The great emperor in his later years, flatly pushed the current world

Chapter 105 Connecting to the Elephant King True Road

Chapter 105 Connecting to the Elephant King True Road

(ps: If you think it’s absurd for the true immortal to compete against the immortal king a little bit, then regard the invincible true immortal as a slightly lower version of "Perfect World". Wang Fa, strong enough, is also very difficult to break through.)


Xiang Wangzhen on the road.

At the very center, there is an incomparably majestic city gate, stretching across the earth and piercing the sky, suppressing eternity.

This is the front line of the Xiangwangzhen Road, where a large number of powerful people are gathered, which can resist the attack of the origin of the sacred soil.

But in recent tens of thousands of years.

Because the elephant king was seriously injured, he was a little powerless when fighting against the evil king, so they lost frequently in the war and suffered heavy losses.

Nearly one-third of Xiangwangzhen Road was lost.

"Elephant King! I suggest giving up this true path. Your injuries are already extremely heavy, and the evil king keeps provoking big battles, so that you won't have a chance to breathe."

"If this continues, you are in danger of falling!"

A supreme true immortal suggested to King Elephant with a dignified expression and worry on his face.

His suggestion is basically out of concern for the elephant king, and he is worried about the fall of the elephant king.

Because the elephant king was suddenly attacked by an origin giant 4 years ago.

Although the elephant king resisted the giant's attack, he still suffered a very serious injury, and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

The original giant was originally restrained and guarded by a certain figure in the fairyland.

However, the person in Xianyu had some personal affairs to deal with temporarily, which caused the origin giant to seize the opportunity to raid the ancient road battlefield.

It can only be said that fortunately, Xiang Wang is also an ancient king with extraordinary heritage, so he did not fall due to this.

However, the attack of an original giant still brought a huge crisis to Xiangwang Zhenlu.

"That's right, for the present plan, it's best to retreat to the desolate ancient true road. Guard the true road together with the desolate ancient king and Emperor Xuan, so that the elephant king can at least get a chance to breathe and slowly recover from his injuries!"

Another powerful true immortal also echoed.

If the elephant king retreats to the ancient and true road.

So if the ancient king, king Xiang, and emperor Xuan join forces to fight against the king of equator, king of keys and king of evil.

Although they are still at a disadvantage, King Huang Gu and Emperor Xuan can still share a lot of pressure on King Xiang.

At least it won't be completely dominated by the evil king like it is now.

Elephant King is also sure to recover slowly from his injuries.

It will not be in danger of falling like it is now.

On the Great Hall of the Councilors.

On the highest throne, sat a middle-aged man who looked down on the endless years. His body was unparalleled in power, and he exuded a shocking and unrivaled aura.

He is the Elephant King, and most people can only feel that he is so powerful at this moment that he can suppress the eternal years.

But in fact, his injury is indeed very serious.

It is indeed his best choice to retreat to the ancient and true road.


The King of Elephants glanced at His Royal Highness Yibing's real immortals and some of the top powerhouses.

He could see that there were still a small number of people who wanted to persuade him to give up this true path.

More people are still unwilling to give up!
Because once you give up, some lower realms and refuges behind this true road may be cleaned, assimilated, and finally completely fallen by the origin protoss.

And many people present came from the lower realms.

It's just that whether or not they give up the true path is related to the life of the elephant king, so it is difficult for them to persuade the elephant king to continue guarding the true path for them.

If Li Yun is here.

Maybe you can also recognize two 'acquaintances'.

One is the elephant owner of one hundred and eight fierce places in the past.

After returning to this true path from the lower realms, she was baptized in the ancestral land, broke through the last layer of shackles, and her strength skyrocketed.

Now it's time to start accumulating foundations and prepare to break through to the true immortal. She wants to break through the limit of the first level of immortality while breaking through the true immortal, and lay a stronger foundation for the immortal way.

The other one is the Saint Emperor of the Five Elements. She followed Xiangzhu to this true path, and now her achievements are higher than Xiangzhu's, and she is more valued.

Because she has already taken that step, achieved the acquired chaotic body, and released her deep potential.

Now he is already one of the strongest group of people below the real immortals of Xiangwang Zhenlu.

As far as the Elephant Lord and the Five Elements Saint Emperor are concerned, they are naturally unwilling to give up this true path.

With this true path blocked here, those origin creatures cannot wantonly sweep the lower realm.

If the Xiangwangzhen Road is gone, there will be a huge gap in the original ancient road, and a large number of lower realms may fall.

The Beidou world may also be affected.

"Don't worry, I can still support it. And I have already asked for help, this true path will not be abandoned easily!"

Xiang Wang's eyes were deep and majestic, and he said in a deep voice.

He still intends to hold on for a while longer, to see if Eternal Soil or Immortal Territory can squeeze out some assistance.

But in fact, many battlefields in Eternal Earth are in danger, and it may be difficult to squeeze out help.

Because compared to the ancient road battlefield, the eternal soil battlefield is of course more important.

If there is no assistance, then maybe he really can only retreat to the ancient and true road.

And right now!
Xiang Wang's face changed slightly, his brows frowned, and he sensed something in advance.


A huge shock came from outside the city gate, and a peerless and extraordinary terrifying divine power permeated the air. It was so vast that it made everyone feel trembling.

Because that is the power of the Immortal King level!
"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

The elephant king said something, and then the whole person disappeared.

"Hey! The evil king is holding off again and fighting again. This frequency is more than three or four times higher than in the past. This is to completely drag down the elephant king!"

Someone sighed softly, with worry on his face.

But everyone moved extremely quickly, one after another boarded the city gate to face the battle.

And above the peak of the sky.

The Great War has broken out!

Two supreme figures transcending eternity and overlooking the past and present are colliding, and there are incomparable Taoism colliding, releasing all kinds of supreme mysteries, giving people a huge shock!
This battle lasted for several years.

Both sides suffered heavy losses.

Especially King Xiang, not only did not recover from his injury, but it became more and more serious.

During this period.

The Ancient King of Desolation showed his majestic appearance from an incomparably far away place, and wanted to cross over to help in the battle!
But unfortunately, it was blocked by the Equator King and it was difficult to cross over.

In fact, the ancient king has already restrained the two origin god kings for the elephant king.

At least the Equator King and the Key King can't help the Elephant King kill the Elephant King, which is actually enough, and the rest depends on how the Elephant King himself responds.

years of war.

At last the battle was over.

The Elephant King did not fall, and survived again.

But most people can't cheer up because the situation is still getting worse.

If things go on like this, Xiangwang Zhenlu will still be abandoned.



the other side.

Lingxiao City.

Li Yun suppressed the primordial creatures here for 3000 years.

After he occupied this place, he released a group of normal creatures who were imprisoned in the city and had not been assimilated by the origin.

He allowed these normal creatures to thrive in the city.

At the same time, it also gradually took in some normal creatures who wandered in the Lost Land and passed by Lingxiao City.

He used the stone seal to wash away the origin material of these normal creatures, refreshing their 10-year limit.

that's it.

Now Lingxiao City has basically returned to the normal state of the city gate.

Among these normal creatures, there are also two not weak to the strongest.

They are Hong Yu and Quan Ze respectively.

The level of combat power of these two people is only slightly weaker than that of the previous Emperor of Heaven, but they are also expected to break through the true immortal.

For normal creatures like Hong Yu and Quan Ze.

They were able to stay in Lingxiao City and remove the 10-year limit, which made them extremely shocked and surprised, thinking that they had found a 'true way'!
Naturally, he was willing to work for Li Yun.

As for the original creatures of Lingxiao City.

Li Yun suppressed them, and blocked their acquisition of the undead substance with the method of 'suppressing the origin of the void'.

These original creatures also died of old age and a group of the weakest.

The death of the origin creature will also have some "origin changes" in the body, which gave him a lot of "origin" inspiration.

Li Yun originally tried to restore these origin creatures to their normal state by relying on the ancient artifacts of origin.

But it failed.

These original creatures have been assimilated, and the essence of life has undergone mysterious changes, which are irreversible.

Because they have produced 'belief'!
What this "belief" is, Li Yun can't research it out, so it's unclear for the time being.

After the original creatures were assimilated, what influenced them was 'faith'.

Even if the original substance on the original creatures is washed away, their "faith" cannot be washed away, and they cannot be reversed to restore them to normal.

"The origin of the branding lies on the door panel. If it evolves to the end, everything will be melted into the door frame, or the door frame can be transformed into a supreme weapon..."

During this period, Li Yun also used some of his accumulation on the primitive ancient road over the years to build a door panel and a pair of door frames.

The door panel and door frame were all built by him referring to the 'door of origin' in his body.

It is a certain mysterious touch naturally produced by his years of studying "Origin".

Now the door panel has been promoted to the immortal level by him.

The door frame is just a rough blank, which is a base of origin, far more important than the door panel, and needs to be polished slowly.

The door panel is now used as a piece of draft paper for Li Yun, on which he describes some of his "sense of origin" to gradually improve his "way of origin".

In a sense, he explored the 'origin' from scratch, which is itself a kind of 'origin'.

is the origin of his own 'way of origin'.

Therefore, the door panel will gradually integrate the origin of his whole body of Taoism, and record all the trajectories of his detachment from the origin.

At last.

This door panel is a "spring eye" of origin, which can release the power of origin that belongs to Li Yun alone.

At a certain point, the door panel melts, depositing everything in the door frame...

"What will happen then?"

Li Yun also cannot accurately predict what will happen after the door panel is integrated into the door frame.

Because this is just one of his ideas at present, he is going to create a "land of origin" that belongs to him alone.

But what will happen in the end, he can't predict.

Because the idea itself is crazy and somewhat overreaching.

But Li Yun is just trying, and it won't waste his energy.

Because he originally needed a piece of draft paper to describe the 'Road of Origin'.



the other side.

Envoy Teng Lan accepted the order of the envoy Wurank, and went to Lingxiao City to find out why the newly promoted envoy was late in arriving at the origin of the divine land to receive the 'gift'.

She originally expected to reach Lingxiao City in about ten years.

But in fact, she still underestimated the complicated situation on the ancient road.

Even in the lost land under the jurisdiction of their origin divine land, there are still too many unknown dangers.

The main reason is that this piece of land is too vast!

Even for the existence of the god-king level, it takes a certain amount of time to cross from one true road to another, let alone them?

At last.

It took almost a hundred years for Teng Lan to arrive at Lingxiao City.

"Huh? Is this... a foreign race?"

God Envoy Teng Lan frowned slightly, revealing a trace of surprise.

Because she saw the soldiers patrolling the city wall at a glance. Those soldiers were not strong, but they were undoubtedly backward and barbaric aliens!
"How is this going?"

The envoy Teng Lan was puzzled, how could there be a foreign race walking on the city so blatantly in a city in a lost land?


Just when she was about to unleash the peerless divine power of the Great God Envoy to visit Lingxiao City.

Her face suddenly changed drastically, and she felt a terrifying aura that made her bones shudder!

Almost subconsciously.

Teng Lan God Envoy's body bloomed with brilliance, and a layer of supreme divine aura appeared, bursting out with a vast and boundless power, pressing across the vast sky and earth, making the sky roar.

Not far away, Lingxiao City was also shaken by this power, and the formation in the city was automatically activated, and the light of killing and cutting was revealed.


She saw a person who appeared in front of her very calmly.

The other party's expression was indifferent, and his eyes were flat and detached, as if looking down on everything!
There didn't seem to be any terrifying power emanating from this person, but as he walked towards her step by step, it made her feel a certain sense of shuddering.


The most important thing is!
She found that it was difficult for her to move, the time and space around her seemed to be frozen, she seemed to sink into a static place, and everything fell into sinking!


The envoy Teng Lan roared angrily, wanting to struggle, and even wanted to use some kind of "Origin Divine Method" to communicate with the Origin Divine Land, asking the evil king for rescue.

As a great envoy, if he asks for help, Xie Wang will still be willing to make a move.

That layer of supernatural energy transpired and burned on her body, bursting out her strongest power.

At the same time, a strange light appeared, drawing some lines, to form some kind of talisman to communicate with the divine land of origin.


A door panel was slapped towards God Envoy Teng Lan without warning, very vulgar and primitive, without any shocking fluctuations or power.

But this door panel contained monstrous power, and it knocked God Envoy Teng Lan to the ground in an instant!

A loud bang.

There was a huge earthquake, and a huge deep pit appeared.

Envoy Teng Lan was almost flattened, her perfect body was shattered, her beautiful face was bloodied, and her facial features became unclear.

"There is a powerful true immortal attacking, why?"

After Li Yun dealt with God Envoy Teng Lan, he began to ponder the reason for the opponent.

Because the other party was obviously coming for Lingxiao City.

The goal is so clear, it should be aware of the situation here.

"It seems that it is possible to start a confrontation with the origin of the gods..."

Li Yun's eyes flickered slightly, and he pondered for a while.

But there is nothing to worry about.

Even though there are divine kings in the divine land of origin, there are also immortal kings on those true roads.

Containing each other, they will not be easily dispatched.

As for those below the God King to deal with him, it is no different from sending him to death.

Li Yun sealed God Envoy Teng Lan's cultivation and deeds, and imprisoned her in the huge prison of Lingxiao City.

This is a great envoy, comparable to a powerful true immortal who once broke the limit of immortal magic, and it is also very valuable.




Since Teng Lan's envoy struck.

More than ten thousand years have passed.

During this period, the Origin Divine Land did not send anyone over.

Because the evil king saw the weakness of the elephant king, he frequently waged wars, which made the origin god land short of manpower.

Although Divine Envoy Wuzhi wondered why Divine Envoy Teng Lan hadn't returned yet, but Divine Envoy Teng Lan didn't die either, so he didn't care about it for the time being.

Anyway, the matter of a small town behind is also a trivial matter.

It is far more important than not being able to break through a true path.

Even if something really happened, when the war came to an end, he would go to check it himself, or even let Xie Wang take a look.

However, for ordinary trivial matters, if you can not bother Xie Wang, try not to bother Xie Wang.

Because if everything needs to be settled by the evil king, then what do they want their subordinates to do?
Being a God King is exhausting.

And during these ten thousand years.

Li Yun reconstructed the formation of Lingxiao City, and his formation has already reached the level of immortality.

The formation of Lingxiao City is not difficult for him.

After his reconstruction, the formation of Lingxiao City has become much more three-dimensional, and its power has also doubled.

Moreover, this formation of Lingxiao City has also become his experimental platform to study the 'origin' of the formation.

Now this formation indeed possesses some 'power of origin', which is very extraordinary.

He has been studying 'Origin' for many years, and he has naturally developed many insights, including those related to formations.

He gradually absorbed these insights, gradually retrograde his own path, back to the source, and return to the original.

But his focus is still the way of 'suppressing the sky'.

And more than ten thousand years have passed.

He also finally brought the 'Suppression of the Sky' back to the initial primitive state, and he was able to erupt a kind of 'power of origin' that contained infinite primitive mysteries!
And the sign of reaching this level is!

The "gate of origin" in his body has the original imprint of the way of "suppressing the sky".

This 'Gate of Origin' was originally immune to any of his powers.

But now it is possible to accept the meaning of the way of "suppressing the sky", which shows that the way of "suppressing the sky" has reached a state of "origin".

It can also prove that his current path is still correct and feasible.


The way of "suppressing the origin" alone is still far from enough to open the "door of origin" in the body.

That door is always strong, as if it cannot be shaken.


During these ten thousand years.

He also promoted that door panel to the level of a supreme fairy weapon.

It not only accommodates the way of "the origin of the town", but also integrates his various "origin perceptions" over the years.

This door panel is now also very powerful, with an unpredictable and primitive power.

But suddenly.

At this time, a soldier came in to report something urgent.

"Report to Ziyun City Lord!"

"Master Hong Yu discovered a new city when he was exploring outside Wucheng, but there are two Origin Angels, and a battle has already broken out!"

"A message from Wucheng calls for help!"

Li Yun was slightly surprised when he heard this.

After staying in Lingxiao City for so long, he would also explore around to search for some treasures and materials.

Then you will also find some small towns.

But these small cities are basically inferior to Lingxiao City.

He also suppressed everything.

Now Lingxiao City is the center, radiating all around, and there are seven small cities under his rule.

It can barely be regarded as a small true path.

Naturally, he also recruited many subordinates, all of whom were normal creatures.

Either they were wandering in the lost land, or they were caught and imprisoned in the small town.

These normal creatures were rescued by him and stayed in his territory to multiply.

More than ten thousand years have passed, and the number of people is not small now.

And the strong ones have also appeared better.

One of them broke through to the Realm of Immortals.

This person is Hong Qi.

Hong Yu had already wandered the ancient road for more than 9 years. If he hadn't met Li Yun, he might have been assimilated into an original creature.

His Taoism is enough, and then he feels the opportunity to become a fairy, so he directly tries to break through!

Although this primitive ancient road has a slight flaw in the Supreme Law, it is definitely not as good as Immortal Realm and Eternal Soil.

But it is also countless times better than the lower bound.

And this is a lost place, belonging to the depths of the ancient road.

Not the area of ​​Longevity City at the intersection of the lower realm where the law is broken.

The laws of heaven and earth here are enough to brew a chance to become a fairy.

Relying on the support of this supreme law of heaven and earth, Hong Qian barely managed to break through in the last narrow escape.

Become Li Yun's first true fairy subordinate.

It is learned that Hong Yu has already fought with the two origin gods.

Li Yun also left immediately!
It is not normal for two origin angels to appear in a city here.

At the beginning, the envoy of Jufeng in Lingxiao City had nowhere to ask for help, because there was no existence of the same level nearby.



Dagan City.

It used to be a fringe city gate on Xiangwangzhen Road.

But it has been occupied for more than 3 years.

Today, there are still many original creatures in the city who are undergoing the baptism of origin. After the baptism is over, they can gain 'faith' and become one of them.

But today.

The two envoys who stayed behind in Dagan City sensed the aura of the real immortals of the foreign race.

They attacked decisively, even intercepting a foreign true immortal, and then a battle broke out.

Although they were puzzled as to why there was a real immortal from a different race here, no matter what, they still took it first and then interrogated.

Hong Wei fought fiercely with two alien envoys, and he was completely suppressed.

Because it wasn't long before he broke through to the True Immortal, and the Immortal Art was not perfect, yet he had to fight two old envoys.

He is naturally difficult to match.

But it's ok for a while.

The road between Lingxiao City and Wucheng has basically been cleared, and there are no major dangers and obstacles.

With the speed of City Lord Ziyun, it won't be too long to come here.

At last.

When Hong Qi was almost unable to hold on and was about to be suppressed.

Li Yun still arrived in time.

He has mastered the way of "Suppressing the Origin of Space", and the speed of space transfer has increased several times compared to the past.

Although he didn't have the materials to build a short-range teleportation array between Lingxiao City and Wucheng.

But the road between these two cities has basically been cleared, and many dangers have been gradually cleared away, so it won't take long to come here.

Li Yun radiated divine power at will, suppressed time and space, and sealed everything, and the two origin angels were immediately imprisoned by him!

Hong Qi was also saved.

The eyes of the two envoys were filled with horror and shock.

This kind of supreme power must at least be a true immortal!

However, how could a supreme true immortal appear here?


Li Yun also suppressed Dagan City, and was surprised to find that this Dagan City turned out to be the gate of Xiangwangzhen Road.

Wouldn't that say.

His little true road has already begun to connect to Xiang Wang's true road?

What Li Yun didn't know yet was.

When he easily suppressed the two envoys of origin, and then prepared to take down Dagan City.

Someone from the origin defenders in Dagan City sent a message for help to the origin god soil in time.

And the content of the information that came out was: "A top true immortal raided Dagan City!"

Origin Divine Soil received such a message.

The evil king also knew about it immediately, and then showed some surprise.

"There is an extremely real immortal alone in Dagan City?"

He was also surprised.

But this didn't affect his preparation to deal with this supreme true immortal.

"A supreme true immortal, it's worth my trip, and let's fight again..."

The evil king has already sent orders for the people below to prepare for war.

Because once he moves out, the elephant king will inevitably be alarmed.

But he must go to Dagan City first, after cleaning up the top true fairy who is alone.

The Elephant King probably arrived too, and then just happened to beat the Elephant King violently!
(End of this chapter)

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