Chapter 44 [44] Xiao Heizi, you can shut up! (third change)
Goutou is an old fritters top laner who is not in the same dimension as the agile and elegant four sisters, the steady and heavy warriors, and the brainless tower knife mixed monsters.

[It in the eyes of teammates]:
Tie Hanhan, who is immersed in stacking Q, is an addict of the stand-alone game Whack-a-mole.

Regardless of good or bad, if you don't come to the team in the mid-term, the game will always be 4 vs 5.
Waste your own advantage.

Miss the strength of teammates.

Stacking Q is addictive, and occasionally some Alaskan dogs with no brains want to play more.

At the later stage, the double C on the opposite side got up and became their pet for entertainment and play.

【It's in the enemy's upper eye】:
You bastard, soldiers don't even eat them.

Only the tower smells experience and waits for the wild father to gank.

If you don't kill him in the early stage, you will be hammered by it in the middle stage.

A Gouba hero who is more disgusting than a stone man.

[It is seen by players in other positions of the opponent]:
The cash machine on our order.

If the jungler catches it a few times, the game is over.

Idiot, still thinking about stacking Q to make a comeback, it doesn't exist.

You think you are stealing towers, but you are actually sending us records.

17 minutes for the dog head to join the group.

In the eyes of dog-head players and non-dog-head players, this is irrational, unwise, and unwise behavior.

League of Legends progressed to S7.

Most of the players have also lost the innocence of S2, S3, and S4.

Desert Reaper, as a veteran hero that existed when the League of Legends first came out.

In ancient times.

Most players are still intoxicated in the beautiful illusion that its Q skill can stack damage infinitely.

I think this hero will become stronger in the later stage.

When stacked to the late stage, my dog's Q can be killed in seconds.

However, with the continuous adjustment of the game balance, players have grown from naive to mature, stunts have become routine operations, and the system of play is roughly determined.

The yellow sorghum dreams of the dog-head players are gradually being eroded.

They recognized the strength of Gotou in the mid-term and the weakness in the later stage.

Unless it is really stacked to 1800 layers of Q, it is really impossible to be invincible in the canyon.

Of course, 1800 floors are not necessarily invincible.

Therefore, the 20-25 minutes in the mid-term is the most glorious moment of Gootou, and it is also the best time to join the group, which has basically been deeply recorded in the hearts of players.

Just like not long ago, Miller and Wawa were skeptical about Qizhou Goutou's participation in the 354th floor.

Although the 17-minute dog head 354 floors is not a lot.

But the audience always felt that it wasn't enough.

It's still a little early for Goutou to come out of the mountain.

However, the output of the dog's head in the team battle just now left everyone dumbfounded.

That fluttering red damage made it impossible for the incense burner to save Uzi's small cannon.

When many players are still admiring the exaggerated damage, the armor-piercing dog head Taiba brother.

Many coaches and high-level players watching the game have already begun to think about "instant single-skill huge damage".

Censer blame killer?
Alternatives to real damage?

What a horror of the C position!

"As for when you can join the group, only the dog-headed player knows best!"

After watching the replay of the team battle, Miller couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Who can imagine that in a 17-minute team battle, the output of Gotou is close to the sum of AD and jungler?!"

EDG's victory in this wave of team battles directly pushed away RNG's mid-lane Highland and Crystal.

The sister-controlled Thresh hooked the pig girl and contributed a lot.

But it is even more crucial that the dog's head smashes the small cannon into a Muggle with a hammer.

In 20 minutes, the economic difference between the two sides reached 7500.
In 24 minutes, EDG defeated Dalong, a wave of RNG.

2:1, get the match point.




Everyone in RNG was depressed.

Coach Feng, with his hands behind his back, paced back and forth.

RNG's first win at the start was the jackpot. He thought he would be able to overcome the humiliation of being allowed to chase after the third in the summer game with an unstoppable attitude.

But I didn't expect to lose one after another.

The players made no big mistakes in the game.

It can only be said that I did not expect EDG's substitute top laner strength to be a bit unexpected.

Of course, Brother Feng didn't think how strong Qi Zhou was.

After summarizing, he attributed the letme laning failure to Qi Zhou's unpredictable style of play and outfits.

"Sea is strong in controlling the details, letme is gradually pulled away by him unconsciously."

"Don't put too much pressure on the next move, you must be steady and fight well!"

"EDG's desire to get out of the top 8 curse is greater than our desire to enter the semi-finals!"

"As long as they can win the next game, in a 2:2 situation where no one can make mistakes, their mentality will definitely be extremely bad!"

"We'll choose the red side next, and we'll pick the top laner after Sea finishes picking heroes!"

"One last point, Uzi, you still have to learn to be prudent..."


【Desert Grim Reaper】

The studious 8Us are studying another classic teaching case provided by Qi Zhou for [Goutou Canyon Driving Academy].

Dog head, it's been a long time for Bitter Sword Fairy!

The yellow card masters kept summarizing the details of Qi Zhou's match against Jian Ji.

The 8Us in the water post bar read and understood one by one, and they were hooked.

When the details of how to "pull" Jian Ji were revealed, many 8Us couldn't bear the commotion in their hearts.

One after another, they went to look through the invitation posts left by the Ji friends of [Wu Shuang Jian Ji Bar] in the Desert Death Bar.

Revenge Snow Hate!

Must do today!


On the other hand, the BP link between RNG and EDG has begun.

However, the barrage in the official live broadcast room was full of gunpowder and fierce quarrels.

Pig fans and dog fans have been sprayed on it in the dark, causing many "outside" viewers to close the barrage one after another.

Dog powder:

"The world's No. 0 wild king in your mouth has a record of 2/[-]?"

"What's the air? The piggies can break the curse of the top eight, and I will stand upside down and kneel on the keyboard on the spot!"

"As soon as the dog's head is banned, your god's substitute will retire on the spot!"

"Hey~ I'm an EDG fan who turned black to RNG~~"

Pig powder:

"Uzi's face was hammered red just now!"

"Sword Fairy can't beat a dog's head, it's ridiculous!"

"At the beginning, let you have a friendship from LPL, do you understand?!"

"Even if you let 5 gold play the game, this version won't be rejected at 23:59?"

Selection interface.

It's the turn of EDG on the blue side, and at the moment they are choosing the fourth and fifth heroes.

"The reason why RNG is willing to give up a ban position to give skateboard shoes and choose the red side is nothing more than wanting to counter sea."

"sea has been EDG's substitute since S5, but he didn't play many games."

"Before S7 and the World Championships, he hadn't played a game, so even RNG didn't know much about his hero pool."

"No one knows what kind of surprise he will bring to the audience except for the dog head and the sword master!"

Miller and the baby sang together, explaining why RNG chose the red side.

"Scout took out the plane to deal with Galio against Xiaohu."

"Now there's only sea left!"

——"I long for a worthy opponent!"

Suddenly, the familiar cold and arrogant female voice appeared, and after a short silence, the audience broke out into fierce cheers.

Sword Princess!

Sea actually chose Sword Fairy!
Immediately, EDG fans and the new fans "caught" by Qi Zhou asked questions on the bullet screen:
"Who said Sea can only play brainless heroes?"

"Little blacks, you can shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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