Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 38 [38] Playing Juggernaut does not talk about operation, just for the coolness of cutting!

Chapter 38 [38] Playing Juggernaut does not talk about operation, just for the coolness of cutting!
“Deadly iodized salt!!!”

"Spray his ball! Aquaman is mighty!"

"I thought the meat sword master was scraping, but I didn't expect that Xiaopao is the real scraping (smile)!"

"Why? Uzi's operation is so six, and the reckless sword master has five kills!"

"I really vomited, the damage of a brainless hero is so high!"

"Anyway, what I see is cool. It's really a mad dog. When it sees people, it will go up and chop!"

"This wave of team battle Juggernaut hit at least 8792 output!"


For a while, the official live broadcast room was covered by a rush of white barrage.

There has never been a lack of wonderful and unstoppable operations in professional games.

However, just now, Sword Master Qi Zhou was like a mad dog in the bronze game, slashing at whoever he saw, and relentlessly staring at one target, like a gangster's unreasonable five kills, but the audience was hooked.

This is the real Juggernaut!

Second W, Q hiding skill Sparrow Food is very handsome.

But the most enjoyable and enjoyable one is the Juggernaut who started the plateau blood and slashed wildly.

Avenue to Jane.

Every time the Juggernaut swings his weapon, the enemy's blood volume will drop by a fraction.

And the Meat Sword Saint made Qi Zhou's offensive continue for a long time.

Qi Zhou brings the viewer's spirit to a climax through the most simple attack.

The only word "cool" in the whole process.


"I slipped him like a dog, why should he kill me?!"

Uzi looked at the bloody Juggernaut, feeling extremely angry in his heart!
I manipulated the limit and hit the full damage, but was hacked to death by the Juggernaut without a brain.

"In this wave, as long as I whisper, he will die!"

"No, I haven't made the artillery yet, it's too far behind!"

"Xiangguo, give me your big bird, and..."

However, when Uzi was revived, he found that his wild area was emptied by the Scavenger Juggernaut.

Don't talk about birds, you can't even see a hair.

EDG played 4 for 5 in this wave of team battles. It seemed like a narrow victory, but it was actually a bit of a loss.

The two C positions were instantly killed without any output.

Rock sparrow is okay, got 2 assists.

As for the iBoy's Wei En, since he was the one who was fired, he will have zero income after death.

"Hey! Sister-in-law, protect Brother Zhou during your team battle!"

"The opponent has more than [-] million control points. As long as Brother Zhou doesn't get killed in seconds, we can win."

The development of ibBoy has been half a big behind UZI's small cannon.

After seeing the power of the Meat Sword Master and the Incense Burner Monster Wind Girl, even if he bought Mercury, he didn't think he could continuously evade RNG's control.

The big tree, the prince, and Syndra are all controlled, and the silent barrier created by the nanny's E skill [Mana Infusion] is even more Tianke VN.

"That's right! With the extra damage provided by Wisdom's Edge and Incense Burner, coupled with the true damage of Juggernaut's E skill, brother Zhou's output is also full!"

"I dare not think that such a quick pentakill was done by a pure meat sword master!"

Apparently, Meiko was also surprised by the wind girl sword master combination.

"Hurry up and develop, before the small cannon breaks the armor, we will force another wave of dragons!"

Qi Zhou was very safe, and went back to the city to make up another green armor, and then said: "The other side has a lot of control birds, Jiang Zi should not be seconded..."


Several teammates opened the equipment bar, horrified in their hearts.

Sure enough, brother Zhou is steady.

If it were them instead, it is very likely that they would choose the broken or sheep knife.

"The next one is Bing Xin or Plate Armor?"

Commentary seat.

"In less than 27 minutes, the Juggernaut will be in Liushen when he returns home!"

"In the game, this speed is really fast, and the AD in the team is now only Yang Dao, Hurricane, Endless, and Mercury Sash."

The baby was very surprised to see that the Juggernaut had an extra resurrection armor, filling the equipment bar completely.

"Sea's equipment is much better than double C, but he always only eats one line, and the extra money is obtained by killing people or invading the opposite wild area." Miller added, his words are full of praise.

"When encountering this kind of Juggernaut, Xiangguo is really uncomfortable. He doesn't dare to punish the wild monsters without a few teammates!"

"The five members of EDG are gathered in Dalongkeng, obviously trying to force the group!"

From God's perspective.

The field of vision around RNG's big dragon pit has been cleared, and the five EDG players started to fight the dragon directly.

Almost at the same time, the signals of several RNG players appeared in Dalongkeng.

"There is no one in the river grass."

Uzi used foresight to transform, but did not find the trace of the blue square.

"Couldn't it have already started?"

Spicy Xiangguo was suspicious, and walked from the grass in front of the Red buff camp to the back of the big dragon pit.

The German flag fell.

Dalongkeng's vision was instantly illuminated.

Baron Nash's blood volume is less than half!
"VN and Juggernaut are fighting dragons too fast!"

"The RNG team is a little out of touch, will they make it in time?"

Suddenly, countless thick vines were summoned from the ground.

The big tree grows directly towards the dragon pit.

In the narrow dragon pit, except for VN and rock sparrow standing at the exit, the rest of the people were all restrained.

Shackles only restrict movement and displacement skills.

Baron's health is still dropping.

Less than 2000!
Mala Xiangguo's heart was ruthless, and he used a giant dragon to hit and rushed into the dragon pit!

And Xiaohu is also decisive, Syndra flashes on his way, QE pushes the ball and stuns the wine barrel and Fengnv.

"good chance!"

"RNG grabbed the dragon!"

The yellow punishment came down, and the dragon turned into nothingness and disappeared in the canyon.

Purple buffs appeared on the soles of the five people on the red side.


"What is Sea doing, flashing up directly, Alpha raiding Syndra?!"

The imprisonment of Dashu's big move ended.

The yellow light on the soles of Juggernaut's feet flashed, and he appeared in front of Syndra in the next second.

"The wind girl also flashed?!"

"Just to put a shield on the Juggernaut?"

"The big tree is bound in Asia, the Uzi is big, and the Juggernaut is directly repelled!"

"Sea didn't give any face, or continued to rush towards Syndra."

From God's perspective.

Juggernaut is like a mad bull with jealousy, suddenly plunged into the team of four RNG.

Blue Shield is used.

Syndra was quickly overtaken.

One knife, two knives...

After turning on the E skill, Juggernaut's long sword is not only completely red, but also Fengnv's incense burner brings a blood-red afterglow to his weapon.

Except for the upper half of the output equipment of Wisdom's End, Juggernaut does not have a single output equipment.

However, his basic attack caused Syndra's HP to drop rapidly.

The small cannon on the side also turned on QE and frantically lit the Juggernaut.

"Star mother has given in all her treatments and big moves, but she still can't save her!"

"The little cannon has been lit for a long time, but the Juggernaut is still half blooded!"

At the same time, the prince in the dragon pit was also killed by the three of EDG.

"Brother Zhou hold on, I'm coming!"

Scout rock sparrow started a big move, trying to cut off RNG's back road.

But suddenly, a shock wave appeared, knocking him off the rock mantle.

"Da Shu left a Q skill!"

"The timing is just right!"

"Double kill!"

"Star mother was killed by the sword master!"

"Only small cannons and big trees are left in RNG."

Juggernaut's R skill [Plateau Blood] will increase its duration if you get a kill.

Coupled with the Q skill's lock-and-attack close-up, even if the Uzi cannon flashes W and is in his hand, he still cannot escape.

"Three kills!"

"Do you want to continue killing the big tree?"

Just when everyone thought Qi Zhou Sword Saint killed Hongyan, he suddenly changed direction and did not continue to chase Dashu.

"sea chose to push the tower!"

"Is he thinking about it?"

"The Second Tower has fallen!"

"VN also rushed over."

Rang is the only one left in RNG. Even with the dragon buff on his body, he can't stop EDG from advancing.

In the end, Juggernaut fought against the tower with his body, and with a blood cannon cart, he pushed down RNG's main base.

EDG regained a victory!
1:1 level.

(End of this chapter)

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