Chapter 1259 Fear

Qin Zhengyang immediately understood Wang Jianming's intention from this move, and lowered his voice and said, "Isn't he going to let you participate in the negotiations with Lexing?"

Xu Chunliang said: "You guessed it right."

Qin Zhengyang sighed secretly, thinking that Wang Jianming was the smartest one after all. It can be seen from this incident that Wang Jianming should suspect that the many recent disturbances were related to this kid Xu Chunliang, and bringing Xu Chunliang to the Commerce Committee was a full consideration that the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it.

Qin Zhengyang asked: "Should I congratulate you or sympathize with you?"

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "Blessings!" At this time, home called. Xu Chunliang knew that it was Bai Lan urging him to get on the road, so he said goodbye and left.

When Xu Chunliang returned home, he saw a white-haired old lady sitting upright in the living room reading a book.

Xu Chunliang had already experienced Bai Lan's makeup skills, but this time he was still a little surprised. He sat down next to Bai Lan and sniffed.

Bai Lan asked, "Are you born in the year of the dog?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I'll give you a little advice. You still need to cover up the smell on your body."

Bai Lan asked, "Do I smell good?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Then which part should be scored?"

Bai Lan reached out and punched him: "Get as far away from me as possible."

Xu Chunliang said: "Your thoughts are not pure."

Bai Lan rolled her eyes and said, "Do you want me to help you put on your makeup?"

Xu Chunliang said: "That's not necessary."

Bai Lan said: "I wanted to play husband and wife with you, but now I can only play your grandmother."

Xu Chunliang glanced at her chest and asked, "Is she my grandmother?"

Bai Lan was stunned for a moment before she realized what was going on. Her pretty face flushed as she cursed, "You big-headed ghost, hurry up and leave. I won't be responsible if I delay you."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the two had arrived at the Haizhou China-Korea Trade Port. Although it is called a trade port, it is not a port, but a business office area. Song Xiaoci's company is located on the nineteenth floor of Building C.

Under Bai Lan's guidance, Xu Chunliang parked the car in the underground parking lot of the building. Bai Lan pointed to a white Porsche Panamera in front of the right and said, "That's her car."

Xu Chunliang asked: "Are you planning to wait for her here?"

Bai Lan said: "Every afternoon at three o'clock, she will leave on time to do exercise. When she shows up, I will find a way to control her and then drive away in her car."

Xu Chunliang said: "You don't need my help?"

Bai Lan said: "Probably not."

Xu Chunliang said: "There are a lot of surveillance cameras in the basement."

Bai Lan smiled and said, "What does it matter?" She looked at the time, got out of the car, and walked straight to Song Xiaoci's car, then skillfully opened the door and got in.

Xu Chunliang waited silently. When the time came to three o'clock, he saw a long-haired woman wearing a military green windbreaker and brown casual pants walking towards the Panamera.

Xu Chunliang determined her identity after seeing the flashing car lights.

Song Xiaoci did not notice anything unusual inside the car. He opened the door and got in. Not long after, he saw the car shaking, but it did not last long before it returned to normal.

Xu Chunliang has confidence in Bai Lan. This woman is firm in her beliefs and ruthless in her methods, so there shouldn't be any accidents.

However, the car did not move for a long time. After about five minutes, the driver's door opened and it was Song Xiaoci who came out.

Xu Chunliang was stunned for a moment, and looked carefully, only then did he realize that it was Bai Lan in makeup. Within five minutes, she completed the process of controlling Song Xiaoci, stripping off her clothes, and exchanging identities with her.

Bai Lan now looks very similar to Song Xiaoci in terms of height and temperament, but she has a pair of sunglasses on her face. She glanced at Xu Chunliang's car, then calmly entered the driver's seat again. Xu Chunliang realized that she had deliberately let the surveillance camera capture her.

Bai Lan started the Panamera and left the parking lot.

Xu Chunliang kept a distance from her.

When I drove out of the underground parking lot, I noticed that fine salt particles were floating in the sky. Winter had come quietly.

Bai Lan drove towards the seaside. The Yellow Sea in winter was a deep yellow-green color. The sea breeze was strong and the waves were fast. The white waves mixed with a lot of foam hit the garbage-strewn beach. Although the car windows were closed, she could still smell the strong salty smell in the air.

There were not many vehicles on the coastal highway. Salt particles kept hitting the car windows, and the wipers made a rough friction sound.

After driving along this road for more than ten kilometers, you will enter Wanggang Mountain. This small mountain is not very high, but it has a steep and narrow mountain road. There are several abandoned cottages on the mountain. Bai Lan's destination is one of them.

Near the top of the mountain, there was a relatively flat ground where two cars stopped one after another.

Bai Lan got out of the car, stretched her arms, and said softly, "It's great to see the harbor from here!"

Xu Chunliang, fully armed with a baseball cap, sunglasses and a mask, also got out of the car. He went to the back seat and carried out Song Xiaoci, who was lying unconscious there.

Bai Lan said, "Don't worry, no one will come here. I will stay outside to keep watch, and you go inside to conduct a thorough interrogation."

Xu Chunliang asked, "Do you want me to translate?" Song Xiaoci was a foreigner after all. Bai Lan shook her head, "She is a Chinese of Korean descent."

Xu Chunliang cursed in his heart. As expected, it was usually his fellow countrymen who harmed his countrymen. He brought Song Xiaoci into the abandoned stone house in front. The door was not locked and it was pitch black inside.

Bai Lan's voice sounded from the back: "She is quite pretty. If you have other ideas, I can go further away."

Xu Chunliang was in no mood to joke with her, and he kicked the door shut.

Song Xiaoci woke up and found herself surrounded by darkness. Her hands and feet were not tied, but they were sore and weak that she could not move at all. Then she saw a man standing in the corner. The man's eyes were like two fires burning in the darkness.

Song Xiaoci exclaimed: "Who are you?"

Xu Chunliang didn't say anything, nor did he rush to get closer. He just looked at the woman quietly. He didn't see any fear on Song Xiaoci's face, which proved that this woman was still very strong mentally.

Song Xiaoci failed to get an answer from the other party, so he asked again in Korean.

Xu Chunliang slowly walked to Song Xiaoci and asked in a deep voice, "Where is He Zhixun?"

Song Xiaoci immediately understood the other party's purpose in looking for him, but still pretended to be confused: "Who? I don't know him, did you find the wrong person?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It can't be wrong. Let me ask you, what did you and Zhu Yonghe do in Dongzhou at the end of last month?"

Song Xiaoci said: "I don't understand what you are talking about. Do I know you?"

Xu Chunliang said: "If you want to get to know me, I can take off my sunglasses and mask now."

Song Xiaoci was startled and a little scared at this moment. If the other party appeared in front of her with his true face, she would be in great danger, which meant that the other party wanted to kill her to silence her.

The fear in Song Xiaoci's eyes did not escape Xu Chunliang's eyes. He whispered, "Tell me the truth and I will spare your life."

Song Xiaoci felt an inexplicable chill. As a professional killer, she was not unfamiliar with this feeling. A stranger had such a strong murderous intention towards her. It seemed that he was doing it for revenge. If that was the reason, he would not let her go.

Song Xiaoci said: "If you let me go now, I can pretend that nothing happened. You don't know what kind of opponent you are facing..."

Xu Chunliang stretched out his hand like lightning and pressed lightly on the top of Song Xiaoci's head. Song Xiaoci felt a sharp pain on the top of his head, as if a thin needle was inserted into his skull.

Xu Chunliang said: "I know exactly what you have done, but you have no idea what I am going to do next."

Song Xiaoci felt the pain from the needle piercing him gradually subside, but it began to expand around the needle. He trembled and asked, "You...what did you do to me?"

Xu Chunliang took off his mask and sunglasses. When Song Xiaoci noticed his actions, she wanted to close her eyes immediately, but she soon found that she couldn't even do such a simple action. She could only stare at the face without the mask and sunglasses.

Xu Chunliang saw the growing fear in Song Xiaoci's eyes. He said calmly, "Now do you understand why I came to you?"

Song Xiaoci shook her head, feeling that the thin needle seemed to have taken root deep in her brain and was growing at an alarming speed, but she felt no pain.

Xu Chunliang asked, "What did you do in Dongzhou the other day?"

Xu Chunliang's gaze was as sharp as a knife. Song Xiaoci had nowhere to escape. She felt Xu Chunliang's gaze piercing through her eyes and projecting into the depths of her heart. There seemed to be a voice urging her in her ears.

"Tell it all. Tell it all you know."

Song Xiaoci said: "I am responsible for investigating the relevant information of Xu Changshan."

Xu Chunliang nodded, his inner anger burning. Song Xiaoci's words completely verified that his grandfather did not die in an accident. Everything was indeed someone else's elaborate plan as Bai Lan said.

Xu Chunliang asked: "Who hired you?"

Song Xiaoci mechanically answered: "I don't know, the boss has always been in charge of the contact."

"Ha Ji-hoon is your boss?"

Song Xiaoci said: "Yes."

"Who else was involved in the murder in Nanjiang?"

"Zhu Youhe, he is responsible for shooting, I am responsible for investigation, and Huang Shanming, he is responsible for lookout and confirmation."

"Where are they both?"

Song Xiaoci shook his head: "After the work is done, we all go our separate ways. We usually have no contact with each other. The boss will only call us together when he has a new task."

"You must have Ha Ji-hoon's contact information, right?"

"No, he has always been the one contacting us. Maybe he wants to prevent retaliation."

Xu Chunliang knew that Song Xiaoci was probably not lying, so he pressed Song Xiaoci's acupoints and Song Xiaoci fainted.

Xu Chunliang came outside and found that there was a layer of white frost outside. Bai Lan was leaning against his Cayenne, smoking alone.

(End of this chapter)

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