Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 54 [54] Deadlock! AD was second, he said he could fight

Chapter 54 [54] Deadlock! AD was second, he said he could fight

WE is EDG's old opponent in the LPL division.

The degree of grasp of his style of play and rhythm is ridiculously high.

Xiye Kassadin resolutely went home at level 5, replenished his equipment and then teleported online, leaving Kreer Spicy Dance who had been waiting on the sidelines in vain.

The prince can only go home with the rock sparrow.

Hit the road.

Shen and Nuoshou have undergone several waves of exchanges.

Although he has a high life recovery with the help of the three mung bean promises, he is as tenacious as a cockroach bully.

But 957 has figured out the situation.

This Nuo Shou Te Meow is a pile of Shet!
A lump of completely tasteless shet!

With only basic attack power and no armor-piercing hands at the start, 957 feels weak!
This single quality inspector is simply a cripple.

Before the fifth layer of Blood Fury was released, his damage to Shen was very limited.

The blood rage is full, as long as the leg brother turns on the W skill, he doesn't have to worry about the promise at all.

Make up a few flat A, and then move the E skill away.

The Q skill cooperates with the immortal Shen, and the damage hit on Nuo Shou is almost equal to the damage caused by Nuo Shou's continuous stroke of Blood Rage to Shen.

"It's so annoying, I can consume his blood, but he can't touch me."

"But after a few seconds, his blood was full again!"

957 complained about the promise in the team voice.

"He can play Nuo Shou as Galen... No, he can play Jackie Chan, what a genius..."

Kang Di was currently beating the magic marsh frog, and after seeing the state of Nuo Shou, he immediately gave up the thought in his mind.

The dense blood strips, combined with the armor, made it impossible for people to attack.

Although the wine barrel hits magic damage, the ability to carefully compensate for subsequent damage is obviously not strong.

If Nuo Shou is allowed to operate and fight Blood Rage, it is easy to be counter-killed.

Not worth the candle!


"Kay, looking for a chance to fight back, it won't work like this!"

Rock sparrow rises to 6, and Xiye Kassadin can also reach 6 after eating this wave.
Scout started to feel a little apprehensive.

Kassadin, who has a big move at level 6, can already cause a lot of deterrence.

Not to mention Xiye's level up, supplemented with equipment, Kassadin will become a fleshy, output, and agile magic warrior.

"Consume it again, I'll be right over."

Ming Kai frowned.

The first wave of WE killed him, and he has still found his rhythm until now.

Although only one group of wild monsters behind Kandi Wine Barrel, Kreil Hot Dance is in a passive situation.

Kangde can do things anywhere anytime.

But he can only be a firefighter, always on guard.

It is indeed necessary to turn passive into active!

In the middle, the pawn line enters the tower.

Kassadin moved forward and wanted to replenish troops, and the rock sparrow turned around and launched a general attack at him.

"Stone formation!"

"Stone wear!"

"Scout's consumption is so subtle, Xiye didn't realize it!"

Using the cover of the basic attack to raise his hand, Scout knocked out half of Kassadin's blood with a combo.

Just when Kassadin was about to turn around to avoid the rocky fist that the rock sparrow greeted his lower body, a German military flag fell from the sky!

"EQ second company, Kassadin was picked up!"

"Carefully use the big move to teleport!"

A purple shield covers Kassadin, protecting him from damage from enemy heroes.

But soon, the mysterious light connecting the two disappeared.

Apparently, Shen's teleportation was interrupted.

And because Kreer Spicy Dance has not yet reached 6, there is no big move that does not have enough damage, so he can only watch Kassadin with residual blood hide behind the defensive tower.

"It was Nuo's E skill that interrupted Shen!"

Watching the replay, Colonel Guan confirmed.

PDD rubbed his chin and said, "The wine barrel is hunting crabs, so it's obviously too late to come over."

"Only Shen can reach the battlefield the fastest."

"He has two methods, one is teleportation, and the other is a big move."

"But he and Nuoshou are both online. In fact, no matter which skill you use, it will be interrupted by Nuoshou E."

"957 just wants to save Xiye."

Generally speaking, the routine of carefully teleporting to trick the other party into teleporting often exists.

After Shen handed over the teleportation, he still has the ultimate move to quickly support.

But the opposing hero will enter a relatively long orphan period.

This is a common practice in professional games.

But in this round, Qi Zhounuo was carrying a flash sprint.

957 doesn't even need to consider big moves and teleportation.

Anyway, hand over one and another.

Don't be afraid that you won't be able to support the next road.


"The game is deadlocked!"

I can't help but sigh.

The game has been going on for 18 minutes, and the head ratio between WE and EDG is still 1:0.
Although the two sides played against each other several times during the period, they still failed to fight, and a large rhythm was generated to promote the progress of the game.

There is a small rhythm point.

That is, WE pushed down EDG's bottom tower in 15 minutes.

This is the long-term effect of brother-in-law and Ben's level 3 anti-small artillery and gems.

"Shen is playing the single belt in the bottom lane, but EDG has already gathered in Dalongkeng!"

"Obviously, they're having a hard time with the stalemate."

"The rhythm points that the small cannon should drive have not been shown, and Xiye Kassadin has matured."

"Now 18 minutes and 48 seconds."

"EDG wants to win the canyon pioneer in the last minute, and then force the team WE in the middle or top lane!"

Colonel Guan finally found the opportunity to speak.

Under the previous stalemate, he, PDD, and hallucinogens could only keep looking for topics.

If it weren't for the game screen to distract the audience's attention, someone would definitely call them embarrassing in the barrage.

"EDG's substitute top laner is really stupid! Choose a promising player and don't fight!"

"This round is really boring!"

"Hey... fell asleep, whoever wins remember to buckle me!"

"Made, what kind of outfit is Nuoshou?...I'll wipe it, it's a fight!!!"

Just when the audience wanted to vent their emotions on Qi Zhou, who turned them from anticipation to disappointment, a team battle suddenly broke out!

When the Canyon Herald's HP is still half.

WE also guessed the whereabouts of EDG.

The wine barrel took the lead, and Shen of 957 opened the big pass wine barrel in advance.

"Beautiful E flash! Hit the cannon!"

"Shen landed and mocked the little cannon of the prince!"

"EDG fights back, Xiaopao surrenders the flash barrier!"

"But Xiye Kassadin killed Xiaopao in seconds with his big move!"

Almost instantly, EDG's formation was broken up.

Claire's hot dance ult traps Shen and the barrel, wanting EQ to escape and stop the loss.

But at this moment, Qi Zhou's voice came from the team channel.

"Can fight! Don't run!"

Words fall.

Nuoshou started sprinting, rushed out of the dragon pit, and ran towards Xia.

Kelie'er's heart became ruthless, and she used EQ in a flash, trying to pick Feixia.

"It's raining all over the sky!"

However, Xia Kaida dodged perfectly, but Kassadin was still injured by the prince, and he was killed with a passive heavy attack.

And Luo also taunted Nuo Shou and gems with his W big move.

It doesn't seem to be able to hit...

"Focus on the promise!"

The injury Xia hit on Nuoshou was not very painful, which made my brother-in-law a little flustered.

You know, he has already sucked the two-piece set of blue knife and artillery.


Nuo's hand with sprint acceleration also touched Xia.

Start to pile up blood rage. doesn't seem to be hurting!

In an instant, the brother-in-law's heart relaxed, and he activated his skills to output promises crazily.

On the other side, the rock sparrow with residual blood locked the exit of the Dragon Pit and ran for a distance, leaving behind the wine barrel in the pigsty and Shen Gan staring.

"The WE four are still in very good condition!"

"But the prince and rock sparrow on EDG's side have already lost their blood."

"Can Nuoshou kill Xia before Shen and the wine barrel come out?"

 Thanks to the author of "Gouzi Art of War", the dog's head military division himself, and the theoretical knowledge provider of this book [Watching the Moon's Brightness] for the reward.

  Thank you for the rewards of 【Knife Kills the World with a Knife】 and 【Zhu Yuchuan Ye】.

(End of this chapter)

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