Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 96 [95] The end of the era of operation, the arrival of a new era of personal ability? [S7 e

Chapter 96 [95] The end of the era of operation, the arrival of a new era of personal ability? [S7 ends, S8 starts]
Qi Zhou fell asleep heartlessly.

The winning carnival is still going on.

In the streets and alleys of every city, there are young people carrying the EDG team with black background and white characters, and the flags are cheering in the wind.

Among them, dormitories in university towns and Internet cafes appear most frequently!
The sound of "EDG is awesome" made many people confused.

But the passion of more fans was ignited.

Thanks to the S7 finals, unlike later generations, it started at 8 pm.

Otherwise, before 2 o'clock, it will be difficult for people who have worked all day to fall asleep and have a good dream.

Except for the longing for EDG to win the championship, or the old players of LOL for many years, some game accounts are only a dozen or so levels, and the social cattle ceiling celebrates the most.

They always shout passionately where there are the most girls.

Under the camera, in a trance, they are the most loyal pigs!
Except for some roommates who knew their details, no one knew their details-before the finals, these people didn't know the EDG team at all!

You must know that the client interface of the national server published posters with the makeup photos of the team members as early as when EDG advanced to the quarterfinals.

And they, it is estimated that the last time they were on the number was the last time, or it was the glory of the king.

It can only be said that people's hearts are not old!
Boxers punch to cheat, what is their purpose?
It's unknown...

"Let's go to the Internet cafe, Baojianfei combination three lacks one, take turns playing Juggernaut!"

"Brother, I'll do it, but the blast rune is too expensive, I can't afford it..."

"Then you can play Tariq!"

"Couldn't it be the combination of 'walking the road'?"

"I don't have armor-piercing runes... this one is also very expensive, why don't you wait until it's your turn to play Juggernaut and use my account?"

"It's okay..."


The reality is lively, and the information on the Internet is overwhelming!

Women's Restroom Hot List:

No1. #EDG wins! ! ! #
No2.#LPL's first world champion#
No3.#sea won 50 heads in three rounds#
No4.#Heroes never give up, we did it! #
No5.#SSG player Ruler posted a message to retire#

When EDG won the championship, Looking Up TV took the lead in posting:

[congratulate! #EDG赛条#]Just now, in the League of Legends S7 Finals, the @EDG Electronic Sports Club in the LPL Division defeated the Kimchi Country LCK Division team SSG 3:1 and won the League of Legends 2017 Global Finals champion!Congratulations!

This is a new milestone for e-sports in our country!
The eldest brother took the lead, and the rest of the media were also not to be outdone, blowing EDG into the sky one by one.

The "top eight every year" was selectively forgotten.

The media is the same, but the forums are full of flowers.

"In the past few seasons, we have paid too much attention to the European, American and Korean divisions, and neglected the LPL division. We always use the fan base to evaluate the overall strength of the teams in the LPL division at will."

"And today, the EDG team from the LPL Division slapped us hard with an almost crazy record."

"Fresh and new can no longer be used to describe their new tactics. Master Yi, Corki, gem system and Hecarim, Zilean, and Lulu system can only be described as subversive. Yes, EDG will use the professional team's The style of play has been completely overturned!"

"It has been 8 years since the League of Legends was launched. It has also grown from childishness to maturity. The professional league has become more complete and the behind-the-scenes team has become stronger."

"But [scavenger-eating jungler] (the author thinks dream-type is more suitable), [selective support], and when the term "distributing economy by combat power more scientifically" vaguely revealed from the mouth of the S7 champion top laner sea appeared in front of the world. , the League of Legends has returned to the new era!"

"In addition to the recasting of runes in the new season of S8, the adjustment of a large number of heroes' basic attributes, the update of auxiliary jungle equipment, the innovation of killing and field experience, the existing combat system of League of Legends needs a large number of adjustments."

"It is undeniable that we have been left behind by EDG by a large margin, but I think that with the advantage of the faster update speed of the European, American and Korean versions, our team will definitely be able to establish the most scientific system before the next world competition comes!"


European commentator ender:

"I'm very glad that the S7 final is not a team from our division and EDG on the same stage."

"Because under the tyrannical damage of Sun Wukong's Dinghaishenzhen, men's horses and iron hooves, and Juggernaut's plane, no matter how strong the psychological quality of the opposing players is, it will leave a lifetime of shadows, which is very detrimental to their subsequent careers."

"I can predict Roit's next patch, it will definitely make you feel familiar and annoying!"

"In this article, I mainly want to analyze Sea players so as to predict the general trend of the league."

"Looking at the World Championships, it's not difficult to find that Sea players' operations are not top-notch, and even compared to top players in the same position, they seem a bit clumsy."

"But the wonderful pictures he brought us are something that ordinary players can't play even after exhausting their careers!"

"It is understood that he will celebrate his 24th birthday soon."

"But not long ago, a sea player posted a cryptic statement on social media that he would continue to compete in S8."

"[Lian Po is old, can he still eat?], he has already given the answer."

"It is true that the club's training of players has become more scientific, which has greatly extended their professional lifespan. But I think the reason why Sea players can shout 'win another championship skin for Nasus' is because of his understanding of the leading version, And because of super consciousness."

"If I were to draw a hexagonal diagram for it, apart from manipulation, the sea player would definitely be a beautiful rose with five full petals."

"From him, I can vaguely see that the era of team operations to win has come to an end, and a new era in which players' individual abilities are king is coming!"

"Can the veteran have a second life?"

"Sea, even Clearlove, who is older than him in the EDG team, will give the answer!"


Of course, there are also opposing opinions.

Most of them think that sea is accumulated over a long period of time.

The routines accumulated from the bench for two and a half years have been completed in the World Championships.

After the recasting of the runes in the new season, even if there are still some routines in Sea's stomach, it will become a puddle of waste water, which is extremely rotten.

[He can only stay in EDG, leaving EDG no one will sacrifice his KDA and highlights like a foster father]

[The peak produces hypocritical support, and the dusk witnesses devout believers.Let's wait and see how much Maisea he has left after S8 is over. 】

[The spirit of e-sports is fairness and justice, respect for opponents; friendship first, competition second. sea ​​completely violated these. Ruler, the most valuable AD player in Kimchi, chose to retire because of his arrogance on the field. History will remember this event. 】

[Sea is far less valuable than the champion mid laner Scout with the same pentakill. Scout didn't suck the blood of his teammates! 】


After sleeping for 11 hours, Qi Zhou was awakened by the ringing of the bell.

Ming Kai called.

They need to go to the fist shooter's resident to discuss the details of the champion's skin.

On the way, Ming Kai was very annoyed.

A fan reminded him last night that the prince is actually the same as the wine barrel, having the champion skin in S1.

"Then choose the pig girl!"

"After all, I'm the manager of a pig farm, so it's only fitting for me to have the champion skin of a pig girl!"

Facing the molestation of his teammates, Ming Kai is still persistent.

"I just want the skin of Jarvan IV..."

Because of his lackluster performance in the World Championships, she was even dubbed "soft feet" by netizens.

In the game of using Jiawen IV to play RNG, he reproduced the famous scene of the summer game.

Level 2 catches, Type 7 EQ flashes!
This is an absolute highlight, and it is the most eye-catching operation of Mingkai World Championship!

Can't do it.

Ming Kai was unhappy on the road.

However, to the hotel next door.

The fist company chicken shooter agreed to design another champion skin for the prince.

"Haha, you called me stupid yesterday! You're the one who is stupid!"

Seeing that Ming Kai's face turned cloudy into sunny in an instant like the summer weather, Qi Zhou couldn't help but joke.

"Everything is based on money. The champion skin of S1 is so hip-stretching, and it was made up, so it didn't bring much profit to the fist company at all."

"Although the current version of Pig Girl is very strong, the prince is sure to sell well!"

Seeing Ming Kai's sudden realization, everyone in EDG laughed.

It's really been raising pigs for a long time, and my brain is not working well.


There is heating in the north, but the cold wind blows outside the street in November.

Everyone in EDG has no intention of playing.

In the afternoon, I took a plane back to the base in Shanghai.

The winter window transfer period is also approaching.

 Thanks to [Call me Hainan handsome], [Spicy smiling eyes] for the reward of 500 starting coins

  Thanks to [Six Hearts], [Qi Bi Ba Bu] (???) for the reward of 100 starting coins

  Thanks to Qread user [Mo Lin] for the reward of 100 starting coins.

  At present, the total reward is 13500 points.

  Every tip will be written in the "writer's words", sometimes it will be a few days late if you don't pay attention to the backstage.

  I will count the total rewards on the last day of each month, and update them the next month.

  "Alliance: Start to Catch the Bathing Dog" has passed the internal investment, and you can invest
(End of this chapter)

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