Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1256: Calm down

Chapter 1256: Calm down

Qin Zhengyang thought to himself that Wang Jianming was most likely using this incident to make his attitude clear to Lexing Group. Don't think that your investment is so great. If you want to withdraw your investment, I won't force you to stay.

"Secretary Wang, what if Lexing Group also withdraws its investment?"

Wang Jianming said: "If they have already made up their mind to withdraw their investment, even if we force them to stay, the future cooperation will not be pleasant. Investment and construction is only the first step. The future operation of the China-Korea Industrial Park is a long way to go. I have thought about it for a long time. It is better to expose the problem now than to expose it later."

Qin Zhengyang nodded. This was indeed a good thing. However, the biggest fire that Wang Jianming had started after taking office was likely to be extinguished. After all, it was an investment of 15 billion US dollars. It was impossible for Wang Jianming not to care.

Qin Zhengyang said: "Zhai Pingqing from Kangjian Group did not attend the meeting today."

Wang Jianming said: "He didn't even attend such a big event in person? Did something happen to him?"

Qin Zhengyang hesitated to speak.

Wang Jianming was very observant and said calmly, "Speak."

Qin Zhengyang said: "Wang Tongan's case involves Zhai Pingqing, who is currently cooperating with the investigation. His Kangjian Nursing Home has been involved in multiple violations and has been investigated by the Civil Affairs Bureau and other departments. It is currently in a state of suspension and rectification."

Wang Jianming frowned: "These businessmen are really troublesome." He suddenly realized that Zhai Pingqing withdrew his investment because he must have sensed the coming of some crisis.

Qin Zhengyang said, "By the way, a new representative has come to Lexing to replace Li Changhe. Her name is Li Changji, the daughter of Li Bingxing. I want to see when Secretary Wang has time to meet with her."

Qin Zhengyang handed Li Changji's business card to Wang Jianming.

Wang Jianming looked at the business card, thought for a moment and said, "Next week."

Qin Zhengyang was slightly stunned. It seemed that Wang Jianming was not in a hurry at all about this matter. The reason why he postponed the meeting was probably to wear down the other party's patience. Without the courage to burn his boats, how could he win in this game in the end?

The construction of the new infectious disease hospital was suddenly halted, and the city has made its position clear that it wants to reclaim the Qingshan Mine land.

Yan Huiyi, director of the Infectious Disease Hospital, had no choice but to accept this result. In fact, he had not been very enthusiastic about building a new hospital from the beginning, and after experiencing this setback, he did not want to take any big actions. Secretary Sun Weimin had basically the same idea as him. Anyway, it was impossible to build a new hospital during their term of office. Now Kangjian was also going to withdraw its investment, and the city agreed without hesitation, which meant that the matter of the general hospital was basically scrapped.

On the contrary, Pan Junfeng, the former vice president and current vice president of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was more concerned about this. He and Qin Zhengyang lived in the same community and had eaten together. He wanted to find an opportunity to ask, and it happened that Qin Zhengyang invited him to dinner, and Xu Chunliang and Lu Ming were also there that night.

When Pan Junfeng arrived at Weishan Lake Local Cuisine Restaurant, the other people had not arrived yet, so Pan Junfeng went to find the proprietress first. The reason he came early was that he wanted to settle the bill first.

The proprietress He Tiantian is an old acquaintance of Qin Zhengyang and Xu Chunliang. She couldn't help laughing when she heard what Pan Junfeng said. She said it was not necessary. Xu Chunliang had prepaid a lot of money in advance and had already called to say that he would treat them tonight.

At this time Xu Chunliang and Lu Ming arrived together. He Tiantian greeted them, "Mayor Xu is here." She still did as she did in the past.

Xu Chunliang said, "Sister He, I've told you eight hundred times that I'm not in Hushan Town anymore. You can call me Xiao Xu."

Pan Junfeng winked at He Tiantian, meaning that she should not mention that he had just come over to pay the bill first.

Lu Ming said: "Zhengyang hasn't arrived yet."

Xu Chunliang said, "He's busy, so he doesn't know the exact time. Let's go in and sit down first."

The three of them entered the room and sat down. He Tiantian brought them a pot of good tea and two decks of cards. It was now a routine game of mahjong before the guests had their meal.

Xu Chunliang has no interest in playing cards, and they can't get enough people together now.

Lu Ming said: "Just the four of us?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Why would we need so many people just to have a drink?"

Lu Ming said: "Are you drinking today?"

Xu Chunliang shook his head: "Wait until the 57th day."

Seeing Xu Chunliang's large beard, Pan Junfeng sighed: "You are so filial. If you keep your beard for more than a month, it will probably be as big as Zhang Fei's."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "It's okay, it makes me look more mature. I am considering whether to grow a beard in the future."

Lu Ming said: "You look old. To be honest, you look pretty much like me now."

The three of them laughed. At this time, Qin Zhengyang pushed the door open with a briefcase in his hand and asked, "What are you talking about that makes you look so happy?"

Xu Chunliang said: "The development of Dongzhou's cultural tourism is very good. Director Lu will smile in his dreams these days."

Qin Zhengyang put down his briefcase and sat down next to Lu Ming: "He should be happy. This Warring States tomb has disrupted the city's planning."

Lu Ming hurriedly said, "Chunliang, don't hurt me. How much can a Warring States tomb contribute to Dongzhou's cultural tourism?"

Qin Zhengyang said: "Director Lu, this is not what you would say. Why do I feel like you have suddenly become low-key?"

Lu Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he dared not be low-key. He was the first one to designate the cultural relic protection zone because of that worthless Han tomb. Now the matter was getting bigger and bigger, causing the construction of the new campus of the infectious disease hospital to be suspended. There were also rumors that the Sino-Korean Industrial Park might be scrapped. If the Korean side really withdrew its investment because of this matter, it would definitely be a huge loss for Dongzhou. The top leader Wang Jianming would definitely not be happy. If he wanted to vent his anger on someone, that person would most likely be himself. Lu Ming was extremely nervous these days.

Xu Chunliang said with a smile: "The more achievements one makes, the more low-key and modest he is. Director Lu has a bright future." Lu Ming said with a sad face: "Okay, stop insulting me. We have discovered a tomb of the Warring States Period, and will then do archaeological research and build a museum. That all requires financial support from the city. We spend money. Building a hospital and a China-Korea Industrial Park is about attracting investment and making money. It's different."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "See? He took the responsibility for the shutdown on himself."

Qin Zhengyang gave Lu Ming a reassurance: "What does it have to do with you? Our Secretary Wang said that all investors are free to come and go."

Xu Chunliang said: "Look, I have always had confidence in Secretary Wang. Secretary Wang is a man of great vision and will never give in just for the sake of immediate economic interests."

Pan Junfeng finally found an opportunity to join: "I heard that the matter of the infectious disease hospital has been confirmed, the construction of the new hospital has been completely stopped, and Kangjian has also proposed to withdraw its investment."

Qin Zhengyang nodded: "Have you ordered?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It's arranged. You call me to treat you tonight."

Qin Zhengyang said: "No problem, we are all clean-handed, and you are the only rich second-generation here."

Xu Chunliang said: "I am indeed richer than you."

Lu Ming sighed: "It's really annoying, but I can't refute it. Um, I want to drink Maotai."

Xu Chunliang said: "Satisfied, but I won't drink today."

Everyone knew about the Xu family, so no one forced him. The three of them knew that if Xu Chunliang started drinking, the three of them combined would not be his match.

After a few drinks, Qin Zhengyang said, "The matter of the infectious disease hospital has been finalized. The city has provided a new piece of land near the inner harbor. The location over there is actually better. It is a planned land port new district and is also very close to the Binhu New District."

Pan Junfeng said: "Even if the city provides land and policies, once Kangjian withdraws its investment, the hospital cannot be built."

Qin Zhengyang said: "The infectious disease area has nothing to do with them. Their withdrawal of investment will only affect the general hospital. However, Kangjian has not made a final decision yet."

Xu Chunliang asked: "Is it so easy for them to take back the investment money?"

Several people looked at Xu Chunliang.

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "What I mean is that since it is an investment, the risks should be shared. The discovery of the Warring States tomb is an uncontrollable factor. Kangjian suffered losses, and Dongzhou also suffered losses. Why can they get away with it unscathed?"

Qin Zhengyang said: "The city has also made comprehensive considerations. If we haggle with them on this matter, it will inevitably have a certain impact on the reputation of the investment promotion."

Lu Ming said: "Will the city's quick agreement to Kangjian's request to withdraw investment trigger a series of chain reactions?"

Qin Zhengyang smiled and said, "What do you mean?"

“If Lexing also proposes to withdraw its investment, then the China-Korea Industrial Park will be finished, right?”

Xu Chunliang said: "They won't withdraw their investment easily."

Qin Zhengyang looked at Xu Chunliang and asked, "Why do you think so?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Thinking about their persistence in choosing the site, we can guess that they will not give up because of this. Discovering the Warring States tomb was originally unexpected. Although the Koreans are stubborn, they are not stupid. I believe they will choose to give in in the end."

Qin Zhengyang said: "But at present their attitudes are very firm."

Xu Chunliang said: "I have a different opinion on Kangjian's withdrawal of investment. I believe you have all heard that the 5 billion used by Kangjian for investment came from Mingde Group."

Qin Zhengyang said: "There is no real evidence at present."

Xu Chunliang said: "It is not easy to find evidence for such a large amount of funds. Considering Zhai Pingqing's personality and his past investment habits, isn't it a bit strange to invest in traditional medical care? Besides, he doesn't have the strength to come up with 5 billion at once."

Pan Junfeng said: "I was the one who was responsible for contacting them at the beginning. We have also investigated the funds and there should be no problem."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "Brother Pan, there are some deep things that you cannot touch."

Although Xu Chunliang was telling the truth, Pan Junfeng was a little embarrassed and smiled bitterly, "Indeed, these business people are very cunning. I was exhausted when I was working with them."

Lu Ming also became interested and urged, "Go on, let's talk about your so-called deep secret."

Xu Chunliang said: "If, I mean if, the 5 billion that Kangjian invested in the infectious disease hospital belonged to Lexing Group, why do you think Lexing Group was willing to give out this 5 billion?"

Lu Mingdao: "Lexing also wants to get involved in the traditional medical industry?"

Qin Zhengyang shook his head. If Lexing Group wanted to do it, it could have chosen a better piece of land. "Lexing wanted to take over the infectious disease hospital land before, but failed, so it adopted this roundabout way to control the construction rights of this land."

(End of this chapter)

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