kept firing the Juggernaut.

The E skill that Fengnv put on the Juggernaut before she died was instantly broken.

When Juggernaut came to Xiaopao, his HP was less than 1/4.
And Shi Mingsen's star mother keeps Wing, and Xiaopao's blood volume is restored to 3/4.
"How do you fight me?"

Uzi was so excited that he tapped Juggernaut fiercely.

Suddenly, an earthy yellow light appeared.

"Fuck, Blue Shield?!"

In an instant, the attack speed of the small cannon was slowed down.

Mad Dog Juggernaut approached again.

"It's so anxious! Uzi really showed off just now!"

"The Juggernaut's blood volume is running low, even though he has high physical damage, but if Xiaopao has a star mother, I think he will die."

The doll prophesied again.

He didn't expect this wave of team battles to be like this.

"Damn! Ignite?"

"Sea only uses ignition now?!"

"Did he forget that he was carrying a igniter!"

Originally, the blood volume of Juggernaut and Xiaopao was decreasing regularly, but suddenly Xiaopao's blood volume plummeted, which surprised the baby.

After careful observation, it was discovered that there was a ball of flames on Xiaopao's body, which was curbing Xingma's treatment.

[Four kills! 】

"The Juggernaut didn't die, he killed him instead!"

"The big move is extended, Star Mom can't escape!"

"Five kills!"

[Five kills! 】

"Fuck, Brother Zhou, you're a cowhide!" iBoy didn't expect Qi Zhou to be able to complete the anti-kill, and then said: "Did you forget to ignite it just now?"

"Otherwise Xiaopao would have died long ago!"

Qi Zhou turned on W to recover his health, and then slowly said: "I want to blow him up and make him feel like he's being played."

(End of this chapter)

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