Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 47[47] Post-match interview, Qi Zhou's Bible and "Self-Cultivation of the Order&qu

Chapter 47[47] Post-match interview, Qi Zhou's Bible and "Self-Cultivation of the Order"

Under the dazzling brilliance of the winners, only the bewilderment of the losers will be reflected.

After seeing the big Defeat, the five members of RNG seemed to be exhausted.

Neatly slumped on a chair.

He didn't even take off his earphones.

In this way, we can hear the carnival of EDG fans in the audience later.

"EDG won, they created their own miracle!"


"The failure of RNG is predictable, after all, the two teams in the game are from LPL!"

"S7, the story belonging to RNG is over."

"But the dreams of the RNG players have not lost, they have created their own miracle!"

"They are the team that lpl won all in the first week of the group stage!"

"Let's applaud and encourage!"


Qi Zhou is a tall top laner, and he is habitually at the end of the line.

After the curtain call, he was about to go back.

Suddenly, someone stopped Qi Zhou.

Looking back, what caught my eye was a cheongsam of Aoxue Hongmei.

It's a woman!
A little powdery, the skin quality is not very good, but the temperament is still good.


The facial features are correct, and he can be regarded as a top-notch horse.

After appreciating it, Qi Zhou discovered that it was Yu Shuang, the host.

"Call me...?"

Why is there a bunch of men with cameras and flashes on their faces behind this woman?

Qi Zhou suddenly felt a little flustered, but soon recovered the unique characteristics of EDG.

Yu Shuang faced the camera with a professional smile on her face, so she didn't notice any subtle changes in Qi Zhou's expression.

"Hi everyone, I'm the host, Yu Shuang!"

"Now is the post-match interview session. We have invited EDG's top laner sea."

"In the last game, he won 2 rounds of MVP. Although he was not the MVP in the last game, Wushuang Jianji's sassy and fluent operation is also amazing!"

After Yu Shuang finished speaking, she handed the microphone to Qi Zhou.

"Next, let sea say hello to everyone!"

The camera turned to Qi Zhou.

In the picture, Qi Zhou's iconic smile has already been set.

"Hello everyone, I'm sea, the substitute top laner of EDG."

"All of us in EDG must be very happy to be able to advance to the semi-finals this time!"

"In the next games, our whole team will definitely make persistent efforts and strive for the championship!"


Unlike other shy e-sports dead houses, Qi Zhou has no stage fright in front of the camera.

"Uh, uh, ok, uh."

Without waiting for Yu Shuang to ask questions, Qi Zhou entered the mode of 'talking alone'.

Yu Shuang had no chance to intervene.

"Thank you for your support for EDG."

Finally, Qi Zhou stopped talking.

Yu Shuang also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Her arm holding the microphone is going numb!

Withdrawing the microphone, Yu Shuang asked:
"In these few games, the heroes you chose broke the rules, and the sword girl in the last game left a deep impression on the audience."

"Is there anything you can share with us about this?"

Qi Zhou pondered for a while, and said:

"break the usual?"

"No, no, the Desert Reaper was originally the top laner at the T0 level."

"It is the most powerful numerical monster in the middle of the game."

"As for Peerless Swordsman, no matter before or after the revision, she is also a hero who occupies the T1 seat all the year round."

"Top lane heroes like Dashu, Troll, and Shen are perennial and unpopular heroes."

"The choices I made were to adapt to the version, set things right, take care of the audience, and establish a good ecology for top laners, rather than breaking the rules."

The words are amazing and endless.

Yu Shuang was completely dumbfounded by Qi Zhou's answer.

How did the dog's head become a T0 level?
Jian Ji, who played a total of 2 times, is still T1 all the year round?

The popular game in the competition turned out to be an unpopular one at the end?

Did you make a mistake!
Did you play the game after drinking the wine sold by Pan Zi and Ga Zi?
And the live broadcast barrage is boiling:
"What he said seems to be right, but it always feels weird."

"I don't agree with the dog head T0, but Jian Ji is indeed on the road T1!"

"Come on! Arrest him! Sophistry!"

"It seems right to say that in a normal game, but this is an S game!"

"Ask him how Jian Ji's last flaw was made!!! Urgent!"

"Smoke bombs? Confusing others? Tactical deception?"

"Scheming boy, it's just the dog-headed swordsman's unique skill brother."

"Sisters, the sour dog is here! Charge me!"


"It seems that sea has a unique view on the position of the top laner."

"Can you share it with the audience who are watching the show?"

Yu Shuang was stunned for a while before continuing to ask questions.

Moreover, she learned how to behave this time, and didn't try to raise the microphone up.

Just lift up slightly.

"As a top laner who has played professionally for two and a half years, I also feel that I have a unique understanding of the top laner position."

"Everyone calls S7 the version of the Tank Alliance, the version of the Censer Monster."

"The censer support is indeed strong, it is undeniable. But for the tank alliance, I still have to put forward a different opinion!"

Among them, the speech was full of air and forceful.

Even if the microphone is far away, the sound can be clearly transmitted to the audience watching the live broadcast.

"Top order invincible method, everything can be on top!"

"All heroes are capable of being singled out."

"As a top laner, I think that as long as the laning, team battles, and awareness are full, you can develop and make great contributions to the team."

"Even though S7 is a tank version, as long as it is good enough, any hero can be used to gain an advantage!"

"Even heroes such as Galen, Barbarian King, Snowman, Big Head, etc., can shine on the road!"


Numb, numb.

Yu Shuang concealed her embarrassment with a smile, she didn't know how to evaluate Qi Zhou's words.

Just start a new topic.

"Recently, I noticed that netizens call you [Gou Tou Bar Master], is this really the case?"

Suddenly, Qi Zhou put away his smile.

His expression became serious, and he said seriously:
"It's [Desert Reaper Bar], don't make a mistake calling it outside."


Qi Zhou's aura changed instantly, and Yu Shuang was so frightened that she immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Yes, that's right."

"There is such a thing!"

"Everyone knows that I was the substitute top laner of EDG. In the days when I didn't play, apart from playing rank, I spent most of my time learning theoretical knowledge in the desert bar."

"My friends speak very well, everyone is a talent, I have benefited a lot from it!"

"[Desert Death Bar] made me realize that as a top laner, I need to withstand the most pressure and make the most contribution to the team."

"And the economy that eats the most bases its development on the basis of sucking the blood of teammates."

"Ahem...I mean, the contribution to the team has to match the economy you get from the team."

"Eat the least resources of the team and make the greatest contribution. This is the "self-cultivation" that top laners should always keep in mind and abide by!"

[Brothers, I have no rest, the third update will be posted in the early morning]

【My dad lost in a card game, I'll help him get it back】

 Books written by the same group of authors almost followed Sanjiang

(End of this chapter)

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