Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 93 [92] The peak produces false support, and the dusk witnesses the devout believers

Chapter 93 [92] The peak produces hypocritical support, and the dusk witnesses devout believers (five kills! Win!)
The Juggernaut ate the red buff, and happened to smell the experience of the minion who had just died when he went online.

So his level has reached level 2.

But Jess, who was re-transmitted online, was only level 1.

Withering didn't dare to be big, so he called the head of An in advance.

"Poor operation."

The Juggernaut in the picture, with double blades, like a caterpillar with its head on its head, walked straight towards Jess.

Wither thought for a while, and chose to back off.

Juggernaut's basic attributes are poor, but his attack power is not low. Level 2 + Dolan's Sword has also reached 81 points.

Moreover, Juggernaut has a red buff on his body, combined with the armor-piercing rune and the E skill, it really hurts, and his Q skill sticks to his face, and he will definitely not be able to eat it.

One must know that Qi Zhou's talent is thunder!
With the deceleration of the red buff, it is easy to hit three attacks.

The output is very explosive!

So temporary forbearance is still needed.

After leveling up, he must pay back the sword master with his capital and interest.

"Why is this person so dumbfounded!" Wither's face was filled with the word speechless.

He was about to walk out of the experience zone, but the Juggernaut was still chasing him.

Is it over yet?
What's the difference between this style of play and silver?
You need to know that you are a pro gamer!

Can you be more mature?

Withering glanced at the mini-map, head An was still in the blue zone.

He was more careful, and pressed "F2" to switch to the perspective of An Zhangmen.

Pig girl pulled the residual blood blue buff, and was about to walk to the exit of the wild area.

"Bixin, come quickly, he didn't interfere."

Wither stared at the bloody blue melee soldier.

If you continue to turn around and retreat, you will not smell the experience.

If Jess wants to increase to 2, he can only wait for another wave of soldiers.

This is unbearable.

You must know that An Zhangmen has finished brushing the blue buff.

Jess doesn't upgrade to 2, lacks skills to explode, and can't play enough output, and cooperates with the pig girl to kill the Juggernaut.

Thinking of this, Wither stopped retreating.

Control the Cannon of Mercury to launch [Electric Energy Shock], hitting the Juggernaut.

Jess also entered the range of Juggernaut [Alpha Strike], and the yellow sword light flickered.

Juggernaut face Jess, wither switches hammer form and Qi Zhou PK.

"It doesn't hurt as much as I thought..."

Wither was a little surprised, he thought that the sword master's basic attack would hit him like a real injury.

The fact is, except for the real damage of the red buff and E skill, the damage of Juggernaut's basic attack is actually not high.

Before he had time to think about it, Wither used the leap of the sky, the sword master who wanted to take advantage of the jumping hammer and wanted to run away.

It's not that easy to just hit one set and run away!

Jess landed, swung his giant hammer, and smashed at the Juggernaut.

The Juggernaut who had left originally seemed to be enraged, and he turned around and swung his long sword to fight back.

When the red minion dies, wither increases by 2.
Upgrade E skills in seconds.

Just as he was about to hammer the Juggernaut away, a flash of yellow light appeared on the screen.

A fat figure emerges from the fog of war.

It's a barrel!
"Why is he here?"

Wither turned and wanted to run.

But Jess suffered from the magic deceleration of the crimson-marked tree monster, and his speed was very slow.

E flash!
The barrel bumped into Jace with its big belly, and then threw [Rolling barrel] on the ground.

Detonate the Q skill to receive the basic attack.

With Jess remaining bloody, the Juggernaut hacked him to death twice!
At 2:28, Jess was killed for the second time.

Withered pale and pale.

【Why not be a human?Please be more brutal! 】

[The way pigs suddenly run away in the opposite direction in the pig sister grass is so joyful ~]

[The factory director finally knows who the father is, and the correct solution is to catch it at level 2! 】

[Fortunately, the top player Wither was not kicked a few times, otherwise the game would be over and he would retire directly! 】

"After the Juggernaut eats the red gang wine barrel and beats the Raptor before going online, the experience of disciplining the stone beetle in the wine barrel is enough to upgrade to level 2."

"Wither obviously didn't expect that the factory manager would not play mana first, and catch it at level 2."

"His flash is already handed over when fighting gems."

"EDG is really capable of calculations, and no one can think of this wave of changes!"

On Jess's body, Juggernaut and Wine Barrel quickly pushed the line.

Qi Zhou changed his normal routine, and there were no ghosts or animals dancing.

Wither is a respectable opponent.

If you can beat him strategically, there is no need to attack him psychologically.

"Believe it, you eat my line..."

Wither sounds very weak.

Wine barrel, the Juggernaut hid in the river after eating the line of troops.

Obviously, they are going to invade their own blue zone.

The crown in the middle road was hung by the plane and couldn't get away at all.

The soldiers on the top line will immediately enter the tower, and the wither and resurrection will definitely not be able to eat any of them when they go online.

It is also the most helpless and the best way to stop losses by letting the head of the security guard take the soldiers.

"Sheng Zhen, cheer up!"

"Edgar has emphasized before the game that EDG will definitely play around sea."

"It's inevitable that you'll be targeted when you line up with him."

The head of An noticed that the wither state was abnormal, and immediately cheered him up, "Sea is the core of EDG, they are targeting you, and we will focus on sea instead!"

"Use violence to control violence, defeating Sea is the key to victory!"

"Don't worry, we'll double up with the defense tower for a while. I'll go back to the city and clear the lower jungle area, and then I'll come up and look for opportunities!"

Crown also echoed: "I just fell into Scout's trick, and the pawn line is piled up and I can't get away."

"I can clear out a wave of soldiers with QE general attack immediately, and he can't stop me from wandering to support."

"Sea's Juggernaut dares not to wear flash, he is doomed to pay the blood price for his arrogance!"

Qi Zhou's black technology in this competition is the "sword combination".

The invincible effect of the gem's ultimate move can make the Juggernaut look like a mad dog when he is enlarged, and he can directly kill the enemy crowd without any scruples.

Of course, this is just one point that most players can think of.

In fact, the combination of gems and Juggernaut can produce more wonderful reactions.

For example, the combination of Juggernaut's Q skill and gem E skill can achieve 100% stun.

The principle is very simple. Through Qi Zhou's test, it was found that the Q skill of the Juggernaut always lands on the target's face.

Using this mechanism, the moment the Juggernaut opens Q, the gemstone turns E in any direction, and the Juggernaut lands, the [glare] of the gemstone can 100% faint people.

The Juggernaut has already smashed the canyon with explosive output, and after matching it with gems, it has stable control, which is simply invincible.

Of course, in order to achieve the expected effect, Juggernaut still needs to develop.

Equipped, all Samsung heroes will become sister Lin.

The blue square Ueno area.

Claire Spicy Dance gave the river crab, the magic marsh frog, and the three wolves to the Juggernaut.

Qi Zhou added a pickaxe to make up for the low attack power caused by the rune configuration.

At the same time, buy a jungle knife so that you can get full experience from wild monsters and quickly upgrade your level.

The barrels went to the wild area.

"Is the factory manager treating himself as an auxiliary jungler?" Colonel Guan was very surprised, "The Juggernaut didn't release a jungler just now, and the income from eating wild monsters is not as good as the wine barrel!"

PDD also sighed: "This completely subverts the usual way of playing in professional games. Samsung knows that EDG wants to raise a Juggernaut, but they just can't stop it!"

"Jungle becomes support, support becomes top lane support, it's really outrageous for Ju Kuner!"

"But the people who almost kicked Samsung out of the shadows in the last game have already proved the invincibility of raising father's tactics!"

"Samsung must have seen that sea is the core of EDG."

"I guess, their siege of Sea is about to begin..."

As PDD said, Samsung has already started planning to catch up.

It's just that Qi Zhou is too keen on brushing the economy.

The quick Q skill on the line cleared the three long-range soldiers, hacked together to make up the melee soldiers, and the artillery cart immediately plunged into the wild area.

For Mr. Tallis, who keeps selling meat and leaking PP, he has no idea.

By accident.

He dodged several well-designed ganks from Ambition.

"Sheng Zhen, in the next wave of pawns, find a chance to consume the Juggernaut."

Crown Galio is already level 6, and can enter the arena from a long distance to fight in groups.

In contrast, aircraft have to wait for 8 minutes before the airdrops begin to appear before their combat effectiveness and support capabilities will be significantly improved.

"The elementary school brother's finishing skills are very good!"

"Under the harassment of Galio's righteous wind, the last knife is only 4 knife behind the crown!"

"However, before the plane has three phases, its combat effectiveness is not high, and its role in team battles is hardly comparable to that of Galio!"

Senior Colonel Guan began to carry private goods, "The Samsung jungler has already moved up the road, and the Juggernaut is leading a sprint. I don't think Sea can survive."

It may be affected by the last game.

After Chidi got the policewoman, his style of play became more aggressive.

The EDG duo had some difficulty coping.

In order to avoid the premature dismantling of the lower tower, the factory manager basically wandered around the lower road during this period.

There is a Juggernaut in the Ueno District, so there is no need to worry about resources being eaten up by pig girls.

On the road, Qi Zhou didn't hand in his Q to clear out the long-range soldiers in the back row of the blue side as before.

Because he always feels withered and ready to move.

Juggernaut is currently level 7 and a half, and Jess has just reached level 6.

Even if Jess has long hands, the skill mechanism is more perfect.

But under the current circumstances, no matter how superb the withering operation is, he will definitely not be able to defeat Qi Zhou.

The only explanation is that the jungler came.

Samsung's field of vision is indeed handled very well.

Qi Zhou's ornamental eyes inserted in the grass of the river have already been withered and removed with his real eyes.

So Qi Zhou didn't know whether the pig girl would appear from behind him or from the river.

This made him dare not act rashly and hand over key skills at will.

"After the pig girl circles around, throw out the big move!"

"The sword master's Q skill Jess, dodge the pig girl's big move!"

"The crown jumps Jess, supporting the battlefield."

The Alpha raid was over, and before Qi Zhou could activate his ultimate move, he was hit by the pig girl flashing Q.

Jess used [Super Charge] to increase the attack speed to the extreme.

In an instant, the body of the Juggernaut was covered with frost.

Pig sister opened E and imprisoned him.

Galio fell from the sky, and his huge weight produced an earth-shaking shock wave, knocking the Juggernaut into the air.

Under the serial control, Qi Zhou was unable to perform any operations.

less than 2 seconds.

The Juggernaut fell to the ground and died.

"The three-star linkage is very beautiful, Juggernaut has no chance to change Jess..."

Colonel Guan was eloquent, and the barrage was equally enthusiastic:

【Sea is too careless! 】

[If you bring flash, you can actually run, why do you need to sprint? 】

[Why did the factory manager run off the road? I don't know who the father is? 】

[EDG is too good to go down the road, the factory manager doesn't help to guard the tower, the female policewoman Chidi gets up the rhythm of pushing the tower, and directly GG. 】

[Am I the only one who wants to scold Guan Gou? 】

Qi Zhou was killed, and Samsung seemed to have been given a shot in the arm.

The horrific moment of the previous game was forgotten.

Instead, high morale.

"A Juggernaut who doesn't flash, catch once and die once!"

"Wait and continue, I want to train him!"

"Without a personal nanny to protect him, his operation is worse than the diamonds we serve!"


The LCK studio, like a mourning hall, came alive instantly.

The two sticks commented, shouting with righteous indignation.

Seems like Samsung avenged them for killing their father.

Under the adjectives of hype, it seems that Samsung will win 100% of this game.

Looking at the gray screen, Qi Zhou couldn't help but sigh, "It's a rare death..."

"Brother Zhou, don't hold the cup. The female policeman on the other side has longer arms than me now, I feel so uncomfortable beating me!"

iBoy has done its best, but the operation is not easily remedied.

"The last game was too cheap for him. If I say let him double the super ghost, he will have a long memory!"

Emperor Chi is still Emperor Chi.

After the mentality is adjusted, every move, every level A shows accurate judgment ability and excellent game skills.

Coupled with the fact that Gem is not as good as Fengnv in the early stage, iBoy has already fallen behind Chidi by 11 dollars in making up.

You must know that he plays a small cannon, not a hero like Scout, which is more difficult to make up damage in the early stage.

"Believe it, you come here, we pulled down the tower together!"

Game time 7:13, the HP of the next tower of the red side is only 2/5.


Head An readily agreed, "Let's push a tower while the plane doesn't pick up the airdrop, and take Xiaolong by the way."

"Double punishment and throwing the fire dragon, EDG will definitely vomit blood!"

On the other side, Qi Zhou was heading down the road after being resurrected.

He wanted to take the head by surprise and speed up the progress of development.

"Sister-in-law, you step back one after another, I still have my sprint ult, wait for me!"

Meiko fully agreed, quietly standing at the limit distance of Samsung's field of vision.

In front of the defense tower, Caitlin, wearing the coat of the Sheriff of Piltover and a custom-made hat on her head, was full of arrogance.

The long-barreled rifle in her hand sometimes aimed at the defense tower, and sometimes fired at Bobby in the form of a cannon.

"The plane is gone!"

Crown sent a message that he went on the road and gank to give the plane a chance to clear the line and wander.

"I can TP anytime."

Head An is also in place.

His pig sister was scanning, hiding in the grass on the next road.

Chidi and Duancone didn't intend to retreat.

The small cannon E skill is combined with splash damage, and clears soldiers very quickly.

Not long after, there were only three ranged soldiers left on the cannon line.

"Min Hao, pass it on directly!"

The EDG defense tower has less than [-] health points left.

Chidi decided to demolish it.

The long-range soldiers who were attacked by the defense tower emitted beams of light that pierced into the sky.

Pig girl also came out of the row.

Immediately, the small cannon and gems under the tower were full of pressure.

"Why don't they withdraw?"

Chidi noticed the abnormality and manipulated the policewoman to walk towards the open area.

As soon as the policewoman raised her long legs, the Mediterranean fat man rushed out from the narrow wall of the triangular grass with a beer belly.

Then she raised her right hand, and Hongzi dropped the exploded barrel to the policewoman's side.

"My dear, Chidi has a really keen sense of smell." PDD sincerely admired, "Otherwise, the big move of the wine barrel can blow the policewoman back!"

After briefly controlling the state contact, under the blessing of Fengnv's E skill shield, Chidi forcibly demolished the red side's next tower.

The policewoman was also lost 3% of her HP by Xiao Cannon A.

Galio was about to hit the ground, the barrel drank the spirits and started to walk back.

Head An has been staring at the factory manager for a long time, [Extreme Cold Assault], with a straight path, knocking the wine barrel into the air.

Galio landed, and W flashed to taunt Xiaopao.


Just as Chidi was about to unleash his firepower, he saw the ID of "EDG sea".

He trembled all over, and the mouse pointer actually floated to the side of the new soldier line.

on the screen.

The blue phantom appeared under the Juggernaut's feet, and at the same time awakened the blood of the plateau.

"Why did Chidi change his target to hit the wine barrel?"

"Gem level 5 is not too big, with Galio EQ in hand, it will drop a small cannon in seconds!"

Colonel Guan changed his surname.

The Juggernaut was moving very fast, and Taric placed the Resolute Barrier, and a lavender light appeared between the two.

Qi Zhou directly skipped Galio.

iBoy is still flashing while pinching the barrier, and the sister-in-law is also on the side. If the crown can kill Xiaopao, iBoy will retire immediately!
"Kill the policewoman! Kill the policewoman!"

The factory manager suffered an indiscriminate disaster, and his scalp became numb after being poked by the policewoman.


After a few seconds of adjustment, Chidi also returned to normal.

For the Juggernaut who rushed towards him like a mad dog, he no longer felt palpitations.

With the policewoman's skills well used, coupled with the protection of teammates, it is relatively easy to counter-kill the Juggernaut.

【Alpha Raid】

Sure enough, the Juggernaut chose the policewoman as the target of the first kill.

Chidi's clips were used up when pushing the tower, but he didn't panic.

Wait until he can fully use the E skill and flash to distance himself from the Juggernaut.

"Jaehe, don't panic! I'm coming"

Head An just realized that Emperor Chi was not in the right state, and the remaining blood in the wine barrel flashed to escape, but he didn't chase him.

But what happened next was beyond his expectation.

The moment the Juggernaut landed, a 'stun' mark appeared on the policewoman's head, and she couldn't release any skills.

"what happened?"

Head An is unbelievable, but he doesn't have big, flash, or Q, and he can't stop Juggernaut at all.

"The Juggernaut has upgraded his wild knife? The red policewoman, with the E skill, the damage explodes!"

"Lord Thunder strikes, the female policeman is still bloody!"

Chidi resumed his movement and hastily handed over Flash.

The Juggernaut, who can sprint and is blessed by plateau blood, moves too fast.

550 yards away, within seconds.

The policewoman fell under the double blades of the Juggernaut!
There was a chill on the back of the picker.

As expected, he transformed himself into a mad dog, a light bulb and a strange sorghum, and turned his target on him!
【Alpha Raid】!
"Rong Ren goes first!"

The crown yelled and controlled Galio to use the E skill.

The Juggernaut was instantly sent flying when he landed.

Fengnv put Q on the spot, handed over Flash, and ran away in a hurry with Zhumei.

The moment the Juggernaut lands on the ground, press the Q skill.

White light appeared on the frame of Qi Zhou's computer again.

Very annoying!

"Crown sacrificed his life for righteousness, saved Zhumei Fengnv, and the Juggernaut won a double kill..." Colonel Guan's voice was loud, as if praising a hero.

And PDD looks like an epiphany!
"Ya, Juggernaut works so well with gems!"

"This combination is perfect!"

Rita on the side listened intently.

"When the Juggernaut is Q, the gemstone is E, and the Juggernaut's [Alpha Strike] is equivalent to the magical skills of face-lifting, invincibility, and lock control!"

"What's even more outrageous is that the gem not only can give 100% of the ultimate move to the Juggernaut, but he is also a censer monster!"

"The combination of swords is really healthy!"

"Combined with gems, Juggernaut has transformed from a triathlete to a decathlon expert!"

Qi Zhou was a little regretful that he only got 2 heads.

However, after taking down Fire Dragon with his teammates, his mood immediately became brighter.

Because for him, Purgatory Lesser Dragon provides more than 4% attack power...

The little brother didn't use teleportation.

After eating the middle road, immediately go to the top road to guard the tower, and gain a lot of experience and economy.

And withering is also to gain a short development time, and after eating the thread, he also picked up a sprint crab.

In this wave of team battles, Samsung won the tower, but it was still a loss.

Both the dragon and the human head are lost.

The most uncomfortable thing is that the one who got the double kill was the Juggernaut.

[Haha, I saw outside the LCK that the two stick commentators misfired! 】

[Brothers, it's a sure win!What World Championships are you watching, use this method to score! 】

【Destroy, switch off, go home, celebrate! 】

【My dead roommate came back to life!He said he wanted to witness the LPL win the championship before dying. 】

[Call Han Za, hurry up and bubble up! 】

[Ahem, they changed their claim that they are black fans of the pig team. 】

The major live broadcast platforms have a peaceful and festive atmosphere.

In the backstage of EDG, Abramovich, Leg Brother, Mouse and others watching the game also beat their legs and cheered.


The development of Juggernaut is unstoppable!
The time to kill is approaching!
"Old Bu, why didn't Scout give the middle line to Brother Zhou this time?" Brother Leg learned from Abu that the combination of swords is the invincible existence of the current version, "Jiangzi Sword Master can be formed in 10 minutes, and he will kill it directly!"

"The three-star vote is too fast, I haven't seen it yet!"

Abu looked at 957, and explained carefully: "The gem's ultimate move is immune to damage, but it cannot be immune to control."

"Originally I wanted Xiaozhao to choose Morgana, but I was afraid that Samsung would see through our underwear at a glance, so I chose Xiaopao."

"The opponent has a lot of control, and the Juggernaut is fragile. If Qi Zhou eats up the economy, we'll just GG if he gets caught in seconds."

"Letting Scout choose the plane is also to cover the bottom line."

957 thought for a while and still had some doubts, "Isn't it good to let the elementary school boy choose Morgana, and it's not good to fight a little bit?"

Abu was mysterious, left a sentence "You will understand later", turned around and continued to watch the battle.


"The plane directly bares the electric knife, Scout wants to make a pure brush!"

The branch that Colonel Guan pays most attention to is the middle lane.

When the elementary school boy came home, he immediately noticed something strange.

"The electric knife is cheap, and the passive line clearing is fast, but it doesn't add much to the combat effectiveness of the aircraft!"

"If the aircraft wants to have a stable output, the second thing must be endless or blue sword, this kind of equipment is too slow!"

"It's not as good as the three phases + the method of wearing shoes..."

After the praise, Colonel Guan criticized without mercy.

PDD didn't speak. Although Park Zeyuan's words were sharp and ruthless, what he said was indeed the truth.

It takes a long time for an aircraft to develop output.

The elementary school brother first released the electric knife. Although the payment was faster and he could spare time to roam and support, it also delayed the forming time.

"Sea synthesized the red jungle knife, otherwise it would be possible to make endless now."

The Juggernaut with big sword, pickaxe, and crit cloak hits the road and slashes soldiers with his sword.

Jess only dared to watch from a distance.

The pig farm manager gave up the red buff to sea again!
If he is attacked by the Sword Master, he will definitely not die or be disabled!

Qi Zhou didn't force Wither out of the experience zone.

After he quickly cleared the line, he plunged into the fog of war.

The two sides developed steadily for 3 minutes.

Game time came to 14:20.

The second airdrop from the plane was not used for online consumption, so I walked out of the spring and went straight to the road.

But Samsung keeps dropping the pin signal.

Let Chidi and Choi Cone retreat to the second tower as soon as possible.

Head An didn't finish his first group of Shadow Wolves, so he rushed down immediately.

But just after passing through the red buff camp, there was a terrible news on the road.

Withered was overtaken by airplanes and Juggernauts.

"The damage of the plane is too exaggerated!"

The little fat man was hit again.

Crown comforted him, "Airplane enhanced W damage is very high, your level is low, so naturally it hurts, after all [Big·Constant Temperature Burning] is not a joke!"

"But his basic attack is also very painful. W tied with A and hit me with more than half of my blood, and Juggernaut QA was forced to pull the brakes..."

"He only hurt from the electric knife. You don't have magic resistance, so you can't hold it!"

In the preseason of S6, the shooter ushered in a big change.

In order to better fit the attribute of "Hex Technology", Fist changed the basic attack of the plane to physical damage and magic damage, and at the same time carried out the ultimate evolution of his W skill.

So far, the mid-single aircraft has emerged.

In the latest version 7.12 update, Riot even adjusted the basic attack of the aircraft to 20% physical damage and 80% magic damage.

Compared with armor, magic resistance is the weakness of most heroes.

Relying on the unique mechanism of general attack and mixed damage, the aircraft is also very painful to point people.

The Statik electric blade passive can cause chain magic damage and can crit.

And the elementary school boy was very lucky. When he crossed the tower Jess, the basic attack with [Electric Blade] happened to be a crit.

Jece has very low magic resistance, so the damage is stunned and withered.

"The Juggernaut got the head again...he will be endless when he returns home."

If it wasn't for the final of the S game, Wither would even want to smash the computer screen with a punch, and go home and sleep soundly.

EDG really has the whole team raising Sea as their father!
Why didn't I get this treatment?

If my teammates have this awareness, I can already become the cannon king of Picheng at this time, a crispy skin with one shot, and a child with one hammer...

Admire the withering of a gray and white TV and indulge in your own fantasy.

But Chidi's hand trembled so much that it was difficult to replenish troops.

Juggernaut made endless, who is the most hurt?
It must be me, Park Jae Hyuk!

In the previous round, any one of the Enchantress, Apocalypse, and Verus could be kicked to death.

But Verus will always be the highest priority of the centaurs.

This made Emperor Chi feel Qi Zhou's deep malice towards him.

No need to guess, in this team fight, Sea's goal is definitely him again!
In a moment, Chidi even wanted to sell the Storm Sword, the first one to be Langdu's Omen.

The khaki halo in memory is like the last safe haven.

Chidi enjoyed the spiritual comfort.

The yelling of the cut cone woke him up.

In the picture, the sword master who inspired [Plateau Bloodline] and walked towards him with ghostly steps.

However, what made Park Jae-hyuk's heart palpitate the most was the faint purple light on Juggernaut's body.

The combination of swords...

——"The hero is here!"

Crown jumped the policewoman at the first time, Chidi also retreated with E skill, trying to delay the time for the Juggernaut to touch him.

The Juggernaut who can double accelerate, the movement speed is ridiculously high.

The animation of Galio's ultimate move has just become real, and [Alpha Raid] locked the policewoman.

Pick the cone and put a shield on Chidi.

However, the Juggernaut's Q skill fell to the ground, and the policewoman was dizzy. Just before Fengnv turned on, the Juggernaut swung the laser sword.



The policewoman was killed.

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[What damage to the horse? 】

The live broadcast room of the finals was instantly covered by white question marks.

The Chidi team shouted in the channel: "There is a problem with the game data! Call timeout!"

Just about to turn around and signal to the referee, Wither stopped him.

"No problem... If my guess is correct, the Juggernaut's rune may have chosen to increase critical strike damage."

"Increase critical strike damage, is there such a rune?" Choi asked back, and he also stopped cooking.

"When I played Barbarian King, the big essence would choose crit damage, but Sea should choose crit damage even for marks, sigils, and glyphs."

Withered in agony, as if Chidi was not the one who was killed but him, "No wonder he has no basic attributes when he goes online..."

Suddenly, the screen on the big screen turned gray and froze.

Not 'player pause'.

Instead, Riot officially conducts a "guidance pause": at any time, it can independently decide to pause the game or control the player to pause.

The staff at the scene also had doubts about Juggernaut's injury.

The commentary station also received the news immediately, according to the director's small note, Colonel Guan explained to the audience.

[Is the staff sick?The Juggernaut doesn't have 1Q seconds anymore, the policewoman! 】

[Abnormal damage?Why do I think it's still low? Isn't hitting the stick twice the damage? 】

[Hehe, who still remembers the disconnection incident of S2. 】

[Stop conspiracy theories, it must be Sea's cheating, Juggernaut's 200 points of attack, why should he slash the policewoman's 600 points of blood? 】

[Shabi, Neptune must have armor-piercing runes, and the policewoman's armor is negative! 】

[Don't be a bug... Is it so difficult to give LPL a championship? 】

The barrage is messy.

Many people also saw that Juggernaut's damage was abnormal, but they kept praying in their hearts that it was not a bug.

The background staff quickly retrieved the game data.

The Riot officials took a quick glance and quickly understood the reason.

Juggernaut has a 45.51% crit damage bonus rune.

The Infinity Blade's passive 'increase the extra damage of critical strikes by 50%' can also work with runes.

Soon, the news reached the commentary desk.

PDD was so excited that he forgot that he was a "special guest", clenching his red fists, waving and shouting:

"There is no bug!!"

"There is no bug!!!"

"The game will continue immediately, Ya'er, sea's pure explosive damage rune sword master, the damage is exaggerated!"


The game resumed.

Galio, who was full of blood, was taken away by Juggernaut AQAA.

"Triple kill!"

Serious and cold mechanical female voice, echoing the canyon!
"Can you still fight?"

Everyone in Samsung couldn't help asking questions.

"We have already surrendered in the last game!"

"No matter what happens in this round, we can never surrender again!"

"No matter how bad the situation is, we must fight to the end!"

"It's not because of the e-sports spirit, but if we surrender and return to China, those extreme egomaniacs will tear us into tattered stockings!"

Chidi's voice trembled.

He was afraid of seeing the Juggernaut.

But he is more afraid of the sticks in Kimchi.

These people are the devil.

If Samsung loses again in this round, the Summoner Cup will be taken away by EDG.

He had no doubt that some fanatics would build him into a humanoid sculpture out of cement.

"cheer up!"

"Even if we lose, we will lose the Juggernaut's record!"

The crown is more realistic.

Now that the economic gap is too great, withered and chidi are stunted, it is obviously not easy to win.

"Yes, kill the Sword Master!"

"This is the core of the EDG lineup!"

Head An agreed and bought 2 real eyes at the same time.

He wanted to reveal the whereabouts of the Juggernaut without a doubt, and if he was caught, he would have nowhere to hide!


"Lean back!"

"He must be sick!"

All Samsung members cooperated, and Qi Zhou was arrested and killed twice in a row.

"So insist on changing with me?"

"Aren't these guys out of their minds?"

Qi Zhou has always given his teammates a calm impression, and they have never seen him so angry.

"Brother Zhou, don't be angry, I'm in a hurry!" The sister-in-law said comfortingly, "They kill you once, and I will die two or three. It's not worth it at all."

"I won't follow Xiao Zhao and you, they will come and kill each other!"

Qi Zhou calmed down and said slowly, "You should stay with Xiao Zhao."

"They traded it with me like this, and I still made money."

"The main Samsung's approach is no different from that of a mayfly shaking a tree, but it is very disgusting."

The last round was played too smoothly, but Qi Zhou lost his composure after being killed consecutively just now.

After sitting on the bench for two and a half years, he has excellent self-regulation ability.

After exhaling, the screen returned to color and the competitive state returned to its peak.

"Ya! Endless [-] crit cloak plus magic resistance shoes."

"Sea is also Temiao too violent!"

"This is to cut three the rhythm of doubting life!"

PDD gaffe again.

He never expected Qi Zhou to act like this.

[A sword at the start, with a 100% burst rate, all equipment depends on chopping? 】

[I can feel the anger of Neptune through the screen! 】

[Damn, only Neptune Ctrl+3 has always been the one to taunt opponents, how can anyone dare to dance on Neptune's corpse? 】

[PDD just wanted to say: Cut out the Samsung! 】

【Master Yi: This will be a painful lesson for Samsung! 】


Game time 17 minutes 26.
EDG took Fenglong, the barrel opened the way, and headed towards the middle.

The tower in the blue square was pushed away by the junior when Samsung was catching the Juggernaut.

When EDG beat Xiaolong, Samsung and the others were also in their own red zone.

Just couldn't find a chance to start a group.

When EDG came to the second tower, Samsung had already been ready.

Soldiers enter the tower.

The factory manager stepped forward, used the E flash to rush forward, and threw the [Explosive Wine Barrel] casually.

Samsung did not expect the factory director to be so casual, and there was no time to react.

Oak barrels filled with spirits exploded in the crowd.

The well-ordered formation was disrupted.

The gem is enlarged, and the Juggernaut and Tariq are surrounded by cosmic light.

Under the high movement speed, the Juggernaut's charging time can be completely ignored.

[Alpha Assault], Target: Policewoman!
QA is not dead.

That's because she's out of the Warden Armor.

Feng Nu escaped the brief dizziness caused by the barrel explosion.

Activated the ultimate move, but there was a golden light emitting from Tariq's side.

Familiar, very familiar!
Chidi's pupils dilated.

He also saw this animation special effect in the last game.

It is the ascension talisman used by Lulu and Time to speed up the centaur without sprinting and Youmeng!

Juggernaut soared 40% again.

Instead of staggering the big move predicted by head an, he smashed the plane of the elementary and middle school students.

The Juggernaut came close to the policewoman, struck a critical blow and made up the "Decree of the Thunder Lord".

Chidi is down!

The cooldown of Q skill is reduced by 80%, and it will be refreshed again.

[Alpha Assault], target; Feng Nu!
It wasn't long before the censer and the boots of Mingming were squeezed out, and there was no time to pile up the meat.

Juggernaut QA spike!

One cut!
Crown no longer dared to mock the Juggernaut.

The E skill is released backwards.

But the Juggernaut relied on his own movement speed to rush forward in a daze.

Seeing that the cosmic brilliance on Juggernaut's body was gradually dimming, Head An thought about it.

"Sheng Zhen, get ready!"

At the right time, the pig sister's Q skill pig rushed to the Juggernaut.

The immune damage of the gem's ultimate move has just ended.

Wither controls Jess to perform a gorgeous combo.

However, Juggernaut has the gem Q skill to restore blood, and the W skill to increase armor and shield, which is a lot of meat.

And his level is much higher than that of Jess!

The wither damage is full, but the Juggernaut still has 1/3 HP.


Jess died suddenly!

Target: Pig Girl!
Bijes was stabbed one more time and died.

The plateau lineage continued.

Galio, who ran to the high ground, also failed to escape the fate of being killed.

"Penta kill!"


The girls in the system kept ringing, and the final "five kills" and "group kills" were extra shocking!
The bird's nest cheered and blasted the sky.

EDG took advantage of the trend to pull out the second tower, high ground, crystal, and a front tooth of Samsung!
Qi Zhou went home and updated his equipment.

[Infinity Blade, Essence Slayer, Infinity Blade, Critical Strike Cloak, Critical Strike Cloak, Mercury Boots]

"Does Sea still want to get Pentakill?"

"Ya! This is crazy!"

The Juggernaut's explosive damage, and everyone in the three stars resurrected to guard the tower one by one, that is exactly the gourd baby saving grandpa.

EDG is fully capable of forcibly demolishing the front teeth and pushing down the Samsung Heights.

But they didn't choose to do this, and PDD couldn't think of any explanation other than "brushing KDA" in his mind.

Because EDG pushes harder to push away the Samsung base, then the Summoner Cup, champion, champion skin... infinite glory will be sprinkled on them.

But EDG didn't do that.

"If Sea wins the double-five kills in the final round, he will become a huge monument standing high in the S7 League of Legends!"

"This season, no player can stand shoulder to shoulder with him!"

Samsung is doomed.

Zeyuan was transferred to Pu to manage.

"Big dragon, five kills, one wave! Let's wait and see!"

Game time 20:26.
Baron Nash screamed miserably, and EDG killed the dragon.

The three-star five people waited under the front tooth tower.

It is better to die than hang up with spring water.

This is their last dignity.

"Let's form a group for the last wave..."

The super soldiers and the five heroes of the red side appeared in the three-star field of vision.

Suddenly, phantoms appeared under the Juggernaut's feet, with yellow tails added to his body.

The gem opens the big move.

"What the hell? Sea wants to fight alone?"

In the picture, the four of EDG are forbidden to move, and the Juggernaut is running in the circle of cosmic rays.

Target: Policewoman.

Chidi stood blankly, without performing any operation.

He knew it would be like this.

Therefore, he voluntarily acted as a bait, allowing An Zhangmen to cast a big move when the Juggernaut's Q skill landed at the right time.

Of course, this is all because the Juggernaut brings sprint.

If it was a flash, he would never dare to take such a risk.

Because Juggernaut's Q skill is divided into four stages, as long as the summoner presses the flash twice in the third stage, he can freely control the landing point.

Yellow light surged.

The policewoman's blood volume and the blood volume of the surrounding heroes disappeared in an instant.

The Juggernaut landed, and the pig girl's ultimate move was a perfect hit!
The crown waited for a while and activated the E skill.

The moment the Juggernaut was knocked into the air, the 【Cosmic Radiance】, which was immune to damage, also disappeared.


Countless skills attacked him.

——"This will be a painful lesson!"

Master Yi's message before his death.

"Shut Down!"

Canyon Girl Trial ends the life of those loyal to the Slayer.

The head belongs to Chidi.

——"Passion is burning!!"

Suddenly, Corki's scream appeared.

A path paved by flames and explosives appeared across the sky.

The blood volume of everyone in Samsung dropped rapidly.

"Double Kill!"

Flat A is played.

Basic attack critical strike, [Electric Blade] magic damage value also reached 500.
The policewoman and Fengnv died at the same time.

A flaming missile was fired, and the bloody Jess was killed.

"Triple Kill!!"

The basic attack hits Galio, the magic damage reaches 865, and then the Q skill is connected.

"Quadr Kill!!!"

Head An regained his senses from the shock, Q dodged to the direction of the spring and rushed.

But the plane's second-stage W connection flashed and immediately followed.

The Gatling machine gun continued to fire, and the pig sister's dual resistance was broken.

A round of missiles and a round of bullets containing magical fluctuations were fired.

Pig girl lay in the spring water.

"Penta Kill!"

Everyone at Samsung sits paralyzed...

They finally understood the ultimate routine that EDG prepared to win the championship.

Killing the Sword Master is useless...

Because the plane is also carrying explosive runes.

Juggernaut physical damage.

Aircraft magic damage.

Armor is useless, magic resistance is useless, and the amount of blood piled up is not comparable to the value of critical strikes.

"Let's congratulate—"




4 games, the time has come to dusk.

Under the setting sun, the eyes of Chidi and his teammates glistened with tears...

Everyone in EDG hugged each other, and everyone's eyes were also filled with tears.

The evening sun pierced through the clouds, casting golden light on the stage in the center of the bird's nest.

 [Reporting grades, explaining rules for adding more, rough outline]

  The first order is exactly 2000, and the average order is 1720.

  Unexpectedly, my psychological expectation was that the book-to-book ratio was 10, and the first order was 1350.

  Add three more chapters (6k), complete within a week.

  [Add more]
  No special circumstances, the minimum daily guarantee is 6k.

  Over 1000 monthly tickets plus 12k.

  Reward 10k point coins, plus 1k more.

  The leader adds 12k.

  PS: It’s not that I’m expensive, it’s that my hand speed is really high, normally 1k/h, but if there are too many words, my mind will get confused, and it will drop to 5.6 hundred/h (monthly ticket, monthly statistics of rewards, and make up next month).

  [rough outline]

  After finishing the World Championship, go to Kimchi to take the new version to fight the cold.

  Will transfer to another team.

  S8, if you don't play in professional competitions, you will be amazed when you play.

  (The technology is not very good, and it is impossible to carry every game. It can only play a miraculous effect in key rounds, interspersed with live broadcast)
  S9, transfer coach.

(End of this chapter)

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