Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 97 [96] He was beaten and retired by you, what else do you want?The kimchi suit battle begin

Chapter 97 [96] He was beaten and retired by you, what else do you want?The kimchi suit battle begins!
Penguin Esports.

Qi Zhou's live broadcast room.

[Step on the kimchi vat, pickle a vat of sourness for half a month], the heat is 211w.

On the day of winning the championship, Chidi announced his retirement.

There was quite a shock in the circle.

Before the game, the Samsung lineup:
Cuvee, the king of single belts, the old factory director Yifeng An, the middle single crown with stable functions, stable output Ruler, and powerful team-starting auxiliary cone-cutting cone.

In the eyes of everyone, it is a proper championship lineup.

The LCK Division has been clamoring for "winning the game 3-0 and adding luster to our championship with the dusk of the Bird's Nest".

The major anchors and retired players in the LPL division also think that it is very difficult for EDG to reach the finals, and it is "slightly" difficult to beat Samsung.

However, the results were astonishing:

"EDG won the championship, Chidi was beaten and retired, wither seems to be leaving Samsung..."

Reality mixed with fantasy is shocking.

On the second day after the finals, the evil wind was everywhere.

Originally scolding Samsung for failing everyone, the public opinion in the LCK division of SKT vs. EDG should be changed immediately.

Netizens in the Kimchi Country actually launched a vote online to withdraw Qi Zhou's championship honor.

The reason is ridiculous.

"Taking advantage of bugs, liking ghosts and animals in the game, stuck in the first rank of the Korean server, and his nationality may be from the country of kimchi..."

However, it has received the support of many LCK anchors and professional players.

Fist ignored the farce.

Qi Zhou didn't post a response either.

Foreign thieves can be defended, but domestic thieves are difficult to guard against.

That night, EDG official Weibo and Qi Zhou's personal social accounts were hacked by a group of "Han Za".

Their speech is vulgar and vicious.

It's hard to imagine that this is something people did.

EDG has just won the first championship trophy in the LPL division!
Qi Zhou is the champion top laner and the FMVP of the audience!

Netizens were quick to fire back.

Han Zamen's comments were overwhelmed by the army of justice.

They had no choice but to hide in the dirty network sewers.

The attention of the outside world is also all focused on the upcoming winter window transfer period.

Because in the League of Legends player contract database, the contracts of Qi Zhou, Ke Lier Lawu and EDG will all expire on November 11.

The departure and departure of the two contestants aroused the curiosity of the people who eat melons.

The LPL 2017 winter window transfer period will officially start on November 11th.

Compared with foreign transfers, which are very clear, LPL always gives people the feeling of being hidden.

This also makes the people who eat melons feel more itchy.

And Qi Zhou also started the live broadcast at the right time.

The reason why the platform is Penguin E-sports is related to the EDG club signed a settlement contract with it at the beginning of the year.

Qi Zhou's contract has not yet been terminated.

Therefore, he can only broadcast live on Penguin Esports.

The reason why the title of the live broadcast room is so "elegant".

It was because on the day of the first broadcast, Qi Zhou was captured by Han Za before the studio.

Some of them even threatened to ask for information on his family members.

This can touch Qi Zhou Nilin.

Qi Qin is in her third year of high school!
"Han Za, just wait for the lawyer's letter... No, wait for the detention!"

Words are angry words.

But Qi Zhou acted so realistically that he instantly changed the title of the live broadcast room.

"Is the Kimchi native your father?"

"I'll let you see how I got the first place in the kimchi service, and how your fathers were rubbed under my feet!"

Of course, Qi Zhou wanted to become number one in Hanbok, and disgusting "Han Za" was just incidental.

The main purpose is to increase their social status.

After all, there has always been a voice saying: "Sea's games are all based on routines, and only Drill is the best."


"It's a bit difficult!"

Qi Zhou sighed, "Tariq got banned again!"

The runes are recast, and the blast runes can still be brilliant for a short time in the national server, but they have become history in the kimchi server.

The sword flying system no longer exists.

As the inventor, Qi Zhou had expected this situation a long time ago.

He took advantage of the trend to launch the gem mid-lane hunger strike, a 'simplified' version of the sword master jungler.

In the past two days, I have played in duo with my sister, and I have been on Waves hard.

This almost invincible combination in the rank made Kimchi's top rank frightened for a while.

Thus, Taric became the 'Kalista' of S8.

The ban position is permanent.

[Thousands of blood books, the captain of the burglary omen! 】

[Come and perform a top order unsealed cheat book dog head! 】

【Appreciate the Stealing Omen Vayne, I couldn't sleep last night!Come on! 】

[EDG top order, how can you not play big trees? 】

Version 7.22, the national server will not be updated until November 11th.

Compared with the old version of runes, the new version of runes is not only free, but also adds many novel cornerstone runes.

For example, the most frequent "stealth signs" appear in the barrage.

It allows the hero to provide an attack distance bonus to the next attack on the enemy hero after casting a skill, and loot extra gold coins or a consumable.

Many players who play games just for entertainment are impatient and want to enjoy their hands.

But many of them do not have PBE or kimchi service accounts.

I can only go to the live broadcast room of the foreign server anchor to enjoy my eyesight.

"The captain has also been banned!"

With the arrival of the new version, the captain's passive has been strengthened.

The captain needs to develop in the early stage, and his Q can directly trigger the effect of the burglary omen.

It can accelerate the economic growth in the early stage and strengthen the online battery life.

So Planck dreamed back to S5.

He became a non-Bna must-choice existence again.


Qi Zhou was a little surprised by the opponent's choice of hero on the first floor.

Because the opponent's first ban is Bobby.

"Is he going to finish the Holy Shield Monkey?"

When the Kimchi server was updated, the finals were not held.
The chicken shooter has never seen the shield monkey's economic ability against the sky.

They were even concerned that the new rune provided very high poke damage for many ranged supports in the early game, penalizing tank supports for draining their Loot stacks.

Make a small enhancement to the equipment of the Holy Relic Shield, so that it has the effect of the old talent [Cloud Explorer], and when using the effect of [Trophy] to kill a minion, in addition to the basic healing effect, it will also heal the hero by 2% HP has been lost.

[Haha, the top laner on the opposite side doesn't know that he is facing up to the Patriarch, right? 】

[Cold knowledge: Monkeys are called Monkey King]

[Sea King, Bobby has been banned, can you do it? 】

[Please show the second hero who restrained the Holy Shield Monkey! 】

The water friends obviously didn't expect that the enemy's top laner would choose the Holy Shield Monkey.

In their impression, apart from Bobby, the Holy Shield Monkey is an invincible existence.

If it was another anchor, they would most likely post "Please forgive me".

However, the identity of the founder of Qizhou Saint Shield Monkey has filled the hearts of water friends with infinite reverie.

"The old version of Saint Shield Monkey is really hard to fight, but in the new version, I have [-] ways to restrain him!"

Qi Zhou smiled brightly, and the water friends also felt his confidence.

Soon, it was Qi Zhou's turn to choose a hero.

Without the slightest hesitation, he chose the Apocalypse.

"Brother Zhou, are you sure that Mommy Fan will not be hammered by the monkey when she steps up?"

The younger sister touched her chin, a little unsure.

Squad with Qi Zhou these days, and he has become more and more aware of Qi Zhou's true strength.

At least [-]% of the online reviews are correct...

If the opposite is a monkey with unique skills, the consequences will be disastrous!

"If the other side withers, I might be hammered to pieces."

"But if it's someone else, that's me blasting them."

"The Apocalypse beats the Holy Shield Monkey, the advantage is mine!"

"I seven he three!"

Some remarks made the sister-in-law completely convinced.

Brother Zhou is not very good at operations, but he never speaks big words.

"That's good, that's good...the mid laner on the opposite side is Faker."

"Who is Faker?"

The sister-in-law said an English name suddenly, Qi Zhou's brain crashed, and he didn't react for a while.

"Li Guapi?!"

Qi Zhou froze for a moment, and confirmed loudly.

"The barrage is all swiping, it should be right."

Qi Zhou was skeptical, and looked at the second screen of the barrage.

Sure enough, "Faker" and "Big Devil" run side by side, occupying the entire screen.

But he still chose to confirm it himself.

Open the browser and click on Faker's broadcast room on Douyu TV.

"Oh? The one opposite is Apocalypse, is this year's champion top laner Sea?"

"That's really interesting..."

"He won't think that Karma's W skill can expose the target's vision after being connected, so he can beat the monkey?"

Faker's tone was lazy, he didn't know if he was replying to the barrage or talking to himself.

The translator, on the other hand, dutifully recounted his original words.

Due to platform reasons, Qi Zhou did not capture Douyu TV's screen, but the audience on the sister control side still heard the voices of Faker and the translator.

"Our top laner's strength... I don't know him well."

Faker hesitated to speak.

Because your ID on the first floor is "The Shy".

He has a good memory.

It should be September 9 this year, right?

At that time, I was broadcasting live, and "The Shy" was my teammate, and I played with a big mouth and went down the road.

The start was not smooth, and the disadvantages were great.

"The Shy" used a trumpet, so Faker didn't know that this hang dog was a 14-year-old talented player who used Riven's famous kimchi uniform.

It's already a big disadvantage, and you will definitely lose in 4v5.

Faker lost a big score, his teeth itched with anger, and after complaining, he played another game.

But he didn't expect that he would be in the small group and the shy teacher in the large group.

In this game, the two sides are facing each other.

Shy teacher Riven beat Faker Yasuo.

During the laning match, teacher shy showed great power and counter-killed Faker with a 0.3-second speed-of-light combo.

At the end of the game, Faker also knew from the bullet screen that this person was the big mouth who hung up his machine in the previous game.

Even more amazingly, September 9th.

Faker was drinking water, and when he got up to exercise his muscles, he found that his teammate Peanut was also in Theshy.

Little Peanut is at a bit of a disadvantage here.

Seeing this, Theshy spoke on the team channel:

"I'm leaving."

"The next game is still waiting for me to win."

Then, quit the game.

Of course the game was lost, and Faker and Peanut counted Theshy's various crimes in detail.

"I was so angry that I forgot to report it!"

"Wang Hao, click to report, this kind of behavior is really bad!"

Kimchi netizens also criticized Theshy verbally.

As expected, Theshy was banned for a week.

Hanging up is indeed Theshy's fault.

But Faker said he didn't know him at this time, but it was quite interesting...

"The monkey on the opposite side is the top laner on IG?"

Qi Zhou also noticed the monkey's ID, "This game is quite interesting~"

The sister-in-law at the side realized that his brother Zhou was imitating Faker's tone of voice.

But it never got the essence of laziness, and it was a bit different.

"Brother Zhou, you are trying to laugh at me to death!"

"What are you doing~~~"

Seeing the distorted smiling face of the sister-in-law, Qi Zhou couldn't breathe.

Therefore, Abu's characteristics are also slightly displayed in the voice.

While talking and laughing, the lineups of both sides were selected.

Qi Zhou is on the blue side.

Blue side: Karma, Pig Girl, Yasuo, Policewoman, Morgana.

Red side: Monkey, Centaur, Snake, Big Mouth, Tam.

"The The is really violent, with electric shock!"

After learning that Qi Zhou is the owner of the honor bar of the desert death bar, the sister-in-law also started to lurk in the various post bars.

Therefore, he is very familiar with the tone of his bar friends.

Now [Desert Reaper Bar], with the blessing of Qi Zhou's top laner Glory buff, has been promoted to the top of all the heroes' posts.

Became a Big Brother level existence.

The various laning classics in it have raised the game quality of the national server players to a higher level in a short period of time!
Many bar friends who have been lurking for half a month like to send ""Located in the dog head bar for half a year, I'm out of the mountain!""

First, you can tell your teammates that you are from the Gotou Bar, so that they can rest assured.

If you win, you can naturally "raise my prestige".

The second is to emphasize "half a year", and there is nothing wrong with losing.

After all, the incubation time is not long, and it is normal that many skills have not been learned.

"Brother Zhou, although there are no armor-piercing runes in this version, the three major pieces of armor-piercing equipment have all been enhanced!"

"If you can't hold Theshy down, he will be able to EQ you in the middle of the monkey!"

Sister-in-law is not alarmist.

The new version of Rune Electrocution is based on the old talent Thunder Lord's decree.

Thunder's damage value is: 10*level + 0.3 extra attack power.

Electrocution, on the other hand, is based on level, dealing 50 - 220 (+0.50 bonus attack damage) damage.

Obviously, the damage of electrocution far exceeds that of thunder.

The fan mother is also crispy, and her body is far inferior to the top single tree.

It is easy for a set to be taken away by monkeys.

"Haha, don't worry!"

"No one knows how to fight the Holy Shield Monkey better than me."

Qi Zhou patted his chest with his right hand and laughed heartily.

"Just watch me do it next!"

The sister-in-law nodded. Although Qi Zhou was sometimes crazy, he never spoke big words.


Since he was in the top order, Qi Zhou did not choose the current mainstream [Summon · Aery] for his rune selection.

Instead, it is still the same as the "Secret Alliance" he played in the previous rounds, using [Stealing Omen].

"The top laner in the last game was unlucky to sneak VN. I didn't steal the big red medicine in the early stage."

"I hope this game will be better!"

The game loaded successfully.

The teammates on the blue team have no intention of playing a first-level team.

After Qi Zhou bought the equipment, he went straight to the road.

[I watched Theshy's live broadcast. Although the game is restrained, his Rank has been playing very fiercely! 】

【I beg Brother Zhou, don’t miss out on this game, I’m suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder after watching the last game! 】

[Observed for 2 days, except for the desert god of death, Aquaman's last knife is not very good~]

[Fan mother?Do you have a new style of play? Take notes, everyone. 】

[Brother Zhou, can you discuss changing lanes with the mid laner, I want to see you solo kill Li Guapi! 】

When he arrived on the road, Qi Zhou stood safely under the defense tower.

And in the grass ahead, a monkey got into it.

IG base,

A man with glasses with a long face parted in the middle looked indifferently at the fan mother's equipment panel.

Spellthief Blade, Reusable Potion.


 The 1k owed yesterday has been made up, and the group friends are rushing to start.

(End of this chapter)

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