Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 43 [43] The dog's head is no longer stacked, which means the game is over!

Chapter 43 [43] The dog's head is no longer stacked, which means the game is over!

"^(* ̄(oo) ̄)^The team looks naive, but inside they are like old silver coin mille-feuilles!"

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced! All the middle and upper classes pass on the military flag."

"Sea King: Are you surprised or surprised?"

"Little Tiger only dealt WE damage, which is a huge loss."

"Sword Fairy doesn't teleport? Full responsibility!"


There was a sudden silence in the team channel.

As the only user of the second color TV at present, let the emperor feel a little restless.

AE Tiamat AA...

After quickly clearing a wave of lines, he fell into deep thought.

I remember I asked if I wanted to send it?
You can't blame me for this wave, can you?
Why don't they talk?

I am a rhetorical question, not a declarative sentence. I have nine years of compulsory education. You should be able to hear it, right?
I only died once, and some people died twice. Besides, the situation just now can't be reversed no matter which one is passed on.

Yes, this wave is definitely not mine!

Xiaohu did nothing wrong, if he didn't interrupt the enchantress, all three would die!
So the question is, who will bear the blame?

Forget it.

Anyway, don't care about my business, develop with peace of mind, come up with a hydra black cut and teach a dog to be a man!
It wasted so much time stacking Q, I made a lot of money in this wave!


RNG's next tower is still full of blood.

The number of dog head Q skill layers is not too exaggerated, and the tower push is not fast.

There is no need for EDG to waste precious development time in the early stage to push a tower that cannot be pushed down.

Scout went to the top lane to eat the line, and Qi Zhou and the bottom lane duo took advantage of the opportunity to take down Xiaolong.

In just 8 minutes, the economic difference between the two sides reached 2300.

Qi Zhou's dog head returned to the line.

Let Emperor open the dog head equipment bar.

[Doran's Shield, Flare, Jagged Dagger, Boots of Lightness, Ancient Coin]
People clerk?
He still remembers Qi Zhou's armor-piercing dog head against SKT.

Unexpectedly, he used the old routine again when he beat his sword girl.

Ha ha……

I am the Peerless Swordswoman!
You don't pile up meat for output, my W skill blocks your Q, and then wait for the trial of the death waltz!
1 minutes and 23 seconds later.

Bad news came out again when RNG hit the road.

Jian Ji was single-handedly killed by the dog head again!
"How can you do this……"

Let the emperor sit weakly.

"Why is the CD of sprinting so short?"

"This is not fair!"

numb numb...

In fact, the solo kill again was not all due to Qi Zhou sprinting cooldown refresh.

Much of it is due to human greed.

Although Rang Di is a professional player, he is not the group of ruthless people who are in the Desert Death Bar.

Facing the temptation of the cannon cart, he must not let it go.

Just now, the red side cannon chariots had residual blood, but they hadn't reached the killing line of the sword girl's basic attack damage and Q skills.

But Qi Zhou's dog head was walking towards Jian Ji in a daze.

The messaging is obvious.

If you want to eat cannon carts, I will Q you.

Do you still eat the cannon cart?

Of course eat!
Let the emperor immediately use A to E skills to clear the cannon carriage, turn around and leave.

And this is precisely the key to his being single-handedly killed by Qi Zhou.

For a sword girl player, they will not hand over the ultimate move, W skill, and Q skill that is not sure to hit the enemy.

But the E skill is very easy to use.

As long as it is profitable to exchange blood and it is convenient to replenish troops, a large number of people will choose to use it.

However, Qi Zhou, who has been lurking in the hostile post bar of the God of Death Bar in the desert all year round, knows well that the E skill is the key for Jian Ji to quickly use her big moves to break through!

The cooldown of Sword Princess level 1 E is 13 seconds, and every additional skill point after that will reduce the cooldown by 2 seconds.

So early on, the cooldown is actually very long.

At this time, it happened to sprint to refresh.

[Wither] Hang it up and activate the big move, Nasus with the light boots on the dog's paws is extremely fast!

Jian Ji was chased by Q all the way.

Kai Da wanted to fight back, but was pulled until his scalp became numb.

Only two flaws were eliminated, and the color TV degenerated into a black and white machine.

"Steady, I'll find a chance to help you."

The voice of Mala Xiangguo came.

Let God stop lamenting.

He clicked on Timo's grandfather, who looked extremely profiteering, and bought a pair of cloth armor shoes.

Only the two-digit Mane was left in his pocket.

Nima's stinky profiteer!

If one day I can credit the loan, you see, I will be done before I pay it back!

The upper and lower roads bloom together.

The enchantress in the middle hit Syndra to make up the knife and was not suppressed.

The factory manager gave up all the stone beetles and magic marsh frogs to his teammates, and started the crazy trouble-seeking mode.

But little success.

RNG's vigor has been wiped out in the first few waves.

Even Uzi is honestly a coward under the tower.

The game time was 17 minutes, EDG voluntarily gave up the next tower and took the Canyon Pioneer.

Five people gathered in the middle.

"Doesn't the dog's head stack Q?" Wawa questioned: "17 layers in 354 minutes, not many layers compared to the previous games of sea."

"I think it's better for the dog head to teleport and cut in when the team is playing!"

Miller also nodded and said: "I also think that EDG will develop for another 5 minutes, and the node group at 22 minutes is better."

"As long as the factory manager makes more money, there is a high probability that the mouse will be able to make a three-piece suit."

"Yaoji technology gun ghost book, RNG's back row can only tremble."

"More importantly, the number of layers of Goutou Q can be raised to a higher level."


When the commentators were analyzing the situation, EDG cleared the line and released the Canyon Vanguard.

Meiko Thresh stood in front, and the four of RNG retreated to the second tower.

This is the deterrent effect of hard support.

If Ruan Fu stood in front, the only thought in the other party's mind was: Is this evil pen giving someone's head?
Where Thresh was, he was worried that he would be hooked.

The mutant son of the dragon used [Head Bump], and a tower in the blue square collapsed.

At the same time, Thresh's ghostly soul-killing chain passed through Xiaobing and hooked the spicy hotpot's pig girl.

"Do you want to be a pig girl?"

"It should be a test!"

next second.The doll was slapped in the face.

The pig girl in the spicy hot pot was beaten and maimed by the enchantress and the dog's head.

Let Emperor Jianji teleport.

Teamfight starts!
"The mouse opened the big crazy output, and the pig girl died after throwing the big move!"

"Wow... Hua, the dog's head hit Feng Nu with a Q and smashed half of her blood. The factory manager EQ wanted to fly but was dodged!"

"Sword Fairy sets up a big mouse! Can you kill it instantly?"

"Killing RNG still has a chance!"

"Sword Fairy's equipment is too poor, the damage is not enough, the mouse is crippled, Uzi flashed but failed to take the head!"

"Dangerous Games helped the mouse back!"

The scene was very anxious.

For a while, it was impossible to judge which side would win the team battle.

Under the protection of Fengnv, Uzi's small cannon kept going A, and the output was full.


The doll shouted a high note of 128 decibels (world record 129).

On the screen, the dog's head Q skill hit Xiaopao's body and the red 621 appeared.

Fengnv immediately opened up, but Scout, like a murderer in the dark, suddenly appeared with a strange figure.

Even if the Uzi cannon opened the barrier, it was still instantly killed!

At the same time, Jian Ji was also killed by the mouse.

Only Fengnv and Syndra survived in RNG, unable to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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