Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 39 [39] Dog Head vs Jian Ji, it's time to fight the game

Chapter 39 [39] Gou Tou vs Jian Ji, it's time to fight the details

[This game is mainly written in detail by the dry goods teaching of the dog head. In the future, except for the whole work and the epic enhancement of the dog head, the dog head will not appear so frequently]

"Ban Juggernaut!"

After a short halftime break, the third inning begins.

Qi Zhou's Juggernaut in the previous round was like the sword of Damocles, hanging high above RNG's head.

Even if the emperor patted his chest and promised that his Gnar could beat Qi Zhou's pure meat master W Juggernaut.

But RNG finally chose to send Juggernaut to the ban position.

This is the safest and most effective way.

In addition, they are the blue team in this round, and the red team EDG also needs to reserve a ban position for Calista, so it does not suffer.

3ban ended.

The two sides have banned: Juggernaut, Xia, and Wine Barrel; Skateboard Shoes, Lulu, and Policewoman.

"Uzi still hasn't used Xayah?"

Qi Zhou, who has been in various post bars all year round, suddenly asked a question when he saw RNG sending Xia to the ban position.

"It seems so."

"He doesn't seem to play AD very much without displacement."

iBoy knows a lot about matchups.

"Haha...then the BP is still slightly better than ours!!"

"They wasted 2 ban slots, we got 1."

With an easy victory in the last game, coupled with Qi Zhou's different angle of "going to the next city first", everyone in EDG became relaxed and happy.

The first round of selection is over.

RNG: Wind Girl, Xiaopao, Syndra
EDG: Prince, Enchantress, Mouse
"Give me two ban positions, I want to play dog ​​head."

Suddenly, Qi Zhou's voice sounded.

When everyone heard the words, they all showed surprise in their eyes.

Qi Zhou never took the initiative to ask Ban.

"My lord's dog head, I am very relieved! If you want to ban anything, just say it!"

iBoy answered first, and then several people also echoed.

"Gnar, Olaf."

EDG took advantage of the situation to ban Olaf.

And RNG only has one ban position left.

After seeing EDGban drop Olaf, everyone in RNG said almost at the same time: "He wants to choose the dog head again?"

In the knockout round, all the participating teams noticed Qi Zhou's brilliant performance with two heads.

Olaf was banned, and the hero "Desert Death" naturally appeared in everyone's minds.

Because ban other heroes, it can also be said to target Letme's hero pool.

But when the hero Olaf is banned, what people immediately think of is that Sea wants to choose the dog's head, and is afraid of Olaf's big move.

"Ban dog head?"

Obviously, at this moment, as long as RNG bans the dog's head, the ban position of EDG is equivalent to free.

"No ban!"

Rang Di gave a firm and forceful answer, and then explained: "There are many top laners who can restrain the dog's head! As long as you don't choose those stupid tanks, I, Jess, Sword Girl, and Crocodile will abuse him casually!"

"As long as he dares to choose, I dare to surpass God!"



"I agree!"

In the end, RNG gave Luo the only remaining ban position.

The reason is very simple, Lulu was banned, and the only ones who can be called incense burner monsters are Nanny, Luo, Karma, and Gems.

Among these auxiliary heroes, only Luo has strong control and can start a team.

Of the three currently selected by EDG, only the prince can start a team.

Under the circumstances that 90.00% of Qi Zhou will choose the dog's head, banning Luo is undoubtedly a serious blow to EDG!
Subsequently, EDGban dropped Gnar.

"EDG took the lead in selecting the dog head. It seems that sea is quite confident in his dog head!"

"RNG chose the pig girl to play wild, what top singles will Letme choose to play the dog head?"

"I guess it's Jess!" The baby immediately took up Miller's words and said, "Jess this..."

However, before Doll could finish speaking, RNG chose the top laner.

Cold, unruly, elegant, fierce!
It is the magnificent female swordsman——Fiona!

- "I long for a worthy opponent."

"Sword Girl, Letme actually chose Sword Girl!"

After the revision, Jian Ji has been on the professional league stage in S5, S6, and S7.

However, compared to other popular top laners, Jian Ji's appearance rate is very low.

The reason is nothing more than the aggressiveness with which she matches her persona.

Because the role of this hero in the mid-term is not as good as that of meat tanks.

So when you take out Sword Fairy, you must be confident, and you must have an advantage online.

This also means that there is a risk of being caught at any time.

"EDG chose Thresh as the last support position, and obviously realized that their lineup lacks control."

"The third game begins!"


Pawn lines are divided into balance lines, slow push lines (slow back push lines), fast push lines (fast back push lines), and reset lines.

The balance line, that is, the small soldiers on both sides meet on the extension line in the middle of the river, attack and die at the same time, basically does not exist.

It is absolutely impossible for Qi Zhou's dog head to fight against Emperor Jianji in the early stage.

Therefore, we can only start with the pawn line and control the line.

As long as the line is controlled, Qi Zhou can "hear experience" and stabilize the early development.

At the same time, don't give Mala Xiangguo a chance to gank himself.

"Ming Kai, don't pay too much attention to me, just put your attention on the road."

"I can hold on."

"Uzi's mentality in the last game was already low, and he is our breakthrough point in this game!"

Ke Lier La Wu naturally understood what Qi Zhou meant.

However, he was still a little afraid that Qi Zhou would be defeated by Jian Ji in the early stage.

Seemingly aware of Kelieer Lawu's doubts, Qi Zhou smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't miss the knife!"

"Unless Nakano comes together, they can't kill me."

Qi Zhou's words gave Ke Lier La Wu a reassurance.

"Okay, I can't bear it anymore and call me."

In this game, the junglers of both sides chose to play in the lower field.

Before the pawn line reached the line, Qi Zhou Goutou stood under the defense tower without moving.

the reason is simple.

If you want to form a push-back line at the first wave line, there are nothing more than two ways: stuck line and beaten control line.

In this round, the card line can only be used by Jian Ji.

Because the card line needs to stand in front of the opponent's tower and swing left and right, gather three melee minions into a pile, and wait for your own minions to cross the river before pulling out the minion's hatred.

Only in this way will a slow pushback line be formed (not all the soldiers are killed, the next wave of soldiers arrives, and the intersection point moves a little towards your side).

The location of the opponent's sword girl is unknown.

If the hypothetical principle of "Wuhu Da Sima" is used, then she is very likely to be in the first grass.

This means that if Qi Zhou wants to get stuck in front of her tower, he will be beaten in vain, and even given a blood.

Therefore, card line cannot be used in this game.

Therefore, if Qi Zhou wants to form a push-back line in the first wave, he can only be "beaten".

And being beaten is also skillful.

The most important thing is to "go online with minions".

If you go online before the minions, or walk in front of the pawn line, as long as the sword girl pulls it, the dog's head will only be consumed in vain.

Because as long as Jian Ji retreats immediately after beating the dog's head, or enters the grass, the hatred of the soldiers will disappear.

In this round, EDG is on the red side, and the top lane is at a natural disadvantage.

When the first wave of small soldiers arrived at the tower, Qi Zhou controlled the dog's head to stand between the first ranged soldier and the second ranged soldier and walked towards the line.

(End of this chapter)

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