Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 73 [73] With your surname, take my name, Great Sage Qi Tian!

Chapter 73 [73] With your surname, take my name, Great Sage Qi Tian!

"Lao Zhou, what kind of operation is this?!"

Claire Hot Dance has been paying attention to Top Road.

He was amazed by the bizarre scene where the defense tower hit the fake body but not the real body.

Since Qi Zhou dared to cross the tower, it proved that he understood the mechanism.

"Avatar lead tower, monkey fake is a half-hero unit..."

As a professional player, Qi Zhou mentioned a few key words, and his teammates immediately understood the principle.

I didn't expect it at the first time, because their thinking was constrained by the fact that the defense tower has its own true vision effect.

I can only think of the hatred that the monkey attracts to the defense tower, and the defense tower will fight the real body instead of the clone.

And because the defense tower is very specific. .

After locking a certain hero unit, he will keep hitting the hero until it dies or leaves the attack range before looking for other targets.

And the Clone Induction Tower happens to make use of this principle.

The monkey avatar is a semi-hero unit, as long as it has just attracted the hatred of the defense tower, turn around and activate the W skill at the edge of the defense tower's limit attack range.

The real body will be squeezed out of the attack range of the defense tower by the fake body.

Without the real body, the goal of the defense tower is only the fake body.

At this time, the false body will be regarded as a "hero unit". Even if the real body enters the defense tower again, the defense tower will first destroy the false body and then attack the real body.

Therefore, during the 1.5 seconds that the false body exists, the monkey can do whatever it wants in the tower.

It's also something that Wither didn't expect.

After all, he had never met a monkey who could "separate himself and guide the tower", so he couldn't figure out Qi Zhou's next move.

Otherwise, wither will never flash before the monkey uses the E skill.

"Wither has reached its limit, and it won't work for anyone to switch to this situation!" Colonel Guan's eyes were full of regret, "Any player would never think that the monkey's fake body can resist the tower!"

"It can only be said that Sea is very lucky!"

[Clone Tower] Few people know about this operation, except that the unique skill brother who specializes in monkeys may use it a few times in the game, and only a few players in the post bar understand it.

Colonel Guan had never seen [Clone Yin Tower] before.

So he thought it was Qi Zhou's luck that exploded, which happened to trigger a mechanism with a very low probability, thus completing the tower jumping and killing.

But the PDD on the side frowned, and his small eyes kept turning left and right.

Qi Zhou's tower jump operation was extremely smooth, and it was obvious that such a scene had long been expected to happen.

Otherwise, after the monkey releases W, and then uses the E skill to turn around and face Kenan, there must be a very short "thinking time", and the combo will inevitably come to a halt.

"Sea's proficiency in monkeys is very high, maybe there will be a Tianxiu operation that is no less than the knockout sword girl."

"After the monkey is equipped and leveled up, the damage will be very exaggerated!"

"If Wither makes a mistake next time, it is very likely that he will be solo-killed again."

PDD's assertion surprised Colonel Guan.

But he still believes that wither will not fall into a disadvantage next.

After all, the 'accidents' of Tata's fake body can't happen one after another, right?

What's more, the "single kill king on the road" is a real fight.

The withering of autumn is what makes people so convincing.

Of course, Colonel Guan prefers SSG's Crown to Wither.

This player switched careers from StarCraft to LOL.

During the period, after experiencing the darkest period of his life, Crown moved to many competition areas for his ideals.

This made Senior Colonel Guan empathize with him, coupled with the fact that Crown's personality is relatively unrestrained and loves freedom, Senior Colonel Guan felt that he saw himself in him.

Therefore, he also became a die-hard fan of him.

"The grasshopper's Q skill is empty, and Galio has activated his W skill. Is Scout intending to fight back?"

The screen cuts to the middle, Colonel Guan's eyes are bright.

He stared at Malzahar's every move, wanting to analyze the operation of the crown to the audience.

"The shield on the grasshopper disappeared from Galio's taunt, moved sideways to avoid [Justice Punch], and the elementary school boy's general attack and Q skill hit the grasshopper."

"The grasshopper finally used the E skill and W."

"Galio's Q skill CD, the joint attack of the grasshopper and his sons, Galio's blood loss is very fast!"

"This wave of juniors has lost money. Crown will wait for him to finish his skills before releasing W. Galio has no countermeasures!"

The middle lane of both sides is teleportation. As far as Galio and Malzahar are concerned, it is difficult to produce a kill without the intervention of the jungler!

Galio's skin is rough and fleshy, but he was continuously damaged by the E skill of the Underworld Fire Grasshopper and constantly attacked by three ethereals and many minions, and his blood volume bottomed out.

Although the junior was envious of the line of troops that were about to enter the tower ahead, he still chose to return to the city.

Because the wine barrel did not find a gank opportunity, he chose to go back to the city to upgrade the jungle knife, and the spring water had just come out at this time.

If Zac, the head of security, is near the middle, he is likely to be killed by the tower jumper.


"Master An made me feel a little uncomfortable!"

In the last 2 seconds of returning to the city, a ball of blue plasticine flew out of the dark and landed on Galio's head.

After interrupting his return to the city, Zac turned around and left the range of the defense tower, and disappeared from the intersection of the Ueno area in front of the second tower.

"Let's go back to the city, the second tower, I'll be right there."

Claire Spicy Dance turned from the Highland Tower on the lower road and rushed to the middle road.

Galio lost another layer of blood by Zach EW, and his state is very dangerous.

If Malzahar flashes EQ, Galio is very likely to be killed.

"Galio immediately handed over the teleportation after returning to the city. This is also a helpless move. Malzahar's line pushing speed is very fast!"

"If he walks online, he is likely to lose another wave of online."

Scout's mentality is just like what PDD said, as long as he clears this wave of troops, he can reach level 6.

There is no need to worry about not being able to support at that time.

However, he did not see Malzahar after landing!
Back to the city to replenish equipment?

Calculating the economy, it is indeed possible to make a "lost chapter". Upgrading back to blue can greatly improve Malzaha's ability to push and rely on lines.

But although Malzaha's mana was not much just now, he was able to push down the wave in the middle.

After eating these economies, you can get an extra pair of shoes when you go home, and improve your roaming and laning abilities.

Thinking of this, a bad premonition floated in Scout's heart.

"The grasshopper may be on its way!"

"And Zack!"

Hearing this, the monkey who had just raised his face against Kenan walked towards the grass without even using the Q skill under Qi Zhou's control.

"What the hell?!"

"How did it get out of there?"

Suddenly, iBoy yelled in the team channel.

"Malzahar taps the explosive fruit and jumps into the river grass from the red field!"

"Being seen by the red side, Verus and Lulu turned around and walked away immediately, but the crown decisively flashed a big move!"

"Verus is held down!"

Ni Yu opened the [Lethal Feather Coat], and the whirlwind wrapped the feathers and shot at Verus' body continuously.

In order not to give iBoy time to react, the crown did not intersperse the E skill in the middle of the flash.

Fengnv's output is not high, and Ni Yu has not updated her equipment.

Therefore, when Malzahar's ultimate move ends, Verus still has 1/3 blood.

"Lulu turned back W Niyu! Hand over the treatment!"

"Verus escapes in a flash!"

During the attack on Verus, Ni Yu had already left many feathers behind him.

After Malzahar's ultimate move was over, Chidi was able to immediately [Barb] control Verus continuously, but he didn't expect that Lulu, who had escaped, turned around and turned Ni Yu into a non-aggressive little animal.

"Wind Girl flashes W to slow down Verus!"

"But Verus is still holding the barrier in his hand, the grasshopper Q missed, but the E skill was successfully applied!"

Colonel Guan was emotional, his eyes fixed on Verus' blood bar.

"Slow down Xia!"

iBoy's voice trembled a little, I don't know if it was because of nervousness or because it was in the period of voice change.

Without any hesitation, Meiko hit Ni Yu who was still in the form of a small animal with the purple [Flashing Spear].

Malzahar and Fengnv have finished swinging their axes.

The enemy ADC is the greatest threat to iBoy!

"Ni Yu returns to bird form, flash to keep up! Verus surrenders the barrier!"

"At the same time, Lulu also put a shield on him!"

It was about [-] yards away from the defense tower, and the iBoy heaved a sigh of relief after throwing the E skill to slow down Grasshopper and Ni Yu.

With the help of the barrier and Pixar's double shields, it was already difficult for the three behind them to kill themselves.

But at this moment, a cloud of blue appeared in his vision.

"Zac's E skill on the partition wall hit Verus and Lulu!"

"The rubber arm pulled Verus and Lulu together and knocked them out!"

"Chidi general attack and take away Verus!"

"Lulu escaped in a flash."

Under the camera, the iBoy's eyes are stagnant because the picture has become black and white, and the distance between his eyes is slightly wide, which makes him look stupid.

Why is Zach here?
Didn't he just walk towards the Ueno area?

what happened?

"Maybe after he interrupted my return to the city, he went down the road..."

Scout was a little embarrassed.

When he just found out that Malzahar was missing, he guessed that the reason why he might go on the road was because Zac interrupted his return to the city, and then ran into his own upper field.

After Wither went online again, it has been at a disadvantage in the face of the monkey who added 2 new long swords.

This is easily reminiscent of Samsung's Nakano, who will catch monkeys and help Wither to restore the situation.

After all, the role of AD Kenan in team battles is not too strong.

The single belt of the dilapidated ice hammer is the correct solution. If it cannot be developed, it will be easily eaten by monkeys in the future.

Then AD Kenan will become a bad move for Samsung.

"The three of SSG took advantage of the situation and took down the earth dragon. After the crown returned to the city, it was teleported online, and they didn't lose many soldiers!"

"EDG and Samsung are currently economically poor. Wait, why is EDG still ahead of Samsung by 400 gold coins?"

Colonel Guan frowned again.

Then he turned his attention to the data of the top laner and duo.

Monkey 1/0/0, CS 61.

Kenan 0/1/0, 38 CS.

The main difference is here.

"Monkey's sixty knives, that's too exaggerated!"

"It's only 49 knives in the middle!"

The PDD on the side was hungry and thirsty, and immediately said: "Shield of the Holy Object!"

"The monkey can eat an extra pawn every 40 seconds."

"Every time sea W is either a melee soldier or a cannon cart, there are 20 more melee soldiers and 50 more cannon carts!"

"... Ya'er, it's too fast to spend money!"

PDD explained and explained that the fat all over his body shivered.

Brush a cannon cart in one and a half minutes.

This also means that with the additional 2 gold coins/10 seconds attribute provided by the shield of the holy object to the monkey, Qi Zhou is equivalent to paying an extra 90 gold coins every [-] seconds.

You know, except for the heroes with auxiliary equipment, the wages that other people can receive per minute are 123 gold coins.

In conversion, the monkey can get 200 gold coins per minute!

"Even if he doesn't get a kill on the sea line in the future, the withered economy will grow bigger and bigger with him!"

After searching for the math talent for nearly half a minute, PDD interjected when Colonel Guan boasted that the crown was playing against Galio in the lane: "The monkey can pay an extra head money every 5 minutes!"

"20 minutes is equivalent to 4 extra heads!"

speak out.

Everyone was shocked!

[No matter how withered and awesome this is, there is no way to turn over! 】

[Sea King really is a trick ghost! 】

[The chicken shooter must be paying attention to the game, hurry up and use this to score, cut it immediately! 】

[Last fart, isn’t it good to watch the Monkey King beat up the mouse? 】

As if to confirm what PDD said, the monkey arrived online at 12 minutes and 20 seconds, and there was already a corruption potion + three-phase power + 2 long swords + straw sandals in the equipment bar.

"Is it just a direct three-phase?"

Senior Colonel Guan smacked his lips, his voice was weak.

The monkey is hiding in the grass near the blue side.

Withered Kenan went online, Qi Zhou left a fake monkey in the grass, and ran towards Kenan incognito.


Unexpectedly, Kenan's set in front of the tower was beaten half blood.

"Crouw! Come on!"

The naive little fat man spoke anxiously and frantically signaled.

"He's already level 11, Three Phase?"

Wither knows that Qi Zhou makes money quickly, but he needs to be highly focused during the game.

Therefore, it is impossible to let Senior Colonel Guan, Rita, and the power of the wilderness play to their fullest like the PDD in the commentary booth, and count Qi Zhou's salary every minute by himself.

After being knocked out of half blood by a set, he immediately checked the monkey equipment.

"You retreat first!"

Wither relying on his big move, the E skill is still under the tower after being beaten violently by the monkey.

Although Crown's TP is refreshed, he doesn't think he can reach the battlefield before the monkey kills Kenan.

Wither also had a plan to exchange for counterattack space. When Crown mentioned it, he also decided to leave the defensive tower and run towards the rear.

However, after the monkey pushed the pawn line into the tower, he was already walking towards him.

Seeing the crown, TP went to the next tower.

But with the movement speed bonus of the three phases and straw sandals, the monkey is not far from Kenan.

And his E skill is refreshed.

Within a range of 650 yards, [Tengyun Strike] bursts into the face!
Wither immediately opened up, ready to backhand QW to stun the monkey, but unexpectedly, Qi Zhou didn't follow the routine and directly opened up!
Kennen was knocked into the air for 1 second.

But the blood volume bottomed out, and he didn't care about throwing Q after landing, and directly W stunned the monkey.

Then flashed back and fled to the direction of the first tower.

The grasshopper is about to hit the ground.

The monkey got out of the dizzy state, accelerated with its big move, and chased towards Kenan.

At the same time, the grasshopper fell to the ground.

Crown pointed the mouse at the monkey while frantically pressing the R button!
He wants to save Wither!
"Ya'er! Are you using a fake body?"

"The monkey flashed Q, and knocked Kenan to death at the extreme distance!"

After the monkey uses [Smash Strike], the attack distance can be increased by 125 yards.

Therefore, wither, who thought he had escaped death, was stunned again.

It's all purple and still dead? !

Great Sage Qi Tian, ​​you are truly lawless!
 Yesterday was Kun Kun's birthday, he is so face-saving

(End of this chapter)

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