Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 60 [60] The Ultimate Human Pillar, the Power of Tiamat!

Chapter 60 [60] The Ultimate Human Pillar, the Power of Tiamat!

"Demacian force!"


"The last time I appeared in the professional arena was in the S5 season!"

Colonel Guan was full of enthusiasm.

Sea once again showed the heroes of matches, low-end rounds, and heroes who were left behind in the game!
The eyes of the audience were also firmly grasped, and the loud "Wuhu" sound came from the mouths of the male compatriots.

The atmosphere in the venue was extremely warm, as if this was not the semi-final but the final.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly:

"Demacia, live forever!!!"

"Fuck shit, shit, shit, Neptune's rounds must be done!"

"Galen?? Did you make a mistake!"

"My roommate's dying wish finally came true, woo woo woo~~"

"Hey, it's okay for you to play W, but you have to make a black cut!! Otherwise, I'm so upset!!"

"I've played Ryze, Ashe, and Galen, and Galen actually played. I'm really touched..."

"Can the director lock the camera on the road?"

Everyone's attention was all attracted by Galen, and they seemed to forget that WE still had the last choice.

957: "What kind of son is he going to do?"

Redmi: "Brainstorm! Brainstorm! Which skill of Galen can restore blood?"

Xiye: "Don't guess, what else can he do besides master W?"

Brother-in-law: "@#¥?????"

After a long discussion, WE chose Rambo in the last two seconds.

Redmi also repeatedly emphasized: "Wait until you enter the game, you must pay attention to Galen's talent!!!!"

Abu had already walked out of the player's bench, Hongmi thought of something again, stopped and shouted "Also pay attention to his basic hero attributes!", and then walked quickly.

Shake hands with Abramovich and leave.

"The lineups on both sides...are very good!"

Although EDG chose Galen due to Qi Zhou's lack of large group control heroes, Colonel Guan still praised him without conscience.

PDD was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "WE's Rambo is really well chosen."

"He is an extremely strategic and functional Fatan that is rare among top laners. He has extremely powerful AOE damage in team battles."

"Especially when the big dragon group and the small dragon group use their ultimate move, they can split the battlefield and deal tons of damage!"

"Xiye's Galio is definitely a meaty player, and choosing Rambo can also make up for the lack of AP output in the team."


After the hero switches positions:
EDGvsWE (blue-red)
Top order: Galen vs Lambo
Jungle: Barrel vs Pig Girl
Mid laner: Malzahar vs Galio

ADC: Verus vs Mouse
Support: Wind Girl vs Gemstone
After a few seconds of loading, the two sides entered the Summoner's Canyon.

957 paid special attention to Galen's talent, which is the decree of Lord Thunder.

It can be regarded as a relatively radical talent.

Could it be that he wants to fight online and take out Galen?
Thinking of this, 957's eyes lit up.

But he still goes out with the regular Dolan Shield red medicine.

In this game, WE did not invade the wild area at level 1 like the previous game, but adopted a river defense position together with EDG.

Colonel Guan also understood the audience very well, so he immediately brought the topic to Galen.

"Sea is the same as the previous game. It doesn't have teleportation, but the two summoner skills combination of sprint + flash."

"Talent brings Thunder. Does he want to play violent DPS Galen in this round? If this is the case, EDG's lineup is not frank enough!"

Many viewers were still engrossed in voting for the team, and they immediately reacted to Colonel Guan's words.

'Papa Papa' struck the keyboard.

"Why, is the owner of the dog head bar honor bar strict?"

"Don't you know how many catties and taels you operate? You just won a game with black technology and it's so inflated!"

"Heiqi Youmeng is doing it!!!"

"It seems...Galen's winning percentage in professional games is extremely low, right?"

"Brother upstairs, feel free to say 0 boldly!"

"EDG must have fewer players in team battles. The mid-term team battles of WE lineup are so strong. Isn't this round free?"

"It's great, I can watch Bo5 again today."

Maybe the users in Douyu TV are all black fans of EDG, or maybe this group of viewers are too rational.

Regarding Qi Zhou's selection of Galen, more than 70% of them were critics.

Between the words, I wish 957 could blow it up with Lambo.

At 1 minute and 20 seconds, the support ratings of the opponents also jumped out.



Although EDG is higher than WE, EDG crushed WE in the support rate of the last game.

56:44, pulled in a lot.

It can only be said that although Galen satisfies the desires of the audience psychologically, the team effect on the EDG lineup is obviously negative.

"Galen and Rambo have no displacement and are very easy to catch."

"However, relatively speaking, Garen's Q skill can clear the deceleration and speed up. Combined with sprinting and flashing, it is still relatively difficult to successfully gank."

The first thing to do when 957 goes online is to open Galen's attribute panel.

Both magic resistance and armor have increased compared to normal values, but it is still obvious that Qi Zhou's "growth" and "fixation" are mixed with each other.

As for what runes the red mark and the great essence carry, it's hard to guess.

Because Galen's cooldown has been reduced except for armor and magic resistance, his attack power has increased a little.

Seeing 957 who was frozen in place, Qi Zhou chuckled.

Then start Ctrl+3, to show friendliness.

Galen's great sword was thrown to the ground, and then he danced upside down and did one-handed push-ups.

"Look, I lift up the whole world!"

957 sensed disdain from it, and felt angry.

Regardless of the temperature he controlled, he immediately activated the Q skill, and Rambo entered a red temperature state, spitting flames towards Galen in front of him.

And Galen symbolically asked Rambo to bake for a few seconds, then turned on the Q skill and escaped.

When the pawn lines meet, Galen is already full of blood by virtue of his passive and excellent life regeneration.

"Lean back!"

"Catch it at level 3?"

957 is very restrained, because he knows that Lan Kai's pig girl's best route to clear the three groups of wild monsters is "blue buff-magic marsh frog-red buff".

"Of course!"

Kangti also knew that going on the road would become a breakthrough point for both sides in the early stage.

Two heroes with no displacement, in a long line, are easy to catch.

"Be careful to catch the factory manager at level 2."

The initial wild clearing speed of the wine barrel is slower than that of the pig girl, but Kangti emphasized level 2.


Qizhou Galen didn't go up to 2, and he refused to exchange blood with Rambo when he couldn't use up QE.

Although this round he did plan to play the output stream Galen.

But you still have to do it when you should do it in the early stage.

"Dolan sword went out, but he was so cowardly!"

Hallucinogenic and slightly disappointing.

Bottom road EDG Fengnv and Verus started a fight with mice and gems at level 1.

Taking advantage of the short hand of the gemstone, he knocked out 200 blood points of the mouse at the beginning.

"Galen's level 1 Q is easy to be chased by Rambo, and it's not worth changing blood now."

"Wait 2 and the two sides should fight against each other."

Colonel Guan is well-founded and convincing.

Sure enough, as the audience expected, things have been developing in the opposite direction.

Galen didn't fight Rambo, he was still making up soldiers.

"Guan Zeyuan, please shut up!"

"Thunder Galen is still so cowardly, why go out with Doran's sword?"

"As expected...mystery has once again descended on the canyon."

"These two cowards on the road will turn around when the jungler comes!"

"Look, it's been 3 minutes since Dema has not founded the country E, I guess he is definitely the owner of W!"

"Shouldn't level 2 fight for life?"


The development of the situation on the field was unexpectedly... peaceful.

Until seven and a half minutes into the road, each of them went home to replenish their equipment, and there was no outbreak of any deaths.

The audience on the court also lacked interest in the ordinary game.

No one even waved the cheering stick.

It seems that the next game can already be guessed:
After 20 minutes of peaceful development, WE started a team, and the team battle ability in the middle of the lineup exploded. EDG fell into a big disadvantage. WE tied the score at 2:2, and the two sides entered the fifth game.

Just when the commentators were running out of words and couldn't find a topic, there was an extra piece of Tiamat on Galen's equipment bar!
"Watfak? What kind of outfit is this?"

"Shouldn't there be a small wooden hammer?"

"Piamat has a fart?"

"Has Sea fainted? Bring Lord Thunder without exchanging blood, and now Galen will produce Tiamat?"

For a moment, the emotions of the audience were aroused again.

Most of them complained, but some viewers felt that since sea dared to do damage equipment, even if it was Tiamat, it meant that he was going to be tough in the next lane!

"Wannian old bastard finally started exchanging blood with Lao Tzu!"

"Kangti, get ready, I'll consume a wave of his blood first."

957 is full of confidence.

The French shoes and the small mask can be said to be the big treasures of Lambo in the early stage.

Although the French wear shoes have not been made yet, the most cost-effective small mask has been released, and 957 is not afraid to fight Galen at all.

There was a wave of fierce confrontation between the two sides when they went online.

Galen lost half his blood.

And Rambo loses 2/5 HP.

Obviously he earned it.

As long as Galen can be Q or E, and he is not allowed to rely on passive blood recovery, and wait for Kangti to catch him, Galen will die!

"Galen will fight without recovering his status?"

PDD suddenly yelled.

In the picture, as soon as the passive green light appeared on Galen's body, he was entangled with Rambo again.

"AQA, Galen's injury is still very painful!"

"However, Rambo's blood volume is very healthy, and 957 has reserved a big move. I feel that Galen is completely overwhelmed..."

"Damn it? Is Tiamat's damage so high?"

Galen drove E to continuously refresh Rambo's blood volume, and suddenly the special effect of Tiamat's active skill appeared.

Rambo's blood volume suddenly dropped!
"Kangti has not yet arrived, Rambo handed over the flash!"

"Galen dodges! The E skill continues to scrape, and with the sprint bonus, Rambo can't escape Galen's pursuit at all!"

"Ping A Great Sword!"


Guan Zeyuan was dumbfounded. In the first wave of confrontation, Galen obviously couldn't replace Rambo.

But in this second wave, a super-high explosion was suddenly played, and 957 was beheaded without even using his ultimate move.

The barrage was also filled with question marks.

Everyone didn't understand why Galen was able to kill Rambo.

Only Qi Zhou, as stable as an old dog, returned to the tower and escaped Kangdi's gank.

"Brother Zhou, why are you taking so much damage?"

iBoy is very comfortable playing WE in the bottom lane, so he almost witnessed the whole process of the top lane battle.

Hearing this, Qi Zhou explained without haste: "The initial damage of the E skill is the highest, and Tiamat just happens to be able to reset it."

"My rune has 24 armor piercing points, so of course Rambo can't handle it without resistance!"

(End of this chapter)

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