Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 69 [69] The opening of the finals!Heroes, chasing legends!

Chapter 69 [69] The opening of the finals!Heroes, chasing legends!
bird's nest.

The opening ceremony of the S7 League of Legends Global Finals!

"Spin and jump with your eyes closed"

"Carter will make you close your eyes"

"Wukong Garen also circles"


"Meditation of Juggernaut Master Yi"

"Like broken thoughts of a curse"


"Isn't the prince Jiawen my golden armor?"

"That arrogant face"


"Don't imitate me, I'm busy jumping cowboys, okay? [狗头]"


Under the spotlight, Jay Chou dressed in trendy clothes, stood on the stage modeled after "Summoner's Canyon", singing passionately.

As a senior player of Manyixin, the source of inspiration for the image of Prince Demacia, and a patient with severe internet addiction.

Jay Chou is a well-deserved spokesperson for LOL League of Legends.

Although the lyrics of the song he is singing are not very good, it is better than full English.

Most of the audience grew up listening to Jay Chou.

Even though the performance of the opening ceremony was not as good as the concert, for the many audiences who bought scalped tickets to come in, it was already a huge profit!

The exciting drumbeat gradually weakened, and Jay Chou's "Hero" also came to an end.

Several staff members quietly carried the snow-white piano into the arena.

Jay Chou handed over the microphone, turned around and sat in front of the piano.

Immediately afterwards, cover singer chrissy appeared.

She is also a loyal LOL player.

"Legends Never Die—"

Singing, guitar, bass, and drum sounded at the same time, and the charm of pop rock music unfolded in an instant.

It is deafeningly full of fanaticism and boldness.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the audience was ignited!
"Fist is a game company? They can completely separate their music team. Isn't this more profitable than making games?"

"May I say weakly, does she sing better than Jay Chou?"

"Eh... this is rock music, Jay Chou is considered rap, so there's no need to compare."

"Sing, dance, rap~ oh yeah!!!"

"Fuck, this girl's waist is really cowhide!"

"I watched it for a long time before I realized that the group performers were playing the red and blue soldiers..."

"Forcing a national style mask is so stupid! I always feel that the person who shoots chickens is a little blackie!"

The song is over.

The hearts of the audience are still immersed in the shock of "Legends Never Die (Legends Never Die)".

Singer Chrissy sang in English, but there was a Chinese translation on the screen.

"Writing against adversity is great", "Never give up, no matter how many challenges and cold words"...

"Born to be tenacious, never afraid of strong winds and rough waves", "I lost everything, regained my confidence and climbed up again", "Survived the hardships and tasted the courage, crossed the robbing waves and cut through the thorns to realize my dreams"...

Whether they are the audience at the scene or the viewers of the live broadcast on the Internet, they are all summoners.

In the game, every player has experienced adversity, persistence, comeback, and victory!
Even though the English is unfamiliar to my ears, the passionate music tunes are combined with the Chinese translation of the ultimate cow.

Scenes and games from the past resurfaced in their minds.

That night in my memory, that game friend...

When the memories of the audience emerged and their emotions resonated, the players who watched the live broadcast were amazed.

on the screen.

A lifelike ancient dragon hovers in the sky, flies around the top of the bird's nest, and then moves closer to the camera.

Its huge wings, the folds on the dragon's claws, and the viciousness in its eyes deeply hit the players' eyes.

This ancient dragon uses AR technology.

It is generated on the live screen by using AR technology on the live broadcast video.

So the live audience can't see it.

And this moment.

In the eyes of the audience, Ren Dong in a wine red suit appeared in the center of the stage with a smile on his face.

The Summoner's Cup also appeared in the middle of "Summoner's Canyon".

"This is the scene of the League of Legends S7 Global Finals!"

"Hi everyone, I am the host Ren Dong!"

"Summoners at the scene, show our enthusiasm and welcome the team to the stage!!!"

Nearly 5 spectators in the auditorium waved their support sticks at the same time, like red waves, hitting the eyes of players watching the live broadcast.

This is the great beauty that comes from quantity.

The spotlight shifts.

The two teams walked out of the backstage, marched along the sidewalk of "Summoner's Canyon", and then crossed the river to meet.

"After a month of competition, the team that came to the finals is the SSG team, the EDG team!"

"Let's welcome them with a shout!"

Standing beside Ren Dong, Qi Zhou glanced at Cuvee, the little fat man who was smiling innocently beside him.

He beat the then top top laner ssumday in the S6 bubbling match, all the way to the finals.

This year is also in the bubbling competition, defeating Smeb and Khan all the way to reach the final.

So much so that the legend of [Autumn Withering] appeared on the Internet:

Whenever autumn comes, Cuvee will get the magical energy from "Akihabara" and become the world's top top laner Kerry team.

"First of all, I want to introduce the runner-up team of last year's S competition, Samsung!"

"LCK, top lane solo kill king, Cuvee!"

"The legendary jungler who has been playing for many years, Ambition!"

"LCK spring champion, powerful mid laner, Crown!"

"New Generation ADCarry, Ruler!"

"Strong command of the team, pick the cone! (Afraid of being hacked)"

Immediately afterwards, Ren Dong introduced SSG's coaches and substitute players, and the audience cheered continuously.

【Emperor Chi should not stay for long! 】

[Is the Grip of Immortality Ren Dong strong enough?The lung capacity is so low, the stretch is too short! 】

【Haha, these guys can only understand their own IDs, right? 】

【international friend!Don't bark and bark, it will affect your relationship! 】

[Hehe, wait until Samsung wins the championship, don't be emotional here! 】

"The next thing I want to introduce is the LPLS7 Summer Championship team, EDG!!!"

When it was his team's turn, Ren Dong also shouted at full volume, until he was almost out of breath, before stopping "G——".

"Everything can be worn, top single dark horse, sea!"

Qi Zhou smiled all over his face, his big white teeth gleaming, and waved his hand at the camera ┏(^0^)┛.

"The world's top jungler who has also been on the field for many years, Clearlove!"

Ming Kai walked out of the team.

But the Internet exploded in an instant.

"Focus, I have competed in the arena for many years, but I have never reached the final!"

"With his cowardice, can he be called the world's top jungler?"

"Isn't it better to use [Second Level Catch, Never Destroy]?"

"You bastards, it's obvious that my factory manager is Shi Yiye!"

"Before the World Championship, the factory manager could indeed be called Shi Yiye."

Amidst the debate, Ren Dong finished his introduction.

The lights in the arena dimmed in an instant, and the contestants walked towards both sides.

A short film began to play on the giant screen in the middle of the stage.

This was jointly filmed by SSG and EDG yesterday afternoon.

In the picture, the members of the two teams are talking about their self-reports while walking towards the Summoner's Cup in the center.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, the S7 Global Finals officially kicked off!

EDG and SSG are both dressed in black.

EDG is extremely eager to win the championship. If they win, they will win the first world championship in the LPL division!

They will become the legendary team that breaks the darkness!

Similarly, SSG also hopes to win the championship and make up for the regrets of last year!
Heroes, strive for legends!
[Bo5 in the finals is full, Brother Zhou sometimes carries, and sometimes he is abused miserably. Of course, in some rounds, his teammates pitted him]

(End of this chapter)

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