witcher of light

Chapter 386 The End of the Moths

Chapter 386 The End of the Moths

Ye Mu's good news did not make Ye Li wait long.

It was only the next day that he got a rough budget.

He looked at it, and immediately made a decision: No. 083 material whose performance surpassed that of broken gold and loose white was directly used in the main construction of the Bright Core, while No. 135 material was suitable for mass production and could be used as a material for peripheral equipment.

The replacement of No. 083 material with broken gold and white as the main consumables of the Bright Core, although the total cost has increased by about 60%, but the use of No. 135 material for peripheral facilities can reduce the cost to 67%.

The two are integrated, because the peripheral facilities use far more materials than the main body, and if the two are considered together, the cost can be saved by about 22%.

22% of the one trillion big projects!

The money saved can be used for many things.

More importantly, Ye Li has already made a decision to completely kick the Bai family who dared to manipulate him from this project.

Although the Bai family's Suijin Sanbai still has a slight advantage in retail, they don't want to engage in any big projects in the future.

There are other materials, and he has to ask Ye Mu to quickly compare them.

After being stuck in the neck like this once, he was a little nervous.

These families lying on the credit books of their ancestors are actually the most abominable. They don't have to do anything, and they can eat a lot of money with those secret recipes.

But those ordinary demon hunters have to put in double or even ten times the effort, and they may not be able to live a similar life.

For these families, the talent of a demon hunter is already secondary, anyway, they can enjoy everything without much effort.

They are like moths in the council, using the platform of the council to continuously devour the blood and sweat of other demon hunters.

Originally, Ye Li hadn't realized this yet, after all, when he started to get in touch with these things, he soon didn't have to worry about these things at all.

Now that he knew it, he was determined to break this.

Because he felt that these people not only stuck his neck, but the neck of the entire new civilization that was about to be formed!
They thought they could control the power with those resources in their hands, but what they restricted was the development of the demon hunters!
Ye Li exchanged his thoughts with Ye Mu at that time.

Ye Mu had just finished working for a while and was enjoying the gentleness at home, and he became excited when he heard this.

He said at the time: "Go ahead, our father and son are united, and we will make all those spiritual materials into the price of cabbage!"

"Look at the price of those spiritual materials now, it's not something ordinary people can afford."

"Since we want everyone to master the power of a demon hunter, the price of these materials must also be reduced!"

"At least the price of entry-level materials should be more affordable."

Ye Mu said it very simply, he couldn't wait to continue working.

This is to thoroughly develop the 'spiritual material heavy industry'.

This is the real 'King of Rolling', Ye Mu is going to roll those families to death!
And he did so without any psychological burden.

Since those people chose to marginalize the Ye family father and son, then the Ye family father and son let them become little transparent directly!

Speaking of which, Ye Li almost became one of them back then, but he didn't choose to do that.

On the other hand, after the Minister of Internal Affairs communicated with Ye Li and Lao Huang, he also began to publicize and ferment the rise of mankind led by the demon hunter thousands of years ago.

These plots are all seen by Ye Li from the memory of the evil god. Although they are serious, they can only be called "mythical history" because they are not supported by actual historical relics.

But the calculation is so, since this "mythical history" is released through official channels, it can of course cause widespread discussion across the country.

Of course this is only the first step.

The second step is to declare that the officials have found the ancient ruins and cracked the ancient artifact technology after the people have accepted this setting.

The holy weapon for protecting the country built with the power of the whole country: the Holy Tower of Light will be built at the point of Beishan.

At that time, the 'Sacred Tower of Light' will become an artifact of protection for all the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

This is propaganda.

When the world begins to know that such a tower is rising, the core of light on the tower can start to work.

Sooner or later, people will find that this tower can really protect them.

And at that time, the silver shining star imprint in the core of light will also receive the spiritual power of the world.

In that way, the Nucleus of Light would become Wanmin's 'mind bank'.

The spiritual power produced by most people in a day is meaninglessly wasted, when the Holy Tower of Light can collect and store these powers.

Then when people need it, they can return it in another form.

Of course there is another form.

It means that the beliefs of all peoples are blessed to individual people, so that they can gain extraordinary power all at once.

Transforming the mind into reality, this is the meaning of the Holy Tower of Light.

Of course, since the decision to start national publicity, the two projects, the Core of Light and the Holy Tower of Light, with a combined value of [-] trillion, will also start to face outside inquiries.

At least at the court meeting, the Minister of Internal Affairs had already officially announced these two tasks, which aroused a large-scale discussion in the entire court.

On the positive side, this kind of discussion is also a kind of publicity, which can make people accept it as quickly as possible.

But on the other hand, it is dangerous, and it is very likely to attract the covetousness of some people with ulterior motives.

These all need to be prepared.

But even if someone has ulterior motives, so what, they can't really break through the defense of nearly two hundred night troops and steal something, right?

After all, normal people probably wouldn't think that Tangtang Night Army is now a construction team...

Everything is in full swing.

The project of the Holy Tower of Light is progressing very quickly, and the foundation has already begun to be built.

And Ye Mu's various alternative spiritual materials have also established production lines and started industrial production.

Time passed in such a busy way, Ye Li almost forgot about the matter of Suijin Sanbai and the Bai family.

As a result, when he was busy in the laboratory that day, a laboratory support staff came to him and said, "Master Xiaoye, someone outside wants to see you."

Ye Li asked without raising his head: "Who is it, do you have an appointment?"

A bystander said: "Lord Xiaoye, he is Yejun Baisu, and he doesn't have an appointment."

Ye Li hesitated for a moment, then understood.

He stood up and walked out of the laboratory and said: "Very well done, the experimental site is not allowed to enter, and it will continue to be maintained in the future."

After complimenting the person who came to report, Ye Li went to meet that Bai Su.

After all, he is a member of the Yejun, and he has a passion, so it's okay to meet him.

When he came outside the test area, he saw two people.

One of them was in his thirties with an unshaven beard, but he saluted respectfully when he saw Ye Li.

The other is in his early twenties, probably Ye Li's peers, but he looks arrogant or full of confidence in himself.

"Under the Bai Zuo of the Xia Bai family, Mr. Ye is admirable. He is only of the same age as Bai Zuo, yet he already has such a big name."

"Bai Zuo waited here for a quarter of an hour, and I was terrified to see Mr. Ye."

This sounds like a compliment, but why is there always a feeling of yin and yang?
Is this implying that the connotation is too big?
But Ye Li pretended he didn't understand anyway, and said naturally: "Thank you for the compliment, but time is tight, so don't say these polite words, Mr. Bai came to look for me, what's the matter?"

Bai Zuo felt very uncomfortable.

Is this person not understanding?
(End of this chapter)

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