Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 57 [57] Please lychee, don't hit me!Crack the chain control!win!

Chapter 57 [57] Please lychee, don't hit me!Crack the chain control!win!

Single belt, in fact, is for better sideline management in team operations.


[The above data is provided by the dog head army division and the author of "The Art of War" 'Watching the Brightness of the Moon']

If there is a difference of more than 1 level before and after the corresponding time point, it means that the player's laning is poor, or due to reasons such as roaming support, the defensive towers and minions "swallowed" the experience that should belong to him. .

It can also reveal that the team's operations are not working.

Or the enemy team's operation is stronger than the team's, so that the team has been led by the nose by the enemy team, losing many "resources that should have been obtained".

Qi Zhou told the elementary school brother that the "2 minutes" of developing for another 2 minutes is a very delicate statistic.

It was 21 and a half minutes of game time just now.

After 2 minutes, it is 23 and a half minutes.

Kassadin's level should stay at level 14, almost to level 15.

You know, there has always been a saying in the canyon that "there may be many fathers among late heroes, but there is only one grandpa".

That's right, this grandpa refers to Kassadin.

Kassadin is a level-hungry hero. Once he reaches level 16, the CD time of his ultimate move will be shortened to 2 seconds.

This will be an epic promotion for him.

But for crispy heroes, it is a devastating blow.

Because at the 16th level, Kassadin is very likely to make a three-piece set of Time, Zhongya, and Lich. When fighting in a team, a big move can make the enemy's crispy lose their combat effectiveness instantly.

At the same time, Kassadin can also use Zhongya's golden body to leave the field gracefully.

This is also the reason why Qi Zhou decided to play a group at 23:30.

time up.

Back to the city, Qi Zhou returned to full capacity, updated equipment and headed towards the middle road.

"The little cannon has finally worn away the tower in the blue square."

"WE also noticed EDG's small moves, carefully pushed the line and returned to the city to replenish equipment."

"Kassadin also tore through the void and jumped towards the middle."

The war has begun to brew, and the commentary has a topic again.

They used simple language to grasp the key points to introduce the advantages and disadvantages of the two lineups to the audience.

WE has a lot of control, strong initiative ability, strong ability to cut C, and good continuous output, which is perfect.

EDG has a strong backhand ability, and the Tante Nuo hand overdraws the future potential and is currently very strong, but the C position is cut or the Nuo hand is second-handed and can only be G.

"Fire a small cannon or a second promise!"

"Fire a small cannon or a second promise!"

"Fire a small cannon or a second promise!"

Although everyone understands.

But 957 still emphasized to his teammates the most important things when playing a team three times in a row on the team channel.

The two sides are currently facing off in front of the Second Tower.

The tight and narrow terrain is very conducive to WE's first attack.

As long as one of Xiaopao or Nuoshou is instantly killed, the balance of victory in the team battle will tilt towards WE.

"The gun girl is a little hard to beat, the prince and the gem are protecting her to death."

There was a bit of embarrassment in Xiye's tone.

"I think it's better to promise first!"

Kang Di also agreed: "Brother Legs, turn on the W and hit the output of the small cannon. I will blow the Nuo Shou into the defense tower."

Brother-in-law: "Hey, he Q Umbrella is stupid, and the umbrella is still around for three or four (ten) seconds."

957: "Okay, wait for the soldiers to come out and look for opportunities!"

The blue square pawn line came out of the high ground.

Under the Second Tower, Xia, Luo, and Jiu Tong wandered around.

Although EDG does not have Kassadin's vision, it can roughly guess that he is looking for opportunities somewhere in the first half of the field.

"Students keep their skills."

"Small cannon electric knife clears troops quickly!"

Of course it is better to open someone else than to be opened, Kreer Lawu squinted his eyes slightly, staring at the screen like a hunter, looking for WE's flaws.

"The barrel man pinches?"

The vision distance of heroes in League of Legends is 1500 yards.

Qi Zhou was standing closer to the front, but he suddenly found that the wine barrel under the tower was missing.

"Just dodged my Q and turned around."

It was the younger brother who spoke.

Hearing this, Qi Zhou felt something was wrong, and took a few steps forward.

Suddenly, the wine barrel exuding golden light and air flow appeared from the fog of war ahead.

Qi Zhou's pupils narrowed.

There is also a purple light exclusive to the secret art on the body of the wine barrel!
It's Shen's big move!
The airflow around the wine barrel is the special effect after the Glory of Justice active skill is activated.

"Too fast! Glory of Justice has a 75% movement speed bonus!"

"The wine barrel E flashed into...and was dodged by Nuo Shou!"

Colonel Guan wants to predict in advance.

After all, the barrel E skill has an impact distance of 600 yards, plus the huge movement speed bonus provided by the glory of justice.

No matter how you look at the non-flashing Nuo Shou, you can't dodge it.

Unexpectedly, Qi Zhou's promised hand has already reached the "Golden Core Stage".

The ascension talisman and the acceleration of the sprint were activated almost at the same time, and the "7" shaped position was turned sideways, and the wine barrel [meat, egg, onion and chicken] fell through.


The acceleration of the glory of justice is for individuals, while the acceleration of the amulet of ascension is provided for all friendly heroes within the range.

Therefore, all EDG members relied on acceleration to avoid the "3% deceleration" shock wave released 75 seconds after the barrel of justice glory was turned on.

Kang Di did not expect that his long-planned method of starting a group would be cracked.

But it still threw out [Explosive Wine Barrel].

Nuoshou was blown into the second tower!
"Shen Landing's E skill taunted the prince!"

"Nuoshou was besieged!"

At the moment when Nuo's hand was blown into the second tower, Xiye did not hesitate at all, and stepped over the wall with a big move, and the AWEQ combo immediately greeted Nuo's hands.

Kassadin's passive is in line with his identity as a void walker, able to ignore unit volume collisions.

This also means that as long as you step on your face, you can hit Nuo Shou if you release Xiye's E skill in any direction.

So it took him a very short time to use all his skills.

But the imagined picture of Nuoshou being knocked out of half of his blood in an instant did not appear.

Connaught hand 144 magic resistance!

Kassadin can't wear sticks!

"Xia sucks the blue sword, artillery, big sword, and pickaxe at this stage. The damage is not low at this stage, but the armor of Nuoshou [-] is too fleshy!"

"The defense tower has a penetration buff, and the damage of the promise hand is actually the highest!"

The wine barrel turned around, and Shen turned on the W skill to resist the output of the four EDG players.

The commentators are all focused on Nuoshou!

"Nuoshou's equipment returns 52.2 blood per second?"

"Off the scale!!! How many thousand can a group return?"

"Luo ignites! W hits the air, Nuo's blood volume is only 1/3!"

Outside the contestant seats, the audience and commentators were nervous and excited.

But Qi Zhou under the camera of the director was giggling and muttering something at the same time.

After the game, according to the memories of the elementary school students, it seems to be the following words:
"Why don't you have lychees in soy sauce!"

"Can't I eat pancakes!"

"Unless I'm Zisha, it's impossible for chickens!"

cough cough...

According to Nuoshou's current blood loss rate, as long as Luo uses his big move, WE can kill him completely.

But at the same time, it also means that they will not have the ability to start a group and retain people.

In the earphones, brother-in-law and Xiye yelled loudly.

"The jewel's big move can't match him!"

"Can kill! I still have E!"

Ben gritted his teeth and pressed the R key.

The male birdman performed a startling dance, and the iron-blooded Darius was charmed.



Just when everyone thought that Nuoshou would die under the serial control of the wine barrel's big move, Kassadin's silence, Luo W then R, and Xia E.

Nuoshou suddenly emitted a pure white halo, and the control was released.


"Oh my God!"

PDD's small eyes widened in shock.

"Sea's wave of uncontrolling is too extreme!"

"The crucible can release itself, but 0.3-0.5 seconds earlier!"

"Break the bull, break the bull!"

"If it's not that the hand speed exceeds the limit, it means that he has prepared in advance..."

Nuoshou drove Q back, and Kassadin, Luo, and Jiu Ke were scraped by the big axe.

His health bar is back to 1/3 (Luo ignites).

Then the redemption halo appeared in the middle.

"Shen was killed, Nuo walked out of the defense tower and ruthlessly pulled back the three of WE!"

"Prince once again EQ a series of three!"

"WE exploded instantly!"

The great situation was shattered because of the promise's crucible.

The voices of brother-in-law and Xiye instantly disappeared from the team channel.

It's all over.

They used their skills without reservation for the second promise.

No ability to fight back.

And the Creel spicy dance fighter's wild knife combined with the black-cut prince, the output is not bad.

It even blew away the hopes of several people.

What made them even more speechless was that the Nuo hand was still pressing ctrl+3.

Is the bridge of the nose high?
Watch out for the ax falling!
The result of the team battle can be imagined.

Except for Xia, the other four people in the blue side were all killed.

On the EDG side, because of the small cannon, when everyone in WE was resurrected, an incisor tower had been pulled out.

Under Qi Zhou's suggestion, EDG chose Lengtouqing and forcibly demolished the last front tooth tower.

This also resulted in the death of Prince and Gem.

However, after the two were resurrected, the five EDG members gathered in the middle again and forcibly demolished the WE base.

2:1 to win the match point.

(End of this chapter)

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