Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 41 [41] Fiona, the clown in the eyes of the dog, the hero of the sewer

Chapter 41 [41] Fiona, the clown in the eyes of the dog, the hero of the sewer

There are two kinds of Sword Princess consumable Q skills, namely Limit Q and Pull Q.

As the name suggests, the limit Q is to break through the Q flaw within the limit range of the Q skill, and complete the consumption without damage.

Qi Zhou's dog head is accompanying the defense tower.

But because it has no displacement and strong control, letme does not need to worry about the problem of low limit Q error tolerance and easy avoidance into the empty window period.

Therefore, as long as the flaws are refreshed well, there will be a chance.

Rangdi will find an opportunity to use the limit Q to consume the dog's head.

Fiona, who used to have a sharp-edged waltz, is cool and elegant.

The Peerless Swordsman who is now dancing duel is cruel and sharp.

The quick and precise [Breakthrough Slash] hit the dog's head, and with the short-term movement speed bonus, it was fast enough to overwhelm the defense tower.

Complete the consumption under the tower without taking damage.

Kelier Lawu went down the road to expose his vision, so that Emperor didn't have to worry about being gank for the time being, but he was very anxious.

Spicy hot pot pig girl ate a group of stone beetles from the prince and was watching in the grass behind the tower.

However, due to the revised version of Dolan's Shield combined with the dog's head's passive life stealing, Emperor Jianji's Q skills are constantly consumed, but the dog's head's blood volume can still be maintained at about 2/3.

This made him very angry, but helpless.

If Qi Zhou's dog head wants to make up soldiers, he will definitely get the sword girl's ultimate Q.

But Rangdi wanted to play Q once more.

Pulling Q close to the body to level A and then pulling Q can also avoid the damage of the defensive tower, but there are requirements for the position under the dog head tower.

Obviously, Old Gou Qi Zhou didn't give Jian Ji a chance at all.

"The blood volume has not reached the killing line..."

Mala Xiangguo is also hesitating, after all, the person who wants to jump over the tower is a dog head who has no countermeasures.

But he opened the equipment bar and took a look, and there were actually 2 biscuits in the dog's head.

Decisively choose to leave.

"I went to eat river crabs, the prince should have finished beating the three wolves..."

Originally, Mala Xiangguo's jungle clearing speed was faster than that of Kreer Lawu, but he wasted a lot of time by stopping on the road.

"I'll go, does he know I'm here?"

Riding a pig turned around and didn't take a few steps, the dog's head under the tower suddenly kicked its legs and danced towards the grass behind.

This surprised Xiangguo.

But it's only natural to think about it.

The factory manager only took double buffs and went to the bottom lane. EDG must have guessed that he wanted to grab the factory manager's stone beetle.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

From Jian Ji's frequent left and right movements, Qi Zhou sensed Emperor's urgent desire to exchange blood and suppress.


The more this is the case, the more impossible it is for Qi Zhou to let him succeed.

You move left and right, I pull back and forth.

piss you off!
It can be said that all operations of Jian Ji are closely related to fluency and distance.

In the case of being completely face-to-face, as long as a silver player with a little manipulation can beat Qi Zhou's dog's head on the ground before level 6.

But if you can keep a sufficient distance from Jian Ji, even Tong Tiandai and Unique Skill brother with full proficiency will become dumb zombies and cannot perform effective operations.

"Depend on!"

Let the emperor yell.

The flaw just refreshed was on the right side of the dog's head, and he manipulated Jian Ji to move sideways towards the dog's head along the attack range of the defense tower.

At that time, the dog head was preparing for the long-range soldier whose Q was hit by the tower.

Let the emperor immediately send a limit Q.

Unexpectedly, the dog's head suddenly stopped its general attack and walked parallel to the right.

Jian Ji's Q was not free, but it didn't hit the opening of the dog's head sideways.

And Qi Zhou backhandedly labeled Jian Ji as "weak and powerless".

After hitting the defensive tower twice in a row, Jian Ji's blood volume was instantly lower than that of the dog's head.

But Qi Zhou chose to eat a piece of biscuit, green light filled his whole body, and his blood volume soon approached full state.

Got tricked again...

If it wasn't for worrying that the director would switch the camera to him at any time, Rang Di would definitely want to slap the keyboard.

Qi Zhou's dog's head gave him the feeling that he had nowhere to use his strength.

Two words, really TM "aggrieved"!
On the contrary, Qi Zhou was very happy to make up for the knife under the tower.

As a post bar veteran sailor.

Of course, it is impossible for Qi Zhou to drink only one [Desert Reaper] in two and a half years.

As the saying goes, "Know yourself and know the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without imperil." Qi Zhou has more or less been involved in the postings of all the heroes.

In normal times, although Qi Zhou seldom uses the hero Fiona.

However, he was able to hold his head high and proudly say, "In all the people present, no one understands how the dog's head tortures Jian Ji better than me."

The credit here belongs to [Wu Shuang Jian Ji Bar] 8U.

Let him know so many sword princess tricks...

If you win this game, you can go to the post bar and publish the results of your own retreat and research after the game is over:

[The Law of Refreshing the Flaws of Peerless Swordswoman]

"Weaknesses are divided into two groups, the front and the back. If the frontal flaw is destroyed, the next flaw will definitely be refreshed on the back..."


The front line of the tower is equivalent to providing the red side with the damage of 3 long-range soldiers.

In addition, letme chose to push the line quickly and put Qi Zhou under the defensive tower.

Therefore, at 5 minutes and 37 seconds, the defensive tower attack fell, and the dog's head followed by a Q skill, and the last blue melee soldier on the road disappeared.

Due to the frequent consumption of dog heads and the fact that he missed a lot of soldiers on the front line, Rang Di ate the second swift crab on the river with the help of Xiangguo.

Save enough money to buy Tiamat and go home.

And Qi Zhou, taking advantage of the resetting of the army line just now, returned to the city where he was.

After coming back, Jian Ji will have to level six experience if she eats a few more soldiers.

According to Rangdi's aggressive style of play at the beginning, a wave of bloody battles is bound to break out on the road.

With the straw sandals and Yaoguang, and waiting until the 6th level, the dog head finally has the capital to all in with the sword girl.

"Lao Zhou, do you want me to come up?"

Claire Lawu looked at the road, and seemed to smell something.

"Help me get an eye here."

Qi Zhou marked the blue area, and said unhurriedly:
"Then go down the road, I feel that Xiaopao can't bear it."

Hearing this, Claire Lawu showed a satisfied smile.

I grabbed it at level 2, which hindered Uzi's early push. Although Thresh didn't hit a hook into the soul, his side still couldn't fight the combination of Xiaobao + Fengnv in the bottom lane.

However, the laning pressure between iBoy and Meiko was greatly eased.

"Okay, then I'm going to live on the road."


The sword girl who left Tiamat is destined to be unable to control the line.

However, Qi Zhou has no experience of hearing from afar after going online.

Because he found that the proficiency of Emperor Rang's sword girl is not very high, even a bit inferior to his own.

You know, because of his age, Qi Zhou rarely practiced heroes like Jian Ji and Jess.

It may be that my theoretical level is too high.

It doesn't look perfect at all.

Despise strategically, but of course pay attention tactically.

Qi Zhou's dog's head was far away from Jian Ji.

With the sword girl of Tiamat, it means that she can break 5 times in a second.

After a series of moves, it can knock out half of the blood of the dog's head.

Of course not!
Because in the next wave, what the dog head will face is Fiona's deadly ultimate move with [Unrivaled Challenge].

"Doesn't Gouzi even have Q for this cannon?"

Both top laners have reached 6.

Rang Di seems to be unhurriedly repairing the tail knife, but in fact, his heart has long been on the dog's head.

The distance between Jian Ji and her cannon is neither too far nor too close.

It gives people a sense that is neither dangerous nor deliberate.

But in fact, this distance is within the reach of Sword Fairy.

If the dog head dares to go to the Q cannon car, Jian Ji can immediately fight a set close up.

Just use the W skill to block the Q of the dog's head at the right time.

Rangdi guarantees that this wave of exchanges will be profitable.

The blood volume of the blue square cannon car is getting lower and lower.

Rang Di's eyes were burning.


The dog head finally walked forward.

Rao is like Qi Zhou Jiang Zigou, who can't refuse the temptation of Pao Che!
The director is also a ruthless person who keeps his eyes open.

The picture played on the big screen instantly shifted from the prince walking down the road to the top road.

"Let the emperor have an idea!"

"The 6-layer soul-sucking blow layer and 46 gold coins provided by the cannon cart, the dog head can't refuse!"

The iconic yelling of the doll instantly boosted the enthusiasm of the audience who had drooped their eyelids because the game was too dull in the past 5 minutes.

"Can't you use E to make up the cannon?"

Su Xiaoyan asked weakly from the side, she felt that there was no need for Sea to take this risk.

"Sea can completely use the E skill to replenish the cannon." Miller replied, but he paused again: "But the slow push line formed by the splash damage of the sword girl Tiamat will be destroyed by the dog head [Soul Flame] AOE..."

"Oh my God!"

Before Miller finished explaining, the contest between the two sides on the screen had already begun!

Sword Girl A dropped a long-range soldier, her posture changed suddenly, and she stabbed towards the dog's head who was holding up the flashing "Dazzling" weapon to make up for the cannon.

[Break through the air]!
However, something unexpected happened.

The dog's head stopped the general attack.

At the same time, a blue phantom appeared under his feet.


Explosive increase in movement speed.

Sword Princess Q skill failed!
You know, Jian Ji can return 50% of the cooldown of the skill if she hits the enemy with Q.

But empty Q means that she will lose the key to her "agility" for a long time.

Become a lamb to be slaughtered?

Absolutely impossible!
The big hammer in Goutou's hand was raised suddenly, so that Emperor could see the time and press the W skill.

As long as you block it, not only will you not lose money in this wave, but you can also make a small profit.

After all, the dog head used sprint, and the cannon cart also missed.

I just used 2 skills, so what's the matter of CD for a few seconds?

However, the dog's head stopped again.

Moreover, with the increased speed of sprinting, it hid to the side of the trajectory of the sword girl's W skill.

The moment Laurent pierced out with the sword of the mind, a circle full of runes appeared from the ground below the sword girl.

Magic damage, armor reduction.

Afterwards, the general attack of the dog's head flare and Q enhanced smashed down.

In an instant, Jian Ji's blood volume dropped a lot.

Released from the immobilized state, Jian Ji just wanted to fight back, but the dog head turned and retreated.

do not fight?
Let the emperor be very puzzled.

But the commentary seat with God's perspective understands it very well.

"The pig girl in the spicy pot was caught by the prince's eyes."

"Hey! The battle between the ji dogs is about to take place."

Both Wawa and Miller have adjusted their status, and they were really explained with all their strength, but they didn't expect it to stop abruptly.

Mala Xiangguo, who was watching the battle on the road, also understood that he should have been spotted by a certain vision.

As soon as he entered the river, the dog's head immediately noticed and retreated.

It is obvious that the prince is definitely not in the Ueno area.

Otherwise, if someone is behind, Qi Zhou will definitely wait until he reaches the distance between the triangle grass and the river grass, and then pretend to retreat and fight back.

"Old Yan, I'm going down."

"The prince is going to be 6, it should be something to do."

Rangdi let out an "hmm" and used Tiamat to quickly push the line.

But the dog's head turned back suddenly.

Relying on the last few seconds of sprinting, it "slammed" Jian Ji's head again.

Two Q skills with flare.

Jian Ji's blood volume was less than 3/5, and the dog's head only suffered damage from a few waves of ranged soldiers.

Rang Di frowned, feeling that the roles were reversed, and he was very upset.

Qi Zhou pulled the remaining three blue long-range soldiers to the front of the tower, Q'ing very comfortably.




"This wave of dogs has sprinted, but its ultimate move is still in hand."

"And Letme Sword Fairy was beaten in vain, but she also held her big move."

"I think the smell of gunpowder on the road is still very strong."

"Letme definitely has an idea. The dog's head does not sprint, and the summoner skill does not have flash. Once it is stuck by the sword girl, it is difficult to escape."

"After all, the dog's head is not meaty, and the blood volume is not at full state after eating minions continuously..."

As soon as Miller finished speaking, another wave of troops converged.

The advantage in blood volume made Qi Zhou dare to confront Jian Ji head-on.

As soon as they met each other, Jian Ji and Goutou exchanged Q skills.

"The blood volume of the dog's head is relatively healthy, letme wants to lower its blood line."

"There is a break in the blood recovery, and it is not a loss on the whole."

After knocking out the opening on the front of the dog's head, another opening appeared on the side.

Difficult to find angles.

Therefore, Jean Emperor waited for 15 seconds, and the flaw was reset.

Find the right opportunity, catch the gap between the dog-headed Q soldiers, and let the Emperor Q skills get close.

[Breakthrough Slash] Hit the rose-red flaws on the soles of the dog's head and feet.

Borrow the speed, and then A again.

"letme is up!"

"Hang the big move, the W skill blocks the dog's head and sucks the soul! Hit a flaw at the same time!"

"Go big! Sea didn't sprint, he was going to die!"

The moment Jian Ji gave the dog headgear her ultimate move, there was a movement speed bonus.

But Qi Zhou hung a W sheep tail on him in great detail. With an extra pair of straw sandals and the advantage of the dog's 5 faster movement speed than Ji Tiansheng, the dog's head ran out of Jian Ji's normal attack range.

No flaws were found!
Let the emperor not care.

At this moment, the blood volume of the dog's head is almost the same as his own.

There are still three flaws. He believes that the deceleration of the E skill and the acceleration of the passive [Dance of Duel] are enough to stick the dog's head to death.

"You just run!"

Sword Fairy's Q skills were refreshed, and the thrusts caught up with the dog's head, and another flaw was knocked out.

At the same time, the dog's head EQ smashed a part of Jian Ji's blood.

Storm Knight surges!

After playing the cornerstone talent, the dog's head's movement speed suddenly increased.


"Sea relied on the theory of canyon relativity, and letme was pulled apart again!"

In the picture, Jian Ji was chasing the dog's head and moving towards the red defense tower.

When Fengqi suddenly accelerated, the dog's head changed direction unexpectedly and walked back.

One after the other, the distance widened.

What Jian Ji is most afraid of is being tricked into a big move.

Because the effect of the dog's head and sheep's tail on the body still remains.

So let the emperor decisively hand over the flash.


Get rid of another flaw.

Although the blood volume of the dog head is slightly higher than that of Jian Ji, but when Jian Ji breaks through the opening and forms a blood recovery formation, the situation will be completely reversed.

Wait for another Q!

As long as it can poke the flaw at the right rear of the dog's head.Let the emperor believe in the burst damage caused by the connection between his E skill and Tiamat.

The dog head must die!

[Soul-Draining Blow]!
Jian Ji's HP is only 280 points left.

Q is also refreshed in 2 seconds, which makes the emperor a little flustered.

He immediately hit Tiamat with the E skill to deal damage.

"The blood volume of the dog's head is very dangerous. Sword Princess Q is good. He can be killed by hitting a flaw and adding a basic attack."

"During the big move, the dog's head Q skill CD is halved!"

"sea played the Q skill before letme, and Jian Ji's blood volume was huge!"

"But she will be fine soon!"

"If you hit the opening, the dog's head will die!"

All the Ji dogs have reached the point where the oil lamps are exhausted.

"Who will come out first?!"

"Sword Princess first!"

doll shouted.

However, the imagined Goutou died tragically, and the scene triggered by the sword girl returning to the blood array did not appear.

"My God, Jian Ji didn't show any weakness?!"

"Isn't the position of the dog's head too perfect?!"

【Soul-Draining Blow】


The dog's head Q skill is refreshed, and Jian Ji falls.

Qi Zhou was very satisfied.

Everything is as expected.

There are many ways for Jian Ji to use her big move to exploit:
[Double breaks in place], [Four breaks at the foundation], [Four breaks at the speed of light], [Six broken second man]...

However, its operation follows the essential feature of "the closer the distance, the faster the speed".

Flare is cheaper than Tiamat.

In addition, Qi Zhou made up more swords than Letme.

Therefore, the dog's head was wearing straw sandals, and with the storm knight's surging acceleration, Jian Ji was being pulled all the time.

Not to mention that the attack distance of the dog's head Q is 175+25, and the sword girl is only 150.
After the whole wave of confrontation, the 3 flaws that were knocked out on the dog's head were all hit by Jian Ji with the Q skill.

"This wave of letme has been dragged numb..."

"In the end, the dog's head stood against the wall, and the fourth weak sword girl couldn't hit it at all!"

"Sea is so naughty, she danced there!"

Wa Wa couldn't help admiring Qi Zhou's creed of not getting close to Jian Ji.

On the other side, under the suspicion of his teammates, the emperor's face was as cold as ice.

Review everything that just happened.

His own operations seemed to be pierced through.

Consume blood, lie to W, intentionally expose easy-to-hit flaws, pull and stick to the wall...

Act like a clown yourself!
[A chapter of 4600 words, readers please take a look at the "Writer's Words", and the easter egg chapter is unlocked, everyone can contribute]

 Recommendation process: Liangmen classified popular serials (choose one), new book selection, new book strong recommendation, six frequency, Sanjiang.

  Thank you readers for your support, my first recommendation is not Liangmen, I got [Popular Serialization].

  Now that he has been promoted to [Selected New Books], he asked Kaguya that he is currently pursuing about [-] readings.

  Not surprisingly, you should be able to get the notification of [New Book Push] on Friday.

  As a rookie, I am also very happy to have this result.

  In fact, everyone knows that the game category is cool. If nothing else, I should be able to get the six-band.

  So... the old man should understand what I mean ()
  I want to point my sword at Sanjiang.

  You can take a look, there was no game book in Sanjiang last week, and this week there is only one game book in Sanjiang, and the rest are basically urban, history, and light novels.

  Because if you want to go to Sanjiang for game classification, you need at least 1500+ follow-up (the minimum requirement, if you have good grades in other classification books, you need to raise it)

  So it is still very far away from Shangsanjiang.

  But now "Latent Goutou..." is only the second round of recommendation, two rounds away from Sanjiang.

  The future is expected.

  To show our sincerity, starting from tomorrow, the daily price will be changed from 4000 to 6000.
  I implore the old men not to raise books.

  I'm definitely not the kind of person who dumps the content of 4000 to 6000.

  Currently 10 words, 6000 a day, estimated to be over 20 on the shelves, I plan to finish writing S7 at that time.

  Because after S7, the old rune talents will stop.

  The S8 is a fresh start...

  [I swear, from now on, I will spend all my Q stacking time writing books!If there is a violation, the cannon car will be missed in each game in the future. 】


(End of this chapter)

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