witcher of light

Chapter 387 The Greedy Man

Chapter 387 The Greedy Man
Ye Li spoke bluntly, which made Bai Zuo, who was used to going around in circles, very uncomfortable.

He said: "It's inconvenient here, can you find a quiet place to discuss in detail?"

Although Ye Li is very tired of the family power in these councils, but after all, they are the high-level forces in the council, and they have to account for their face and rationale.

He could only nod his head and say, "Okay, come to the office with me."

As he said that, he came out of the experimental area and walked to his office.

His office is not far away. When he opened the door and walked in, he saw Wenqin processing various documents on his desk.

And there are two young girl assistants beside her, both of whom look very capable.

Wenqin looked up at Ye Li, immediately put down her work and said, "Master Bai is here?"

"Hold on."

Then she said to an assistant: "Go and prepare tea for Mr. Bai."

Ye Li took the lead and sat down on the sofa.

He didn't look at Bai Zuo, but said to Bai Su, who was from the Night Army: "It's been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing, after leaving the Night Fortress, how is your life going?"

Bai Su's expression changed, unexpectedly Ye Li still remembered him.

But he looked at Bai Zuo with some hesitation.

Bai Zuo said calmly, "Boss Ye is asking you something, see what I do."

Only then did Bai Su breathe a sigh of relief and said, "Master Xiaoye, I'm retiring now, I'm just sorry for missing those old brothers. I always feel a bit uncomfortable after leaving them."

After hearing this, Ye Li said in relief: "It's normal. After all, you and I have just done a grand event together, and you will naturally feel dull when you return to ordinary life."

"But don't forget, after all, you are one of the heroes who solved the source of the greatest disaster on this land for thousands of years. You are our good brother and a great hero of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Just tell me if you have any difficulties. I believe that whether it is me, my father, or your three hundred robes, they will all be willing to help."

Bai Su was moved when he heard it at first, but it didn't take long before he felt a little embarrassed.

Because Bai Zuo's complexion became more and more ugly.

In the end, Bai Zuo couldn't help but said: "Boss Ye, Bai Su is a member of my Bai family, so he is naturally protected by the Bai family, so there is no need for others to worry about it."

Ye Li didn't seem to know what he meant, and still said enthusiastically: "But we are not others, we are Bai Su's robes, and that is a fateful friendship!"

This time it was Bai Zuo's turn to be embarrassed.

He suddenly regretted bringing Bai Su here.

Originally, he also thought that Bai Su was a member of the Ye Army, so Ye Li would at least meet him once for the sake of Bai Su's sake.

This goal was achieved, but then he was extremely embarrassed because of it.

Just now it was Ye Li who wanted to speak straight and felt uncomfortable going around in circles, but now Bai Zuo thinks it is better to speak straight.

He didn't talk too much, and said directly: "Boss Ye, the next time I asked Bai Su for a recommendation this time, it's actually for the sake of breaking the gold and loosening the white."

Ye Li looked at Wenqin and said, "Sister Qin is my assistant, she should have talked about this with you, right?"

"Didn't you say that there was an accident in the Bai family and the production capacity could not keep up?"

Bai Zuo was embarrassed for a moment, he realized that he had underestimated the position of this 'assistant' in Ye Li's heart, and he realized that Ye Li was looking for another female assistant for him.

He didn't answer for a while, but was thinking about what attitude he should take to deal with it, and how much benefit he should give up.

However, at this moment, Ye Li's and Wen Qin's spirit-turning devices rang lightly almost in no particular order.

Ye Li looked down and said softly, "Sister Qin, Mom is asking if we will be late tonight. How is your work?"

Wenqin gave him a good-looking look, as if she was blaming him for not being so intimate when talking about work here.

Then he said in a businesslike manner: "Don't worry, the work will be much easier after recruiting two assistants."

"And the performance of new materials has been very good recently, and those masters have also stopped."

This is Wenqin's cleverness, she assisted Ye Li without any trace.

What is the new material that will make the masters quiet?
There is no doubt that it is a substitute for Broken Gold Sanbai!
Bai Zuo's expression froze at that moment, then he coughed dryly and said:

"You two, I didn't know that Miss Wen was Mrs. Ye before, please forgive me if I offend you."

He decided that he must first admit his weakness, have a good attitude, and lower his attitude.

It has to be said that there is still a certain level of ability to be the speaker of the younger generation of the Bai family.

Wenqin said with a smile on her face, "Master Bai misunderstood, I am my father's adopted daughter, so I can be regarded as Ye Li's adopted sister."

At that moment, Bai Zuo was full of murmurs: Sister Yi?Lie ghost!

Is the affection between the two of them fake when their eyes intersect?

Besides, righteous sister is not a real sister, isn't she the easiest to spend the time before and after?

But he showed an expression of 'I understand', and then changed his words and said: "Miss Wen, I'm sorry, I didn't explain clearly the difficulties our Bai family encountered earlier."

Ye Li said in a serious manner: "Master Bai, please tell me that the Bai family is also a member of the council, so if you have any difficulties, just ask them."

Only then did Bai Zuo say: "Our Bai family is a family of alchemists, and the main product is Suijin Sanbai. It can be said that the whole family depends on it for income."

"When the old president was here, he relied on his personal prestige to make us supply goods to the Fortress of the Night at a low price. We did it without saying a word."

"After all, we also know the importance of the Fortress of the Night, and we are willing to make sacrifices for righteousness."

"Since Mr. Ye is in charge of a big project, he should know what parity is. It's really just cost, not counting the labor of our own people!"

"For a long time, our family has been in a state of making ends meet, and many people even went on strike because of this, which affected the production capacity."

"So Mr. Ye, I think now that the threat of the Night Swamp has been lifted, can I restore my original price of broken gold and white?"

This is a good move, first pretend to be pitiful, and then raise your own needs.

Ye Li was about to think.

Wenqin walked to the printer next to her and took out a piece of paper that had already been printed and handed it to Ye Li.

Ye Li lowered his head and glanced, then he understood.

It really is a bunch of nonsense.

Wen Qin listed a price according to the ratio of all the broken gold and white ingredients analyzed by Ye Mu.

Then, by adding some shipping costs, taxes and other expenses, he calculated a full calculation of the 'true cost price'.

In addition to this 'true cost price', there is also the so-called 'fair supply' price that the Bai family gave to the Night Fortress and the selling price on the outside market.

He was extremely surprised to find that the selling price in the outside world was more than ten times higher than this "true cost price", which was a profit margin of more than 1000%!

What is even more speechless is that the so-called 'parity' is just a half discount on the selling price.

Seems like a big discount, right?
But the Bai family can also enjoy a profit margin of more than 500%.

Ye Li guessed that it was true that Bai Zuo said that the Bai family was 'making ends meet'. After all, the 500% profit rate might not be able to support the Bai family's luxury and wealth!
Ye Li didn't shy away from anything, just spread the paper in front of him calmly, not caring whether the people around him saw it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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