Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 1263 A man of small mind is not a gentleman

Chapter 1263 A man of small mind is not a gentleman

Xu Chunliang believed that Wang Jianming's decision to transfer him to the Commerce Committee was also a comprehensive consideration. Lexing Group is now being unreasonable and is using the threat of withdrawing investment to press Dongzhou step by step.

Wang Jianming was also very unhappy, but he could not act too tough. The reason why he transferred Xu Chunliang to the Commerce Committee was to use Xu Chunliang as a surprise weapon to catch Lexing Group off guard. If Xu Chunliang successfully resolved the issue of the China-Korea Industrial Park, it would be gratifying, but if this matter ultimately ended with withdrawal of investment, this guy would not be able to escape the fate of being held accountable.

While the three were chatting, another foreign businessman came to complain. This time it was Li Changyou. After Li Changhe was replaced by Li Changji, Li Changyou also returned to Dongzhou as Li Changji's deputy. He has been dealing with relevant departments these days.

Li Changyou came here today to urge Chang Baoguang to give Lexing an explanation. No matter who they contact, they cannot bypass the Foreign Investor Complaints Office in terms of procedures.

Li Changyou never expected to meet Xu Chunliang here. When he saw him sitting there, his first thought was, has this guy been sued again? Li Changyou was mainly at Lexing headquarters some time ago, so he didn't know Xu Chunliang's recent situation.

Chang Baoguang stood up with a big smile on his face: "Boss Li, let's go to the next room to talk."

Li Changyou said with a proud look on his face: "No need, I just stopped by today to ask for the response to the question we raised last time."

Chang Baoguang said: "Please be patient, Mr. Li. I have already conveyed those questions to the relevant leaders. I promise that I will inform you as soon as there is a result."

Li Changyou asked: "With your efficiency, how can you guarantee the interests of our investors?"

Chang Baoguang nodded and bowed: "I'm sorry, we will definitely solve it as soon as possible."

"Solve? How to solve it?"

Xu Chunliang suddenly asked: "How do you want to solve it?"

  Li Changyou stared at Xu Chunliang in a daze and thought, what does this have to do with you?

Chang Baoguang was eager to find someone to share the responsibility, so he quickly introduced him to Li Changyou: "This is Director Xu of our Foreign Investment Office, who is in charge of foreign investment."

Li Changyou looked at Xu Chunliang and asked, "Are you responsible?"

Chang Baoguang asked Li Changyou to sit down: "Mr. Li, sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

Xu Chunliang found that Chang Baoguang was a spineless guy, and he bent his back when facing foreign businessmen. Thinking back to when he came to him to question him, he was so arrogant. In fact, there are many such people in the country, but it is not right for such people to appear in the system. You represent the national interest, and you must not give in on matters of principle.

Xu Chunliang said: "If Mr. Li is not used to sitting, he can continue to stand."

The room fell into silence instantly. Chang Baoguang and Qi Mingxue looked at each other. This guy is really bold. This is the Foreign Investor Complaints Office. If Xu Chunliang says something rude, people might complain about him on the spot.

Li Changyou asked, "What do you mean?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It's nothing special. Every country has its own customs. Some people like to stand, some like to sit, and some like to kneel. You are a guest from afar, so I have to respect your national customs. Don't you agree?"

Although Li Changyou found these words unpleasant to the ears, he could not find any major faults. He had been dealing with Xu Chunliang for more than a day or two and knew that this guy was not easy to deal with. The helmsman of Lexing Greater China was replaced by Li Changji. Li Changji had a very clear principle in handling this crisis, which was to put pressure on various departments of Dongzhou through various means and force them to make concessions.

Li Changyou sat down on the sofa. What's so great about you being an official? I am still on an equal footing with you. So what if your country is big? Your per capita GDP is not as high as ours. We have become developed countries, while you are still a developing country.

Chang Baoguang wanted to pour tea for Li Changyou, but was stopped by Xu Chunliang's unhappy look. Chang Baoguang stood there awkwardly. He was best at perfunctory and evasive work. If he was asked to solve the problems at work, he didn't have the ability.

Qi Mingxue didn't want to get into trouble, so he pretended to remember something and said, "Oh, I almost forgot. I have a conference call. You guys can chat first. I'll excuse you."

Chang Baoguang secretly cursed Qi Mingxue as an old sly guy who ran away faster than anyone else when encountering trouble. Of course, this can't be entirely blamed on him, because Qi Mingxue is just the director of the Commerce Committee's office, and Li Changyou's demands have little to do with him.

This is Chang Baoguang's home ground. Even if he wanted to run away, he had nowhere to go. He said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Li, just tell me if you have any requests. Our Director Xu is here too. He is in charge of foreign investment." Chang Baoguang blatantly put the blame on Xu Chunliang in front of him.

Li Changyou looked at Xu Chunliang: "Are you responsible?"

Xu Chunliang asked: "Are you planning to invest?"

Li Changyou was furious. You still want us to invest? He said loudly, "On behalf of Lexing Group, I have repeatedly reported the problems in the China-Korea Industrial Park project to you. Until now, you have not given us a clear answer. I don't want to invest. If you cannot solve the problems we raised within the deadline, our cooperation will not be able to continue. You should be responsible for all the losses caused by the abortion of the China-Korea Industrial Park project!"

Li Changyou's words were full of momentum, and his gaze fixed on Xu Chunliang was extremely oppressive.

Xu Chunliang asked, "Did you go to the wrong temple?"


Xu Chunliang said, "I mean, you've got the wrong person. I'm the director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Office of the Commerce Commission, responsible for investment promotion. Your current appeal is a contract dispute. What does it have to do with me?" Chang Baoguang opened his mouth in surprise. Did this guy speak so bluntly? Why not be more tactful? What if he angered him? How would he end up today?

Li Changyou said: "What's your attitude? You are clearly just trying to fool me."

Chang Baoguang said: "Boss Li, don't be angry, our Director Xu didn't mean that, he meant..."

Xu Chunliang said, "What I mean is that the matter you reported has nothing to do with me. If you want to invest, just come to me. If it's something else, it's best not to waste each other's time." He put the teacup on the coffee table and said, "Director Chang, I won't delay your work."

Chang Baoguang widened his eyes. It seemed that he was just like Qi Mingxue, drinking tea in their spare time, but just leaving when something happened.

Xu Chunliang left without looking back. Li Changyou aimed at Chang Baoguang and opened fire: "Director Chang, is this how you treat investors in Dongzhou? Is this how you usually work? I want to complain that you have too many people, I want to complain that you don't respect investors, I want to complain..."

Xu Chunliang's office was being tidied up, so he went to the small meeting room of the Chamber of Commerce first. He happened to meet Qi Mingxue who was hiding there playing with his mobile phone.

The two left one after another, and met again at the same place, and smiled at each other knowingly.

Qi Mingxue wanted to put away his phone, but his finger accidentally clicked on the video he had just secretly watched. A curvaceous and enchanting girl was dancing on the screen. Qi Mingxue hurriedly raised his thumb and accidentally touched the volume button. The hot picture and the ambiguous voice-over made Qi Mingxue very embarrassed.

Xu Chunliang pulled a chair and sat down, crossing his legs: "Director Qi also likes to watch this?"

Qi Mingxue thought he was a fellow traveler, but he wouldn't admit it. He laughed dryly and said, "My phone got a pop-up window. I guess it's infected with a virus."

Xu Chunliang did not point it out: "Isn't there any leader in our Chamber of Commerce?"

Qi Mingxue said: "Some are on business trips, some are sick, and everyone is under too much pressure recently."

Xu Chunliang took out his cell phone, and Qi Mingxue glanced at it secretly. He was also watching the beautiful woman dancing. They were indeed people of the same kind. However, they were young people after all and did not know how to restrain themselves.

Xu Chunliang said: "This is good, have you paid attention to it?"

Qi Mingxue smiled awkwardly: "At my age, I am not very interested in this kind of video."

Xu Chunliang said: "I thought Director Qi loved life as much as I do."

Qi Mingxue touched the phone in his pocket, which was a little hot: "Everyone loves life in different ways."

Xu Chunliang nodded: "Director Qi, do you remember that Li Changyou sued me just now?"

Qi Mingxue smiled and nodded: "I remember, I remember, that incident was a misunderstanding."

Xu Chunliang said: "A man who is petty is not a gentleman, and a man who is not vicious is not a man. After we get along for a long time, you will understand that I am a person who will never give up even the slightest grudge."

Qi Mingxue took a deep breath. Was Xu Chunliang just talking about the matter at hand or was he speaking to him?

Lexing Group's strategy of putting pressure on Dongzhou did not achieve the expected effect. Wang Jianming determined the countermeasures from the very beginning and tried to adopt a buffer strategy. On the issue of whether Lexing Group would eventually withdraw its investment, he and Xu Chunliang shared the same view that Lexing would not withdraw its investment easily, and if Lexing decided to withdraw its investment, it would not put pressure on them at all.

Of course, Le Xing also knows the importance of the China-Korea Industrial Park to Dongzhou. The two sides are playing a game around this matter. The more at this time, the more it tests the patience of both sides. Dongzhou is temporarily in a passive position.

The uncle and nephew have not met since Wang Zhengdao came to see him last time. Wang Jianming still knows his uncle. Wang Zhengdao is not a person who gives up easily, and the project of the China-Korea Industrial Park involves too many of his interests.

When Wang Jianming was thinking about what means his uncle would use to put pressure on him, the province asked him to go to Nanjiang to find Secretary Liang to report the situation of the China-Korea Industrial Park in person. This matter finally alarmed the upper echelons.

Wang Jianming told his wife He Wanying about his trip to Nanjiang, and He Wanying immediately prepared clothes for him for the business trip.

Wang Jianming said: "It won't take too long. I will be back the day after tomorrow."

He Wanying said, "I just checked the weather. It's going to get colder in the next two days. It's always a good idea to bring some extra clothes."

Wang Jianming said: "Lexing Group is protesting through various channels. I am prepared to be criticized when I meet Secretary Liang this time."

He Wanying asked, "Isn't he Grandpa's disciple?"

(End of this chapter)

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