Chapter 71 [71] What kind of costume?

The lineups of the two sides are locked, after switching positions:

Samsung vs EDG
Upper unit: Kenan vs Monkey
Jungle position: Zac vs Barrel
Mid unit: Malzahar vs Galio

ADC: Xia vs Verus

Support: Wind Girl vs Lulu
At this moment, the commentators are still discussing the monkey that Qi Zhou finally selected.

"The monkey is relatively easy to fight against Kenan. The 650-yard attack range of the E skill is much higher than Kenan's normal attack range, and it can be easily consumed."

"But Cuvee's Kenan is good at it. In the semi-finals, Hu Burou Gnar was hammered into a Muggle."

"So, Sea's monkey may not necessarily have an advantage against Kenan!"

Colonel Guan is a loyal fan of Samsung, so the official decided to arrange him to explain in the finals.

Otherwise, the commentators are all biased towards EDG, which can easily cause aesthetic fatigue.

Of course, Colonel Guan did not leave all his impartial and objective professional ethics at Yu Shuang's home.

"If the sea monkey has an ignition, as long as he dares to fight, it is very likely that he can complete a solo kill before level 3!"

"And the monkey also made up for the key point of the lack of output in the EDG lineup. When playing in a group, the W stealth E skill big move can directly threaten Samsung's back row!"

PDD on the side also nodded in agreement, but he was very worried in his heart.

When IG played PE, he used the monkey to pass Kenan.

Although he has been pressing the opponent to fight, it all depends on personal strength.

Although the monkey's E skill can directly rush into Kenan, Kenan's E skill can also directly stun the monkey and pull him back.

You must know that in the League of Legends, except for the heroes of Daomei and Thresh, whose mechanics are considered to be perfect, other heroes have more or less flaws.

Although Monkey has high damage and control, his online recovery ability is basically zero.

If Cuvee plays AD Kenan, just click the monkey a few times, and Qi Zhou will feel uncomfortable.

Once the jungler is called, even with the W skill to be invisible, the monkey is still very easy to be killed by tower jumping.

After silently praying for Qi Zhou in his heart, PDD's eyes turned to the big screen again.

[Armor-piercing monkey, armor-piercing monkey, armor-piercing monkey! ! ! 】

[Yes, I just want to watch purely violent monkeys, sea must not engage in any undead routines! 】

[EDG played really well in this game, the lineup is much better than Samsung! 】

[Secretly watching the live broadcast on the mobile phone in class, EDG must win! 】

【I hope the monkey can be able to conte Kenan...】

The coaches of the two sides trotted all the way, and after shaking hands in the middle of "Summoner's Canyon", they quickly stepped back to the background.

"The ability of the first-level team of EDG's lineup is obviously stronger than that of Samsung, but they are more conservative, and like Samsung, they chose to start with a long snake formation!"

In fact, this formation is not very useful at all.

Just like the third match between WE and EDG in the semi-finals, facing WE's five-person first-level team attacking the Ueno area, the factory manager Prince could only flee.

Even the view is too late to arrange.

There are many entrances to the wild area from the river, and the main function of the long snake array is to use the hero as the "vision".

Being able to understand the enemy's actions before going online will help your jungler make targeted adjustments.

"Kenan's first product was Doran's Shield. Obviously, he was afraid of the monkey's small explosion in the early stage."

"And sea's monkey is also... how come there is an auxiliary equipment?!"

With the experience of the previous games, Colonel Guan paid attention to Qi Zhou's equipment column at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, it really made him find Qi Zhou's unique outfit.

Monkey's 500 gold coins bought [Holy Object Shield] and [Reusable Potion].

"Besides adding 75 points of health and extra gold coins, the shield of the holy object does not provide other attributes?"

PDD was also full of doubts, and confirmed to Colonel Guan softly.

Colonel Guan frantically recalled the attributes of [Holy Object Shield], and finally said a little unconfidently: "Except for [Trophy] passively being able to kill minions and provide teammates with shared gold coins, there is no other bonus..."

"It's useless for Sea to cast the shield of the sacred object like this!"

"Could it be possible that he can pluck monkey hair and create a teammate to share the spoils with him?"

Seeing Colonel Guan's aura gradually weakening, the special guest Hong Huangli could not bear it anymore.

Her slightly wild voice appeared in the studio, "If the monkey uses W, there will be one more person! Maybe it will be able to eat the passive of the auxiliary equipment."



Even though he disagreed with it in his heart, Colonel Guan was embarrassed to slap the champion guest's face, and just praised the power of the prehistoric for being very humorous.

"Both sides start normally, the top laner helps the jungler eat the buffs from the upper jungle area!"

Cuvee's Kenan leaves the buff camp before the monkey.

The reason is very simple. If Cuvee helps the head of An to suppress the blood volume of the blue buff to a very low level before going online, he can only go to the road from the river to avoid missing troops.

This will make it easier to encounter monkeys.

Monkeys generally learn E [Tengyun Assault] at the first level.

Not only can you quickly face off, but you can also get a 4-second attack speed bonus.

Even though Cuvee's Kenan has war fervor and AD runes, but currently Kenan's attack power is only 61 points, it is impossible to beat the monkey who is the Thunder Lord!
Therefore, Cuvee is cautious, and goes online in advance according to the path of magic marsh frog-triangle grass-defense tower.

But soon, he discovered that his behavior was unnecessary!
The monkey on the opposite side actually learned the w skill at level 1!
When I went online, I ran to the middle of the army pile and put a dummy body, turned and killed two melee soldiers, and followed by a normal attack to perfectly take out the last melee soldier.

Is this in Gan Shenmo? !
Wouldn't the E skill be better if you cleared the soldiers?

With doubts, Cuvee pressed the Tab key habitually.

In the next second, he froze, his eyes fixed on the column of monkeys.

The shield of the sacred object and the reusable potion are not the key!

What shocked him was the number of monkey replenishment troops!

You must know that 3 blue melee soldiers died on the road.

But monkey's last knife position has "5" hanging impressively!
? ? ! !

"Master An, look at this monkey, he is lawless!"

"Look at the equipment bar!"

An Zhangmen, who was brushing the three wolves, picked up the blue slime on the ground and opened the equipment bar.

"Did he equip it wrongly? Why is it the shield of the holy object?"

"Look at the number of ups!"



Similarly, the commentary seat, who had been paying attention to the road, also found something unusual.

"Ya'er, you are really right! The fake body of the monkey can trigger the passive shield of the holy object!"

One sentence from PDD stirred up waves.

The commentators had mixed reactions.

Hong Huangzhili had a grim expression on his face, but after a little careful observation, one could tell that it was her smiling face.

Colonel Guan and Rita are the same as PDD, with their mouths opened in an 'O' shape.

Although the rank of Colonel Guan's Hanbok is only gold three, and Rita's diamond is lying on it, but as a commentary, their theoretical knowledge is still very rich.

They understand what this means.

"The monkey fake can trigger the shield of the relic!"

"This is too changed... Invincible!"

(End of this chapter)

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