Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1255 The Game Has Just Begun

Chapter 1255 The Game Has Just Begun

When Zhai Pingqing heard Huang Youlong's evaluation of Li Changji, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After all, Li Changji gave him a deadline of one week. No matter how the game between the China-Korea Industrial Park and Dongzhou ended, they would get 5 billion back from him. Although the project had just started, he would have to lose several hundred million in vain. This was too unfair to him.

Huang Youlong had guessed what he was thinking since he arrived, and whispered, "The truth is on your side this time. Ask Dongzhou for corresponding compensation and better land exchange. These are your bargaining chips. If you don't want to continue playing, you can transfer this project at the right time. Maybe someone will be interested."

Zhai Pingqing's eyes lit up; this was the sentence he was waiting for.

Huang Youlong took another puff of his cigarette and said, "You've been in a lot of trouble recently, so you should keep a low profile. If you end up suffering losses from this investment, I will bear all the losses."

Zhai Pingqing pursed his lips and nodded vigorously: "Thank you, Senior Brother."

Huang Youlong patted his shoulder and said, "Also, don't come here in the future. If the Li family knew about the relationship between you and me, they would definitely become suspicious."

Zhai Pingqing said: "To be honest, I plan to transfer all the properties in Dongzhou."

Huang Youlong frowned and said, "You're just going to give up on this kingdom that you've conquered with great difficulty?"

Zhai Pingqing said: "Some people regard me as an enemy and try every means to oppose me. Even if I persist, I will inevitably face more and more troubles in the future, so I decided to stop in time."

Huang Youlong asked, "Xu Chunliang?"

Zhai Pingqing didn't say anything, but a wry smile appeared on his face. He had to admit the energy of this young man. What really gave him a headache was not Kang Jian's project in Dongzhou, but the hidden dangers that might exist in the future.

The reason why Zhai Pingqing has been so successful in the health care and elderly care industry in recent years has a lot to do with the care of his relative Tan Xinmin. However, a series of recent events have made Tan Xinmin's situation increasingly difficult. A few days ago, he had an in-depth exchange with Tan Xinmin in Beijing.

Tan Xinmin hinted that he should tone down his edge and make decisive decisions on some sensitive projects. He especially pointed out that Xu Chunliang was Ye Changyuan's adopted son. In the eyes of many people, Ye Changyuan's accidental death in Juzhou should be taken responsibility by him as the head of the Civil Affairs Department.

Although Tan Xinmin did not say it explicitly, Zhai Pingqing could see that he was full of pessimism about the future. If Tan Xinmin left his current position, Zhai Pingqing's foundation would be shaken, which would be an unprecedented crisis for Kangjian's development.

It was also from that day that Zhai Pingqing came up with the idea of ​​preparing for a rainy day. The troubles in Dongzhou continued one after another. First, Qin Yujiao was charged, and Wang Tongan was placed under double supervision. He himself was called to cooperate with the investigation because of this matter. Now even the Kangjian Nursing Home has been ordered by many departments to rectify.

Zhai Pingqing's career has been going smoothly in recent years. This series of setbacks made him wake up from his blind optimism, and he began to re-examine his situation and try to accept reality.

Huang Youlong said: "This young man Xu Chunliang is not a simple person."

Zhai Pingqing said: "He is very good at using his connections. He has the support of the Ye family behind him. He also has a very close relationship with Xiahou Mulan, the acting leader of the Pi Clan."

Huang Youlong smiled and said, "I've always been very confused as to why he has such a big prejudice against you?"

Zhai Pingqing thought to himself, "You are just pretending to be ignorant. If you hadn't asked me to get involved in the construction of the new hospital for infectious diseases, how could I have had a grudge against him?" However, the problem between him and Xu Chunliang was not just this one matter. There was also a dispute over the leader of the Pi Sect. Xu Chunliang was Xiahou Mulan's strong backer.

Zhai Pingqing said: "Brother, maybe some people are destined to be incompatible."

Huang Youlong laughed at his answer and nodded, "Yes, just go ahead and do it. I will respect any decision you make."

It was late at night, but Wang Jianming still couldn't fall asleep. He sat in his study, staring blankly out the window.

There were light footsteps behind him, and his wife He Wanying came up behind him: "Jianming, are you still awake?"

Wang Jianming smiled and patted He Wanying's hand on his shoulder: "I just finished processing some documents and went to sleep now."

He Wanying looked at him distressedly and said angrily, "No matter how busy you are at work, you must take care of your health. You can't do a good job in Dongzhou by yourself."

Wang Jianming smiled and said, "Are you saying that I am arbitrary?"

He Wanying smiled: "Not really." She sat down next to Wang Jianming: "Are you worried about the China-Korea Industrial Park?"

Wang Jianming pursed his lips: "Things are indeed a bit tricky."

He Wanying said: "In fact, these things should have been written into the contract terms in advance. The Warring States tomb should not have much impact on the overall planning of the Sino-Korean Industrial Park."

Wang Jianming said, "The scope of the temporary cultural heritage protection area just surrounds their headquarters under construction. The construction of the Sino-Korean Industrial Park headquarters has been completely stopped." He Wanying said, "I heard that my second uncle had some unpleasantness with you yesterday."

Wang Jianming glanced at his wife and asked, "Did you hear what Jiancheng said?"

He Wanying smiled and said, "I really can't hide anything from you."

Wang Jianming said: "He has invested a lot of money in this project. If the Korean side withdraws its investment, he will also face considerable losses."

He Wanying said unhappily: "It was he who took the initiative to come to Dongzhou to invest, and you didn't ask him to do it." She never had much good feelings towards Wang Zhengdao. After all, the Wang family opposed her marriage to Wang Jianming at the beginning. If it weren't for the persistence of the two, they would not have come this far.

Wang Jianming said: "He didn't talk to me as an elder. Although this incident was an accident, it did cause them trouble."

He Wanying asked, "Is national cultural relics more important or economic development more important?" She already had the answer to this question in her mind, but she was not sure about her husband's choice.

Wang Jianming said: "Protecting cultural relics is definitely the top priority. Even if South Korea withdraws its investment, I will not waver on this point."

A knowing smile appeared on He Wanying's lips. Wang Jianming was still the same Wang Jianming as before, with a strong sense of family and country.

Wang Jianming felt a little ashamed when he saw his wife's expression. His heart was not as firm as he expressed. The reason he would not waver was because he knew the pros and cons between the two. As long as he kept a clear head, he would not make the wrong choice, but the price of the choice was extremely heavy.

Wang Jianming didn't care about the new infectious disease hospital. At most, he would change the address or reduce the scale. The infectious disease hospital was partially funded by the government and the government would pay for it. However, the Sino-Korean Industrial Park was different. If something went wrong in this huge project with an investment of 15 billion US dollars, it would cause a series of follow-up effects and even affect the investment environment of the entire Dongzhou.

He Wanying said, "I've heard a saying a lot recently. You don't have to take it seriously."

Wang Jianming nodded.

He Wanying said: "It is said that the Korean side has long known that there is a Warring States tomb underground. The purpose of their investment in the Sino-Korean Industrial Park in Dongzhou is to facilitate the excavation of our national treasures."

Wang Jianming laughed: "Wanying, this is too boring. Lexing Group would never use the company's honor to do such a thing."

He Wanying said, "I find it boring too, but I also heard that Le Xing also insisted on taking the land of the infectious disease hospital. According to the logic of an ordinary person, as long as Dongzhou is willing to provide policy land, why must it be designated in the Qingshan mining area? I have some understanding of the topography of the mining area. Because of the long-term mining of coal mines in the past, the underground has been basically hollowed out. Many plots of land are in danger of collapse. Other developers have avoided it. Why is Han Fang so persistent in that piece of land?"

Wang Jianming said: "I seem to have told you that Li Bingxing, the founder of Lexing, was born in the Qingshan mining area. At that time, he lived within the scope of the new site of the Infectious Disease Hospital. Everyone has a complex about the past in their hearts."

He Wanying said calmly: "I always feel that this explanation is too far-fetched. Isn't money the biggest obsession in a businessman's heart?"

Wang Jianming said: "No matter what, we will not compromise on this matter, and we are prepared for the worst."

He Wanying had never doubted Wang Jianming's principles, so she asked softly, "Is the infectious disease hospital sure to move?"

Wang Jianming nodded: "There will be a coordination meeting tomorrow."

He Wanying recalled the matter of the Affiliated Hospital of China University of Mining and Technology, which was promoted by Xu Chunliang. Since Xu Chunliang left the Infectious Disease Hospital, the matter has been shelved. In fact, considering the status of China University of Mining and Technology, a mere Infectious Disease Hospital is in no way worthy of the title of Affiliated Hospital. Now is the opportunity to end it once and for all.

Wang Jianming did not attend the coordination meeting for the new infectious disease hospital in person, but entrusted his deputy in charge of culture, education and health. The direction of the meeting was very clear, that is, the construction of the infectious disease hospital must be completely stopped, and the land that had been allocated to them had to be vacated due to the planning of the cultural heritage protection zone.

Dongzhou will provide them with better construction land. Several leaders of the infectious disease hospital were quite cooperative. Zhai Pingqing, chairman of the investor Kangjian Group, did not personally attend the coordination meeting. The representative he appointed publicly listed to Dongzhou their capital investment status so far, and publicly stated that in view of the current situation, he personally demanded a complete withdrawal of investment from Dongzhou.

What Kang Jian's side did not expect was that the leaders of Dongzhou said on the spot that they were free to come and go.

Although Wang Jianming did not attend the meeting, he was also paying attention to everything that happened at the venue.

After Qin Zhengyang came in to report the results of the meeting, he asked in confusion: "Secretary Wang, why did you agree to Kangjian's request to withdraw its investment on the spot?"

Wang Jianming said: "Although the discovery of the Warring States tomb is an irresistible factor, it is also a fact that the interests of investors have been damaged. Now they are no longer optimistic about the investment in the new hospital and have taken the initiative to withdraw their investment. We can't force them to keep their funds. We want to make an attitude to the whole society through this incident. There is no problem with Dongzhou's business environment. The interests of investors will be maximally protected here."

(End of this chapter)

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