Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 80 [80] E skill double glare, Schrödinger's counterattack storm

Chapter 80 [80] E skill double glare, Schrödinger's counterattack storm


Claire Dirty on the pin.

The excavator made a surprise attack down the road, and all he could do was eat a group of stone beetles from Anzhangmen.

The prince was very hurt in the early stage of clearing the wild, and now his blood volume is only a third.

Originally, he had already pressed the B button, intending to return to the city to make up for his condition, and after updating his equipment, he would seek opportunities to regain his place.

But noticing that the Golem has always been armed with Indian flying cakes, he changed his mind.

Qi Zhou looked at the signal on the road, and immediately understood Ke Lier's thoughts.

He replied softly: "I have got it."

The stone man is full of blood, both moves are available, and with the passive granite shield, it is unrealistic for the two to kill.

The prince exposed his whereabouts and gank, nothing more than to help himself relieve the pressure.

"You can see that the prince is walking up the road!"

"The eyes of the stone man in the triangular grass saw his vision!"

In the screen, the lava behemoth starts to back away.

The prince summoned the German flag without hesitation, and turned his arms around the lamp post, ready to [jump and cut] to chase after him.

【Dragon impact】!
Zhou Jiawen held Fang Tian's painted halberd and pointed forward.

Wither staring at the screen, just before the prince was about to fly him, he pressed Flash.

Seeing this, Qi Zhou canceled the [Counterattack Storm] on the spot, and turned around to replenish troops.

Claire Hot Dance also walked towards the river.

"It's not bad to force the stone man to flash..."

Colonel Guan thought for a while, "EQ flash is not a difficult task for the factory manager. After flying, the weapon can also keep up with the Q skill, and the E skill is dizzy."

"But the damage of the two is not enough to kill the stone man, so there is no need to flash."

PDD also added on the side, "The factory manager's gank actually created a relatively comfortable development space for Sea."

"The stone man didn't flash. Facing the upper-field combination of the prince's weapon, he can't be too arrogant before level 6."

"Like before, the scene of throwing Q consumable weapons without any scruples will not appear again in a short time."

Qi Zhou's laning and operation can barely reach the middle line among professional players.

Facing the withering of autumn, he struggled.

Although the weapon is in good condition, Qi Zhou has actually used up 2 layers of corruption potion.

But wither, only one layer of Corruption Potion is used.

And his stone man is still at full blood, and his mana is also kept at around 3/5.

The factory manager's wave can be regarded as helping Qi Zhou to frighten wither, and persuade him to be kind to the lane.

"Xiao Zhao, you still have to eat the soldiers you should eat."

Glancing down the road, the factory manager reminded: "Don't worry too much, I'll support you in time."

Chidi and Chuancone played aggressively.

After iBoy died and went online again, he became timid, and his last hit was far behind.

"They are a bit aggressive..."

When Banpick, iBoy saw Chidi take out Verus, and he immediately thought of the policewoman.

However, due to the need to break the opponent's 'Galio+Prince' combination, the choice of ADC was left to the second round.

On EDG's side, the entire class is on the order, and Samsung is following the example, even banning the female policeman and Xiaopao.

This made iBoy have to choose the mouse and cooperate with the gems to fight in the mid-to-late team battle.

"It's enough for Xiao Zhao to develop well, and let me handle the team battle Chidi."

Qi Zhou's voice floated out of the earphones.

iBoy smiled silly.


The reason why Qi Zhou chooses weapons is because [Emperor Chi should not stay for a long time].

No matter how prosperous he is now.

But when it comes to team battles, Verus will become everyone's 'number one target'.

As for myself, with the protection of gems, I just need to output as much as I can after opening up.


"The factory manager actually has the opportunity to engage in another wave of withering before the sixth level of the stone."

PDD's tone was a bit helpless, "Maybe he is always in the lower half because he cares about iBoy!"

"After all, there was a lightning strike at the beginning, and the Rat's last hit is already 15 dollars behind Verus. If the head of An goes to the next wave, the Rat will be completely blown up!"

"It's the same as a weapon. It needs to be stable in the early stage, and it can only play a role in the middle and late stages."

In fact, PDD's heart is that if the bottom road is so bad, don't worry about it anymore.

We all know that your EDG's hole card is the top lane weapon.

When the stone man didn't dodge 6, wouldn't it be good to catch more waves?

After leveling up, the weapon E skill stuns and the prince's EQ, the stone man who has not updated his equipment will not be able to hold on!
With the development of weapons, who can kill whom?
No matter how good the development of Verus is, it is useless.

Single belt weapon, who can deal with him at Samsung?
"Go back to the city to complete the equipment, the weapon is made of straw sandals + flare, and the stone man is Bambi slag + straw sandals."

"The costumes are quite conservative..."

Colonel Guan looked at the attribute bar at the bottom of the screen, and said slowly: "The two make up the same amount of damage, and Wither leads by 3 blades."


Compared with the weapons, the blood bars of the stone man are densely packed.

The orange-red flame waves of slag on the soles of the feet make people fearful and stay away.

"The weapon counterattack storm is on!"

Just as the director's camera was about to shift, the weapon master, who was full of passive weapons, spun around, followed by a stone and smashed the lamp post on his head.

Yaoguang passively cooperated with the general attack, breaking the Golem's [Granite Shield].

Withered and neither dry nor slack, he carefully controls the stone man.

【Earth trembles】!
The Lava Behemoth hammers the ground, causing the Weapon Master to take magic damage and slow his attack speed.

"After Cuvee handed in an E, he went back in a straight line and did not continue to counterattack."

"Doesn't he use Q to steal speed?"

In order to suppress weapons before level 6, Blight assigns the most skill points to Golem Q.

So Q damage is also the highest.

Holding [Jump and Slash] in his weapon, even if he used the Q skill to steal the movement speed, he still couldn't escape the fate of being stunned.

So wither intends to keep the skills.

The stone man has rough skin and thick flesh, and the three or two hammers of the weapon can't beat him too much blood.

What's more, the slag on his body is constantly burning Jax.

When his E skill ends, it's time for him to fight back!
At that time, the Q skill will steal the movement speed, turn on the W skill to chase after Papapa, that will be cool.

just now……

Just be patient a little bit.

"Weapon stuns the Golem, added a basic attack, and then the Q minion left?!"

"It's a bit unexpected!"

On the road, a dispute finally broke out.

Everyone thought that the two would fight to the death.

But he didn't expect Qi Zhou to pat his ass and leave after finishing the set.

"It's a bit expensive... but the weapon damage is not low!"

The stun ends for 1 second.

Withered looked at the fleeing weapon, and was furious.

The commentators didn't see it clearly, but as the person involved, he fully realized Qi Zhou's "insidiousness".

Everyone thought that the weapon was wasting the damage and mana of a Q skill just now, in exchange for not being hit back.

In fact, the "Q skill damage" was not wasted.

Because in the attack just now, the weapon played 2 "Dazzling Passive".

Wither clearly noticed that the moment the weapon master turned on the E skill, he gave himself an A and played the first flare.

Then use E to reduce its attack speed.

The weapon is W [charged blow], reset the normal attack to deal mixed damage.

At the end of the weapon's E skill, he hit A again.

And that hit not only has the magic damage of the third general attack of the big move, but also can be known from the animation that it comes with the damage of the flare.

"So that's how it is..."

Wither quickly figured out the reason.

As we all know, the E skill of the weapon master can last for 2 seconds, and players can also choose to release it in advance.

The passive cooldown of Flare is 1.5 seconds.

This also means that the weapon can completely deal 2 flare passive damage by turning on and ending the E skill.

Of course, Glory will not enter the cooldown timer until after the basic attack.

This also means that the time to end the E skill needs to be very limited.

"He must have practiced for a long time."

In the second game against Qi Zhou, wither basically figured him out.

This guy is a bit manipulative, but not top notch.

It is definitely muscle memory to make the point card of the end weapon E skill so perfect.

After understanding Qi Zhou's consumption method.

Wither does not leave skills in the next duel.

"The frequency of Lulu's basic attacks has increased, it should be someone coming."

The sister-in-law keenly noticed the little tricks of picking the cone.

Hearing this, iBoy manipulated the mouse to crawl back down the tower timidly.

The factory manager said with a sneer: "Primary brother, prepare your big move, let him come and go!"

"Lao Zhou, keep an eye on the stone man, don't let him pass it down."

"Gem doesn't have a big move yet, his threat is a bit big!"

However, the factory manager did not hear Qi Zhou's answer.

He immediately cuts to the top lane.

I saw the stone man and the weapon wrestling together again.

After fighting for a long time, the two sides separated.

"The stone man's big move + 1 skill mana!"

"The blood volume of the weapon is only 2/5 left, and both sides are currently recovering blood through the corruption potion."

There is no doubt about the situation on the road.

If the stone man can use large and medium weapons, then Qi Zhou will not escape death.

And if the weapon avoids the big move of the stone man, it can definitely complete the counter-kill!

"Professor teacher, I wonder if you have noticed a phenomenon."

Colonel Guan suddenly said to PDD: "In almost every game, Sea is very cowardly before returning to the city for the first time!"

"Even if others bully him, Sea seldom fights back."

"But after returning to the city for the first time to update his equipment, he will turn into a jackal, and he will continue to bite his opponents when he goes online."

PDD was recalling in his mind, while paying attention to the movement of weapons and stone men on the big screen.

"Indeed it is……"

"Sea is in danger, Mr. An's excavator has already touched it."

In the picture, the excavator is advancing from the red Fangyi Tower to the Yicao along the terrain.

Since the Golem itself has more AOE, and the slag is passive, the push line is very fast.

Therefore, the intersection point of the lines of the two sides is close to the blue side.

The excavator is in the fog of war, and the weapons cannot be found.

"It's not right... Cuvee's position is a bit extreme."

Qi Zhou found that the Stone Man, who had been keeping a safe distance from him, was moving closer to him.

Should not be!

Although Wither has strong online abilities, he is not so abrupt.

With himself flashing in his hand, without being in a chaotic team battle, it is simply a fantasy that the stone man wants to shoot himself.

Immediately, Qi Zhou noticed a large shadow area behind the stone man.

"Excavators may be on their way..."

"No way?" Kreer Lawu resisted the temptation of the stone beetle, and hid in the grass in front of him, hoping to wait for Rek'sai to appear and fight back.

The younger sister interrupted, "It is possible that Verus and Lulu may want to go back to the city to update their equipment."

"You don't need to come here, I can't run away."

Wither went forward bravely, pressing towards the weapon from the side of the river.

Qi Zhou could only walk down his tower while leaning against the terrain wall.

The excavator no longer hides, and emerges from the bushes, following behind the weapon master.

"Sheng Zhen, wait for the big move to block him to move, I will definitely hit the Q, and I can do it in seconds!"

The double-teaming trend has become, and wither agrees.

"When he reaches the bend, I will open wide."

"Basically, the weapon can't escape!" PDD looked worried, "Wait a minute, the stone man will definitely make a big move."

"It's useless for sea to have a flash. When the stone man is wide open, he must stop and cannot move forward. In this way, he will be overtaken by the excavator's E skill tunneling, and the flash W will knock him into the air and instantly kill him."

PDD is right, it has been 6 minutes since the excavator started gank and got off the road.

Anzhangmen and Withering Flicker have all cooled down.

There is basically no hope for weapons to enter the tower alive.

"The damage reduction of the E skill can't save you!" Wither pressed the R key, and the stone man rushed to the front of the weapon unstoppably.

At the same time, the excavator dug the tunnel, quickly approaching the weapon.

In the picture, the moment the stone man is about to hit the weapon, the weapon is handed over and flashes.

"1 cm flash of death?"

Colonel Guan was astonished!
Qi Zhou's weapon landed on the lower left before the flash, and the distance was very short.

The weapons flashed, and the stone man was empty, which was expected.

However, it is incredible that the weapon E skill stunned the stone man.

This is unreasonable!
Without wasting any time, Qi Zhou used [Jump and Slash], protruding the stone man's face, and then AWA triggered the thunder to kill him.

The originally silly and silly smile withered, and his expression moved slightly.

Can't tell whether to cry or laugh.

[Is the skill range of weapon E so large? 】

[Forgive me for laughing at sea short 1 second ago. 】

[The stone man didn't hit the weapon, but the weapon stunned the stone man instead? 】

[Jacques E is really annoying, obviously feels very small, but is always fainted. 】

Since the stone man was killed in seconds, he could not slow down the weapon with the Q skill.

Head An could only stare blankly at the weapon and leave.

He did have a flash, but the flash only had a travel distance of 550 yards.

And the excavators and weapons are at least 700 yards away...

"Zeyuan, do you know the range of the weapon E's skill?" PDD said with a sinister smile, "And the range of the stone's knock-up?"

Colonel Guan gave a vague answer, "The knock-up range of the stone's ultimate move must be smaller than the stun range of the weapon E skill. As for the specific value, I really don't remember much."

PDD: "Jax E's stun has 375 yards, and the Golem's big move only has 200 yards."

Colonel Guan: "So much difference?"

PDD: "The main Jax E skill animation is not obvious..."

In fact, before the special effects of Jax's skills were updated in April of S9, his skill animations were not very obvious.

Many novice players or players who are not familiar with weapons will also suffer from this.

This is also the original intention of Riot to clarify the maximum range of the weapon E skill by strengthening the animation effect of the skill.


The slow motion playback called by the director ends.

The screen on the big screen immediately switched to the bottom lane.

EDG's Nakano linkage has already broken out a team battle with the three of Samsung.

(End of this chapter)

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