Chapter 104 Elephant King ([-] Recommendation Tickets Plus Updates)

In the lost land.

There is an ancient city gate named Lingxiao City.


Lingxiao City cheered with joy and joy.


Finally, a divine envoy appeared in Lingxiao City!
"Congratulations to Mr. Jufeng for becoming an envoy of the gods, and you can go to the sacred land of origin to receive the 'gift of God'!"

A group of original creatures congratulated the supreme figure on the high platform who was mighty and mighty beyond the mundane, and reached the realm of eternity.

Become an envoy of God, and you can rival the true immortals of other races.

Not only can you get the 'gift of God'.

You can also go to the battlefield at any time to suppress and kill aliens, break through alien city gates, and then convert alien creatures!
"Thank you for your congratulations. I have already sensed the call of the Divine Land of Origin, and I will set off soon!"

"I will definitely bring glory to Lingxiao City and live up to your expectations!"

The envoy of Jufeng is high-spirited, his eyes are sharp and bright, piercing the sky, his heart is surging, and he yearns for the 'gift of God'!

He still needs to polish his realm before he can hit the road.

It is necessary to set foot on the sacred land of origin with the strongest posture.

That was the place he dreamed of, and he couldn't be careless or perfunctory.

But right now.

Li Yun arrived outside Lingxiao City.

He sensed the spirit of immortality here from a long distance away, and knew that someone here became immortal not long ago.

Lingxiao City.

This is an ancient city gate, magnificent and majestic, no less than a dozen superimposed star fields.

There are still many traces of the war on the walls.

Although it is very old and most of it has been repaired, it can still see a bit of the tragedy of the past.

There are countless creatures in Lingxiao City, but they are all origin creatures, which is what they call the origin god race.

Li Yun also knew.

Creatures like him who are not of the original god race are called alien races.

The original creatures are very special, and there is an unpredictable secret hidden in them.

But even the most powerful few find it difficult to pursue this secret, because it involves the place of origin.

They are all creatures conceived in the place of origin, how can they easily see through the origin?
When Li Yun stepped into Lingxiao City, he directly touched the magic circle in the city.

Lingxiao City shook, and there were terrifying brilliance erupting in all directions, reflecting the infinite light of killing and killing, showing a monstrous and terrifying power.

A beam of killing light immediately blasted towards Li Yun, containing extremely powerful power, enough to kill a true immortal.

This Lingxiao City used to be a city gate in the past, remnants of the powerful formation used to deal with the war.

Even though it was damaged a lot, it was gradually repaired later.

Today, it can still explode with the power of destroying immortals.

If ordinary true immortals break in rashly, they will definitely die!
But a pity.

Li Yun is no ordinary true immortal.

He didn't even bother to move, a layer of Dao wave was randomly shaken from his body, which contained the way of 'suppressing the sky'.

The invisible law of order erupted, distorting time and space, spreading out like a space ripple.

It also has a faint "origin" charm, which is unpredictable.

Thousands of killing lights blasted down, all of them were crushed by Dao Bo, and even a ray of light could not fall on him, let alone cause him any harm.

"Enemy attack! Alien true immortals attack!"

All the living beings in Lingxiao City saw the great formation at the city gate being touched, and felt the extraordinary power of the comer.

Immediately shocked.

They are the so-called lost land of the alien race!
Even real immortals would never dare to step in at will.

It's fine to step in, but dare to attack their city gate?

The God Envoy of Jufeng immediately flew out of the retreat, climbed to the sky, looked down at everything, burst out with incomparable divine power, surpassed immortality, and reached eternity.

Soon, he saw Li Yun, and his expression suddenly changed!
"What a strong true fairy!"

The God Envoy of Jufeng could feel the vastness like a majestic mountain from Li Yun, standing still, as if it was unattainable, which shocked him for a moment!

"At least a powerful true immortal!"

The God Envoy of Jufeng immediately felt dignified.

He has just broken through as a divine envoy, and can only be compared to ordinary true immortals.

For a powerful true immortal who has broken through the limit of the first-level immortal law, he is extremely difficult to defeat.

At least one must be a great envoy, or even a supreme envoy, to deal with such a powerful true immortal.

a time.

The God Envoy of Jufeng felt at a loss.

Because Lingxiao City's formation is useless to him, he can't beat him either.

And asking for help... There is nowhere to ask for help!

Their Lingxiao City is a small rear gate of the Origin Protoss.

If someone breaks through the divine envoy, they will feel guided and can go to the divine land of origin by themselves.

In normal times, at most, there might be divine envoys here to recruit a group of soldiers.

For the rest of the time, the Divine Land of Origin would not pay attention to the existence of Lingxiao City.

Because it's almost impossible for anything to go wrong here.


Even if you can ask for help, it's too late!
In an instant, Jufeng God Envoy felt his whole body was suppressed and his mana was imprisoned, making it difficult to move.

And there was a strange flame penetrated into his soul, which brought him boundless pain and at the same time sealed off all his perceptions!
Let him feel a sense of panic in an instant!

It's too strong, how could it be possible to suppress him in an instant?
This is not just a powerful true immortal, right? At least it has to be a top true immortal, or even... an invincible true immortal?
But it's impossible, right?
It's too embarrassing for an invincible true immortal to patronize their mere small town... No, it's too shameless!


Lingxiao City has been closed since today, only entering and exiting.

All original creatures were suppressed by Li Yun and became his research objects.



between fingers.

3000 years have passed.

Li Yun analyzed the origin material of Jufeng God Envoy and the mysteries of origin creatures, and gained a lot.

His 'Zhen Kong' avenue has been retrograde for a little while, showing a very special pure and primitive power.

At first glance, it looks clumsy and superficial, but it is powerful, and if you feel it deeply, you will be able to perceive the infinite mystery in it.

This is the so-called 'power of origin', and origin is an existence that can evolve infinitely.

Nothing exquisite, nothing gorgeous.

There is only one primordial purity.

The 'Suppressing Space' Avenue has also gradually lost its original appearance. It is no longer a simple suppression of time and space, bringing the power of annihilation with high-frequency vibrations.

Today it is purer and more raw, but there is no shortage of variety.

With the prestige of 'suppressing the sky', he can now control a side of time and space and display endless power, what can't be done?


Li Yun may not know.

He suppressed an oracle for 3000 years.

It still attracted the attention of the god of origin.

Because after any divine envoy breaks through, he will inevitably receive guidance, and then come to the origin of the divine land.

Maybe a little bit later, but no later than 3000 years!

On the original ancient road.

There is a place like this, where the atmosphere is solemn, solemn, magnificent, majestic, and there is a kind of grandeur that suppresses the eternal era!

All kinds of fairy grasses, magical flowers, mixed with rare treasures, magical medicines, and fairy medicines grow on both sides of the road, gathering the supreme charm and manifesting the ten thousand auras.

Every building has sharp edges and corners, showing the simplicity and majesty. On the eaves, there are Hongmeng Daoguang flowing, evolving chaotic energy, which is extremely miraculous.

This is the origin of the divine land of the origin protoss.

In fact, there are many such divine lands of origin on the ancient road, all of which were established relative to the 'true road'.

A divine land of origin contends with a 'true road'.

at this time.

Inside a certain majestic temple that towers over the sky and overwhelms the world.

A woman came here. She had blue hair, and every strand of her hair was crystal clear, exuding divine light, and emanating eternal power.

Moreover, there is a faint layer of charm exuding from her perfect figure, which is incomparably mysterious and contains peerless divine power.

Obviously, she is also a divine envoy, and a great divine envoy, comparable to a mighty true immortal!
"Master Wuzhi, what are you calling me for?"

Envoy Teng Lan entered the temple, looked at the unranked envoys in the temple, and asked with a little salute.

Wuzhi God Envoy glanced at God Envoy Teng Lan, and said calmly: "Deep in this ancient road, there is a Lingxiao City. A person broke through 3000 years ago and became an envoy of God, but he has not come to the Divine Land of Origin for a long time."

"I suspect something is wrong, you go and have a look."

God Envoy Teng Lan frowned slightly upon hearing this.

The original ancient road is actually very large, and even they can hardly cross it at will.

In some ordinary places, it is impossible to build a large teleportation array.

A large formation that can be teleported by an envoy costs a lot of money, and it cannot be used at will.

Naturally, a small place like Lingxiao City would not have a teleportation array established.

Then she can only cross it directly with her real body. The journey is very long, and it will take about ten years to say the least.

Only the existence of the god-king level can wantonly cross the ancient road.

And there may be some unknown dangers along the way.

All in all, it's a chore.

But since the Unranked Divine Envoy gave the order, she had no choice but to go.

After all, Wurank God Envoy is a supreme God Envoy, second only to the Evil King in this Origin Divine Land, and he can command any other God Envoy.

"it is good!"

Divine Envoy Teng Lan replied, and then set off without delay.



Competing with the evil king, the origin of the divine soil.

It is the true road of Xiang Wang.


Elephant King Zhenlu is also facing a great crisis now.

Because the elephant king himself was seriously injured, it was difficult for the elephant king to recover in a short time.

Moreover, the evil king didn't give him a chance to recover, and kept provoking big battles, trying to make his injuries worse.

So it is.

Elephant Wangzhen Road has been losing ground in the tens of thousands of years of war, and one-third of the road has fallen, and it is being absorbed and assimilated by the origin gods.

And there are already origin creatures who have begun to trace the road to the lower realms, preparing to sweep part of the lower realms.

(End of this chapter)

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