Chapter 58 [58] The glory of the dog's head bar shines all the way, and the promise of the hand bar is chaotic and falling apart
"Drink water!"

Backstage, Abu excitedly took out a bottle of C'estbon just opened and handed it to Qi Zhou.

He was full of excitement, and his tone was earnest and enthusiastic.

It is really a blessing for EDG to have Qi Zhou.

At the beginning of the S7 season, Dashu was a nail player among the regulars in the top laner, and he was the first of the top three phantom gods.

This situation continued until the revision of the big tree in the mid-season.

Although the change of the ultimate move gave Dashu more ability to start a group, his frankness is much worse than that of the old tree spirit.

However, Qi Zhou's taboo statue, Liu Nuo Shou, is like recreating an old tree!

The data at the end of the game showed that his anti-injury skills accounted for 53.2% of the team!

It is simply rebuilding the strength of character and reshaping the soul of the EDG team.

Qi Zhou waved his hand to express that drinking too much and urinating frequently is not conducive to the next game.


Abu withdrew his slightly trembling arms and kept saying:

"This is a good order!"

"You are my spiritual Treeman!"

"Continue to be strong in the next game, and we will reach the final!"

The eagerness made Ke Lier Lawu and others feel scared for Qi Zhou.

At the same time, I also thought of Mouse who was called "the light of the top laner" by Abramovich and was sitting on the bench at the moment.

You can talk less!

Redmi didn't expect that WE would lose because it couldn't solve the promise of cheap goods.

This is not scientific!
Shen, who obviously senses the giant nine, adaptive helmet, small anti-armor, and cloth armor shoes, should be more fleshy!

Rubbing her chin, Hongmi asked, "Changyu, what do you think of Sea's strength?"

957 had expected it, and answered fluently:
"Conservative laning, excellent awareness, good control of details, but mediocre operation."

In fact, regarding the operation, if Qi Zhou Crucible hadn't been released from control, 957 originally wanted to use the word "inferior".

Online, he played hand to hand with Qi Zhounuo, and through pulling and skillful combos, he could take advantage of every exchange of blood.

It's just that Sanmungdou is really disgusting, and the blood lost by Nuoshou can be recovered quickly, so in the short shot, outsiders think that Shen and Nuoshou are on the same line.

957 paused, his expression became serious, and he continued: "I didn't feel anything special when I watched the replay of Sea's game before."

"But against him, I realized that I couldn't penetrate his thinking."

"His behavior is completely inconsistent with the version and the team's style of play!"

Redmi nodded in approval.

He knew that the behaviors mentioned by 957 included many things, such as outfits, styles of play, and self-positioning...

"He played very purely, combining the blood recovery trait of Nuo hand Q with equipment, and played to the limit!"

"If my Prudence wants to have the same frankness as his outfit, it needs at least 6000 more economy!"

Hearing this, Hongmi's eyes showed horror.

Of course he understands what the 6000 economy means.

This is the economic difference that can only be created in about 10 minutes when the team is in a downwind situation.

Personally speaking, it takes at least 15 minutes to play a 6k economy.

"Then you can't issue a death sentence and anti-armor?"

Redmi asked back.

"Anti-armor is useless if he doesn't hit me, and the duration is only 1 second."

"Death sentence brother-in-law didn't have the money at that time."

957 shook his head, although some people always think that "the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear".

But in fact, many invisible points can only be experienced by players who are competing.

The time of EDG's group card was too good.

Brother-in-law Xia Wuwu is still short of 700, and the death sentence requires 800 gold coins.

Two pieces of equipment also need 1500 economy.

If an ADC player is asked to choose one of the two and play one first, he will definitely suffer terribly.

After hearing this, Hongmi also realized her one-sidedness.

"Although the hero used is not a big tree, his style is very EDG."

"In this game just now, the middle and lower lanes were handled well."

"Especially my brother-in-law Ben can counter pressure small cannons and gems in the bottom lane."

Hongmi stood up and said in a deep voice: "Let's play the red side, and Changyu is the second player on the fifth floor."

"Use a sharp spear to pierce a solid shield!"

"Kangdi, focus on the road."

"Sea is the key to EDG, destroy it and victory will come!"

Under the chicken soup, the eyes of all WE members became more determined.

Just break through the ancient blocking stone of EDG.

Final, Bird's Nest...

Right ahead!


[Desert God of Death] Inside.

Qi Zhou shines, and the mainstay of the Hand of Noxus scares the novice dogs.

Honor, the Lord won't really be a traitor, will he?
Will this routine be learned by those reckless people in Nuoshouba?
It's hard to hammer to death even after 500 layers of Q!
If you don't ban the Nuo hand in the ranking, you don't dare to play the game with the dog's head!

In order to appease the panic of the new 8Us, when the big bar owner Qin Yu suddenly disappeared, the small bar owners joined a group of yellow card bosses to discuss.

Finally came to the conclusion:
"The damage of this kind of Nuo Shou is too low. Although the dog's head can't kill him, he can't kill the dog's head either."

"This situation is more conducive to the dog's head stacking Q."

"This is a trap set by the Lord of Honor for the 8U's gaming experience for the Hand of Noxus."

Just imagine, if the top road is full of amiable "returning blood and promise hands", then do the dog-headed players still need to rack their brains for the experience?

Sure enough, the owner of the honor bar was thinking about the Desert God of Death bar with all his might.

On the other side, [Hand of Noxus].

"This outfit is too cost-effective!"

"I think it would be fun to fry fish!"

"Are you guys discussing? Mung bean Jindan Xia Yu Xiaoc has already been placed on the pillar of shame in Nuoshou Bar! Do we need to be so stubborn?"

"But after the rise of the Gotou Bar, we Nuoshou can only bully Thain and the Golem..."

"9494, I dare not take promises against those T0 top laners after the rank is up, I can only use the stone man."

"I can't carry it, I can't bear it, I have to go first in the group, and I'm knocked out before I can jump up!"

In the eyes of many Noxus fans, the former glory of Noxus no longer exists.

High-end active Nuo players generally think that "the status quo of Nuo hand: now there are some sewer heroes who can fight online, and team fights are basically stupid."

In ancient times, the instant Q skill Darius of the killing knife has gone.

In the era when the top laner ecology of the S7 League began to be subverted, Nuo Shou has disappeared from everyone.

In addition to the explosive damage in low-end rounds, it is difficult to gain advantage in the middle of high-end rounds, and team battles are easy to be kited.

It's no wonder that Yu Xiaoc, who claims to be the "No. [-] player in the national server", will play the three mung bean mother's cloak Liu Hunzi Nuo.

Inside the bar.

In the heated discussion, some players insisted that "The Black Cleaver is Darius' weapon, I can't give it up, let Darius change from a head harvester to a group of Noxus treants."

Another part of the players thinks that "The Forbidden Statue is another way for Nuoshou to get a new life. We must emancipate our minds, dare to try, and create a genre of undead team battles. It will be the best for the high-end Nuoshou's winning rate!"

Neither side agrees with the other.

In some people's minds, the perpetrator, Qi Zhou, insulted the image of the Hand of Noxus as tall, mighty, stern, and cold.

Thus, Qi Zhou became Yu Xiaoc's second, and was also nailed to the pillar of shame in Nuoshou Bar.

Right Alliance [Noxus, about to rise]

Left League [cowardly move, never tolerated]

Hengpi [I will fight to the death]

 Thank you readers for following up, and thank you [San Xian] for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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