Chapter 55 [55] Immortal Returning to the Blood Promised Hand
As soon as the prince's pigsty disappeared from the Dalong Pit, 957 couldn't help but handed over Flash.

He had to do it.

The series of terrain created by the rock sparrow and the prince trapped him and the barrel to death in the dragon pit.

Nuoshou was already close to Xia.

Although it seems that his damage is not high, as a side against him, 957 still knows in his heart that after playing Blood Rage, his damage is still terrible!
He must be stopped!

"Kangdi just flashed E, without skills, and now he is still trapped in the dragon pit, watching his teammates fight, and he can't get out."

"The current team battle is four against three. EDG has a small number of players but is not in good condition."

Opening E to restrain Nuo's hand, Xia ran in the direction of Luo and Shen.

"Xia's body is passive on four levels, my brother-in-law is also a little panicked!"

As Senior Colonel Guan said, my brother-in-law really panicked.

"I'll hit the rock sparrow and the prince first, you help me hold Nuo!"

Broken Mandarin appeared on the WE team channel, Ben's Luo and 957's Shen Chao Nuo surrounded him.

And Xayah switched output targets.

The orange-yellow feather shot out, and the prince's blood volume dropped a lot.

"Zhou, you are the one who told me to output output!"

Claire Lawu said while pulling away from Xia.

"Don't worry, I won't die!"

Suddenly, a huge circular area appeared in the middle of the river.

Not long after, a green light descended from the sky.

Rock Sparrow, Prince, and Gem recovered a bit of their HP, while Nuoshou immediately returned to full HP.

It is [Interference] - the active skill of redemption.

"Gem out of redemption?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Kang Di, who had just come out of the Dragon Pit, asked in surprise.

"No hand."

957 replied helplessly.

It was only just now that he understood why Qi Zhounuo carried the wind whisperer's blessing in his hand.

"Redemption, cauldron, cloth shoes!"

"Yo bud!"

"Why did Nuoshou produce a bunch of auxiliary equipment?"

By default, Qi Zhou took the "Jindan Mung Bean Flow" PDD of Nuo Shou. When he saw the equipment column, he was as surprised as when he heard Xiaoxiao spent 100 yuan to draw a lobster.

"Does he want to maximize the blood recovery of the Q skill?"

Although the expression is exaggerated, PDD's brain is not slow.

Redemption provides a 10% bonus to healing and shield strength.

Mikael's Crucible provides a 20% bonus to healing and shield strength.

Plus 10% of Windtalker.

Nuo Shou's healing effect can be increased by 40%.

This is why in the redemption circle, Nuo Shou healed more blood than Rock Sparrow and Prince.

"It seems to be very good!"

"The Nuo hand Q skill is to heal the percentage of lost health."

"Increasing the healing effect, every time three people are hit by Q, Nuoshou can recover more than half of the lost HP."

The PDD mind is opened, and the more you talk, the more energetic you are.

His words were quickly fulfilled in the fight between the two sides.

The rock sparrow with not very healthy blood volume, the prince and gem stood behind Nuoshou, confronting Xia.

Xia, Luo, Shen, and Jiu Tong are on the same side, and they can only focus on the fire to output Nuo Shou.

"85 magic resistance, 133 armor! This outfit is not low."

"WE's four-man promise-player is very slow."

In the picture, the four of WE output Nuo Shou together, but it took him half blood in 4 seconds.

However, the promised hand has [Big Kill Quartet]!
The ax turned.

In an instant, more than half of Nuoshou's lost health was restored.

"The gem [Fortress of Fortitude] is given to Nuo Shou! Armor is improved!"

"Without Kassadin, WE can't touch him at all!"

Darius, who looks like a guillotine (please refer to the Noxus turtle picture), stands still in front of him.

Behind, the rock sparrow began to release its skills.

957: "If you can't kill him, don't worry about him, kill the rock sparrow first, I am E."

Kang Di: "His blood rages out!"

Ben: "I'll be fine soon!"

Deng! ! !
The scarlet Noxian Imperial Peugeot loomed above the barrel.

Shen and Luo handed over E and W almost at the same time and rushed towards the rock sparrow and prince behind Nuo's hand.

【Ruthless Iron Hand】!
Nuoshou turned his head and stretched out his ax to pull back. WE's plan to eliminate EDG's back row failed!

"The gem has grown bigger!"


"The factory manager is three in a row, and the warrior's wild knife does a lot of damage!"

"Eh...he didn't get the size of the gem, but Xia did more damage, and the prince died in battle."

"There are only three people left in EDG, but they are all invincible!"


Qi Zhou understands that Ke Lier La Wu is sacrificing his life for righteousness.

The full output of the prince's EQ damage is not low. At this moment, Luo residual blood, Xia, and wine barrel half blood.

Even if his Nuo Shou did not get the attack power bonus from equipment and runes.

But after playing Bloodrage, the attack power also soared to 195.

"W big move!"

"Luo was beheaded, and Nuo's hand was chopped up!"

Like a jackal smelling blood, Darius immediately turned his gaze to his good mistress Xia after killing Luo.

"Q flash big move!"

"Double kill!"

"The barrel is aware that something is wrong, but can't retreat!"

"The rock sparrow's output is very high, and the wine barrel was hacked to death!"

"Only Shen is left, but his energy bar is empty, and he hasn't flashed!"

In the end, 957 was repeatedly tortured by Nuoshou, Rock Sparrow, and Gemstone, and died in his wilderness.

This is because Qi Zhou did not make a big recruitment, but chose to give up his head to the elementary school students.

Perfect team start, precise instant kill small cannon.

Everyone in WE could not accept such an ending.

long silence...

"Stupid, where's your ignition?"

"Give it to Xiao Pao."

"Uh... remember to leave it to Nuo for the next wave of team battles."

Any economy in the professional arena is precious.

The only ones who can reduce the treatment are the death penalty announcement, ghost book, and small anti-armor.

The first two have existed for a long time, and the small anti-armor: Thorn vest is a new equipment that was just launched in July.

Although it can also reduce the healing effect of the enemy, the single duration is only 1 second, and there is a premise that the enemy attacks the wearer.

So there is no need for Shen to use it.

And let Kassadin make a ghost book now, and Ni Yubu's death sentence is even more impossible.

Therefore, in the next wave of team battles, if you want to deal with Nuo Shou who has such a terrifying blood recovery, you can only rely on Luo's ignition.

"We must kill him within 5 seconds of ignition!"

On the other side, most of the barrage's criticism of Qi Zhou disappeared:
"Sea is such a talented player!"

"I really love such a strong top laner!"

"Can resist and hack! Three kills and group kills! Little Heizi, where's your chicken crowing?"

"Cut~~ If He Chenuo had killed all of them long ago!!"

"Dog: All of them have been killed long ago!"

"Honor, the master is still stable and consistent~"

(End of this chapter)

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