Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1260 Personal Views

Chapter 1260 Personal Views

Seeing Xu Chunliang coming out, Bai Lan smiled and said, "It's over so quickly? I thought it would take a long time."

Xu Chunliang was in no mood to joke. He took the cigarette from Bai Lan's mouth and extinguished it: "I hate women smoking the most."

Bai Lan said, "What do you care about me? Is there any progress?"

"She admitted that they were the ones who set up the trap, but she did not reveal the whereabouts of the others."

"That's normal. For safety reasons, people in this business usually have a single line of communication." Bai Lan herself is an excellent killer, so she has a say in this regard.

Xu Chunliang asked: "Do you have any information about the whereabouts of other people?"

Bai Lan sighed and said, "You still don't trust me enough. I have brought you here, why should I hide anything from you?"

Xu Chunliang came to her side and stood shoulder to shoulder with her: "I will help you deal with Le Xing, and you help me solve this matter."

Bai Lan glanced at him and said, "Then you have to be more patient. I promised to help you and I will definitely help you to the end."

Xu Chunliang nodded: "Is half a year enough?"

Bai Lan said, "Almost. What are you going to do with the woman inside?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Let her go."

Bai Lan pointed at Xu Chunliang's face and said, "You are too soft-hearted. Aren't you afraid that she will recognize you? If you can't bear to do it, you can pay me to do it. I will charge you a friendship price."

Xu Chunliang sneered, "So what if you recognized me?" He was definitely not a soft-hearted person, and he would not let go any murderer suspected of killing his grandfather. Letting Song Xiaoci die was too easy for her. He wanted to make Song Xiaoci suffer in the days to come and make her live a life worse than death.

Sparing Song Xiaoci's life temporarily is also to leave a clue. Perhaps the designer will find Song Xiaoci a new job, and then they can follow this clue to wipe out their organization. The employer behind Ha Zhixun is Xu Chunliang's ultimate target. Killing Song Xiaoci now is equivalent to actively cutting off the only clue at present.

Although Bai Lan gave him a lot of help, she also had her own purposes, and it is hard to say that she would not hold back.

Of course, Xu Chunliang cannot complete this series of tasks relying solely on his own strength. No matter how powerful a person is, his strength is ultimately limited. In order to track and supervise Song Xiaoci in the future, he will need to borrow other forces. Xu Chunliang already has an excellent candidate in mind, and he plans to let Liu Haiyu help with this.

Song Xiaoci woke up again and found someone sitting in a car. Her car was parked in a deserted parking lot on the coastal highway. Song Xiaoci sat up suddenly and felt dizzy. She held her forehead and tried to recall everything that had happened before. Fragmented images flashed through her mind, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not piece together a complete memory.

Song Xiaoci checked her clothes and found that she had not been violated. She could not remember how she came here or what had happened. Her heart was filled with inexplicable fear.

At this moment, Xu Chunliang and Bai Lan were on the beach not far away. Bai Lan turned around and looked at the Panamera that was slowly starting up, and reminded Xu Chunliang, "Let's go."

Xu Chunliang bent down, grabbed stones from the beach and threw them towards the distant sea. The sea here was dirty and gloomy, and people could not feel any grandeur.

Bai Lan said, "It's fishy and smelly here, are you planning to keep going?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I have something I want to entrust you with."

Bai Lan said: "Speak!"

"Help me check Huang Youlong of Mingde Group. I want all his information."

Bai Lan laughed: "You doubt him?"

Xu Chunliang nodded: "Apart from him, I really can't think of any other enemies my grandfather has." Although his father Xu Jiaxuan once said that this was a revenge incident against him, Xu Chunliang still listed Huang Youlong as one of the main suspects, and this killer team called Designers came from the peninsula, which was Huang Youlong's sphere of influence.

Bai Lan said, "So, we have a common enemy. Don't you Chinese have a famous saying that it is better to kill the wrong person than to let him go? Why don't we join forces to catch Le Xing and his gang in one fell swoop? I will get my wish fulfilled, and you will also get your revenge. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

Xu Chunliang said: "We Chinese have a saying that every wrong has its perpetrator and every debt has its creditor. I must get to the bottom of this matter to comfort my grandfather's spirit in heaven."

Bai Lan suddenly said, "I'm cold."

Xu Chunliang took off his coat and put it on her shoulders.

Bai Lan took Xu Chunliang's arm and held him close. Xu Chunliang did not dodge and sighed, "I suggest you stay away from me. I am not a good person."

Bai Lan said: "What a coincidence, I am not one either."

Xu Chunliang asked: "What do you mean?"

Bai Lan said: "Don't think too much, we are birds of a feather, so let's stick together for warmth."

Xu Chunliang said, "I've read the comics. The adventurous boy you drew who discovered the underground treasure is Li Bingxing, right?"

Bai Lan smiled sweetly: "You can see this, you are so smart."

Xu Chunliang said: "Anyone with eyes can see that after the comic is published, I think Li Bingxing will mobilize assassins from all over the world to hunt you down."

Bai Lan said: "Then let him come."

Xu Chunliang stopped and asked: "Are you going to live your whole life hiding like this?"

Bai Lan said: "Everyone likes life differently. I am born adventurous. I regard adventure as a life experience. Everything I experience will become the source of my creation." She stared into Xu Chunliang's eyes and said: "One day in the future, I will write you into my book."

"Thank you. If you dare to mention my name, I will sue you to death."

Bai Lan smiled and said, "Would I be afraid of you suing me?" She suddenly walked around behind Xu Chunliang and hugged him. She buried her pretty face, which was cooled by the wind, on his broad back and whispered, "Let me lean on you for a while."

Xu Chunliang couldn't bear to push her away when he heard her gentle voice. After a while, Bai Lan let him go: "Okay, let's go our separate ways."

Xu Chunliang looked at her in surprise: "Aren't you going back to Dongzhou with me?"

Bai Lan shook her head: "We are on different paths."

The news that Xu Chunliang had left the Civil Affairs Bureau made Zhang Song secretly relieved. Although he and Xu Chunliang had no irreconcilable conflicts, Xu Chunliang's existence also made him very wary. Xu Chunliang's maverick personality was only one reason, and more important was the relationship between Xu Chunliang and Secretary Zhou.

Zhang Song's scalp tightened. It was so hard to get rid of this plague god. Would he come back to attack him later? Then he thought that there was no possibility at all, so he smiled more heartily: "I will welcome you back with both hands whenever you come back. To be honest, I really don't want you to leave, but this time it was Secretary Wang who wanted you, so I can't do anything. Brother, people always move up, I have to congratulate you."

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't rush to congratulate me. I still don't know what the Commerce Committee is."

Zhang Song said: "You don't have to worry about this. As long as it's a unit within the system, it's basically the same. You've worked in the health system and served as a deputy mayor. You've also done well in the civil affairs department. Although the units are different, the management is the same."

Xu Chunliang said, "Director Zhang's words have made me suddenly enlightened. However, I was not in management before. If I am asked to be responsible for attracting foreign investment, I will not be able to stay there if I cannot produce actual results. It will be difficult to get by."

Zhang Song thought that it would definitely not be as easy as working in the Civil Affairs Bureau, but the opportunities in the two places were too different. He smiled and said, "Your ability is obvious to all. Foreign investment promotion is indeed not easy, but it is also easy to achieve results. In the system, you are not afraid of difficulties, but you are afraid of not having opportunities. Secretary Wang has given you a chance to show your talents."

Xu Chunliang said, "Director Zhang, you are a wise man. This is a time of great trouble. Lexing Group has been clamoring to withdraw its investment. Secretary Wang has appointed me to participate in the negotiations. If the China-Korea Industrial Park really fails, I might be the one to take the blame."

Zhang Song looked at Xu Chunliang with a smile, but did not express his opinion immediately. In fact, he also felt that this was a possibility.

Xu Chunliang said: "You have worked for Secretary Zhou before, so you are very knowledgeable. Please give me some advice. What should I do now?"

Zhang Song sighed and said, "If it were someone else, I would advise him to talk less and do less, and keep a low profile. But for you, I only have one suggestion, roll up your sleeves and work hard."

Xu Chunliang said: "What if I chase Le Xing away?"

Zhang Song said: "When Secretary Zhou was in office, we tried to introduce Lexing. At that time, Lexing Group intended to settle in Haizhou and was not very interested in Dongzhou. After Secretary Wang took office, Lexing came here immediately. I believe Dongzhou must have something that attracted them. At first I thought it was the policy, but later I found that the policy given by Secretary Wang was not qualitatively different from that of Secretary Zhou. Later I thought it was because of Zhengdao Group's matchmaking, but this time the discovery of the ancient tomb in Qingshan Mining Area made me feel that Zhengdao Group didn't seem to be that important."

Xu Chunliang felt that Zhang Song had hit the nail on the head, after all, a bystander can see things more clearly.

Zhang Song said: "I think it is unlikely that Lexing will withdraw its investment. Of course, this is just my personal opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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