Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 94 [93] FMVP: 1 hand burst injury Yi Man is full of tears at dusk, someone wants to run away

Chapter 94 [93] FMVP: One-handed blast Yi Man is full of tears at dusk, someone wants to run away

Abramovich and Mouse rushed out of the "base" and rushed to the soundproof room of EDG.

The big boss Ed Zhu also stepped forward quickly.

"Although there are many enemies, one blow kills them all!"

"The Juggernaut is fully capable of double five kills to end the game! But our top laner, the penta kill champion, used himself as a bait in exchange for his teammates' penta kills!"

"Six years! A full six years!"

"I never thought that EDG would shock the team with such splendor and win the LPL's first League of Legends World Championship!"

The director gave all the shots to the crowd of EDG who were tightly huddled together.

The voices of the two official commentators were high-pitched, and they were so excited that they lost their voice for a while.

"EDG Bird's Nest wins the championship, it's not about defending, it's about opening a new era for LPL!"

The power of the prehistoric is like a volcano about to explode, let go of your restraint, and shouted loudly: "EDG, awesome!"

The director was so scared that he waved his hands again and again, reminding her to pay attention to the words.

But the PDD, who was as red as "Olaf the Flame Warrior", was ignited by the most simple words of the power of the wild.

"We are champions! We are champions!"

"EDG's sword flying combination is the answer! It's the ultimate artifact that stomps on the incense burner monster with one foot and blows away all the fancy things with one punch!"

"What is extreme damage?"

"What is truly incomprehensible?"

"It's EDG's champion lineup that beats everything! The king of team battles, the god of output!"

In the center of the stage, confetti bombs exploded!

Silver fragments filled the air, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, they reflected golden glare!
Tens of thousands of spectators in the bird's nest stood up, and their voices shook the sky.

Their bodies exude the scorching heat of blood, raising the temperature of the bird's nest in late autumn!
The barrage in the live broadcast room turned the video screen into a white paper filled with the words "EDG is awesome!" written in color.

Rockets, superstars, spaceships...

There is a backlog of animation special effects, and many users' screens stay at the moment when the Samsung crystal bursts!

All-round spotlights are turned on, and white maps the sky.

At the scene, there was an elderly fanboy crying with tears in his eyes. Under his blurred eyes, the red and orange sunset faded...

Evening sunset?

No, this is the rising sun!

The images on the big screen were given to the Samsung players, dull, sluggish, empty, godless, lost...

Colonel Guan saw the crown, he looked like a crooked 'Dark Flame Torch', and seemed unable to sing the 'Shriad War Hymn' in his lifetime.

Ze Yuan was speechless.

But the audience was still boiling, they didn't look at the screen, and they didn't look at the Samsung players with the word "failure" written all over their faces.

Their gazes all fell on the EDG players with the black team flag on their shoulders.

In the huge bird's nest, the circle surrounded by EDG is very small.

But they carry the attention of tens of thousands of viewers.

Weeping, jumping high, screaming, scratching hair, and even some team members' lower backs were exposed.

But no one would laugh at their gaffes.

They are a team of champions!
Affected by the atmosphere, Ed Zhu, who was awkwardly standing aside, also came up with strange ideas in a trance.

"If I registered as a professional player before and retired after playing a game, then I would also be a champion..."

The spotlight turned, and the white light focused on the champion players.

Under the crazy gestures of the staff, the EDG people slowly walked towards the center of the stage.

There, the bright silver Summoner's Cup is waiting for them to lift it, which is the highest honor of the league!
Ming Kai staggered a little.

After the passion is always weak, he is a little weak in the legs.

Qi Zhou and Scout surrounded him on both sides, closing the distance to the Summoner's Cup step by step.

Numerous scenes from the 2012-2017 professional arena flashed through Ming Kai's memory.

Finally, he stood in front of the Summoner's Cup.

"Hold the cup! Creators of miracles, this is your moment of glory!"

"Thank you for bringing the first World Championship trophy to the LPL, the ultimate understanding of pentakill top laner sea, clearlove, the pioneer of a new genre of jungle...championship coach Jamal Aabbou!!!"

"Your glory, we will always remember, in our hearts, it will never end!"

A circle of 7 people listened to the cheers from all around, and 14 hands pushed the silver trophy up.

When the trophy was lifted above everyone's heads, all SSG personnel happened to leave the field.

Park Jae-hyuk stood in the darkness at the intersection of the backcourt, looking back and staring.

This is not the well-known 'Luck seven', this is a change every seven in the home culture.

Lck's dynasty has come to an end...

An overhead shot of the podium appeared on the big screen.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast took screenshots and forwarded them one after another.

[One-handed explosive kill Yi, eyes full of tears at dusk]

[Sword energy spans thirty thousand miles, and a sword is light and cold in nineteen states! 】

[Six years of haunting dreams... Congratulations to EDG! ! ! 】

【Fengshen! ! EDG is awesome! ! 】

【This is a scene from a dream...】

European studio.

"This is a great game, the third home championship team in league history is born!!"

"This year's World Championship is the most exciting World Championship, a visual feast, and a subversion of the league!!"

"EDG has established a new method of warfare and created their own era!"

"No team can withstand the attack from the golden iron triangle of Master Yi, Kuqi, and Tarek."

"This is a tactical system that has been deduced to its peak and cannot be cracked except by Roit!"

"I'm even a little lucky that our team didn't make it to the finals..."

The LCK studio... It seems that the live broadcast was interrupted due to network equipment problems.

Sporadic sticks are still clamoring:

[Their beef noodles are not authentic, and the SSG team members are not acclimatized! 】

[When we are at home, we will entertain guests from afar with authentic beef noodles, and then have a fair decisive battle! 】

[If it wasn't for last year's championship team falling apart, EDG would definitely not be able to win the cup! 】

[I am a silver, and it is easy to see that the strength of SSG members is far superior to EDG, I demand a rematch! 】

[Gem Sword St. Tarik, I have encountered this lineup in Rank a long time ago, EDG is plagiarizing! 】


"Please tell me, the audience at the scene, who is the champion team of the S7 League of Legends Global Finals?"

Ren Dong came out, followed by several founders of Riot Games.


The audience raised their voices, and shouted the three letters for more than ten seconds.

After the scene calmed down, Ren Dong took the white card from the staff. Unsurprisingly, it was the ID.

"The FMVP winner of the S7 Global Finals is—sea!!"

In an instant, Qi Zhou's makeup photo appeared on the big screen.

Cut hair, hair brother-style smirk.

It is difficult for the audience to connect this photo with the Juggernaut who is killing like a mad dog on the field.

The female fans at the scene were the first to react, shouting "Sea God!"

Immediately after, the rest of the audience responded.

In a corner of the bird's nest, more than 200 steady men wearing Nasus's pharaoh hats stood up.

Most of them are friends of the [Desert Death Bar]'s Bird's Nest Bar, and a few of them are from other places.

The leader raised the crutch of the same style as Nasus, raised his arms and shouted:

"Sea King is invincible! The tulle audience!"

The other bar friends followed suit and shouted:
"Aquaman, tulle!"

"Aquaman, tulle!"


The burst of energy startled the photographer.

The director specially opened a small screen to show the camera to everyone.


Ren Dong in a burgundy suit stepped back, leaving the stage to Man, the founder of Riot Games.

The Barbarian and Ryze moved forward.

The tall, muscular man hung the championship medal on Qi Zhou's chest.

"I always feel that you are more familiar with this game than I am... The burst damage of the Juggernaut made me mistake it for Tryndamere!"

Qi Zhou bared his teeth, "Tryndamere is one of my favorite heroes, and I have a wish to have him on the stage of the finals."

The barbarian king's eyes widened, and he shook hands with Qi Zhou.

"I heard that you will be 24 soon, I thought you would not continue to fight in the professional arena... I regret agreeing to let them make new runes."

"Otherwise, I might be able to see Tryndamere, like your Hecarim, kill the opponent with one blow in the S8 finals!"

During the exchange, FMVP's final win data also appeared on the big screen:
[Monkey King: 10/0/3, output accounted for 67.8%]

[Shadow of War: 23/0/3, output accounted for 72.8%]

[The Promise Sword Master: 17/3/7, output accounted for 61.9%]

The audience was in an uproar and screamed again and again.

This kind of data, they only saw it when the host of the abuse dish, Bronze Bureau, was frying fish.

"Oh my god, if Sea doesn't give Pentakill to the plane in the last round, then his output ratio in each round will exceed 2/3 of the team!!"

"50 kills... I won't get that much even if I play for the first time in a week!"

"Can you give me a clear data, I want to know if it is 5w, 7w or 10w!"

"It's only been a little over three hours. I can kill the pigs. I can't kill 50 pigs!"

"Brothers still don't understand? Hurry up and find a good friend to play in the low-end game!"

Everyone who saw the data table was in admiration.

Only Chun Li, the person in charge of Roit's game balance, looked gloomy.

This is a professional arena!

This is a professional arena!
The crazy numbers completely slapped his old face.

He always laughs at the recent appearance of the mobile game Legend of Valor (Arena of Valor), the data is unbalanced.

As a result, I never expected that such an absurd scene would appear in the World Finals of the League of Legends.

Audiences around the world must be amazed and amazed.

But colleagues around the world are definitely laughing at themselves.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the sea operation is not brilliant.

But that's it, sea alone played more than 2/3 of the team's output.

You must know that the incense burner system occupies the S game, and an auxiliary position becomes the father of the whole team. This is already a failure enough to fail.

But what is even more absurd is that there is a combination of swords and flying on the field.

Chun Li couldn't think of any way to crack the combination.

Although the armor-piercing and explosive runes will become history in version 7.22, it is impossible to have such a high-strength swordsman and plane in the finals.

But the power of this combination of heroes is still there.

As long as the output method of the Juggernaut is not changed, and the gem's ultimate move is not redone, then the sword will never rust.

As for the output of the aircraft without the blast rune, the output is reduced, but it is replaced by Morgana.

The Juggernaut at the core of the lineup can be even more unscrupulous.

As for the time combination of people and horses... It's a headache to think about it.

Not to mention that the factory director pioneered the auxiliary jungler.

Chun Li grabbed his thinning hair with both hands, showing pain on his face.

He scolded Qi Zhou's family all over his heart.

In an instant, he had the urge to run away.

This mess is worse than at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Chongba is hard to save in his second life!

Balance designer, inappropriate worth mentioning!

(End of this chapter)

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