Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 48 [48] A small storm caused by a photo, at least cover it up

Chapter 48 [48] A little turmoil caused by a photo, at least cover it up (three supplements)
"Brother Zhou, I don't see how a steady person like you can hold a cup!"

Backstage, Xiao Zhao walked towards him with a bright smile on his young face.

Obviously, 3:1 to the semi-finals put him in a good mood.

"Uzi doesn't even dare to say that he knows all the ADs, but you actually shouted [Everything can go up], it's too arrogant!"

"Whenever you can veil Uzi, the host will definitely invite you to speak." Abu walked out from the crowd and said with a smile on his face, "You didn't grasp the opportunity when you chose VN..."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhao nodded repeatedly, he looked like a fool who hadn't grown up yet.

He was still very afraid of Abu, and was stunned when he said a few words.

On the other hand, Ming Kai said carelessly: "Try Galen when you play WE?"

"It's not impossible."

"As long as you settle down on the road, I'd even dare to choose Teemo!"

"Forget it!" Ming Kai waved his hands again and again.

"A yordle can't be my father."

The junior Scout couldn't understand what the factory manager said, and wanted to ask his sister for help, but found that he was pursing his lips, swiping his phone, and browsing some pictures.

"Meiko, are you looking for a place for dinner again?"

"That's a must! We're going back to Shanghai tomorrow, so we can't just end up with a bowl of roast goose rice or pig's feet rice at night, right?"

"I brought Sichuan Meishan kimchi for dinner...Compared with the food, I want to know how brother Zhou's Sword Fairy combo is."

"Crackling, bang, the Uzis are gone."

The elementary school boy looked at Qi Zhou.

Qi Zhou smiled, and whispered mysteriously, "Two hundred one, Baojiabaohui~"


EDG released the official Weibo that night:

"Aspire to Legend, Beyond Self"

More than 800 words are eloquent, and if you look horizontally and vertically, you can sum it up in 8 words: "We broke the curse of the top eight".

At the same time, there is also a photo of EDG having dinner at the bottom of the official Weibo.

Crayfish again...

Not long ago, the Jiangcheng dinner was at Feifei Xiazhuang.

Looking closely at the photos, sharp-eyed netizens found that Sea, who smiled the brightest, was different.

He was holding a plain ice cream in his hand.

Netizens are also supernatural, and soon recognized that it was the Xingshe Nian series of ice cream under the banner of Xingshajiao.

The original price is 68, but it can only be sold as a "series" package with another new ice cream priced at 88.

So a single piece was fired up to 200 yuan by scalpers.

In this sea, the MVP prize money for two rounds was so squandered!
There are those who criticize and criticize.

Most of them ate Meishan kimchi for dinner with the expressionless face of elementary school student Scout, attacking Qi Zhou's extravagance and waste!

Of course, most people still view this "dinner photo disturbance" as "spending their own money, no need to evaluate".

Day two.

The quarterfinals ushered in the final battle.

WE played against FNC.

In the first game, WE had a small collapse in the early stage, and finally came back with difficulty.

The two teams played back and forth, and came to 2:2, and they needed to play BO5 to the full.

The final lineup is locked as:

WE top laner Gnar, jungler Barrel, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Feng Nu and Da Zui.

FNC top laner Shen, hit wild boar girl, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane Lulu and the policewoman.

The key point is that both sides focus on stability, unlike the previous rounds with a tight rhythm.

At 9 minutes, FNC's mid laner went down the road and got first blood.

At 13 minutes, the five members of FNC got together on the road, trying to forcefully kill Dazui and Fengnv.Xiye Galio teleported, and it turned out to be a meal on the plate.

Seeing that the situation is not right, 957 quickly pushes up the tower.

At 21 minutes, the two sides switched junglers, and the head ratio was 1:5.However, WE relied on the advantages of defensive towers and mid-field and field supplements to surpass FNC economically.

In 32 minutes, the three of WE stole Dalong, the wild area caught Shen Shen, and pushed them all the way to the front of FNC.

957 Gnar, who was about to become smaller, flashed his big move to hit the policewoman against the wall, and shot output at the moment of shrinking, killing the policewoman.

Teammates set fire to lose Zhumei in seconds, FNC was unable to defend, and was pushed off the base by WE's swift offensive.

WE got the last point of BO5 and successfully advanced to the top 4.

This also means that LPL has locked a place for the Bird's Nest decisive battle.

EDGorWE, unknown.


The base of EDG in Shanghai.

Qi Zhou and Mouse each hold a cat.

They just watched the WE vs. FNC game return interview.

"What do you think of Ke Changyu (957)?"

Everyone in EDG was there, but it was obvious that Abramovich was asking Qi Zhou and Mouse.

"The personal ability is very strong, and it can play a big role in almost every wave of team battles. The damage resistance and control are almost full."

"I haven't encountered him in the game, but I often encounter him in the daily ranks. His style of play is the closest to the LCK top laner among professional players."

Qi Zhou answered first.

Then Mouse continued: "His overall strength is stronger than mine."

"In the early days when he was playing a developmental top laner, I didn't think the pressure to play against him was too great, but at the beginning of this season, I can clearly feel his growth."

"Ke Changyun has completely become the most stable part of the WE team. It can even be said that his role is sometimes greater than that of the two C positions. It is a solid guarantee for WE to gain an advantage."

Abu nodded.

Qi Zhou and Mouse were not dazzled by consecutive victories.

"957's strength should not be underestimated. Prince, Gnar, and Kled are all his heroes. They are extremely offensive and can also provide control for the team."

"After three years of baptism in the professional arena, he has reached the peak."

"The ability to start a team and cut C is very strong. It is a comprehensive top laner. The pressure on the two of you is very high."

Abu looked slightly worried.

It is true that EDG played very exciting games in the World Championships, with good rhythm and online.

But the "double C development on the road and anti-stress" has affected this team for several seasons.

It's really hard to change fundamentally.

If WE's top laner is AJ's Titan or Jean Dioun, Abramovich will not be so worried.

But it happened to be 957, a top laner who was praised in the e-sports Louvre.

"Qi Zhou, if you were to use a dog's head against 957's Gnar just now, would you have confidence?"


Qi Zhou answered crisply.

"What about the big tree?"

"46 on."

After hearing this, Abu looked at Mouse.

Mouse shook his head.


"Didn't you say that everything can be placed in the order? Then what heroes can you use to resist 957?"

"a lot of."

"It's fine if you don't... wait! A lot?"

Abu stared wide-eyed, looking at Qi Zhou in disbelief.

As if to say:

I'm serious!
No kidding!

But Qi Zhou nodded seriously and slowly.

"Which heroes?"

"It depends on the situation. I have studied many heroes in the past few years. As long as the second player is selected, I can guarantee that I will at least cover it."

Qi Zhou said sternly: "Some heroes may be placed in the top lane position in everyone's opinion, or the current version is very funny."

"But I promise, it will definitely work wonders on the field!"

Qi Zhou's words not only attracted Abu's attention, but also aroused the curiosity of other team members.

"Brother Zhou (Lao Zhou), what kind of heroes are you?!"

"Galen, Barbarian King, Xin Zhao, Stone Man, Weapon, Dragon Turtle..."

(End of this chapter)

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