Chapter 68 [68] Qi Qin, the leg brother asked me to hit a stick to be more violent

A little moist and a little warm.

Qi Zhou's arm was itchy from the factory manager's kitty licking it.

Just as he was about to masturbate violently, the phone rang suddenly.

Glancing at the screen, Qi Zhou stretched out his hand to push away the white cat who was tired of him, and got up to answer the phone under its slightly displeased eyes.


The cat boy at his feet let out an aggrieved cry.

Qi Zhou was a little embarrassed, and looked at the director of the pig farm for help.

Ming Kai was triumphant, grinning silently.

He beckoned, and the cat jumped to his side, and let out a proud cry.

The angry Qi Zhou began to regret that he bought cat strips for him with the MVP bonus.

White-eyed cat!

"Congratulations Ang..."

On the other end of the phone, the long silence after the connection was finally broken.

Qi Zhou lost his voice.

How can you use this tone to bless others?

But thinking of his sister's personality, Qi Zhou felt relieved.

It is rare to be able to call to bless yourself.

"Thank you...but it's Sunday, why do you still have your phone?"

Qi Zhou's younger sister, Qi Qin, is a senior in high school this year.

As a high school student in Zhijiang Province, I only have 2 hours off every weekend, which has long become the norm.

The No. [-] Middle School in the county where Qi Qin is located only opens for half an afternoon on Saturday in two weeks.

"I have a cold at home... what do you think?"

Facing Qi Qin's explanation, Qi Zhou was a little embarrassed.

It's a bit too much to be true. People call to bless her, but I question her for bringing her mobile phone to school.

"Uh uh sorry, common cold or flu? How are you doing?"

"almost done."

"That's good, that's's your academic performance recently?"

Unable to bear the "awkward chat making machine", Qi Zhou threw out the deadly R skill.

"That's it, the grades are still in the [-]s and [-]s, and there is no hope for Zhijiang University."

"If you want to study 985 and 211, you have to go outside the province."

Qi Zhou shook his head. He had also experienced the introversion in Zhijiang Province, and understood the difficulty of college entrance examination candidates.

Moreover, Qi Qin's session coincided with the new reform of the college entrance examination.

Under the new rules, teachers, students, and parents will inevitably be a little scared.

Qi Zhou thought for a while, and said seriously:

"Don't put too much pressure on me. I have studied the new college entrance examination rules. The current foreign language and course selection scores are valid for two years."

"That is to say, if you repeat the exam, you will have an advantage over the next class."

"Take a hard look at the three elective courses and foreign languages ​​first, and then learn language and mathematics in the next semester."

"You are not good enough in Chinese and geography, so don't worry. Don't memorize geography by rote. For example, if you remember that trenches are squeezed out, you won't make mistakes when you encounter such questions."

"As for Chinese, memorize some famous quotes from Dostoevs and Nietzsche, and you can easily grasp high-score composition..."


There was a busy voice from the opposite side.

Qi Zhou froze on the spot, but after thinking about it, he couldn't laugh or cry.

As a big man, why did he talk more than his mother?

Qi Qin must have been nagged by Ma Ma every day when he was at home with a cold, but when he made a phone call with himself, he was still nagged.

Deserves to be hung up.

Holding the phone, Qi Zhou stretched, ready to go back to the training room.

The phone vibrated a few times.

There is information.

[Qin: To win the championship, I want to go to Hainan during the winter vacation. 】


The S7 final will be held in the Bird's Nest on November 11th.

Compared with Samsung, everyone in EDG has one more day of emergency training.

But it will take another 2 days to travel from Shanghai to the Bird's Nest and rehearsal for the finals.

For this one day, if it is given to Samsung, they may feel that it is better than nothing.

After all, after training for such a long time, the cooperation and style of play of each team member are very familiar with each other.

But for EDG, it seems very precious.

Although Qi Zhou played in the knockout rounds and semi-finals.

But his identity is a substitute.

And this time, he will play as a starter.

And the management team promised that unless Qi Zhou was in an emergency such as physical discomfort, he would not be replaced easily.

In the past, Qi Zhou rarely had the opportunity to train with the starters as a substitute.

You know, this is still when EDG is the most (dog) Zheng (big) regular (household) club in the circle.

In other slightly lower clubs, the food is poor, the management is strict, and the food is not mentioned.

Their substitutes are suffixed with the word "player" in name, but in fact, board and lodging are separated from the regular players, and they are just a water dispenser goalkeeper who receives a salary.

There are only 2 days left for EDG training.

Qi Zhou also knows that time is precious.

After dinner, he trained with his teammates.


Three in the morning.

Xiao Zhao, Ming Kai, Xuedi and other night owls have already fallen asleep.

Abu was awakened by the swelling of his bladder.

Stretching his feet into the slippers in the dark, Abu fumbled for the mobile phone next to the bed and turned on the "flashlight".

Although the EDG base is very large, they are all single rooms.

But it is not luxurious enough to provide each person with a bathroom in the room.

You know, this is Lujiazui, the magic city!

One bathroom can buy a suite in Hegang.

The urge to urinate, he completed the big river flowing eastward in a daze, and Abu let out a long sigh of relief, and slowly returned to his room.

But when he passed the training room, he suddenly found that there was still light inside.

I glanced at the time, 3:33.
The sound of crackling keyboards covered up the sound of Abu's footsteps.

Qi Zhou, who was wearing earphones, didn't notice that someone was standing behind him.

Abu was still half awake and half confused, and his eyes couldn't be opened very well.

Simply pick up the phone and point it at Qi Zhou's computer screen to turn on the camera.

Zoom in, focus.

Qi Zhou is playing Monkey, and he is only level 2 now, and his opponent is Gnar.

Abu squinted his eyes and looked more and more strangely.

He turned the phone camera to the mini-map.

There are no hero icons in the middle and lower lanes.

"Are you playing custom?"

The voice suddenly wafted from behind, so frightened that Qi Zhou missed the cannon carriage.

It's not Apiao, it's Abu.

Qi Zhou's erect pores slowly opened, and after taking a deep breath, he replied, "Practice with Changyu."



Abu put down his phone, feeling a little embarrassed.

Whenever he said brother leg, he knew who it was.

"Aren't you going to bed so late?"

"It's all right, it's not a big problem for young people to stay up for a few days!"

young people?
A question mark flashed in Abu's mind, but he was relieved soon.

23 years old is indeed an old age for an e-sports player.

But compared to human functions, it is indeed at its peak.

"Let's finish this game. If we delay tomorrow's training, the loss will outweigh the gain." Abu reminded with concern.

Qi Zhou nodded and said, "I'll go rest after this round."

After getting Qi Zhou's answer, Abu didn't continue to observe the match between Qi Zhou and 957, and returned to the room while yawning.

If I watch it again, my head will wake up and I won't be able to fall asleep...

10 minute later.

Qi Zhou also turned off the computer.

At the same time, 957's VX message also appeared on the phone screen.

[Brother Leg: Your routine is really scary! 】

[Brother Legs: You must give full play to 12 points when you hit Samsung, beat it to death! 】

[Brother Legs: If you are an expert in civil war and an amateur in foreign war, I will not spare you. 】

[Me: Cuvee is a bit fierce this season, he can withstand pressure and stand up, I will kill him! 】

 About yesterday chapter:
  From Kandi's words, we can know that Galen only updated the pickaxe and warhammer after playing Youmeng.

  At that time, the half-meat output Galen of Youmeng/Black Cut + Death Dance + Plate Armor was not uncommon, but Galen who sucked endless blue swords and critical strikes was basically unplayable.

  In the article, in order to confuse the enemy, Qi Zhou did not go back to the city to get the equipment after updating the equipment.Galen's passive battery life + Tiamat's line clearing and jungle clearing efficiency can completely allow him to save 10k gold coins in 5 minutes.

  Galen solo killed Rambo 2 times, coupled with Kanti's top half of the field, the level is already far ahead, which is why he can continue to rely on the line without updating the equipment damage.

  Galen updated the endless + blue sword before opening the dragon. During the period, WE did not have his vision. When fighting the dragon, WE inserted a real eye but was excluded. Kangti immediately went to the dragon pit to grab the dragon. Who would be there? When the big dragon was about to be killed by the enemy, Hu deliberately spent 0.5 seconds to see what equipment was on the other side?

  I don't deny that some viewers will look at Galen's equipment column, but the commentators and players must pay more attention to EDG's fight against Baron.

  [If you ask a question, I will answer it when I see it in the background. If the question is wrong, if it is really wrong, I will correct it if I don’t insist. 】

  In that passage, I answered the first few book friends who had reasonable doubts.This afternoon, a person posted "Jianzhi is blind, right? Give up and give up".I feel like "Tomorrow's follow-up reading will be exhausted, and you are sick of me".

  He didn't spend a penny, but I banned my words and deleted my comments because of my brainless spray.

  I accept all bad, short, and unreasonable comments, and I will reply when I have time.

  Basically do not delete comments, if you have suggestions, you can join the group.

  Thanks for the support.

(End of this chapter)

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