Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1262 Enthusiastic Colleagues

Chapter 1262 Enthusiastic Colleagues

In fact, before Xu Chunliang said this, Zhai Pingqing already had a bad feeling in his heart. What he feared was bound to happen. How did this guy suddenly come to the Commerce Committee from the Civil Affairs Bureau? Did he come here specifically to oppose me?

Zhai Pingqing was extremely depressed, but since things had come to this point, he could only face it with a hypocritical smile on his face: "Director Xu was transferred here?"

Xu Chunliang said, "Secretary Wang appointed me to be in charge of foreign investment promotion. I just arrived and was tidying up the office when you came. Actually, I will not officially take office until tomorrow. I just told them that I will not see anyone today. By the way, who let you in?"

Zhai Pingqing felt that this guy was scolding him, but he didn't find any dirty words in it. There was no need to dwell on it. Business was more important: "I came here by myself. I used to come here often to see Director Feng."

Xu Chunliang said, "I'm not familiar with Director Feng. You must have his phone number. Why don't you contact him directly?"

Zhai Pingqing could of course understand what Xu Chunliang meant by listening carefully. He wanted him to go find Director Feng, as Director Xu was the one in charge here now.

Zhai Pingqing smiled and said, "I'm not looking for Director Feng, I'm looking for you."

How could one not bow his head under someone else's roof? He even used a respectful title to address Xu Chunliang. Zhai Pingqing had long known that life was full of helplessness. He knew clearly that his current predicament was caused by the young man in front of him, but he had to smile at him. While secretly cursing Xu Chunliang for being a villain, he also lamented that he was in a desperate situation.

There was only one chair in the office. Xu Chunliang had already sat down, so Zhai Pingqing had to stand.

Xu Chunliang even greeted him: "Is that so, Mr. Zhai, please take a seat, and let's talk slowly."

Zhai Pingqing looked around and realized that there was only one chair in the office. He clearly remembered that there was a sofa in the past. Sit? Sit! He smiled and said, "No, I've been sitting in the office all day. Director Xu, I came here today to apply for withdrawal of investment."

Xu Chunliang said: "So it's for official business?"

Zhai Pingqing thought, why would I come to you if it wasn't for business? Do I have any friendship with you? He nodded and added, "It's about my investment in the new hospital of the Infectious Diseases Hospital."

Xu Chunliang said, "Boss Zhai, you went through so much trouble to get the new hospital project, and you're giving up so soon? Investment can't be a flash in the pan, and doing business requires integrity."

Zhai Pingqing said: "Director Xu, I won the new hospital project through fair competition. The reason why we withdrew our investment is because your plan has changed, which has had a great impact on our interests. In order to avoid greater losses, we have no choice but to make this decision."

Xu Chunliang asked, "Are you saying that the discovery of the Warring States tomb over there has affected the construction of the new hospital?"

Zhai Pingqing nodded: "That's right."

Xu Chunliang said: "The city has agreed to give you a piece of land in exchange for you, and will also give you corresponding compensation. As far as I know, the new land you get will definitely be better than the previous one, and you will definitely not suffer any loss."

Zhai Pingqing said: "In view of the unpredictable risks in the future, our group has decided to withdraw its investment."

Xu Chunliang said: "But I don't understand why you are looking for me? I am in the investment promotion office, not the investment withdrawal office."

Zhai Pingqing said: "According to the normal process, we need to apply here first."

Xu Chunliang said, "Boss Zhai, are you mistaken? Does the Foreign Investment Office have such great power? Can it approve the withdrawal of investment? Oh, you are not a foreign investor. My full name here is the Foreign Investment Office. Did they point you to the wrong door?"

Zhai Pingqing said: "Director Xu, I came here only after asking for clarification."

Xu Chunliang said, "I see. I haven't officially started work today, so I don't know much about this matter. How about you go back first, and when I understand everything, I'll contact you. What do you think?"

Zhai Pingqing looked at Xu Chunliang and sighed in his heart, wondering how this guy could master the perfunctory and fooling around in the system. He realized that it was almost impossible for him to get things done smoothly with Xu Chunliang. It seemed that he had to start with his superiors. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Not long after Zhai Pingqing left, Qi Mingxue, director of the Commerce Committee Office, and Chang Baoguang, director of the Foreign Investor Complaints Office, came together. It can be said that these two people have some connection with Xu Chunliang. When Xu Chunliang was serving as deputy mayor of Hushan Town, Li Changyou of Mingde Group directly reported him to the Foreign Investor Complaints Office, and these two people were responsible for handling the case at that time.

Qi Mingxue and Chang Baoguang still remember it vividly. At that time, Secretary Zhou was in charge of the government. Secretary Zhou's secretary Zhang Song criticized both of them for this incident, which made them feel a little embarrassed. Since then, the name Xu Chunliang has left an indelible mark in their hearts.

Hearing that Xu Chunliang had been transferred to their unit to be responsible for foreign investment promotion, the two discussed privately and decided to come and pay a visit first. Xu Chunliang is now very famous in Dongzhou, and this time he was transferred to the Commerce Committee by designation of Secretary Wang, who made an exception to allow him to join the Commerce Committee team.

Even though their three levels are similar, Xu Chunliang is a member of the team, which means he has officially entered the leadership of the Commerce Committee.

Qi Mingxue and Chang Baoguang were both very generous and greeted Director Xu warmly as soon as they entered the room.

Qi Mingxue grinned and said, "Director Xu, why do you clean the room yourself? I'll arrange for cleaning right away."

Xu Chunliang said: "No hurry, let me see how to adjust it first."

Chang Baoguang was very familiar with this office. He clearly remembered that there were sofas, but now they were all emptied. However, Xu Chunliang was still polite to the two colleagues and did not sit down to talk to them.

Chang Baoguang said: "The office furniture is a bit old."

Qi Mingxue said: "This is my negligence, I will arrange it immediately."

Xu Chunliang said: "No need to change, new furniture is not as environmentally friendly as old furniture."

Qi Mingxue said, "Don't worry, Director Xu. We will definitely arrange environmental protection for you." He called his deputy Xiao Li and scolded him in front of Xu Chunliang. Actually, Xiao Li was also quite wronged. The new Director Xu should have come to work tomorrow. He had just arranged for the cleaning staff to come and clean. Xu Chunliang asked them to leave. When he asked him if he needed anything, Xu Chunliang just asked him to move the sofa away first and tell him about other things later.

Chang Baoguang took the initiative to invite Xu Chunliang to sit in his office.

Don't hit a smiling person, and Xu Chunliang didn't mention the unpleasant things that happened between them in the past. When they arrived at the Foreign Investor Complaints Office, Xu Chunliang smiled slightly. He was sued here by Li Changyou last time, and he still had a deep impression of it.

Xu Chunliang and Qi Mingxue sat down on the sofa. Chang Baoguang personally brewed a pot of Nan'ao Song tea. The warm tea left a lingering fragrance on their lips and teeth.

Xu Chunliang asked, "Is Director Chang busy with work recently?"

Chang Baoguang said: "Recently, I have mainly been dealing with complaints from Lexing Group."

Xu Chunliang said: "Businessmen in this country have a strong sense of rights protection."

Chang Baoguang knew what Xu Chunliang was talking about. He smiled and said, "It was mainly because the Sino-Korean Industrial Park had to suspend the construction of its headquarters due to archaeology. They reported it to the city government, and the city government sent the matter to us for coordination. In fact, it was useless for us to say anything. The national laws and policies are there, and we have no right to ask them to resume work."

Qi Mingxue said: "Director Xu, I'm glad you're here."

Xu Chunliang took a sip of tea, looked at Qi Mingxue with a smile and said, "Director Qi, I don't quite understand what you are saying."

Qi Mingxue said: "Our Chamber of Commerce is under great pressure to attract investment this year. Several leaders have gone out to attract investment. To be honest, we haven't completed the tasks assigned by the city this year. It's already mid-November."

Chang Baoguang said, "That's right. We were all very happy when we heard that Director Xu was coming here to take charge of foreign investment promotion."

Xu Chun said conscientiously, don't you usually just drink tea and use your phone to mess around? What kind of pressure is there? Are you so happy to hear that I'm here? The real reason for your happiness is that someone is here to take the blame, especially this Chang Baoguang. Lexing Group must have received a lot of complaints recently. Coming here can help him share some of the firepower to a certain extent.

Xu Chunliang's main job at the Commerce Committee is to be responsible for communication and coordination with Lexing Group. As for the title of Director of the Foreign Investment Office, it is just an identity for him. It is generally believed within the Commerce Committee that investment promotion is not important, and the greatest success is to retain Lexing.

Xu Chunliang said: "Just now, Kangjian Group's CEO Zhai Pingqing came over, and it seems that he was also here to withdraw his investment."

Qi Mingxue sighed and said, "It's all because of that Warring States tomb. The development and construction of the Qingshan mining area was going well, but suddenly a Warring States tomb was discovered, and it's of a fairly high level. Now all the surrounding construction projects have been affected. Some have stopped construction, and some have changed their plans. How can these investors just sit there and watch their own interests suffer?"

Chang Baoguang said: "Director Xu should know everything, right?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Of course I have heard something about such a big thing."

Qi Mingxue said: "I heard that Director Xu will participate in the negotiations with Lexing Group?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Secretary Wang did tell me."

This simple sentence revealed the extraordinary relationship between him and Wang Jianming, which impressed the audience and gave a positive answer to Qi Mingxue's question.

Chang Baoguang was particularly attentive and took out his treasured collection of fine cigarettes to serve to Xu Chunliang.

Xu Chunliang waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need one. Chang Baoguang and Qi Mingxue were both long-time smokers, and seeing that he didn't smoke, they felt embarrassed to light up a cigarette.

They wanted to find Xu Chunliang to find out some information, and Xu Chunliang also wanted to get some information from the two of them.

Xu Chunliang asked about this year's investment promotion task and inquired about the whereabouts of several leaders. He quickly came to the conclusion that this year's investment promotion task was very heavy. If Kangjian and Lexing withdrew their investment and left, not only would the task not be completed but it would also decline significantly compared to previous years. As for those leaders, they should have gone out to avoid the limelight under the banner of investment promotion.

  In fact, even they themselves found it strange. The Commerce Commission did not have such a strong presence in the past, so why did the city give them the task of negotiation?

In Xu Chunliang's opinion, the Commerce Commission should be the scapegoat for South Korea's withdrawal of investment. If Lexing really decides to withdraw its investment and the China-Korea Industrial Park project fails, there must be a suitable department to take the blame. In Wang Jianming's mind, the Commerce Commission is a suitable choice.

(End of this chapter)

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