Chapter 81 [81] The Mage from Icathia

"Verus took the triple kill and escaped with residual blood!"

3 for 2, EDG suffered a big loss.

Watching the kill replay, Abu's face was extremely cold.

It's too bad to hit too hard!

4 against 3, the same as 80 against 60.

In any case, it must be my advantage.

But the four of EDG played in a mess and made frequent mistakes, minimizing the odds of winning.

At first, Scout's rock sparrow made a big move to block the road, but the team started perfectly.

But when the colossal statue of Crown Royal Kingdom fell from the sky, several people felt as if they had been bewitched.

For nearly 20 seconds, I was in a daze, with no reason at all.

Let's say they gourd baby rescued grandpa. The ADC support and the middle and wild teams have a division of labor.

But let's say they have clear thinking, but they fight on their own, and they didn't kill Chidi in the first place.

【Gems and mice, how dare they go beyond Verusta! 】

[I was already very angry just now, and I was even more angry after watching the replay! 】

[Mouses flash into the tower and want to change, can't they make up a basic attack, stack up the passive and then E? 】

[The terrain you created yourself has become a tool for the enemy to play with you. 】

[If 7-chan starts to flash EQ, nothing will happen...]

In 11 minutes, EDG broke down the next tower.

Samsung leads EDG [-] economy.

After Chidi's Verus returned to the city, he directly sacrificed a sheep knife, cloth armor shoes, and two short swords.

And make up 54 more soldiers, he can get the bounty for making up the extraction.

PDD: "According to this progress, Chidi will be able to hold back his wits in about 17 minutes, and completely transform into a standing arrow man!"

Colonel Guan: "Chidi's defense is very good, but his fight is extremely stable! With such an advantage, he still chooses cloth armor shoes, and the chance to stand up is not given to mice at all~"


"Sister-in-law, do a good job of vision, and you can develop with peace of mind in the second tower."

Before the finals started, EDG realized that their duo and Samsung were "different".

Therefore, the original plan was to "strengthen" and let Qi Zhou use black technology to quickly take shape and defeat Samsung.

It was changed to "Helping Down and Up".

In the case of ensuring that the next lane will not be pierced, help Qi Zhou more.

It wasn't until now that Kreer Lawu finally realized it.

No matter how much I help my family down the road, there is no way to recover. If we want to win, we can only make Qi Zhou's black technology weapons take shape as soon as possible.

He set his sights up the road.

After both parties go online.

The stone man made up a piece of chain mail.

And Qi Zhou made the "Hextech Revolver".

"sea puts wither, the stone man's shuttle armor is not very profitable...but sea's outfit is also very strange!"

After the two sides re-entered the stage of peaceful development, PDD suddenly spoke out.

Colonel Guan was stunned for a while, "Yaoguang, Hextech Revolver? Doesn't he do three-phase first?"

The attributes of the weapon master are very comprehensive.

Similarly, the added attributes of the Three-Phase Power piece of equipment are also very comprehensive.

The features it provides, such as burst, frankness, continuous damage, etc., are a comprehensive evolution of the weapon master.

Therefore, the three relatives are a very critical piece of equipment for weapon masters.

According to the different laning heroes, there are also many ways to build the Weapon Master:

Scimitar turns three-phase, three-phase turns dilapidated, naked three-phase, naked dilapidated, three-phase turns flesh, big belt turns three-phase...

However, PDD and Colonel Guan have never seen the combination of Yaoguang + Hextech Revolver.

"Sea's first one came out with Yaoguang, I thought he was going to reveal a three-phase gun..." Senior Colonel Guan was puzzled, "It seems that he is going to release a three-phase technology gun."

"But it's very slow to make a small piece each!"

PDD remained silent, his small eyes kept scanning the game screen, and finally locked on the stone man's life bar.

"Sea should want to maximize the burst of weapons! Perform online suppression!"

The voice fell.

Weapon [Challenge] A stone man with a protruding face who wants a Q cannon.

The lit street lamp slammed into the stone man's face, and its blood volume was instantly reduced by a large amount.

"This injury, is it too exaggerated?!"

Under the camera, Colonel Guan, who was shocked, had a grim expression.

And the PDD on the side is as steady as an old dog, and said calmly: "The weapon master has saved the third passive before jumping, and he has pressed W before Q, and triggered the Hextech The revolver is passive, so the damage is so high."

The weapon WQ is to add the damage of W to Q, so WQ and QW are the same.


Qi Zhou's seemingly simple WQ actually played Q + small technology gun passive + W + big move passive, quadruple damage.

Except for the Q skill, the rest of the triple damage is all magic damage.

Therefore, the amount of blood lost by withering is very large.

The weapon turned back to replenish troops, and wither also used up all the corruption potions in one go.

But on the small map, the figure of the prince appeared.

"The prince's EQ is close to the stone man, withered and opened up and then fled!"

"The prince flashes to take over!"

The stone man is surrounded by a raised circular pigsty.

The weapon EWQ is played, triggering the thunder.

The stone man with less than one-third of his blood died instantly.

Qi Zhou got the second head.

"Lao Zhou, how long will it take to develop?"

Kelier Lawu was a little anxious, he was not going down the road, and Emperor Chi began to tap towers recklessly.

The lower second tower has already lost a third of its HP.

Anzhangmen's excavator was not exposed, and the duo was at risk of being overrun at any time.

"The technology gun will be ready soon, and the Lich Nash three-piece suit will take at least 10 minutes."

"Chidi's next piece must be the end of wisdom. If I think about it, he must show a big hat again!"

"Ability Penetration can be left out first, but Ability Power must be piled up."

After listening to Qi Zhou's reply, Ke Lier La Wu felt restless.

In this round, Qi Zhou's black technology is an AP weapon.

The weapon master's W skill has 0.6AP magic damage, with the upper move passive 0.7AP, Nash passive 0.15AP, Lich passive 0.5A.

The weapon master QW protruding face can instantly cause 1.95AP magic damage.

The invincibility of the gem's ultimate move can make the weapon not have to worry about being killed in seconds.

Adding in the Thunder Lord's decree and the basic damage of the first four items, before Lulu reacts, it is no longer a problem to kill the crispy ADC in seconds.

However, fantasy is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Qi Zhou thought that Chidi's Verus would develop well, but he didn't expect him to get 12 heads in 4 minutes.

"I'm afraid that when I take shape, he will also make a mercury ribbon!"

Wisdom's End provides 40 magic resistance, which is not too much.

As long as Qi Zhou puts on his shoes first and cooperates with the magic penetration of runes, he can still ignore most of them.

But if Verus makes mercury again, it will be difficult for him to get the Second Ruler Emperor.

You must know that Lulu's protective ability is not blown out!

"The scourge of the technological gun lich?"

"Sea is going to play AP weapons!"

The game time is 17 minutes.

Qi Zhou cooperates with Kelieer Lawu to kill the stone man, but the excavator and Galio who came back kill him.

After his resurrection, his equipment column was also exposed.

Potion of Corruption + Technology Gun + Bane of the Lich + Magic Wearing Shoes + Short Sword.

AP weapons have been hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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