Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 74 [74] Rough operation, explosion damage

Chapter 74 [74] Rough operation, explosion damage

ancient times.

The consideration of the spirituality of playing monkeys, which is regarded as the standard by the public, is to grasp the timing of using the 'S' key and W [True and False Monkey King].

This is because the monkey's W avatar is automatically parked in place.

The command of the S key is for the character to stop moving. Pressing it at a critical moment can give the opponent the illusion that you used W, and complete many operations such as escape and anti-kill during the game.

Therefore, W is also called "monkey magic skill".

However, with the growth of the summoner, the chances of the monkey being able to use W to show people are getting smaller and smaller.

This is because, as long as the summoner pays attention, he will be able to find that the monkey's body will freeze for a while when it uses W.

When pressing the S key, the animation model of the monkey is very smooth without any sense of pause.

The principle is very simple.

That is, when the monkey turns on W, the model of the fake body will not swing left and right according to the monkey's previous animation, but will be reset.

After resetting, the avatars will always swing to the left first.

Therefore, in laning or in a small group, the trick of [True and False Monkey King] is already very difficult to fool a summoner who has a sharp eye.

And Qi Zhou, who knew the rules of W animation, naturally pinched the monkey to the end point of the animation to the right, and released the W skill.

It is extremely difficult to see with the naked eye.

Coupled with the fact that the crown withered under the first aid and kept pressing R, the dramatic scene of the big fake monkey was created.

【The monkey's damage is too outrageous... Sanxiang, it's okay】

[Big fake monkey?Is this really the operation of a professional player! 】

[Didn't it mean that EDG's top order operation is not very good? 】

[The equipment level is leading, and the monkey is not difficult. If you change to silver, you can kill Kenan solo! 】

Seeing that Wither was killed, Crown immediately QE cleared out the minions in front of the defense tower.

Qi Zhou also controlled the monkey, got into the triangular grass, and was about to leave.

"Brother Zhou, surpass him?"

The elementary school boy has been tortured by the Void Spirit and the [Evil Star Illusion] online, and he has long been suffocated.

Just now Qi Zhou has already exposed the monkey's skill of "cloning and guiding the tower" in the team mic.

After seeing the output of the monkey, the junior student felt that he could teach the arrogant Crown a lesson.

Qi Zhou saw that Galio was already walking up, and immediately said: "When my fake monkey CD is over, you can use it when you enter the tower."

"Okay, Xiba, here is a real eye!"

When Galio walked to the grass in the middle of the river, he found a true sight guard in the grass.

Qi Zhou also walked out of the triangular grass and found that Malzaha was already walking towards the front half of the defense tower.

"Galio is going up the river."

Crown calmly reminded his teammates that he was not nervous.

The monkey has a lot of blood, 2/3.
But as the distance increases, if it wants to get close to itself, it will definitely be disabled by the defense tower.

When monkey E is on his own, put Q under his feet to be silent.

Counter-killing under the tower is easy.

Furthermore, it is impossible for Galio to appear on the road in an instant.


Crown, who was originally full of confidence, suddenly shouted.

The monkey behind the defense tower actually let the fake body attract the aggro of the defense tower again.

The event that was considered a small probability scene was staged again.

How can Crown not understand that Qi Zhou has already mastered the technique of attracting defensive towers with a fake monkey body.

But it was too late.

The monkey protruded its face, and Galio fell from the sky.

Malzahar, who didn't have a big move, was brutally killed under the tower even though he had a passive shield!

"Another fake monkey tricking the tower?"

Colonel Guan opened his mouth wide, and it took a long time before he sighed, "This is too cruel."

PDD on the side stared at the big screen and commented: "After killing Malzaha in EDG, he chose to go with the factory manager to get the Canyon Pioneer!"

"If you win the canyon pioneer, I think it's better to put it in the middle."

"After all, the monkey got 2 kills in this wave, and it's so easy to go home and add another output equipment. It's so easy for Yue Kainan."

"After all, sea is proficient at deceiving towers with fake monkeys..."

Before PDD finished speaking, the big screen was switched to the bottom lane by the director.

Zach dragged the ground, bowed back to accumulate strength, and then flew forward as a whole.

"Lulu was knocked into the air, and Zac's Q skill was pulled to Verus!"

"Master An predicted that Verus would flash, so he handed in the flash first!"

"Verus was dragged back, Zac pulled the soldier and stunned him!"

"Ni Yu is wearing Feng Nu's shield, outputting wantonly!"

Scout has teleportation, but even if TP goes off the road at this moment, it has no effect.

What's more, when he crossed the tower with Qi Zhou, his health was very unhealthy.

Amid the laments of PDD, the EDG bottom duo died in battle.

At the same time, a reminder that the Canyon Pioneer was defeated also appeared on the game interface.

And Senior Colonel Guan came back to life, and was elaborating, "Just now, after the crown was overrun by the tower, it became inevitable, and Head An immediately rushed down the road."

"Samsung's team has excellent vision control, and their Nakano will bring 2 real eyes every time they go home! The jungle and the river are their real eyes!"

"So Anzhangmen detoured into the red square wild area, and EDG didn't become alert!"

Although the senior colonel loves the house and black, his analysis of Samsung is not wrong.

EDG only has a real eye in the equipment column of the factory manager and the assistant.

In addition to Chidi, Samsung, even the extremely poorly developed withering equipment Gerry also has a real eye.

The League of Legends game is a multi-faceted comprehensive game.

Field of view plays a large role in it.

In fact, now, there are 4 real eyes of Samsung distributed around the river running through the canyon.

EDG only has one vision each in the middle lane and the top lane triangle grass.

In this case, if it weren't for the development explosion of Qizhou Shengshimonkey, it would be very difficult for EDG to find a chance to kill the three-star hero.

Because of the clear vision, Samsung almost has a semi-omniscient perspective.

The red hero disappears from the line, and they can fully deduce their next move.

In comparison, EDG is actually the defensive side due to their poor vision.

At present, EDG is on par with Samsung in terms of headcount, relying on monkey equipment crushing, which is an online advantage, not an advantage from a global perspective.

At 12 minutes and 58 seconds of game time, Zac, Xia, and Fengnv pushed down the first blood tower.

At the same time, the wine barrel summoned the Canyon Herald in the middle.

Not long after, a piece of the blue square mini-map darkened in the middle.

"It's so annoying!" Crown was a little displeased.

Taking out Malzaha also set the tone for this round where he quickly pushed the line to seek stability, and then sought opportunities in a steady manner.

The fall of Zhongyi Tower had a great impact on his rhythm.

Originally, Malzahar was able to finish the line faster than Galio, and he used the time he gained to support.

But now it has to wait for Galio to push the thread over before he can eat the thread.

Because there is no defensive tower behind Malzaha, the chance of being gank to escape is about zero.

Not to mention that Galio and Barrel are more controllable monsters.

"EDG chose to switch lanes?" PDD was puzzled.

On Samsung's side, even though Withered was defeated in the lane, he did not choose to change lanes. Instead, he made up a pair of cloth shoes and continued to develop on the road.

"The monkey's armor-piercing ability is very strong! I think it is not difficult for Sea to cross Tower Kainan as long as the field of vision is lit up!"

Qi Zhou doubled up and led the tower twice, which left a deep impression on PDD.

So much so that he now mentions "The Withered Tower" at every turn.

Colonel Guan also refuted this, saying that withering would definitely count the fake monkey tower, and would not be easily surpassed again.

"Oh my God!"

"Monkeys are too fierce!"

Qi Zhou A dropped the explosive fruit and jumped into the river from the wild area.

Chidi, who had just pushed the thread back, naturally found him.

But the monkey disappeared directly, and when it reappeared, it had already [Tengyun Strike] protruding its face against its feathers.

Fengnv's E skill was given very early.

But the shield was pierced by the monkey in an instant, and Ni Yu's blood volume dropped a lot at the same time!

——"The incarnation of the wind, at your command."

Janna summoned the power of the wind, and the monkey was pushed away by [Monsoon Recovery], and Ni Yu's lost health began to recover continuously.

But facing this situation, Qi Zhou did not choose to retreat.

He was like a stupefied young man, resisting Ni Yu's fierce attack, and forcibly moved forward.

"Monkey's E skill is too fast!"

"Three phases, daggers, and warhammers!"

There is no operation, just use the skills, and A if you can attack!

Qi Zhou's target is Emperor Chi's Ni Yu.

Feng Nu, who kept chanting "As long as 998, makes you so refreshed that you can't breathe", was like air in his eyes.

"Havoc in Heaven! Level 12 monkeys do too much damage!"

"Chidi's operation was full...but he ended up being turned to death by a random stick."

"Sea, what does he want to do!?"

"The wind girl has entered the tower, she has a flash!"

In the eyes of the commentators and players, Qi Zhou is just a crazy monkey. He doesn't need to think at all, and he will use his skills when he sees them.

But in the eyes of the audience, the monkey controlled by Qi Zhou is the great sage Equaling Heaven Sun Wukong who caused a disturbance in the Heavenly Palace more than 2000 years ago.

Do whatever you want!

No hesitation about what happens next.

Fengnv is only level 8.

The life value is pitiful.

Even though there was a flash, she finally fell under the monkey's chaotic sticks.

"Dangerous game?"

"It's too extreme!"

The commentators are full of incredible.

They were amazed in their hearts.

Sea actually can accurately calculate the damage to this extent!
Little did they know, Qi Zhou felt as if he had collapsed at the moment.

The heat spreads from the hands to the whole body.

To be honest, he thought he was going to be killed by the defense tower just now.

After all, his mind was full of thoughts of killing the three-star duo just now.

What kind of operation, what kind of damage avoidance, all were thrown out of the sky by him.

Even, he forgot that he clicked on 'dangerous game' in the talent tree.

"Brother Zhou, it's so fierce!"

After the iBoy switched to the top road, the pressure was much less.

AD Kennan is not a big danger to him.

After pushing the line, he also has more leisure time to observe other splitting situations.

"Haha, Xiao Zhao, you just need to grow steadily!" Qi Zhou took a deep breath, adjusted his state, and said, "A filial son is born under the stick. You are too arrogant to deceive yourself and others. I will teach him a good lesson for you!"

"Let him know what the real Great Sage Qi Tian is!"

After hearing the words, Kelieer Lawu shook her body and said slowly: "There are me and the elementary school brother in the front row, so don't worry about doing output!"

EDG is a peaceful scene at the moment.

Everyone in Samsung began to frown.

The development of monkeys is too buggy.

At present, the total economy of their team is 2, and the average economy of each person is 3.
However, Qi Zhou's monkey has already made two synthetic pieces of Sanxiang and Youmeng.

Just now he got 2 more heads, which means that the monkey has enough money to make Youmeng when he goes back.

Two pieces in 14 minutes!
How does this play?
Although Chidi's development is not bad, but his Niyu is only level 9 at the moment.

Counting the increased health provided by Dolan's shield, the blood bar is only less than [-] points.

Even if Fengnv made a blazing incense burner, Monkey Seconds didn't have to finish a set of her skills.

The lesson just now shows that the defense tower is no longer safe.

EDG's performance in the jungle and bot lane in this round is indeed very hip.

But the monkey has leapt forward to become grandpa grandpa.

Without three people joining forces, encountering it is death.

Some people may say that Malzaha is in the middle of Samsung's side. As long as there is no fake monkey, the monkey team battle will not be able to play at all.

But aside from the big move of the barrel, Malzaha's big move can be interrupted at any time.

Whether Samsung can persist until the team fight is still unknown!
Because of Qi Zhou's super-developed monkey, he is now a proper shit-stirring stick.

Wherever you go, people from Samsung will be unlucky.

Originally, borrowing the defense tower might guarantee safety, but after Qi Zhou showed his avatar to lead the tower twice, all they had left was panic!

Qi Zhou doesn't have the ability of Sun Wukong, so he doesn't know the inner activities of everyone in Samsung at the moment.

He is now buying gear at Springs.

And buying equipment is also a technical job!

Combined with the situation of the game, choosing a reasonable outfit can make the limited economy play the biggest role.

If the equipment is wrong, it will very likely lead to the lead that I have finally achieved, and it will be weakened out of thin air.

The monkey Q skill belt breaks armor, which is a well-known thing.

With a reasonable build, the monkey's damage can be approximately equal to the real damage.

[Stick Strike] The armor-piercing effect will increase according to the increase of skill points, up to 30%.

This has led many people who don't understand the priority of the armor-piercing attribute to think that the armor of the big Whispering Monkey that is full of black cuts will be equal to 0 after Q.

Actually this is wrong.

The armor penetration and black cut armor reduction of the Q skill actually have priority over the percentage armor penetration of the big whisper.

This also led to the fact that when the monkey attacked the enemy hero in the first wave, the enemy's armor was still a lot.

Because the black cut needs to be stacked 6 times.

The Q skill itself does not carry armor, but will cause the enemy's armor to be reduced after hitting the enemy.

Therefore, if you want to achieve explosive output effects, black cutting is definitely not the best choice for monkeys.

Of course, after the enemy becomes fleshy in the later stage, because the monkey's ultimate move can be stacked with black cuts, its armor-piercing benefits will increase.

But in the current situation where the game has only lasted 15 minutes, fixed armor penetration is definitely better than percentage armor penetration.

Because Zach is definitely not a monkey target.

And the rest of Samsung's Kenan, Grasshopper, Ni Yu, and Fengnv are all crispy chickens.

Qi Zhou has already bought Youmeng.

He is deciding whether the next item will be 'Edge of Night' or 'Dracothar's Curtain Blade'.

After being guided by Blade of Night, it can provide spell shield as a skill, increasing fault tolerance.

Drakesa's curtain blade is conducive to the monkey's WE skills to protrude from the face, causing huge damage.

Both have their advantages.

After pressing the Tab key and watching for a few seconds, Qi Zhou bought a pickaxe with the remaining gold coins.

 I wish some book friends a happy Qixi Festival.

  Thank you for your support, it will be on the shelves next Friday, and you can save manuscripts for a week.

(End of this chapter)

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