Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 72 [72] True and false Monkey King, can Annen deceive the defense tower?Outrageous!

Chapter 72 [72] True and false Monkey King, can Annen deceive the defense tower?Outrageous!

[Is this a bug? 】

[It is estimated that it is still a game mechanism, who dares to maliciously card bugs in the finals? 】

[So the clown and the enchantress can both produce the shield of the holy object? ! 】

[The clown clone is a big move, the enchantress is passive, the cooldown is so long...]

"The monkey's fake body should be counted as a half-hero unit?" PDD racked his brains and finally dug out a rare term from his own brain, "It's understandable if it can trigger the passive shield of the holy object!"

"A semi-hero unit?!"

Colonel Guan nodded and said after confirming, "That's understandable. After all, semi-hero units are also hero units, and it's not surprising that they can trigger the passive shield of the holy object!"

In fact, Qi Zhou was able to think of the monkey's [Holy Object Shield] because of the word 'semi-heroic unit'.

At that time, he was archaeologically exploring the "Detective Cang" series of videos.

When I read the Enchantress Raiders, I found that the definition of '***' for the Enchantress' fake body is a 'half-hero unit'.

The so-called semi-hero units can be regarded as hero units.

The simplest example is the fake monkey body in Nuo's hand Q, and Nuo's hand can recover blood.

The reason why it is called "half" is mainly because the fake body has some small soldier characteristics: although some skills can be used on it, it does not take effect at all.

For example, the big move of the promise to kill the fake monkey will not be refreshed.

Or for Silas in later generations, the R skill to steal a fake monkey cannot obtain its ultimate move.

Riot set up this mechanism for the purpose of initially setting up the fake body - cheating skills.

——Fist Music Company Local

A bald veteran chicken shooter also watched the live broadcast of the S7 Global Finals on Mouse Channel.

When the heroes on both sides were still in the spring at the beginning, he noticed the monkey's outfit.

Thinking of the code he typed, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

If sae wants to use auxiliary equipment to eat a few more minions, it will break the balance too much!
After 90 seconds.

"O, M, G!"

"In addition to receiving less basic salary, he has enjoyed all the economic benefits of the bottom duo!"

"It's really ridiculous!"

"This man is really greedy!"

But after roaring, the chicken shooter had nothing to do.

It is impossible for him to suspend the finals and let Samsung and EDG continue the game after urgently joining the hot patch, right?
The chicken shooter clenched his fists and pulled Qi Zhou into his "key attention" list.

Just wait for it later!
Look at your broken routines, I can cut it or not, and it's over if I cut it or not!

It really affects the game balance!

Level 1 Galio's wave clear is faster than Malzahar's.

Scout knew that Head An and Crown were good friends, so after clearing the line of soldiers, he went to the grass in the upper river to set up his vision.

"Brother Zhou, you are talking about a demon girl, can you get the shield of the sacred object?"

Facing the question from the youthful junior, Qi Zhou smiled and said, "Of course not!"

"The enchantress can't attack with her fake body, she can only fight with her real body, so the money will go into the fake body's bag~"

"The clown... eh! eh!"

Qi Zhou yelled suddenly, and the elementary school boy immediately switched to the road.

The withered electric mouse ignored the long-range soldiers in the red back row, and kept throwing darts after the monkey in golden armor.

With the blessing of war zeal, Kenan's attack was painful.

After running back to the tower, the monkey's blood volume was only 496 points.

Maybe this is the price of level 1 W soldiers...

If you are a monkey who learns E at level 1, if Kenan doesn't have any E skills, you can still gain the upper hand in fighting.

But such an arrogant online W to earn bonuses, dare to dance in front of the withering autumn.

Isn't this just looking for a draw!
"Brother Zhou, Cuvee is very strong, please be steady."

"Ahem...I'm selling blood on purpose, you don't understand!" Qi Zhou was a little embarrassed.

The understanding of the pawn line has been passed on to his teammates without reservation after the group stage.

Moreover, selling blood control lines is not a "peerless secret", and the top laners of professional teams basically know it.

Kennen's war enthusiasm has reached level 5.

Obviously Qi Zhou made a mistake.

If it really sells blood, the monkey will only eat Kenan's AQA at most.

Kennen's war enthusiasm layer will only reach 3.
"Don't pay attention to these details, the battery life of my reusable potion is pretty good." Qi Zhou's tone was relaxed, but his brows were furrowed.

In addition to Autumn's Blight, Cuvee also has the nickname "King of Yordles".

Last year's S game, Samsung's overall strength was not as strong as it is now.

And Cuvee's yordles are all unique skills. They have strong single belt ability, don't eat junglers, and are not weak in laning and team fighting. They are relatively comprehensive.

The Samsung S6 can enter the final, relying on Cuvee's Kenan and Gnar.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Samsung S6 runner-up honor was won by Cuvee with solo kills on the road.

Qi Zhou's outstanding performance in the previous games was mainly due to his understanding of the game.

Looking at his matches in the S game in the first half of the month, only the clip of Jian Ji's 4-second Uzi's big mouth can be called a collection.

Even the Juggernaut's pentakill was based on the advantage of equipment, and the mad dog hacked it down.

If it is a show, in fact, the Uzi cannon that was cut to death is full of details and full of damage.


Backstage, Abu was also worried about Qi Zhou.

As a coach, he knows the overall situation of EDG best.

Before the S game, EDG was able to win the LPL summer championship like a tiger, mainly because the domestic top laners were generally defensive, and the junior players and factory managers played relatively well.

But put it on this stage of the World Championship.

Neither the iBoy nor the elementary school boys are mature enough, almost meaningless, and Mouse has been reduced to a mid-to-lower top laner.

And the factory manager also seemed to have reached the upper limit, and those who were shackled could not be brave again.

Only Meiko is considered to be in better condition.

But if the support wants to carry...then it needs the support of teammates!
In the group stage, when EDG was about to pack up and go home, Qi Zhou appeared.

He turned the tide and helped the building to collapse.

Stay for the No. [-] seed EDG in the LPL division and bring hope.

Before the final, Qi Zhou had already told Abu some of his hole cards.

The Holy Shield Monkey is the most conservative and most likely to win among these cards.

With the passiveness of the auxiliary equipment, the monkey can lead the enemy by a big piece or so in the mid-term without taking risks.

But just at the beginning of the game, he was beaten back to the tower by Kenan.

Come on!
Success under pressure is victory!


The factory manager did not catch them at level 2, but ate wild monsters step by step.

An Zhangmen's jungle style is very similar to his, they are all based on brushing, looking for breakthrough points from steady progress, taking key kills, and opening up the situation.

Crown's Malzaha played more aggressively in the S game, but when he met the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Galio, he also began to focus on pushing the line.

Although the two sides in the bottom lane fought each other, they were all tentative. Xia and Verus' blood lines were both high.

"EDG's top lane was suppressed by Kenan more ruthlessly!"

"Wither pinpointed that the director of the factory was red and fired, and set fire to monkeys recklessly."

"It's only the third wave, and the monkey's reusable potion has been consumed, and only half of its blood is left!"

Qi Zhou wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

The withering of autumn is really not a joke.

Even if he is fully motivated, Kenan can always find a chance to grind his blood.

[Holy Object Shield] Although it can bring him extra gold coins, the combat attribute it provides is only 75 points of health.

In addition, Qi Zhou's [Reusable Potion] restores 125 blood points per charge, which is lower than the 150 points of the red medicine.
Even if he was eating a soldier, he was beaten with a stick by his E skill.

Kenan's blood volume is still at 2/3 at the moment, and there is still a bottle of red medicine left.

Proper disadvantage.

The line of soldiers gathered in front of the tower, looking at the bloody gun carriage, the monkey finally moved his body and walked outside.

The honest and honest little fat man also laughed happily.

"The cannon carriage really can make your heart beat!"

Cuvee controlled Kenan, walked to the cannon in small steps, and at the same time continued to attack the monkeys that entered the attack range.

Qi Zhou bit his lower lip lightly, facing forward against the dart of the electric mouse.

In this case, he couldn't use the E skill to face the electric mouse, and then left the W fake monkey beside the cannon car, and walked away.

Because in addition to causing damage to the rushing target, the E skill will also create two clones, which will cause equal damage to nearby targets.

This means that the cannon car will be worn out by the E skill.

Although it cannot be killed, the damage of the W skill [True and False Monkey King] takes 1.5 seconds to deal.

During this period, the huge disabled artillery cart will definitely be killed by the red Fang Xiaobing.

This Cuvee!

She looks silly, but she really thinks more than a village aunt!
At a distance of several hundred yards, the monkey was beaten to only 180 points of blood.

Qi Zhou finally left his clone beside the cannon car and left incognito.

However, Cuvee directly activated the E skill, turned into a ball of lightning, and rushed into the pile of long-range soldiers with residual blood on the red side.

W [Profound Truth·Electric Blade]!
The left [Ninja Lightning Restraint] detonated instantly.

Red square minions are cleared.

From the perspective of God, it can be known that the invisible monkey is on the right side of Kenan at the moment.

【Really greedy!Money is not life! 】

[Who can refuse the 90 gold cannon carriage? 】

[The monkey was beaten into a grandson by the mouse, he accepted it! 】

【Is it not good for the Dolan series to go out, fight against the mouse, and then go home to repair the 'Shield of the Holy Object'? 】

"Sea was hit by Kenan twice after Sea was active, the monkey was still bloody, and Kenan was still holding the Q skill in his hand, can the monkey escape—"

"Fortunately, it's unscrewed...!"

Seeing the monkey fleeing with a trace of blood, Colonel Guan panted heavily, and said intermittently: "It's fine if you don't hand over a blood, this result is barely acceptable."

In less than 4 minutes, Qi Zhou was beaten home by Cuvee.

This is something no one thought of.

After all, in the impression of most players, the monkey fight is completely worthy of Kennan.

Those who think it is difficult to play against Kenan are often high-rank monkey players, and the proportion is very small.

Another wave of soldiers came on the line.

Wither didn't choose to go home, but consumed the last blood bottle, recovered his state, and continued to stay on the line.

Because this wave of soldiers does not push down and then B.

When he goes online, not only will he not be able to make up a single knife, but the intersection point of the pawn line will still be in front of the red square tower.

In addition, there are only more than 600 gold in my pocket now, and returning to the city is not enough to make a vampire scepter, and I cannot improve my ability to rely on lines.

Return to the city under the monkey tower.

Facing a wave of troops that were about to enter the tower, Qi Zhou decisively used TP.

"If the defense tower kills two melee soldiers, it's not a loss for the monkey..." PDD said thoughtfully, "Before using the auxiliary equipment, he gained the economy of 3 additional melee soldiers and a cannon."

"His CS is still ahead of Kenan!"

The power of the wild is also supplemented on the side.

"Kenan relies on the monkey to clear the tower and get down the line, but he still consumes the monkey's blood unscrupulously."

"Oh my god, wither is already open!"

In the picture, Kenan hits the monkey with the dart attached to the thunder bondage in his hand, and then turns into a ball of bright white lightning, doubling his speed.

Enter the range of the defense tower, touch the monkey, and withdraw immediately.

Due to its high speed, it was just noticed by the defense tower, and the electric mouse was out of its attack range.

[Profound meaning!Electric Blade]

The third layer is passively played, and the damage and passive stun are triggered instantly.

"Exchanging blood without injury... The details of withering are really in place!"

"Fortunately, the monkey went home and upgraded the reusable potion to a corruption potion, otherwise it would be too much!"

"Sea wants to fight back?!"

When Qi Zhou was stunned, he pretended to be a long-range soldier under Tower A, and wither wanted to seize this opportunity and launch another basic attack.

His enthusiasm for war has reached level 6, and the damage of basic attacks cannot be underestimated!

Unexpectedly, Qi Zhou caught Kenan raising his hand, and E [Tengyun Strike] protruded his face.

Flat A!

Q [Smash Strike], trigger the Thunder Lord's decree!
Flat A!

Kenan's blood volume plummeted.

In the beginning, Qi Zhou was under pressure all the time, and did not fight against Wither head-on.

As a result, many people fell into the misunderstanding that monkeys going out are not Dolan swords, and their combat power is too poor.

The high value of the monkey combo appeared, and the audience suddenly recalled that in the previous qualifying matches, EQA was the half-blood Monkey King!
Wither stepped back and observed the monkey's equipment.

Corruption Potion + Straw Sandals.

The hit is so painful, the imprint and the big essence are definitely all armor-piercing!

Sea's old habit!

With the burning effect of Touch of Corruption combined with the attack speed bonus of E skill, Kenan's blood volume is gradually lower than that of the monkey.

"Obviously Wither was caught off guard by Sea!"

"Before Kenan's equipment is up, if he fights hard with basic attacks, his damage will definitely be lower than that of a half-soldier, half-assassin hero like Monkey!"

Colonel Guan was refreshed and found his own rhythm of explanation.

"Wither and flash into the defense tower, this wave will make a lot of money!"

"Actually, the monkey's E skill should be better, but Kenan's next basic attack is passive, and sea should be afraid of being fixed by AQW!"

"But this wave... Sea is going to jump over the tower?!"

"It's up!"

Colonel Guan cried out in pain, Kenan returned to the city with residual blood, and the monkey was still charged with the corruption potion.

Overall, this wave of offense has recovered most of the disadvantages just now.

But it is obviously not a wise move for a monkey with only 3/2 blood remaining at level 5 to jump the tower.

It's not clear what to send!

next second.

The female voice of the system shouted 'First blood'.

But Colonel Guan couldn't help but clap his hands and applaud!

"Sea 3 level tower jumping kills S6's top lane solo king!"

On the other hand, Cuvee's expression seemed to be really withered.


Why does the defense tower hit the monkey's fake body?
The audience on the Internet is also all over the button'? '.

Obviously, the picture just now absolutely subverted common sense.

And the dedicated director also called up the video playback of the first few seconds:
The remaining blood Kenan was in the defense tower, and the monkey turned around as soon as it entered the attack range of the defense tower.

The monkey suddenly used the W skill, and the defense tower began to attack the fake.

Kenan was still walking towards the tower, and the monkey immediately turned around and raised his face.

Wither reacts very quickly, the shuriken is fired after the normal attack, W stuns the monkey.

After a trace of blood, he left, but the defense tower did not attack the monkey's real body, but was still attacking the fake monkey.

When the real monkey's dizziness ended, the Q skill knocked Kenan to death, and after being attacked by the defensive tower, he flashed away.

[Outrageous! ! ! 】

[Doesn't the defense tower have a true vision effect?Why not fight a real monkey? 】

[Although I am very happy to get the head of sae, this is a god and a devil after all! 】

【Foretell the truth, please go to [Monkey King Bar]】

 Also 3.6k.

  Temeow is very annoying. I searched the information for 'old version of monkey', and all the monkeys that jumped out were the monkeys in the king.

  Let’s still be Monkey King, ╭(╯^╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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