Chapter 46 [46] The blood bar of the Kegmeng dog disappeared, finally breaking the curse of the top eight
Brother Feng covered his face in pain in the background.

blood collapse!
What a bloodbath!
Shen, who fell to the ground empty of blood, caused him more psychological trauma than meeting his wife when he was collecting songs.

At this moment, he seemed to be [withered] by Nasus.

Feeling powerless from feet to forehead.

In 9 minutes, it was led by 3800 economy.

The current form is like RNG holding a sword and a spear in their hands, facing EDG, which has just entered the era of hot weapons.

Persevere in development, occasionally surprise soldiers, maybe there is still hope of victory.

But in a head-on collision, it will definitely be destroyed and destroyed.


Brother Feng slowly stood up, and his eyes returned to the game screen.

At least... Only one lower tower was lost...

There is also the possibility of a turnaround.

After all, more than ten days ago, EDG led by 1 in economy and was overthrown by SKT.

As long as RNG trades strategic space for development time in the mid-term and operates properly, it can still beat EDG in the later stage.

The plane and the blind start a group, Shen and Lulu guard the dog, even if EDG pulls out all the towers, so what? !

there is always a solution to a problem.

RNG won all the group matches, I have the capital to believe in my team!
After Brother Feng's transformation into Ah Q, the light reappeared in his gloomy eyes.

the other side.

A Bu clasped his fists and beat his legs to applaud.

Sharp sword!

Sharp eyes!

Precise and elegant!
Qi Zhou, who looks so calm and reliable, was able to take the lead with his sword, and sent such a congratulatory gift to EDG's bottom team battle, turning the situation in one fell swoop.

This is the waltz of EDG breaking the curse of the quarterfinals.

It is a sonata leading to a higher stage.

It is the opening chapter of a new dynasty of new miracles.


At the heart of operations are resources.

Teams that can operate have a high winning rate.

This is why the two sides in the mid-term battle are often developing peacefully, but the following two situations often occur:

[-]. The economy of one side is not much different from that of the other side in the early stage, but in the mid-term development, the economy keeps opening up.

[-]. One party kills the other party in the early stage, but even if the advantage is great, the economic gap is continuously narrowed by the other party in the middle stage of development.

In both cases, the other party is better at operating than the other.

The gap in operational capabilities is most reflected in [sideline management].

Because compared to wild resources that can be eaten at any time, the soldier line is dynamic and will be consumed.

This is the reason why the adc who needs the most development on the field will stand in the middle of the game.

Because the middle road is the one that least needs pawn line management.

The two sides push each other very fast.

In the gap between pushing the line and making troubles, whichever side can eat more sideline resources will have a higher economy.

This far exceeds the benefits of plundering the opponent's wild area resources.

This is also the reason why RNG and WE were able to emerge in S7 and often beat EDG in LPL.

In S6, the two teams followed EDG's footsteps to cross the river, focusing on double C.

By S7, RNG and WE began to realize the importance of top lane, while EDG was still immersed in the dream of "top laner big tree" and "double C is dad".

EDG is a strong team, no matter how bad the results are, there is a lower limit.

While RNG and WE began to show more brilliant edge in the professional arena.

If it weren't for Abu's glimpse of Qi Zhou who is as stable as Mount Tai.

Maybe the two teams have overthrown the "No. [-] seed" Dashan in the group stage.

"Do not hit!"

"Don't fight! I told you not to fight!"

"Wouldn't it be better to wait for me to develop for a few more minutes?"

"I can't get up, how can I make a comeback!"

Uzi's roar came from the voice of the team.

Shen was single-handedly killed by Jian Ji again.

Listening to the huge roar in the earphones, Rang Di couldn't help but tremble.

Then he showed a helpless smile.

Since the resurrection of the last wave of team battles, he and his tower defense father have been living together.

But sea's sword girl...

He didn't pay much attention to his father, who was tall, with a solid tower base and a red crystal on his head.

Under the tower, Jian Ji moves around in various ways to avoid the taunt of Shen's E skill.

Then AQ consumption quickly leaves the tower.

Ta Dae, who was slow to react, couldn't react at all...

Just now Shen still had half blood, and Jian Ji entered the tower to consume it, so Di Jingxing activated the W skill to create a protective shield.

But she didn't expect Jian Ji to use a big move on herself after waiting for a while.


Instantly hit four breaks, and then Tiamat received a basic attack and instantly killed himself.

can't resist...

Such an explosion made EDG's top laner unable to hold on by himself!

The situation took a turn for the worse again.

Originally, iBoy Xia had scored three kills in the Shanghai team battle.

And the sword girl jumped over the tower to kill Shen Hou, demolished the defensive tower, and EDG had another big daddy.

"The four of EDG gathered in the middle, and RNG gave up the first tower."

"Sword Princess, go down, she and the excavator took down the Canyon Pioneer!"

"After this wave of going home to rest, how can RNG resist EDG?!"

In 16 minutes, the economic difference between the two sides has been pulled to 6600.

Everyone in RNG was devastated.

They pinned the team's hopes on Uzi Dazui.

It was originally expected that Dazui would eat the middle line and the wild area, and the wild area would eat the bottom road.

Let it drink the flesh and blood of its teammates and suddenly become a vicious dog.

Repel EDG's offensive.

However, the factory manager gave the canyon pioneer to Jian Ji, and then gave up his wild resources.

Sword Fairy led the way.

Rexai, Xia, and Fengnv gathered in the middle.

Galio sits down the road.

Under the 131 system, RNG's defensive pressure doubled.

Before the dog raising plan was implemented, Jian Ji pushed down the second tower.

The factory director in the middle lane, find the right time, E flashes W and flies the plane, and then Galio falls from the sky.

"Little Tiger was instantly killed!"

"Reixai tops the tower, Ni Yu pours feathers under the blessing of Fengnv's shield, and Xia, who sucks the blue knife and cannon two-piece suit, is like a battlefield killing god!"

"Xiangguo Xiazi wants to Q to Ni Yu, can he kick back?"

"The blind man was ridiculed by Galio before he even opened up!"

The Haier brothers were full of passion, the EDG fans on the field were excited, and the RNG fans held their breath, expecting a miracle to happen.

"Lulu flashed her big move to trick the blind, and knocked Xia and Galio into the air!"

"Is there a miracle, can Uzi output!"

"Wait... where's the Uzi?"

The doll suddenly interrupted the explanation, and its mouth slowly opened into an O shape.

In the picture, Fiona, the headmistress with a proud figure, appeared behind RNG's second tower.

Immediately after Dazui's feet, four flaws appeared.

AE Flash QA Tiamat A.

The red wavy splash of the crescent moon special effect is accompanied by the crisp sound of the training ruler hitting the opening.

The blood bar of the April Fool's Day-limited "Keg Meng Dog" with full blood disappeared before Lulu could react.

Only [Surprise from Icacia (Passive)] remained.

"What about Shen's big move? When did he get a gray screen?"

"What kind of combo is Jian Ji, why can't I understand it?"

"Uzi stayed where he was passively, is he stupid?"

"Ahem... As a reasonable person, no, as an outsider, I just want to ask if the pig killing conference will still be held?!"

"The god of the civil war, the dog of the mourning family in the foreign war!"

"This substitute really likes armor piercing... Hydra, Yaoguang, Youmeng, Curtain Blade, tsk tsk tsk..."

"GG!!!! Congratulations EDG!!!!!!"

In an instant.

RNG was wiped out.

Jian Ji summoned the canyon vanguard and pushed horizontally in the middle.

After enjoying the joy of slaughtering the RNG gourd baby again, the red square crystal exploded.

"Congratulations to EDG for advancing to the semi-finals!!"

(End of this chapter)

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