Chapter 40
Letme Swordswoman hid in a grass as Qi Zhou expected.

Qi Zhou's two matchups in the group stage were watched by the emperor.

In the first game against Big Chongzi, it can only be said that C9's top laner has no brains.

Such a poor blood-selling control line, he didn't even notice it.

deserved to lose.

In the second game against the trolls, Qi Zhou sprinted at the start, and his operation of stationing troops in front of the Highland Tower was really impressive.

But this is a strange trick and can only be used once.

It is impossible to score twice in the game, and using it again will only give it for nothing.

So after inserting a defensive eye position in the river, Rangdi hid in a grass.

But at this time he was a little disappointed.

The melee soldiers walked out of the attack range of the defense tower, but the dog's head still did not show up.

Rang Di immediately understood that Qi Zhou had seen through his idea of ​​wasting blood before the lines meet.

But it doesn't matter, there are many methods and skills that Sword Fairy can suppress the dog's head at level 1.

Don't you just want to wait for the line of soldiers to meet and stand behind to hear the experience!
Immediately, Rangdi decided to "cross the line to press experience".

When the pawn lines converged and Goutou went online to hear the experience, he went out from the grass and pushed him out of the experience area.

Because the two sides fight in this position, it will not attract the hatred of the soldiers.

As long as Jian Ji knocks the dog's head out of the experience zone, even if she can't make up the knife, she still earns.

Although the red square pawn line is inherently disadvantaged, if the soldiers on both sides are allowed to fight, the pawn line will eventually lean towards the dog head tower.

But this also means that the dog head can't get the experience of at least 2 waves of soldiers.

At that time, Jian Ji was promoted to 3, and the dog's head was still a little short of experience from being promoted to 2.

As long as the Spicy Hot Pot arrives at the right time, Jian Ji and Zhu Mei can definitely jump over the tower and kill the dog's head full of blood.

Level 3 Swordsman does not have Tiamat, and the fastest combo to deal damage is Q+A+EA+W+(E)A.

Let the emperor's talent is war enthusiasm.

The red mark of the rune is full armor penetration (14.94), the big essence has a fixed attack (6.75), and the runes are the growth of health and the growth of magic resistance.

Combos can provide close to 400 points of damage.

As for the pig girl with the attack speed rune of the Xiangguo jungle knife, the speed of brushing the three groups of wilds (red-blue-frog) in the early stage is slightly faster than that of the prince.

The damage of the two is cumulative, and the dog head at level 1 will undoubtedly die.

However, Letme was disappointed.

When the dog head appears in the lane, it is sandwiched between ranged minions, and it is not disconnected.

"Come north, you!"

Totally not as expected.

Rangdi's idea of ​​"crossing the line to press experience" went bankrupt in an instant.

Now if you go out to hit the dog's head, it will consume more than 200 blood points at most.

The price is to attract the attention of the long-range soldiers, and eat 1~2 waves of concentrated fire attacks from the red side long-range soldiers.

For Emperor Rang, the damage caused by long-range soldiers is second, and the most important thing is that after this, the line of soldiers will "quickly" advance towards the dog's head tower.

This is what he least wants to see.

Why are there so many versions of the popular top laner and don't choose Sword Fairy?
Don't you want to beat the dog's head into two ha in the early stage!

Let him blow the opening and pay for his choices.

"Jian Ji didn't move in the grass, and let the dog's head go online!"

"Doesn't this consume a wave?"

"It's good to make an opening!"

After the game was loaded, the director scanned the positions of the heroes on both sides, and then fixed the camera on the top road.

Because everyone is looking forward to the contest between Qi Zhou and Rang Di in the early stage.

As everyone knows, the first wave of silent confrontation between the two sides has ended.

Qi Zhou followed the pawn line to the meeting point.

He didn't have a pawn, but turned around and started "Ctrl+3" in the direction of Yicao.

"Oh...sea danced towards the grass, he knew that Jian Ji was hiding inside?" The baby pushed his glasses, but figured it out quickly.

"Letme should be waiting for an opportunity. If he hits the dog's head now, even though he can gain an advantage in blood volume, it will also attract the hatred of the minions."

"If the pawn line is pushed to the red side, it will be difficult to kill the dog's head."

The pair of Haier brothers have their own missions.

Usually Miller is talking about the understanding of the game, and the doll is controlling the atmosphere of the scene.

Seeing the doll raised its head, Miller also expressed his inference.

"I guess Letme will probably do it at the moment when the melee soldiers are about to die!"

Then he explained why.

When the melee soldiers on both sides are about to die in battle, Jian Ji attacks the dog head, although it will also gain the hatred of the soldiers.

But as long as Jian Ji hits a wave and immediately enters the grass, it won't have much impact on the pawn line.

Because after Jian Ji attacked the dog's head, the red side ranged soldiers turned to attack Jian Ji.

This will cause the red side's melee soldiers to die first, but as long as the sword girl enters the grass immediately, the ranged soldiers will turn their attention back to the blue side's residual blood melee soldiers.

The pawn lines of both sides will be balanced until there are three ranged pawns with full health left.

Ranged soldiers have an attack range of 550.
When the first wave of pawn lines met, both sides stood in a long-range row at the end, and their straight-line distance was more than 550.

Therefore, even if the blue side's ranged soldiers destroy the red side's melee soldiers first, they still need to move forward for a certain distance to attack the red side's ranged soldiers.

This also offset the wave of attacks from the red side's long-range soldiers on Jian Ji.

As Miller reasoned, so did letme's thinking.

When the melee soldiers on both sides were about to die, Jian Ji walked from Yicao to the dog's head.

Qi Zhou didn't pay attention.

The dog's head raised the weapon in his hand, and the normal attack made up for a bloody melee soldier, and then immediately used [Soul Draining Blow].


Huge profit.

At the same time, a magnificent and ruthless female swordsman arrives.

The slender iron sword poked at the back of the dog's head, and Jian Ji immediately used [Breakthrough Slash] to hit the opening on the right side of it.

In an instant, the blood volume of the dog's head dropped by more than one bar.

And Jian Ji walked towards the nearest middle grass with the help of the movement speed provided by the passive duel dance.

"Accurate prophecy! It seems that Brother Haier has worked hard recently!"

"As long as there are not two lumps of meat on the order, this position is the most detail-oriented!"

"The dog's head bar came here especially for its reputation, the owner of this honor bar is not very good..."

"Brother, you took the C3 driver's license test, right? This is the content of A1, you can't understand it. And you have to call the desert death outside!"

"Oasis Living Buddha! Dead dog in the desert! Pastoral Erha!"

"Goutou is a hero, it's almost enough to play once or twice. I really don't understand, how dare he take it!"

"Sword Princess can kill a dog's head with one hand!"

"Master, dog-headed tulle swordswoman! You laymen, watch!"

Rangdi's small operations caused a sharp increase in the number of bullet screens.

I'm used to seeing two lumps of meat colliding against each other on lpl, this time the human-dog fight is particularly eye-catching.

Letme, as a native LPL top laner, mostly used heroes like Big Bug, Big Tree, Aoun, and Shen this season.

In the previous round, it was Dashu, and in this round, Jian Ji was selected.

This kind of contrast makes the fans exclaim excitement.

And Qi Zhou saved EDG's dog head in the group stage, and he is also famous.

Even many "Little Smarts" have learned of his title of "Desert God of Honor Bar Lord".

Therefore, everyone pays more attention to the orphan lane than the bottom lane.

Make Emperor Jianji as expected.

After eating a wave of attacks from the red side's long-range minions, he hid in the grass.

Although the three melee soldiers did not make up, the advantage has been played out.

As long as you spend a few more waves like this, when the spicy hot pot pig girl comes out to the wild after brushing, she can still jump over the tower and kill.

After all, the W of the dog head is not considered a hard control.

It's a big deal, just hand in a tower at that time.

However, he found something was wrong.

"The little soldier on the other side is going to hang up, and beat me if I get into the grass?"


Commentary seat.

Miller widened his eyes and said in disbelief:

"Sea not only guessed that Jian Ji would hide in a grass at the beginning, but also guessed this wave of operations by Letme!"

"The moment he completed the melee soldier with the Q skill, he inserted an accessory eye in the middle grass."

"In this way, Jian Ji Jincao will not be able to get rid of the hatred of the soldiers!"

"When the second wave of soldiers arrives, there will be a slow push line towards the red side on the road."


The brief brain shutdown caused the Emperor to manipulate Jian Ji out of the middle grass even though he hadn't figured out what was going on instinctively.

After entering Yicao, the hatred of the red ranged soldiers who followed him disappeared instantly.

He also instantly understood the reason for the scene just now.

"I underestimated you!" Rang Di muttered.

He has a feeling of being played.

Qi Zhou's action of inserting eyes in the bushes earlier made him suffer two more waves of long-range soldiers' attacks.

This also means that the wire control is out of control.

The number of pawn lines on both sides and the state of small pawns are the easiest elements to infer the trend of pawn lines.

When the difference between the two is not too big, the most important factor in determining the trend of the pawn line is the [number of long-range pawns]! ! !
Why do you say that?
Melee soldiers have thick blood volume and low attack, and their number determines the position of the intersection point of the soldier lines.

Ranged soldiers have thin health and high attack, and their number determines the speed at which the lines of both sides are consumed.

When the hero does not intervene, the melee soldiers die before the ranged soldiers.

Therefore, when one side's pawn line disappears, there will only be more "ranged pawns".

Even if these ranged soldiers are left with blood, as long as the follow-up soldiers come up, the melee soldiers will come in front of them.

Such extra ranged soldiers can still be output.

and so.

With one or two more ranged soldiers, the lower wave line will become a slow push line.

With three more long-range soldiers, the lower wave line will become a fast push line.

Three rounds of long-range soldiers focus fire, which can be equivalent to one long-range soldier.

And Qi Zhou's warding just now caused Emperor Rang to suffer damage from 3 waves of small soldiers.

So the line is definitely out of control.

Thinking of this, let the emperor be cruel.

He wants to switch to a more aggressive style of play and directly exchange blood with the dog head.

Stepping out of the grass, Jian Ji pointed at the dog's head and kept approaching.

Seeing this, Qi Zhou manipulated the dog's head and walked towards Jian Ji.

Dog head AQ.

Sword Princess AAQ.

The tricks are similar, after the dog's head is beaten, it runs towards the tower, while Jian Ji is reluctant and wants to chase it.

But the dog's head's movement speed is 350, and the sword girl's speed is only 345.

In the end, Jian Ji was beaten by the red long-range soldiers again in vain.

Once again helped the dog head to expand the "weakness in the line of troops".

Got tricked again...

Seeing Jian Ji's lonely back, Qi Zhou "Ctrl+3" again.

The graceful dance is a blessing to you~
It's just jumping a little too fast.

Mala Xiangguo brushed the Moma Frog, but his sights had already stayed on the road.

The intersection point of the pawn line has reached the front of the defense tower's attack distance.

"Brother, it's a little difficult for me to deal with your pawn line!"

Let God sigh.

Before the start, he made an appointment with Xiangguo for military training.

But now...

"Come here and help me do a back squat, and then look for opportunities in other ways."

"If the factory manager doesn't use Big Bird, he will be here soon."

Mala Xiangguo nodded.

After brushing the magic marsh frog, go from the first tower on the road to the wall and walk into the grass on the line.

However, there was bad news on the way down.

Claire Spicy Dance was caught again at level 2, and Uzi died.

Choosing the small cannon means pushing the tower quickly.

After all, with this hero, it is too unreasonable if the first blood tower is not the next tower of the opponent.

Therefore, Uzi's pawn line had already been pushed under the defense tower by Uzi, and even the defense tower had already lost 1/5 of its HP.

Qi Zhou's dog's head appeared along with the pawn line, and RNG also defaulted to the prince's blue opening.

For this reason, the RNG duo made a special field of vision to prevent the prince from being caught at level 2.

But when the second wave of lines was cleared, the prince still did not appear.

Obviously, there will not be a situation where the prince hits blue and then eats a toad and then runs down the road to catch it.

So Uzi let his guard down.

Unexpectedly, at 2 minutes and 42 seconds, the prince with a level 2 double buff stepped on the explosive fruit and jumped into the grass in the river, and circled behind Xiaopao and Fengnv.

Of course, Uzi and Shi Mingsen discovered it immediately.

But the back jump of the small cannon's W skill was interrupted by Meiko Thresh's E flash.

Although he turned in the flash again immediately, he was still hit by Thresh Q.

Retention, serial control.

This is the charm that distinguishes Hard Assistant from the Censer Monster.

The prince rushed to hand over the E skill to frighten Fengnv to flash, and then used the red buff to stick people to cooperate with the mouse and Thresh to kill the small cannon.

Get the first blood and amaze the audience.

You know, because of Qi Zhou's dog head and Emperor Jianji, RNG crushed EDG with 82% of the votes on which side could get the first blood.

"Arrested at level 2, the factory manager is arrested again at level 2!"

"You know, the second wave of pawn lines on the road just met when the prince just finished fighting red."

"At that time, I noticed that the factory manager turned his head downwards and didn't take a second look at the road."

"He's not worried about Qi Zhou at all."

"This is the trust in the dog's head, and it is also the determination to catch him at level 2!"

The doll is in high spirits and has a loud voice.

The cheers of the EDG fans on the scene continued to rise along with his commentary.

The first blood at 2 minutes and 50 seconds seems to have increased EDG's chances of winning this game by 50%.

After playback.

The camera of the director switched to the middle lane instantly.

There is another fight!

Xiaohu's round was still the same as the previous round, and he chose Syndra.

The main reason is that he has a high proficiency in the hero Syndra.

In addition, Syndra's QE combo can interrupt the enchantress' QW combo, and she is the hero of the counter sister.

Coupled with the length of the hands, it can almost be said to be able to rub the enchantress on the ground in the early stage.

However, what the audience didn't expect was that in the screen at this moment, the imprint caused by the demon girl's E skill was connected to Syndra, and her W skill had already turned purple and black.

When the time is up, the E skill binds Syndra, and the enchantress [Devil's Mark] is played.

The orb activates.

Cooperating with Lord Thunder's decree, Syndra's blood volume was only a little over one bar.

The director called up the playback again.

"Scout's positioning perfectly avoids Syndra's orb!"

"Turn around a little, and dodge this seemingly sure-fire QE putt!"

"The enchantress is bringing a teleportation flash, if it ignites this wave, I will kill it alone!"

"Little Tiger made a big mistake."


In the first 3 minutes of the game, EDG's middle and wild players have achieved a huge advantage.

On the road, Qi Zhou Goutou made up the knife, although he was 4 times ahead of Jian Ji.

But Jian Ji would Q Goutou whenever she had a chance, causing Qi Zhou's blood volume to only remain at a little over half.

The micromanagement of the pawn line at level 1 is just to allow the dog to eat the line more comfortably.

However, facing the Peerless Swordswoman, its way of resisting pressure is still going on!

 Thanks to [Drunk Mo Liulizi] and [Meng Wang II] for their rewards
(End of this chapter)

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