Chapter 59 [59] La La La Demacia~
"The audience in front of the screen, welcome back to the semi-finals of the S7 League of Legends Global Finals!"

"The score between the two sides has come to 2:1. At the match point, WE is temporarily behind EDG."

"The red side chosen by WE in this game, I think they want to leave the counter position to 957."

During the 15-minute intermission, Colonel Guan regained his mana and began to explain enthusiastically.

"According to statistics, the winning rate of the blue team in the professional arena reaches 53.9%, which is much higher than that of the red team. I don't know what knowledge is there?"

The two sides just started the banpick session, and Colonel Guan also brought up the topic, wanting to ease the atmosphere.

PDD frowned and thought for a few seconds, and said, "The blue side is going up the mountain, and the operation is smoother. The red side is going down the mountain, and the character's attack distance seems to be farther than the blue side. Both sides have advantages and disadvantages."

"Personally, I think it might have something to do with BP! After all, in this version, the red team has to reserve Ban slots for skate shoes, which is a disadvantage!"

"The reason why WE chose the red side is not difficult to guess. Sea's performance in the last round was too bright, and the creative taboo statue returned blood and promised to beat them directly."

"Sea didn't make an appearance before the World Championship this year. No one knows how many black technology cards he has. That's why WE gave up a Ban position and chose the red side."

The PDD analysis is in place, succinctly pointing out WE's ideas.

As for the question of the winning rate of the red and blue teams raised by Colonel Guan, from the perspective of PDD, this is metaphysics, and it is a question that is not clear at all.

However, in fact, the reason for this situation between the red and blue sides is not unrelated to the chicken feet left by the chicken shooter.

If you look carefully at the intersection of the pawn lines, it is easy to find that no matter which side you are on, the blue side's cannon will fire first.

This is because the blue square cannon has a range of 300 yards, while the red square cannon has a range of only 280 yards!
With a small 20 yards, the red pawn line is always at a disadvantage when no one interferes!

It is also a factor that cannot be ignored to promote the progress of the game.

The most common situation is to single-lead both sides to clear the line of troops and go to join the regiment.

When the reset line comes out, the red side's minions are all killed before the blue side, and the next wave of blue side's soldiers will have more long-range soldiers.

The extra long-range soldiers can make the blue square pawn line snowball and push towards the red square.

This can also easily lead to the victory of the red team team battle, but after the end, it has to clean up the sideline, wasting time to advance.

It is the only consolation to be able to eat more than one sideline.

"EDGban dropped Lulu and Dazui, and WE also sent skateboard shoes and Mai Lin gunner to the ban position as expected."

"If this is the case, the Legend of the Phoenix from the last game will be released again!"

The topic of Colonel Guan officially entered the game.

But in the next second, Xia appeared in the last ban position of the first round of EDG.

"WE can ban Galio or the prince."

"In this way, the wind girl, the mouse, and the policewoman are all good choices."

PDD's eyes lit up, analyzing the possible results of BP.

Sure enough, the prince who performed fairly well in the last round of Kelier Spicy Dance was banned by WE in this round.

Subsequently, EDG locked Fengnv on the first floor.

The hallucinogenic mouth that always couldn't get in the mouth: "WE can take the policewoman or Galio first. In the last round, the brother-in-law and Ben performed very well, and they can definitely play a little stronger."

After finishing speaking, WE chose Galio and Pig Girl.

EDG used Malzahar and Verus as countermeasures.

The pinnacle Galio system used by WE is very famous in LPL.

The key to this system is this kind of online real-time support based on the mid laner or top laner Galio, and the quick appearance in team battles provides a lot of control, thus creating an excellent output space for the ADC in the back row.

During the intercontinental game, WE used this tactic to beat SKT and couldn't find North.

And RNG is even more imitative, and directly scored zero three-stars in the group stage.

When the draw for the knockout round came out, EDG realized that it would inevitably deal with the Galio system, so Scout practiced Malzaha in a targeted manner.

Of course, it is unrealistic to think of using Malzaha to fight and solo kill Galio online.

The selection of Malzahar is aimed at suppressing the ultimate move and destroying Galio's role in team battles.

"Will WE choose support or AD?"

Xiye on the third floor of the red square reveals the answer: rats.

"Haha, I remembered a gossip, it is said that Emperor Chi is training Jinx."

"You must know that Jinx is an ADC that is more restrained against mice!"

Colonel Guan, as a figure in the e-sports circle who dare not offend him, is very well informed.

The Ruler in his mouth is Samsung's ADC player Ruler.
"My bud, what is this?"

The introduction of the player's game data that popped up at the bottom of the big screen made PDD scream in fright.


"Brother-in-law Mouse's average damage per minute in the previous game has exceeded a thousand!"

"If I remember correctly just now, the iBoy's Verus seems to be more than 400 or 500?"

My brother-in-law played very well in the S7 season. In the World Championship, 957 and him have always been the key points in the two WE games.

In the LPL before, he faced the so-called "world's number one ADC" Uzi, and he was not at a disadvantage.

Its technology can be seen from the fact that it has always suppressed the EDG duo in the last game.

Then the second round of bans began.

EDG all targeted WE support positions, and Luo and Nanny were banned one after another.

WE, on the other hand, aimed at the top laner of EDG, banning Juggernaut and Dashu.

Obviously, Dashu has nothing to say. He is the soul of EDG. Banning it is not only a conservative move, but also a heavy blow to EDG's spirit!

As for the Meat Sword Saint, Qi Zhou should be wary of Qi Zhou's overly dazzling performance against RNG.

That pentakill was the first pentakill in the S game!

Although it is said to be a black technology, the fact that WEban lost the Juggernaut shows that they have not yet found a countermeasure, and they need to beware of the possible choices Qi Zhou may make.

Immediately afterwards, WE selected gems.

"This Banpick is doing very well! Pig Girl has enough first-hand ability, Galio has stronger second-hand ability with gems, and the team's overall frankness is terrible!"

PDD couldn't help but praise, and then said: "I guess the factory manager will take the barrel, we can look forward to what sea will choose as the top order."

Sure enough, the factory manager took out the barrel.

"It's just short of sea!"

"It's his turn, until the last second, the suspense is hard to uncover!"

The commentators have already figured out Qi Zhou's routine. Whenever he doesn't choose the hero Dashu, the sister-in-law will choose the hero at the last second.

"Let us wait quietly!"

"Let's see what kind of surprises this round of sea can bring us!"

The countdown keeps beating.

Finally, the time came to the last second.

A wild, domineering hero with a small head and huge shoulders appeared.

He is, after being strengthened at the beginning of the season, the appearance rate once returned to the peak, the League of Legends permanent free hero Galen!

"Long live Demacia!"

Under the 3D projection, Galen is tall and majestic.

(End of this chapter)

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